Secretary Party

Secretary Party


Secretary Party

^ Yan, Xiaojun; Huang, Jie (2017). "Navigating Unknown Waters: The Chinese Communist Party's New Presence in the Private Sector". China Review . 17 (2): 37–63. ISSN   1680-2012 . JSTOR   44440170 .

^ Martina, Michael (2017-08-24). "In China, the Party's push for influence inside foreign firms stirs fears" . Reuters . Retrieved 2020-06-13 .

^ Ng, Eric (25 July 2018). "Foreign investors will need more clarity on role of Communist Party organisations in listed firms, says report" . South China Morning Post . Retrieved June 13, 2020 .

PB Member of the Politburo ♀ female

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In mod­ern Chi­nese pol­i­tics , a Party Com­mit­tee Secretary ( sim­pli­fied Chi­nese : 党委书记 ; tra­di­tional Chi­nese : 黨委書記 ; pinyin : dǎngwěi shūjì ), com­monly trans­lated as Party Secretary , party chief , or party boss , is the leader of the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Party (CCP) or­ga­ni­za­tion in a province, city, or other ad­min­is­tra­tive re­gion. In most cases, it is the de facto high­est po­lit­i­cal of­fice of its area of ju­ris­dic­tion. In writ­ing and the mass media, the "CCP" des­ig­na­tion be­fore the title is not used often be­cause it is as­sumed that "Provin­cial Com­mit­tee Sec­re­tary" refers to the Com­mu­nist Party secretary. [ citation needed ]

The term can also be used for the lead­er­ship po­si­tion of Com­mu­nist Party or­ga­ni­za­tions in state-owned en­ter­prises, pri­vate com­pa­nies, for­eign-owned com­pa­nies, uni­ver­si­ties, hos­pi­tals, as well as other in­sti­tu­tions of the state. [1] [2] [3]

In post- Cul­tural Rev­o­lu­tion Chi­nese po­lit­i­cal the­ory, the Com­mu­nist Party is re­spon­si­ble for the for­mu­la­tion of poli­cies and the gov­ern­ment is re­spon­si­ble for its day-to-day ex­e­cu­tion . At every level of ju­ris­dic­tion, a gov­ern­ment leader serves along­side the party sec­re­tary. For ex­am­ple, in the case of a province, the provin­cial Party Sec­re­tary is the de facto high­est of­fice, but the gov­ern­ment is headed by a gov­ern­ment leader called a "Gov­er­nor" ( sim­pli­fied Chi­nese : 省长 ; tra­di­tional Chi­nese : 省長 ; pinyin : shěng zhǎng ). The Gov­er­nor is usu­ally the sec­ond-high­est-rank­ing of­fi­cial in the party's Provin­cial Com­mit­tee, and holds the con­cur­rent title of " Deputy Party Com­mit­tee Sec­re­tary " ( sim­pli­fied Chi­nese : 省委副书记 ; tra­di­tional Chi­nese : 省委副書記 ; pinyin : shěng wěi fù shū jì ). A sim­i­lar com­par­i­son can be made for mu­nic­i­pal Party Sec­re­taries and May­ors.

There have been rare in­stances where both Party Sec­re­tary and Gov­er­nor (or Mayor) po­si­tions were held by the same per­son, though this is not the com­mon prac­tice since the end of the Cul­tural Rev­o­lu­tion. The Party Sec­re­tary is usu­ally as­sisted by nu­mer­ous Deputy Party Sec­re­taries.

Until the 1980s, the lead­ing po­si­tion of a local party or­ga­ni­za­tion was called the First Secretary , its deputy the "Sec­ond Sec­re­tary". The local party or­ga­ni­za­tions each had its own Sec­re­tariat with nu­mer­ous sec­re­taries.

Be­gin­ning at the provin­cial level, China's party-gov­ern­ment dual ad­min­is­tra­tive sys­tem arranges a hi­er­ar­chy by which the party chief is in charge of de­ter­min­ing the di­rec­tion of pol­icy as well as per­son­nel changes, and the cor­re­spond­ing gov­ern­ment leader is re­spon­si­ble for im­ple­ment­ing party pol­icy and ar­rang­ing the an­nual bud­get, as well as other every­day gov­ern­ment mat­ters and cer­e­mo­nial tasks. The list of party chief lev­els is as fol­lows:

Gen­er­ally, a top gov­ern­ment of­fi­cial (the mayor, gov­er­nor) will also hold the first deputy party chief po­si­tion.

A Deputy Party Sec­re­tary ( 党委副书记 ) as­sists in the work of the Party Sec­re­tary. In provin­cial and most pre­fec­ture-level ju­ris­dic­tions, there are two deputy party chiefs. The higher-ranked deputy party chief is gen­er­ally also con­cur­rently the head of the gov­ern­ment of the party com­mit­tee's area of ju­ris­dic­tion. The other deputy party chief is known as the zhuanzhi fushuji ( 专职副书记 ), lit­er­ally, "Specif­i­cally-des­ig­nated Deputy Party Sec­re­tary." Gen­er­ally, the zhuanzhi deputy party chief is also the head of the party school of any given ju­ris­dic­tion. For ex­am­ple, in Sichuan province, the Party Sec­re­tary heads the party com­mit­tee, while the Gov­er­nor of Sichuan serves as the top ranked deputy party chief, and the "specif­i­cally-des­ig­nated" deputy party chief ranks im­me­di­ately next to the gov­er­nor in prece­dence.

A "Party Branch" or "Party Group" (党组; dan­gzu ) ex­ists in al­most all in­sti­tu­tions of state which are not for­mally part of the Com­mu­nist Party or­ga­ni­za­tion. These in­clude gov­ern­ment or­gans, Peo­ple's Con­gresses, min­istries, provin­cial and mu­nic­i­pal de­part­ments and so on. These or­ga­ni­za­tions are cre­ated by man­date of a Party Com­mit­tee, serve to en­sure that the gen­eral pol­icy guide­lines of the party is fol­lowed at each re­spec­tive in­sti­tu­tion. They may gather for ad hoc meet­ings to study party doc­u­ments or speeches or carry out "party life meet­ings" at their re­spec­tive in­sti­tu­tions, but they do not serve as an ex­ec­u­tive body in the do­mains which they re­side.

The Party Branch Secretary or Party Group Secretary (党组书记; dan­gzu shuji ) is a dis­tinct of­fice from that of the Party Com­mit­tee Sec­re­tary. They do not have the elab­o­rate or­ga­ni­za­tion and bu­reau­cracy that is com­mon­place with a Party Com­mit­tee. Un­like Party Com­mit­tees, which re­port to par­ent Party Com­mit­tees at a higher level of ju­ris­dic­tion, Party Branches are re­spon­si­ble to the Party Com­mit­tee that man­dated its cre­ation.

Some min­istries do not have Com­mu­nist Party mem­bers serv­ing as min­is­ters. In some min­istries, the Party Branch Sec­re­tary is sub­or­di­nate to the Min­is­ter. A Party Branch Sec­re­tary may be as­sisted by one or mul­ti­ple Deputy Party Branch Sec­re­taries.

A promi­nent ex­am­ple of the Party Branch Sec­re­tary po­si­tion is that of the State Coun­cil, China's gov­ern­ment. The Pre­mier al­most al­ways serves si­mul­ta­ne­ously as the Party Branch Sec­re­tary of the State Coun­cil ( 国务院党组书记 ). The State Coun­cil does not have a Party Com­mit­tee.

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3 ) Abbreviation: ASD ( USA ; C ; Comptroller ) , ASD ( USA ; PA ; Public Affairs )
2 ) Chemical weapons: ASD ( PA & E )


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