Sekai Maloletka Teen Erotica

Sekai Maloletka Teen Erotica


Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi AU Twist by RaiaYuki
"Takano!" a bear like man with blueish-blackish hair and deep blue eyes dressed in a business suit shouted coming into the department. "The number of prints you made was too little, they already sold out!" he yelled at the editor in chief.
"Huh?!" the raven-haired man said turning his attention to the bear guy. "I said to make 5,000 copies, but the department told me it was too much, so I had to dial it down! So if you got a problem talk to your superiors!" he shouted back at the man and the two began arguing.
"What's going on?" Ritsuka asked her coworker, Kanade Mino.
"It seems that all the books that were just published were all sold out." The closed eyed brunette explained.
"Then what's the problem? If it sold out shouldn't that be a good thing?" the woman asked confused.
"Yeah but, you lose sales in between print and reprint." Mino explains.
"Oh," Ritsuka replies. "Hey, by the way, who's that guy?" she asked.
"My name is Takafumi Yokozawa and I work for the sales department." A new voice cut Mino off. The two turn to the man from before.
"Oh, you were listening." Mino said seemly unfazed. (Hard to tell since he always has his eyes closed, and may I just say, he kinda gives me the creeps.*Shutters*).
"So who might you be?" Yokozawa asked Ritsuka.
"Oh, I'm Ritsuka Onodera. I'm new here." She introduced.
"Onodera…?" Yokozawa says. "So you're the one who's living off of daddy's fortune huh." He says annoying the woman.
"Huh?!" the woman says slamming her hands on the table and standing up. "What's that supposed to mean!" she said angrily.
But the man doesn't seem to be listening and just stares at her chest area, which kind of giggled. When the woman realizes where the man's eyes are, she blushes and covers her chest. (Which are about bigger than DD's if you were curious about it?)
"You Pervert!" she screams and slaps the man across his cheek so hard that it pushed him back up against the wall. Everyone stood there, frozen by the shock of what just happened.
"Well that's what you get for staring at her like that." The other department members thought.
"Geez, that hurt," Yokozawa groaned and began walking out stumbling all the way and rubbing his cheek. "Ow!" he shouted in obvious pain.
"Nice one Ritchan." Kisa said impressed.
"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anyone put Yokozawa in his place like that." Mino said also impressed.
"I agree. You're obviously stronger than you look." Hatori jumped in.
"I got to admit, that was a rare sight." Takano commented. "Although…"
"You can't blame him for staring, they really are huge." all the Emerald editors say in unison. Making the woman blush and cover her chest again.
"Was that really necessary?" the other departments thought.
Ritsuka groaned and sat back down. She then heard Kisa (the guy who sat next to her) snicker and a tic mark appeared on her forehead. She then grabbed the smaller man by the ear and brought him close to her.
"What was that?" she said in a scary voice making the man shiver.
"Um…n-nothing Ma'am, please forgive me." He said nervous and the woman lets go of his ear. Raising three kids sure has helped her gain experience with dealing with brats. Kisa groaned rubbing his sore ear. "Geez, Ritchan can be scary. Hey maybe some mochi will help her calm down." He thought and handed the woman some mochi, which she kindly accepted.
A phone rang and Ritsuka picked it up.
"Moshi, Moshi (1), ah, Mutou-sensei, how may I help you?" she asked the author she just recently started working with. "Ah I see no problem." She said and hung up.
The day went by and soon Onodera was the only one left in the office. It was about the end of the day so she started packing up to leave. When done, she rode the elevator to the ground floor. After stepping out she sees Takano along with Yokozawa (whose cheek was still red) talking and smoking together. She hid still embarrassed about what happened earlier. She peaked out to see the conversation and was shocked when she saw Takano chuckle.
"Huh? Takano-san is laughing?" she thought to herself. "What the…? They were at each other's throats earlier and now they're acting like old friends." She then dropped her head and began walking out. She walked passed the two men with her head down so she didn't see Yokozawa flinch and slightly back away.
"Oi, shouldn't you say something?" Takano called to her.
"Goodbye, see you tomorrow." She said without lifting up her head to the two and leaves the building. Takano sighs and turns back to Yokozawa.
Two little girls sat on the floor of a room with children toys reading a book. The two giggled as they read the book together pointing at pictures and making comments.
"Anzu, Yume," the two looked at the door to see a tall young boy with pale skin, short feathery black hair and jade green eyes. He was wearing a stiff collar uniform, and had a school bag. The two girls' smiles widen when they see the boy.
"Onii-chan!" the say in unison and rush over to the boy and hug his legs. The boy wobbled from the impact, but was able to regain his composer. He smiled and patted his little sisters' heads.
"Oh my, what a responsible older brother," A woman whispered.
"Indeed, he always comes to pick up his little sisters." Another woman said.
"He's so adorable. I bet he's going to be a heart-stopper when he gets older." Another one said and picked up her kid.
"I bet he gets those handsome looks from his father." one commented.
"I wouldn't know. I never met my dad." The boy thought listening to the mothers gossiping.
"Ah, if it isn't Onodera-kun," The boy turned to see a young man wearing an apron come his direction.
"Kuma-sensei," The boy greeted the teacher.
"Is your mom still working?" the teacher asked.
"Yes she is. Thank you so much for looking after my sisters." The boy said and turned to the little girls. "Okay time to go." the girls rushed to get their backpacks, they returned shortly and left. Halfway down the sidewalk a voice called out to them.
"Midori, Anzu, Yume," the three turn to see a certain woman walking to them.
"Mommy!" the two girls say in unison and rush over to their beautiful mother.
"My baby girls," Ritsuka said in her loving motherly tone and hugged her precise daughters. She then let go and looked at her twin little girls.
They were identical with their heart-shaped faces, milky-white skin and cute little pale lips they inherit from their mother. However there were a few differences.
Anzu, the older twin, had soft chestnut-brown hair that reached just below her neck and big spring green eyes, just like her mom. She was wearing a green dress with a white collar and white scarf with green stripes, and a green hair band that held back her hair.
While Yume, the younger twin, had raven-black hair the same length as her sister, and with amber gold eyes, (obviously inherited from her dad). She was dressed in a navy blue dress with a white collar and white scarf with navy blue stripes.
The woman marveled at her girls and gently patted the 6 ½ olds heads. She then looked at her only son and oldest child. She rose and gently patted the boy's black hair. Despite only being 12, he was quite tall for his age, up to Ritsuka's chest.
"You've grown so much over the years." She said with pride.
"Mom," they boy groaned embarrassed and shook off his mom's hand. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" he asked.
"Kind of a short work day," She replied. "So let's all head home," She says and the little family went off to their new apartment.
"Wow, it's so big." Anzu said with wide eyes marveling the hug apartment.
"Is this where we're going to live for now on?" Yume asked.
"Yes, now how about I show you guys to your rooms?" Ritsuka says and the girls' faces light up.
"Alright!" the girls say in unison and Ritsuka leads her daughters to their new room.
There were three bedrooms in total, a room for the twin girls, a room for Midori, and a master bedroom for Ritsuka.
The twins' eyes sparkled as they stepped into their new room. The place had pale pink walls with two twin beds, one with light green sheets and bunnies, the other with light blue and baby chicks, two nightstands by each bed, each with a lamb and a window with pale pink curtains with cherry blossoms on them. There were bins full of toys, a bookshelf, along with a closet and white drawers.
"We love it!" the twins shout in excitement and rush into the room.
"I get the green bunnies!" Anzu called and rushed over to the green bed. While Yume went to settle into the blue chick bed.
"Heh, heh," Ritsuka giggled at her adorable little girls' behavior. She turns to her son whose smiling at the scenery. "You want to see your room?" she asked grabbing the boy's attention.
"Sure." He says with a modest smile and follows his mother to his room.
It was a bit smaller than the girls' room, with indigo walls, a bigger bed with black sheets, a nightstand with a lamb, and a photo of their family as well. The room had a desk, a bookshelf with multiple books, and a closet.
"I love it Mom, its perfect." He says and hugs his mother.
"I'm glad you like it sweetie." Ritsuka said happily and kisses Midori's forehead. "Now why don't you go get changed, and I'll go get started on dinner." She says.
"Okay Mum." Midori said and went to change. Meanwhile Ritsuka heads into the kitchen to get started on dinner.
Once upon a time, there was girl named Ritsuka who couldn't even make a good sandwich to save her life. However, during her pregnancy, her mother took upon herself to teach her daughter how to cook for her not yet born grandchildren.
Ritsuka walked into the kitchen, while pulling her hair back into a ponytail, and slips on an apron. As she finished tying the apron, she felt something rubbed against her leg. Looking down, she saw Midnight, her little Egyptian Mau kitten.
Midori found the poor thing abandoned in an alleyway so he brought it home. Ritsuka and the twins took an instant liking to the little kitten and so Ritsuka said they could keep it.
"You want some food Midnight?" she asked. The silver kitten meowed cutely looking up at her mother with her big blue eyes. "I'll take that as a yes." Ritsuka said and got out the cat food. She poured some into Midnight's food bowl and got started on dinner.
"Dinner time…!" Ritsuka called as she and Midori (who pitched in to help) began setting the table. The twin girls rush into the room and sat at the table eager to eat.
"Idakimasu!" they all say and dig in.
"It's delicious Mommy!" Yume said as she ate.
"Ah, hah, hah, thank you honey." Ritsuka chuckled. "Well I can't take all the credit, I mean your brother did help out." She said.
"What can I say, I learned from the best." The boy said referring to Ritsuka, and the little family started laughing.
After dinner, the twins went to bed and the manuscript from Mutou-sensei was faxed to her. Ritsuka sat on the couch looking over the story, while Midori was in his room doing homework. After making her changes, she wonders if she did right.
She picks up her phone to call Hatori to see if he could look at it, but just as she was about to dial, she remembered he told her all edited manuscripts should be ran by Takano first. She groaned not really wanting to see the man right now. She then looked at the fax machine and decided to fax the manuscript to him.
Ritsuka pulls out her phone and answers without looking at the caller ID.
*Baka! I live right next door!* an angry voice yelled in her ear.
"I, uh…um…" she stumbled with her words.
*Never mind, I'll come over.* he said and Ritsuka widens her eyes.
"No!" she said in a panic. "I'll come over right now!" she hung up before the man could reply. She gathered her manuscript and starting heading to the front door. "Midori Honey! I'm going out! I'll be back in a bit!" she called to her son.
"Okay Mom!" Midori called back from in his room.
Ritsuka strolled to the front door. Slipping on her shoes she grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, only to hit something big and hard on the other side. She looked out to see a certain ravenette rubbing his sore nose.
"Ow, this just hasn't my week." He groaned. Ritsuka had to suppress a giggle.
"You can say that again." She said and walked out the door closing it behind her. "Shall we go to your apartment then?" Takano nodded still rubbing his nose and leads the woman into his apartment. The two worked on the manuscript for about 2 hours in the raven-haired man's apartment.
"We made a lot of changes." Ritsuka thought as she stood up getting ready to head back to her apartment. However as she was about to leave the living room when two strong arms wrapped themselves around her, stopping the woman in her tracks. "Um…" the woman says confused.
"Ever heard the expression "Curiosity killed the cat"?" the raven-haired man asked.
"Uh, yes," Ritsuka replied, and the man reaches into his pocket.
"Well I was the damn cat." He said and showed a photo on his phone showing Ritsuka and her children. The woman's eyes widen at the picture.
"Y-…you followed me?" she asked surprised. Takano turned his phone off and placed on the table. He then spun the woman around and kissed her pushing her down while also groping her as well. "T-Takano-san!" the woman gasped as her lips were released.
"I know those girls are mine." He said making Ritsuka flinch. Using his free hand, Takano roamed the brunette's body until he reached the person's groin and started rubbing.
"But, who's that boy?" he asked and the brunette flinches. He leans in next to the woman's ear and nibbles on it, causing the person under him to groan. "He's too old to be our child. So where did he come?" the man continued, whispering in Ritsuka's ear, making their eyes widen even more.
With unbelievable force and speed, Ritsuka pushed Takano off herself. The force caused the man to fall back, while the half-man half-woman quickly gathered their things and began running away.
"Oi, Onodera!" Takano called as the person ran to the door. Opening the door, Ritsuka tried to run out only to ram into something ending with her falling back and the thing falling on top of her.
Ritsuka groaned sitting up when she noticed something on her chest. She blushed madly when the person lifted up his face, revealing a dazed Yokozawa. When the black-haired man realizes the situation, he blushes fifty shades of red then…
"Pervert!" the man/woman screamed as they slap Yokozawa across the face pushing the man off them just as Takano came running down the hall.
"What the…?" he says confused as the brunette stands up and runs out the door.
"You need to get a better taste in friends!" Ritsuka shouted as she left sight and ran into her apartment, slamming the door behind all while blushing in embarrassment.
"Mom?" Ritsuka looked up to see her son holding a purring Midnight. "Is something wrong? I heard screaming." He asks concerned about his mother. Ritsuka took a breath and calmed down a bit.
"It's okay I'm fine." She said reassuring her son. "Now how about we head to sleep." Midori smiles and follows his mom back into the apartment, heading to bed.
Ritsuka thought about what Takano said about Midori. It was true though, Midori was too old to be their son. That's because Midori isn't Ritsuka's biological child. She then thought back to that faithful day.
"I just don't see why you didn't tell me!" Shouted Hiroshi Onodera, CEO of Onodera Publishers and Ritsuka's father. He had very dark brown hair and almost black eyes the showed through his black rectangle framed glasses.
"I just didn't want to bother you, that's all. It didn't seem like a big problem at the time." says Hiroshi's wife, Sanada, and Ritsuka's mother. Her long chestnut brown hair (tied up in a bun) and bright spring green eyes showed that Ritsuka had inherited her looks from her mother.
Speaking of Ritsuka, she was currently outside the living room listening to her parents fight. At this time Ritsuka was still called Ritsu. The teen sighed and gently rubbed their 3 month baby bump. After a while listening to the arguing Ritsu decided to step outside to get some fresh air.
The teen walked for a bit down the sidewalk as it started to rain, however the teen enjoyed the cool water hitting their hot face. Deciding to head back the teen walked by and ally when they heard a small faint whimper. Curious the teen went to investigate.
They soon found a little boy with feathery raven-black hair and bright green eyes. He had pale milky skin with bruises and scratches on his face. He was laying on some garbage bags dressed in tattered clothes and was crying with tears streaming down his face. Ritsu walked up to the little boy, getting the child's attention, the child looks up with fearful eyes.
"N-no, g-go away, *sniff*." The boy said frightened while shivering. Ritsu notices his fright and gently takes their jacket and uses it to cover the cold boy.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." They say in a gentle tone and reach out their hand to the boy. The child takes Ritsu's hand and calms down. They then picks up the boy and held him close, the boy shivered but soon calmed down and leaned into the kind teen's warm embrace.
Ritsu smiled at the cute boy and started walking back home. As they reached the front gate the two run into and certain older woman.
"Ritsu Honey!" Sanada said and rushed over to her little angel. "Where have you been?! You had me worried sick!" she scolded and the boy, who was still in Ritsu's arms, shuddered. "Huh? Who might this be?" the older woman asked in a gentler tone when she noticed the boy.
"I'm sorry mother, I just needed some air. Oh and I don't know, I just found him alone in an ally. I couldn't leave him there, so I decided to take him with me. Again, I'm sorry for worrying you so much." Ritsu explained to their mother.
"I see, I understand." Sanada said. "Anyway, you must come in right it's dangerous to be out in the rain like this. I wouldn't want you or the boy to get sick. Especially with your condition." She continued and led her child and the boy back into the Onodera house.
(1)That's how people in Japan answer phone calls.
I am so sorry for not updating in so long! Things have been a bit crazy and my brain was rather scrabbled. Anyway, this should answer a few questions, and the reason I had Yokozawa put through the ringer in this chapter is because I just couldn't resist. Sorry man.
Anyway, please Read & Review. See you next time which will feature Chiaki and Hatori. Bye.
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