SeedSwap Social Design & Features

SeedSwap Social Design & Features

SeedSwap Team

SeedSwap Social will be rolled out towards the end of April. Currently, it has the following features. We are actively working towards providing more and more features to improve your social networking user experience and enjoyment.


SeedSwap Feed

This is the place where you see all the posts & NFT's posted and shared by your friends, family and from your favorite artists. With the help of Feed, you don't need to search someone's account to see what they're up to. Just a single tap on the Home icon at the top navigation bar and you'll see everything at just one single place.


SeedSwap Messaging

We wanted to make everything more engaging and private between you and people you care about. You can always, and at any time, send private messages to anyone. Our messaging system is fully encrypted with AES algorithm, so your data will always be secure.


SeedSwap Profile

Anyone will be able to search your profile, where they can see all the stuff you've posted. Profile will be your home where you can customize how you want to present yourself, and how your home looks. Use your own picture, or use a picture that best represents you. You can also add a full cover image that will make your profile look more beautiful.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode View

The site also has an alternative theme with Dark Mode. You can switch to Dark Mode anytime in the settings.

Now let's talk about the Farming !

Currently, we are working towards adding the finishing touches and ensuring the swift release of our farming platform. Below is a sneak-peak of the UI and design ahead of release.

SeedSwap Farming
You'll also see below a sneak-peak of our NFT marketplace UI. The release is still scheduled for Q3.
SeedSwap Marketplace

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