Security Guard confronted Riot Police who trespassed at Mei Foo

Security Guard confronted Riot Police who trespassed at Mei Foo


Throughout the extradition movement in Hong Kong, we have seen many brave security guards who went over and above their duty. In July 2019, a security guard assisted people in the mall at  Shatin Centre to escape from police. In October 2019, 4 security guards and a customer service officer were arrested because they were attempting to block the police from entering MOSTown. Last week, a security guard on duty at Mei Foo Sun Chuen who tried to defend the property line as riot police clashed with residents during a protest against the proposed plan to convert a nearby guesthouse into a quarantine centre.

After riot police broke into Mei Foo Sun Chuen, which is a private housing estate, they stopped and searched a number of residents, and pepper-spray people. A tall, slightly tubby security guard followed the riot police as they rushed in, despite the fact that there were 100 of them and all well-equipped. I have already seen the security guard and one or two of his colleagues standing by downstairs before riot police rushed into the private housing estate. I warned him that police would rush in at any time. He said he knew and would do his best to push back. That Mei Foo is a “private property” did not deter the police from trespassing. 

A police officer stood in front of the staircase, speaking into the microphone saying, “What’s going on here is illegal activity. We have warned you twice. We will go inside to enforce the law if you don’t leave!” An elderly wearing pajamas was taking a walk with his domestic helper downstairs when he saw the police roaming on the courtyard of the residence, he could not help but scold them. A female resident yelled loudly, “This is my home! How you call it an unlawful assembly?” The police paid no attention to their comments, of course.

Some of the police threatened reporters who followed closely, “Keep your distance! Stop chasing us!” After months of training, reporters now know to suppress their anger and keep back when told by the police. On the contrary, the slightly tubby but tall security guard kept following the police closely. He went right to the police, held up his hand and firmly said, “Ask your commander to come see me! I am asking you guys politely. Why threaten me? Get someone here so we can talk!” The security guard said some police mocked and belittled him, telling him to go away. But he stood his ground.

Standing in front of all the police by himself. He only wore a jacket with the initials “MFSC” (Mei Foo Sun Chuen) on it, the reflective sash was shining in the dark. The police were shining their flashlights directly at him. He told them calmly, “All the residents upstairs have been woken up by you guys. Please leave!” The police retreated temporarily after they argued for a while. As the police walked down the stairs, the security guard also persuaded those angry residents behind him not to stand too close to the stairs.

At 1:20am, police rushed into the private estate’s courtyard again and arrested several people. A middle-aged couple went downstairs and said their son went to find his friends. Later, they found out that their son was arrested. Desperately worried, they contacted lawyers and councillors for assistance. A local district councillor Janet Ng Yuet Lan who has worked in Mei Foo for years was also arrested. 

The police also took down the security guard’s personal details afterwards.

The security guard spoke to the residents and said, “I hope you see that Mei Foo security guards actually do their job.” He also went on to say, “I am not representing the company, but Mei Foo. I am just a security guard. Unfortunately, the commander  did not come out to talk to me.”

Residents applauded him. A male resident responded passionately, “I love you, uncle! Mei Foo security guards are the best!” Looking a little shy, he replied, “I was just doing my job as a security guard.”

Was this worth it? After all, security guards are not that well-paid. He said without hesitation, “I’m not afraid of being arrested. Even if I am, it’s no big deal, at most I would just lose my  job.” All residents heard and gave another round of applause.

The security guard stood up straight and said, “I’m not scared of the police. Why I should be scared of them? I’ve been through the trenches, I am older.  It doesn’t matter if I lose this job. The most important thing for a person is to have competence. Even if you lose your job, you can always another one. Not to be arrogant, I am just confident.”

Many residents thanked him and said they did not blame him for not being able to stop the police, “You have tried your best. That’s already enough.” Some residents joked that they must give him a big red packet. The security guard bowed with his hands held in front and said timidly, “Wish you all a happy new year and the good health.”

Source: The Stand News, February 2020

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