Seeking Arrangements Reddit

Seeking Arrangements Reddit


Seeking Arrangements Reddit
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Hi there. It seems that lately Seeking Arrangement has activated some automated system that bans users arbitrarily for fictitious "reasons". For example I was banned for "soliciting sex for compensation" when I know I did no such thing! When I challenged customer services about this, they referred to a message I sent to a POT that mentioned "I wanted an intimate, non-platonic arrangement and I would give financial help, travel, dates and an allowance" (thats what arrangements are!). i.e. it was a REAL stretch that anyone could interprete that as soliciting sex for compensation. That account was banned and not reinstated. I suspect the SA support person doubled down on this "reason" because they didn't want to admit that the initial suspension was a mistake.
Whats worse is that I cannot create new accounts anymore because of that fictitious reason for banning me. They simply block my new profiles and say that I have been permanently banned and I cannot create another account (they are recognising my IP address I suspect. They even seem to use facial recognition to recognise my pics when i upload them to the new profile and ban me on "sight"! - sounds abit tinfoil hatty but it definitely seems to be the case).. But of course they ban me AFTER they have taken payment from me and don't offer refunds! If I use a VPN they ban me for Fraud (WTF?). I guess because my IP changes when I use a VPN.
This is not intended to be a ranty post -
There seems to be a wider problem with the arbitrary nature of suspensions and banning on SA as seen in these subredits as well but Seeking Arrangements /u/Seeking_Arrangement (who even often post on this sub) doesn't seem to be doing anything about it but will gladly take our money then ban us arbitrarily:
I was also banned one time when I REPORTED someone else for soliciting. Even though I was the one that uploaded the whatsapp/text conversation as evidence where the POT propositioned me!
Its becoming beyond a joke now - Seeking arrangement used to be a site where people could find real sugar relationships (I have been a member for over 3 years) but now their new policies automated and otherwise that suspend and ban people arbitrarily and permanently seem somewhat fraudulent and mcarthyesque.
Its a shame that there are no real Sugar Relationship website or apps alternatives out there. I would have simply just left Seeking Arrangement to spend my money elsewhere. Buyer beware.
Has Seeking Arrangement become a scam?
Hit them in the pocket book. Call your CC company and initiate a charge back. Every time they have charge back it goes against the CC processor. Once they hit a certain limit, they will fall into the high risk category. Their rates will go through the roof . Or they will no longer be able to accept CC payments.
Even if they have a no refund policy, your CC issuer will always side with the card holder. Charge backs will cost them at least 1 human hour to resolve and typically it will still go against them.
Great idea. I would encourage anyone who get ban to do a charge back. My understanding is that there are no refund after you get ban. You are entitle to a refund, you should do a charge back if they don't. Is not about the 90 bucks, it is about changing their practice.
If they are banning 5% of all members. A 5% charge back would result in them not being to obtain merchant account with anyone. They are doing the banning because of the government. At least they should do the right thing and refund that month.
I think they have to be strict due to the new government rules. With the old rules they'd be shut down and obviously they aren't trying to lose their job.
Saying you want intimate and saying you'll provide allowance is just paying for sex.
I don't have a huge problem with them banning border line comments (even though yours isn't very borderline) but from posts on here they seem to ban anyone that gets reported for offline things. If you meet a girl, just report to seeking she was a hooker and she'll be banned automatically, no proof needed; same thing if a guy doesn't give you enough money, report him as a catfish they will either automatically ban or ask for an photo ID which is pretty much an automatic ban because I don't know anyone dumb enough to send that site their photo ID.
It's no longer called seekingarrangements, they are basically just trying to be a version of elitesingles where people with money meet people looking for money...whether that's for sex, help them with a project etc ., they dont care just keep it offline. and just pray the other person doesn't report you or worse lie and report you because you'll be banned
As people said above do a billing dispute and get your money back. Unless you used a discover card, visa/mastercard and esp AX will side with you.
What you needs to know (1) you offered money (allowance) for sex (intimate) (2) it's not seekingarrangment any more while that's what everyone uses it for, you can not be that be that blunt (3) do a billing dispute and get your money back
what seeking needs to know (1) quit banning people with he says/she says drama (2) if you are going to ban, refund, if not we'll dispute it and you'll lose your payment processor and you already know when you are selling digit goods, the payment processor options are a short list to begin with
Thanks for the insightful post. However, I disagree with some stuff you say for example being banned immediately for something you said. For a member whos been on the site for 3 years a "lifetime" ban for a single comment is pretty harsh IMHO. A 2/3 strike system would be more appropriate for alleged transgressions.
Apart from that pretty spot on I think.
> I wanted an intimate, non-platonic arrangement and I would give financial help, travel, dates and an allowance" (thats what arrangements are!).
That seems pretty clear cut solicitation to me. You offered financial help (money) in exchange for intimacy (sex). If you look up the word intimacy in the dictionary, it lists "sexual intercourse" as one of the meanings. How is that not solicitation? And then you have to consider that SA is used in many legal jurisdictions where the law are written differently. So, of course, they have to err on the side of caution.
The majority of SA users are simply deluding themselves into thinking that they are not engaging in solicitation, when legally they are, or, at least, they leaving a trail of evidence suggesting solicitation. Of course, you could argue that you mean intimacy in a different way but that is irrelevant. Your statement is still evidence of crime, even if it is not conclusive proof. SA is doing you a favor by preventing you from documenting your crimes. You should thank them!
The only thing I would agree with you is that SA should refund money with they suspend an account because there's too much room for interpretation. It is smart of them to prevent users from doing stupid shit that puts everyone in legal jeopardy but refunding money would give them the moral high ground and more integrity.
Fair enough if you believe that is solicitation but we have to agree to disagree here. In the UK where I am what I said is simply NOT a crime nor solicitation (although sex work is indeed legal here). So I will reserve my thanks to SA for protecting me from myself, thank you very much (that was sarcasm in case you missed it). Solicitation as I understand it is "meet me at a hotel for sex and I will give you X dolla" that is clear cut solicitation and I said nothing like that.
How do you explain the fact that I got banned another time for reporting someone else?! And also the other people in the subs that had similarly been banned arbitrarily? There is obviously a problem with whatever algorithm / criteria they are using to decide to suspend and ban people.
As I said I have been on SA for 3 years and never had any such issues till recently.
They want to book X number of violations in every month to prove to regulators that they police the site and are a legit dating site.
Thanks for your post - obviously Seeking is at the fraud level of Ashsley Madison. I will not become a paid $90 member.
Generally I find it best to say "sex" and "money" in two separate messages. Helps me avoid being banned most of the time. Otherwise SA will pull their mental gymnastics!
Why is it so hard for people to understand: "Take it to text". The only reason can still operate is because they obfuscate the reality of SRs. If you cant be bothered to respect that and make it so blatant of course you will be banned.
I think you might be slightly high at this time of the night. How can you "take it to text" when you cant even answer the question "what type of arrangement are you looking for?" without getting banned?! Who will give you their number to "take it to text" without answering that basic question in a message on SA?
SA had always tried to maintain a veneer of respectability. When I first signed up, I actually beleived that they screened out escorts and expected to have to submit a background check or some kind of identity verification as an SD.
In reality, it was basically a soft prostitution site and, while there were definitely many SB’s on there who aren’t escorts, those aren’t the ones out messaging middle aged men who look like corporate middle management types and setting up triple digit compensated “discrete” (it’s discreet, folks) NSA drama free arrangements.
In those days, SA maybe banned a few folks and then let them back on under different usernames.
Sesta/fosta made them pivot hard and it’s become a ban first, ask questions later (if at all) ToS.
Sugar dating as a way to sugar coat sex work is going the way of pacman and the rubik’s cube. Just like purple hair and septum piercings, it’ll be another social quirk of the 2010’s and prostitution will remain the oldest profession.
well, here is the thing. Once you report something to sa. they raise a flag on your account. Consider you a future trouble maker ( they have to work more for your reporting ). That is just my 2 cents...
As everyone agrees, move on, chargeback and be done. Hit them where it hurts, their bottom line. Fuck them dating nazi's
everyone can thank SESTA/FOSTA for their accounts being deleted for small reasons. not many people paid attention to the bill because they thought it would only effect full service SW but it effects much more than that. sites are cracking down
u/Seeking_Arrangement will likely be conspicuously absent on this thread as well, as it has been in ALL other threads about this topic.
It is a scam site now. I have noticed that bots message you right at renewal time to keep you going which is manipulative. Dont fall for this site and the games. Then they want you to apologize and write a written statement that you will discontinue 'illegal activity' after a suspension for 'escort terminology'. Umm for what? Your members are the one demanding money to have a date. How demeaning is that? We are bigger then this. Just hit them with a chargeback for that crap we don't need in our life (Be sure to first request a full refund though customer service first).
I was just banned for the same reason. :( Can Seeking bring legal action against me? I'm kinda freaking out now, but hopefully for no reason.
No legal action. They're not going to do any of that.
That said, my account was unceremoniously terminated this morning as well. I never initiated ANY arrangement discussions on the site because I already knew that was grounds for termination. However, nearly every SB did and used real numbers. I never continued the conversation on SA but instead said "we need to take this off line." I woke up this morning with a notice I've been banned.
I know a lot of others this happened to as well. SA has lost my support and I'll move onto other sites now. I hope anyone doing a search for "is seeking worth it" discovers this thread and others like it. No. It isn't worth it. One tiny infraction and you're banned and they'll keep your $$ unless you go to your CC company. Lots of people won't do that because they don't want the embarrassment.
Funny they are doing this .... while there are an increasing number of underage girls on SA. Heck, I've found two confirmed underage girls on SA in my city in the past week. One of the girls even had a pic of herself from like age 14 in her profile. SA truly doesn't care any more.

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About a couple weeks ago I made an account on seeking arrangements and this man had sent me a message saying we could work something out. He lives in Georgia and told me his name was Frank Stanislaw. He told me that distance was not a problem as I live in Idaho. He told me I would get a monthly allowance and we had planned trips for him to visit. All of this is sketchy and I shouldn’t have done it so please dont lecture me. I gave him my account login info (should have been my first clue) he deposited a check for $3,000 and asked me to go make money transfers for him (another red flag). I did it because the left over money would be mine to keep. The next day we did the same thing, I went and did money transfers for him and just casually talked throughout the day. Today I wake up and my account is -$6000 because the checks he deposited into my account weren’t cleared. I found out he did sign my name on the checks so that if fraud but I did let him into my account so that was my stupidity. I have contacted my bank but after the transactions they called me so I could confirm the deposits and I did. I also filed a report to the police and they are reviewing it so now I just wait. I know there is a big chance of me being shit out of luck but if there any other solutions im open to hear them.
There's no good news for you. You've taken fake money and sent off real money. It's likely that you'll be on the hook for the real money you sent off. The guy doesn't live in Georgia and isn't named Frank. But he's enjoying your money.
You're in good company, in the sense that lots of people fall for these scams every year. So don't be too hard on yourself.
All you can do is talk to your bank and try to recall the transactions, get back the money you sent out. You don't say exactly how you sent it. Sometimes it's possible, sometimes not.
If you continue with SA, date locals only, accept cash only, and never EVER let them arrange payment for tomorrow/next week/end of the date. Cash, in hand, no tricks. Now the date may proceed. Every guy there will scam you otherwise. Every fucking one.
Giving strangers your bank account login info is insane. Sending strangers money, not quite as insane but never, ever a good idea.
You were scammed. The checks were never legit. You are out $6k. Everything about that person is fake as they were in all likelihood smart enough to cover their tracks. That money is never coming back. The bank will give you roughly 30 days to bring your balance back to positive or they will close your account and report you to chex systems. If that happens you will be unable to open another bank account.
Your out of luck. Consider seeking arrangements with a job.
It might also be worth seeing if you can report him to Seeking Arrangements in hopes you might get more information on this individual or perhaps have his account closed.
I would just warn you to be careful. Especially with FOSTA and SESTA recently being passed. Regulations are getting much more stringent. It is difficult out there! Report it and stay aware going forward.
The scam gets worst. MOST of the profile of men and women are fake and " purchased " .You are basically chatting with a BOT !
I would think twice or three times before I give my good money to this company

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> Reviews > Sugar Daddy Dating Sites > Seeking Arrangements Reviews
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We think Seeking Arrangement is suitable if you’re looking for a mutually beneficial arrangement. However, if you’re in a hurry and don’t have time for the entire Seeking Arrangements reviews, you can go straight to creating your free account now . Then, you will chat with your sugar baby or sugar daddy when others have finished reading this post.
Are you looking for a relationship on your terms? That’s where Seeking Arrangement comes in. It’s a no-strings-attached website that offers mutually beneficial arrangements. For Sugar Daddies, Sugar Mammas, and Sugar Babies.
What does Seeking Arrangement mean? An arrangement is where people are direct with one another, allowing you to immediately define what you want in a relationship. The profiles allow members to state their expectations.
Are you interested in finding a sweet sugar baby or generous sugar daddy? Then check out the Seeking Arrangements reviews below to find out more.
Seeking Arrangement is a unique website and online experience. It’s tough to compare it to other dating websites. The fact is that it’s not a site for dating. If this is the thing you’re after, it’s quite hard to go wrong with Seeking Arrangement.
The site clearly states that you need to reach mutual agreements so that you can’t exploit anyone. That makes it a very safe site to use.
Some people might not understand the premise, and that’s ok. However, it’s probably not your site if you’re one of them.
But many university students have started to use it more and more to pay their way through their education, so our advice would be to be careful when using it.4.2/5.
The Seeking Arrangements app is free and works the same way as the desktop version regarding its features. It is the leading luxury millionaire dating app for finding a relationship, soulmate, or significant other outside your league.
It’s a simple, easy-to-use design, with visible fonts and a bottom navigation bar that helps the user experience.
Over 20+ million successful and attractive members are using the app, including CEOs, entrepreneurs, financiers, doctors, lawyers, billionaires, pro athletes, models, and celebrities looking for romantic relationships on their terms.
Seeking Arrangement is a different dating site, and it’s not for everyone. If you’re looking for a traditional dating experience, I wouldn’t recommend joining this app. On the other hand, if you’re looking for sugar dating, you’ve found the right place and probably one of the best apps.
The site is straightforward to sign up to in under a minute. The free trial also allows you to see all members and photos. Not to mention many quality matches.
As a woman, the premium subscription is free. However, as a man, you will need to buy the premium subscription to get the most out of the app, and it is reasonably expensive compared to traditional dating sites – but for a good reason.
It’s the real deal if you want this type of relationship. Seeking has one of the best reputations and highest member counts of any site. It has 8 million sugar babies and 2 million sugar daddies.
For men, it’s worth the subscription as you will be in demand here. However,
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