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The Teenage Brain on Porn Is porn coloring a teenager's ideas of what sex should be like before they experience it?

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Teens who say they were addicted to online pornography share their secrets .
Some experts say porn can color a teenager's ideas of what sex should be like .
Generation XXX: Teens Addicted to Porn?
Oct . 31, 2013— -- For a new generation of young people, pornography is just a click away, but some experts have been asking, is the average teenage brain ready for porn ?
In a study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 70 percent of teenagers said they accidentally stumbled across porn online . Some experts say pornographic videos and images can color a teenager's ideas of what sex should be like even after they start experiencing it for themselves .
Gail Danes, the author of a book called "Pornland," said for the average young teenage male, his first formative impression of sex is porn he might find on the Internet .
"You average teen, when he clicks on 'porn' in Google, what does he think he is going to see, breasts maybe? In reality, he is catapulted into a world of sexual violence," Danes said . "He doesn't have a reservoir of experience . He has probably never had sex ."
Danes argues that pornography, which has never been easier to find and view, is "sexually traumatizing an entire generation of boys ."
"[Porn] is his introduction to sex, so I think he's assuming that this is all about arousal," she said . "[He is] being introduced into sex by 'gag me and then f**k me .'"
And it's not just boys . Winnifred Bonjean-Alpart, who appeared in the 2012 indie documentary "Sexy Baby," said she was only 12 years old when she admitted she had seen porn and understood all its innuendos .
"We're getting messages from everywhere that are saying if you dress this way, you are going to be either treated well or you are going to feel powerful," she said . "Sex is power ."
Bonjean-Alpart is part of a new order of teenagers brought up in an era where explicit images can be found just about anywhere .
"We're like the first generation to have what we have," she said . There is no one before us that can kind of guide us . I mean, we are the pioneers ."
Calum, a young man living in England with a long-time porn compulsion, spoke with English journalist Martin Daubney for the British Channel 4 report, "Porn on the Brain ." In the report, Calum told Daubney that sex with real women didn't compare to masturbating to porn .
"It's not as good because they're not as good as the porn, obviously," Calum said . "The porn girls have done it a lot more . They're more confident ."
For Calum, his porn addiction crept up on him .
"At first I didn't know the limits and the bounds of what was extreme," he says in "Porn on the Brain . "I would speak to my friends and find out how much they watched, and it just didn't compare . Like, every bit of spare time I had in the day was watching porn ."
Calum went on to tell Daubney that he can't find a way to stop . He gets a glimpse of Calum's hard-fought struggle when they drive past a pretty girl and it triggers an immediate reaction for Calum, who has to get out of the car and slip off to the bathroom .
But could Calum's Internet porn compulsion be the same as true clinical addiction? While the American Psychiatric Association has not yet classified pornography as a listed addiction, some professionals working in the field are treating it as such .
Dr . Valerie Voon, a neuro-psychiatrist and a global authority on addiction, is working at Cambridge University in England on this very topic . She found 20 young men ages 19 to 34 who said their lives were controlled by porn . Voon's study participants didn't want to be identified but were willing to have their brains scanned and analyzed to see if the pleasure centers in their brains would react to porn in similar ways that a drug addict or alcoholic's brain reacts to their substance of choice .
When Voon's data was analyzed, the results were astounding . Compared to the control group, the compulsive porn users' brains were twice as active in the pleasure center known as the stratum, mimicking the responses seen in brains of drugs and alcohol addicts .
"Compulsive pornography users do have parallels with substance abuse disorders," Voon concluded .
Of course, one study is not definitive and the Free Speech Coalition, a trade group for the porn industry, says that "unlike drugs and alcohol, adult content is not and cannot be a chemical addiction no more than compulsive shopping, gaming or hoarding ."
But for some of those who believe porn addiction is real and could even be harmful, a few have tried to produce porn that is more like actual sex .
Cindy Gallop, a former advertising executive turned entrepreneur, started a website called "Make Love Not Porn," a kind of YouTube video streaming channel online in which real-life couples post their homemade sex videos . Her goal was to give porn users a destination where they could see real love making instead of hard-core porn . "Make Love Not Porn" went public in January and already has more than 100,000 users .
"Children are viewing hard-core porn years and years before they ever have their first sexual experiences and it's shaping their view of what sex is," Gallop said . "That is why what we're doing is so important ."
Others, such as pornographic director and producer Jincey Lumpkin, are making porn videos that show what they say are softer, more relatable depictions of sex that are more realistic and less harmful to young people .
"Porn is a fantasy that can't ever stand in for sex education," Lumpkin said . "The way that it is put out there, often times you just feel like a woman is nothing but an object or a hole, and I try to offer an alternative to that ."

A young woman talks to Sima Kotecha about how her boyfriend's pornography habit led to him abusing her when she was 13
NSPCC's head of sexual abuse programmes, Jon Brown, says he is "not surprised" at the survey's findings
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites .
By Patrick Howse Education reporter
A tenth of 12 to 13-year-olds fear they are "addicted" to pornography, an NSPCC ChildLine survey has concluded .
One in five of nearly 700 youngsters surveyed said they had seen pornographic images that had shocked or upset them, researchers found .
The charity also says that 12% of those surveyed said they had taken part in, or had made, a sexually explicit video .
It says that viewing porn is "a part of everyday life" for many of the children who contact its helpline .
ChildLine has launched a campaign to raise awareness and provide advice to young people about the harmful implications of an over exposure to porn following the survey results .
One boy under the age of 15 told ChildLine that he was "always watching porn, and some of it is quite aggressive" .
He said: "I didn't think it was affecting me at first but I've started to view girls a bit differently recently and it's making me worried .
"I would like to get married in the future but I'm scared it might never happen if I carry on thinking about girls the way I do ."
A girl, who is now 17, told the BBC that she was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend when they were both 12 years old .
"He thought it was OK on some level," she said .
"Pornography isn't just a 10-minute video - it has consequences ."
The ChildLine Fight Against Porn Zombies (FAPZ) campaign uses a series of animations looking at the implications of overexposure to porn for boys and girls .
The animations link to a range of information and advice to help young people understand the effects of replicating pornographic content in real life and to protect them from putting themselves at risk .
Peter Liver, director of ChildLine, said that it was important to talk openly about the issue .
"Children of all ages today have easy access to a wide range of pornography," he said . "If we as a society shy away from talking about this issue, we are failing the thousands of young people it is affecting .
"We know from the young people who contact ChildLine that viewing porn is a part of everyday life, and our poll shows that one in five 12 to 13-year-olds thinks that watching porn is normal behaviour .
"They tell ChildLine that watching porn is making them feel depressed, giving them body image issues, and making them feel pressured to engage in sexual acts they're not ready for ."
He welcomed the announcement last week of plans to teach children from the age of 11 about rape and sexual consent as part of personal, social and health education (PSHE) in schools .
"Our campaign clearly complements this proposal," he said .
"Across society, we need to remove the embarrassment and shame that exists around talking about porn - which is why we are launching this activity and helping young people to make more informed choices ."
Dame Esther Rantzen, ChildLine's founder, said it was shocking that children as young as 11 are approaching the helpline with concerns about pornography .
"Young people are turning to the internet to learn about sex and relationships," she said .
"We know they are frequently stumbling across porn, often unintentionally, and they are telling us very clearly that this is having a damaging and upsetting effect on them .
"Girls in particular have said they feel like they have to look and behave like porn stars to be liked by boys ."
Dame Esther said that improved education was vital .
"We absolutely have to talk to young people about sex, love, respect and consent as soon as we feel they are ready, to ensure that they gain a proper perspective between real-life relationships and the fantasy world of porn," she said .
F .A .P .Z - Fight Against Porn Zombies Online and mobile safety Explore ChildLine
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Online porn, sexting should be included in sex ed . curriculum, Alberta professor says

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Does Alberta’s sex ed curriculum need to be updated?

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Alberta professor weighs in on what should be taught in sexual health education classes

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Should Alberta Education's Sex 'Ed Curriculum include topics like sexting and online pornography?
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By the age of 15 to 17, about one third of Canadian students have had sex .
Eighty-five per cent of grade 11 students have a cell phone .
For André Grace, the statistics speak to the need for sexual health education that is accurate, timely and relevant to kids and teens in 2016 . The director of research for the University of Alberta’s Institute for Sexual Minority Studies & Services suggests students are not getting that in their sexuality education classes offered in Alberta schools .
Alberta Education determines the curriculum for Health and Life Skills (K-9) and Career and Life Management (high school) . A spokesperson from the department says it is not intended to be specific, and individual teachers can determine which details they teach . Between that approach and the fact individual school boards potentially set their own priorities, Grace says sexual education is offered in a way that is piecemeal and inconsistent .
Global News recently sat down with Grace to discuss the topic .
Global News: What’s working in the way sexual education is taught and what isn’t?
Andre Grace : What is interesting is that, because education is a provincial and territorial responsibility in Canada, we see differences across the country .
There has been some comparative work . I think in Alberta we do have a significant amount of work to do to improve the sexual health curriculum . There isn’t consistency in delivery .
For example, we have a component on sexual health education in the Career and Life Management (CALM) course in grades 10 to 12 but I did interviews with students at Edmonton public schools and those students would describe what was going on in their CALM classes and I drew the conclusion that there’s very uneven delivery of sexual health education in those high schools and that deeply concerns me . So I started to look more closely .
There are 36 objects in the CALM course and only two of them focus on sexual health education . If, even with those two, there’s uneven delivery, then there are certainly students in our high schools that are getting very little in terms of sexual health education .
Watch below: Grace speaks about what needs to be talked about in Alberta classrooms
GN: Should online pornography be addressed?
AG: To me, it absolutely should be addressed . For example, one of the problems I have with my health outreach program is working with male youth who do not use condoms anymore . A lot of these youth are watching online pornography and condom use is out the window .
GN: What would you say to a parent who says, ‘I don’t want teachers talking about pornography to my kid?’
AG: I would say to them, ‘do you want your child to be healthy in the long term?’
I use the phrase that I want children and youth to be happy, healthy and hopeful and that means they need to be mentally healthy, sexually healthy and physically healthy . I think that parents are not often able, unless they are trained sexual educators themselves, to talk about sexual health in a complete and informative way, and they should not only rely on but demand that their schools do a total job delivering age-appropriate sexual health education .
To me, it’s a question of saying to a parent, ‘Do you want your child to be healthy? Do you want your child to be safe?’
“We have been engaging with our education partners and other organizations on how to ensure our sexual education program is comprehensive and that it is meeting the needs of students,” Eggen said in a statement to Global News .
“Sexual consent is the law, and our government’s expectation is that it be taught in schools . Our teachers play a valuable role in the safety and education of our young Albertans . They have the opportunity to work with parents and to access community resources to address student needs . We will ensure that sexual education is included in our plans for curriculum modernization and will be discussing this important matter with Albertans every step of the way .”
Watch below: Instruction video from 1966 on how parents should talk to their children about sex
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Ever wonder what other girls your age are doing when it comes to sex? We asked real girls like you what they think about sex . Check out the shocking results!
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40% of teen girls consider oral sex to be sex .
55% of teen girls consider anal sex to be sex . 15% of teen girls have done it .
40% of teen girls have had vaginal intercourse . 18% of teen girls have done it more than 20 times . The majority 71% of teen girls who have had sex have only had 1-2 different partners .
23% of teen girls have denied a hookup when it really happened . 13% of teen girls have said they hooked up when they didn't .
67 .5% of teen girls have had sex without a condom . 60% of teen girls have had a pregnancy scare .
The majority 77% of teen girls get their sex advice from their girlfriends . In second place is on the Internet, and in third is from their mom .
51% of teen girls have watched porn on purpose .
Almost 1/3 of girls have thought about hooking up with someone of the same sex, but only 13% have ever done so .
30% of readers say they've thought about hooking up with more than one person at the same time but only 7% have ever done it .
47% of girls say they've felt pressure to have sex .
SOURCE: Seventeen Survey, October 2010
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Story highlights Countless parents have been shocked to learn their teens are viewing online porn Study: 42% of Internet users ages 10 to 17 watched porn online in the past year
Maddie's computer was out of juice, so she hopped on her 15-year-old son's laptop . She looked at the history of something she was working on and then, bam . There were links to 40 porn sites with topics too racy for me to print .
"I was freaking out," said Maddie, whose name has been changed to protect her privacy and her son's .
She immediately did something she has never done before during her nearly two decades as a parent: called her husband out of an extremely important client meeting .
"I thought, 'Oh, my God, we need to talk about this,' " Maddie said . "There's nothing I can't handle with the kids . . . . This I cannot handle," she added, remembering how she felt at the time .
"It's not like Playboy, which your father had hanging around, where you could just see naked women ."
Just how many teens are watching porn online? It seems hard to pinpoint, experts say, because it's tough for researchers to get access to teens when it comes to studies about sexuality .
In one study widely cited in the media, 42% of Internet users ages 10 to 17 said they viewed porn online in the past 12 months .
But 66% of those who said they saw porn online said they weren't looking for it and saw it accidentally, according to the 2007 study by the University of New Hampshire and published in Pediatrics .
Elizabeth Schroeder, a sexuality education expert who works with parents, teens, schools and organizations, says her first message to parents is that there's nothing wrong with their children because they sought out porn .
"It's natural . It's normal . I hate to say it, but it's likely to happen with nearly every kid . It's not just the boys' story," said Schroeder, former executive director of Answer , a national sex education organization based at Rutgers University .
Hormones are raging as puberty hits, plus there's just the curiosity factor, she added .
"The discussion of porn and the acknowledgment that porn exists is so a part of mainstream media right now that it's impossible to not know about it ."
Schroeder says that once parents ask her why their teen would be watching online porn, their next question is typically, "What's the impact of watching it?"
We don't really know, because there aren't many U .S .-based studies, Schroeder says .
Generation stressed: teens boiling over 02:53
"There isn't a true causation of 'I saw this in porn, and therefore I'm going to do it,' " she added . "Are there examples of that? Absolutely . Just like examples of kids who saw this violence on TV and . . . acted on it, but there are so many kids who see the same kind of violence or porn and don't act on it that we can't really say there's a causation ."
In a survey conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in 2010 in conjunction with Seventeen magazine, 13% of young men ages 15 to 22 said porn influenced their decisions about sex (PDF): the same number who cited sex education as influencing their decisions .
Cindy Gallop, founder and chief executive officer of the sex education site Make Love Not Porn , which does contain adult content, believes there is a definite connection between the hardcore online porn young men are watching and their sexual behaviors . The 54-year-old has experienced it personally . She dates men in their 20s, she said .
"I realized . . . that what I was experiencing was a result of two things converging, which is today's total freedom of access to hardcore porn online meeting our society's equally total reluctance to talk openly and honestly about sex," she said .
Talking to teens about social media 03:18
Gallop, who gave a 2009 TED talk that has been seen more than a million times and does include some verbal adult content, has dedicated herself to trying to help people of all ages talk about sex "openly, honestly, publicly . . . and privately in their intimate relationships ."
"Today, very few parents ever bring themselves to talk to their children about sex," she said .
And very often, parents have no clue about the kinds of things their kids are actually seeing online .
"I say to them, 'if you want to understand what's going on here, you need to go online and see what they're seeing,' " said Schroeder, the sexuality education expert .
"And what I say to them is, 'look at the ads, because sometimes the ads are way more disturbing and distressing than what they're seeing .' "
There is parental control software and pornography-blocking technology, which some parents are relying on to prevent accidental exposure to online porn and prohibiting their children from accessing it intentionally, but even the backers of this technology say it's not foolproof .
"Technology tools cannot solve the issues alone," said Clayton Ostler, director of technology for Net Nanny, software that analyzes the content of every page and blocks pornography or other inappropriate content .
"These tools are designed to be part of an overall solution that involves parenting and open conversations about why pornography is not acceptable for your teen ."
Maddie's husband eventually had a conversation with their 15-year-old during a casual walk and told him there was nothing wrong with wanting to look at porn at his age .
"It's just that it's so different now than it was for me . . . my dad leaving Penthouse on the coffee table in case I was interested," he said, according to Maddie . "You want to be careful that you are not just wildly clicking around, because there's scary stuff ."
When parents confront their teens about their online porn viewing habits, it's crucial not to be accusatory, said Schroeder .
"It's really important to say, 'Lot of kids do this . You are not in trouble, but I want to talk with you,' " she said .
"I think it's OK to sit down with a child and say, 'I'm guessing that since you went on here you have some questions about sexuality . Is there anything you want to ask me?' "
If the child doesn't want to talk about that, which is entirely likely, Schroeder says, parents can leave out a book or a magazine such as Sex, etc . , which is made for teens and by teens .
One of the most crucial things that kids need to hear from parents is why they are freaking out about their online porn watching in the first place .
"Here's what I'm concerned about, and let me tell you why," Schroeder says parents can say . "The images you are seeing do not represent real life . They're not made for your age group . However, here's what there is, so it's not cutting you off completely ."
Maddie says she still worries a little bit about what her son might watch, but she continues to keep tabs on him by checking his history, which he doesn't erase .
"There are parents like us who believe that it's natural for them to be curious but with parameters and caution ."
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Updated 0434 GMT (1234 HKT) November 14, 2016
This story was originally published on CNN .com in 2015 .
(CNN) What happened to Maddie, a mom of two boys, one afternoon has no doubt happened to countless other parents across the country .
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Популярный в школе парень и звезда футбольной команды Джейк Уилер, ослепленный собственной славой и успехом, заключает пари с друзьями, что сможет сделать из любой девушки, посещающей их школу, королеву школьного бала . Друзья сразу же выбирают предмет шутки — внешне малопривлекательную начинающую художницу Джэни Бриггс, чей комбинезон всегда в краске, которая носит очки и собирает волосы в хвостик . Джэни является изгоем в своем классе, однако вскоре Уиллер понимает, что влюбился .

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