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Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev
Admission Special aspects of admission for foreign citizens and stateless persons.

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© 2000–2019 Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev

The Admission Rules of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev” for learning on educational programs of higher education – Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degrees for 2022/2023 academic year. 
101. Foreign citizens and stateless persons can get higher education due to budgetary provisions in accordance with international agreements of the Russian Federation, federal acts or educational quotas, established by Government of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless person (hereafter – educational quota for foreign citizens), and due to resources of private and legal persons in accordance with for-profit education services agreements.
102. The admission within educational quotas for foreign citizens is carried out according to program tracks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The admission within educational quotas for foreign citizens is carried out by a separate university order (orders).
103. Foreign citizens who enroll for training on the basis of international treaties, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 44 of the Rules, provide documents confirming their assignment to the number of persons specified in the relevant international treaties
104. Foreign citizens and stateless persons, who are compatriots and live abroad according to the section 17, Federal act №99-FA "State policy of the Russian Federation in regard to compatriots, who live abroad" (hereafter - Federal act №99-FA) during the admission should provide not only documents, noticed in the item 43 of these Rules, bur also original documents or their copies, covered by the section 17, Federal act №99-FA. 
Compatriots are not subject to special rights when enrolling in undergraduate and specialty programs provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.
105. During the admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons for training under the specialty programs 31.05.01 General Medicine, 31.05.02 Pediatrics, 31.05.03 Dentistry, 33.05.01 Pharmacy on places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services the university establishes a separate list of entrance examinations, allocates the number of places for foreign citizens and stateless persons and holds a separate competition for these places.
The list of entrance examinations, the number of places on contracts for the provision of paid educational services for admission for training of foreign citizens and stateless persons under specialty programs 31.05.01 General Medicine, 31.05.02 Pediatrics, 31.05.03 Dentistry, 33.05.01 Pharmacies are presented in Appendix 4 to these Rules.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons can, at their choice, enroll in training based on the results of entrance examinations established for foreign citizens or based on the results of entrance examinations specified in paragraphs 11-13 of the Rules. In the application for consent to enrollment, the applicant indicates in accordance with the results of which competition he wants to be enrolled.
106. During submission of documents for admission a foreign citizen or a stateless person marks information about his/her passport in the request for admission or about other ID documents, that certify the identity of that foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation according to the section 10, Federal act of July 25, 2002 №115-FA "Legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereafter - the foreign citizen's ID) and provides an original or a copy of the foreign citizen's passport, ID or certification of naturalization, according to the item 44, subitem 1 of these Rules.
107. The admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons on educational programs, which provide national security information, can be only within educational quotas for foreign citizens and should satisfy requirements, marked at the laws of the Russian Federation.
The list of entrance examinations, the number of places on contracts for the provision of paid educational services for admission to study on specialty programs 31.05.01 Medical treatment, 31.05.02 Pediatrics, 31.05.03 Dentistry, 33.05.01 Pharmacy of foreign citizens and stateless persons to Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev
Code and name of the specialties                                  
Planned number of places under agreements on rendering paid educational services
Admission requirements for international students
1. ORIGINAL Scholarship Application completed in English with a picture in the upper right corner (3×4 cm, colour or black and white on matte paper) signed by the applicant.
2. Scanned copy of your education document (secondary school certificate), as well as related notarized Russian translations.
3. Standard general medical certificate COPY confirming that you are medically fit. The document must be translated and certified by an official notary/translation service.
4. Medical certificate COPY indicating HIV test results. The document must be translated and certified by an official notary/translation service.
5. Passport COPY you will use when applying for your Russian visa. The document must be translated and certified by an official notary/translation service. Your passport must be valid at least until 1st March 2023.
FOR FEE-PAYING CANDIDATES Required Documents: 1. Passport COPY you will use when applying for your Russian visa. The document must be translated and certified by an official notary/translation service.
IMPORTANT: If you are under 18, you must also upload a copy of the passport of one of the parents/relatives with whom the study agreement will be concluded. The copy of the passport must be with a notarized Russian translation (if necessary). Please note, your passport must be valid at least until 1st March 2023.
2. Scanned copy of your education document (secondary school certificate), as well as related notarized Russian translations.
The Procedure of Recognition and Equivalence of Education
Foreign citizen must go through the procedure of recognition and equivalence of education of its instrument, without which it is impossible to get further training at "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev." "Recognition" - the consent of state authorities (the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science) for the presence of legal validity of the documents on the territory of the Russian Federation. This procedure is carried out a Main State Center for Education Evaluation, located at the address: Lyusinovskaya Street, 51, Moscow, Russia, zip: 119049. Glavekspertcentre. Tel .: +7(495) 317-17-10, +7 (495) 665-00-15; e-mail: The list of documents required for the implementation of procedures for the recognition and equivalence • The original of the document on education (including annexes), legalized in the established order. • Translation of a document on education and annexes to the Russian language, certified by a notary. • Translation of the passport into Russian, notarized. • Receipt of payment of state fees for the issuance of a certificate of recognition and equivalence in the Russian Federation of foreign documents on education (is issued upon receipt of the documents, or sent by e-mail). For more information on the recognition of foreign education documents can be viewed on the website Main State Center for Education Evaluation. A set of documents sent by a foreign citizen in the Main State Center for Education Evaluation entrusted with the work on the examination of documents. Subsequently Federal Service For Supervision In Education And Science (Rosobrnadzor) decides on the recognition of the documents in question on education. In the affirmative answer Rosobrnadzor issues a letter confirming the right of a citizen to study in higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation. Typically, the procedure takes about 4 - 6 months, so if you decide to enter the first year of university, you need to send documents immediately upon arrival in Russia.
95, Komsomolskaya st.
Orel region, Orel,
the Russian Federation



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Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Organizing Committee)

Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee – Executive Secretary)

Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Government of Moscow

President, Global Energy Association

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Gazprom PJSC

Chairman of the Board, General Director, “T Plus” PJSC

Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Novak

General Director - Chairman of the Management Board, Rosgeologia JSC

General Director, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC

Advisor to the General Director, INK-Capital JSC

Director, Center for Assistance to Young Professionals FGBU

First Vice President, Gazprombank JSC

Deputy Vice President, Transneft PJSC

Head of the Secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Novak

Chairman of the Board, President of the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Deputy Chief Executive Officer – Chief Engineer, Russian Railways

Managing Director for Relations with Management Bodies, RUSNANO Management Company LLC

First Deputy Director General for Development and International Business, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

General Director, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Russian Energy Agency" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Vice President - Chief of Staff, Rosneft Oil Company

Rector, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg Mining University"

Rector, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Oil and Gas" (Gubkin National Research Institute)

Deputy Director, Technical Director, Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol JSC

Director, Department of Innovation and Advanced Research of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Head of Public Relations Department, Oil Company LUKOIL PJSC

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Rector, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research University MPEI”

General Director, Chairman of the Management Board of Rosseti PJSC

Information of the Russian Federation Presidential Press and Information Office

Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Novak

General Director, Siberian Coal Energy Company JSC

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Director of Communications Development Department, NOVATEK JSC

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Chief Executive Officer, The Roscongress Foundation

Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of Moscow

Head, Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation

Deputy General Director for Corporate Communications, Strategics & Development, Zarubezhneft

Minister, Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation

Head of the Press Service, Gazprom Energoholding

Chairman of the Board - General Director, Federal Hydro-generating Company RusHydro PJSC

General Director-Chairman of the Management Board, State Corporation - Housing and Utilities Reform Fund

Rector, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Technological University MISiS”

First Deputy General Director, Fortum PJSC

Chairman of the Management Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Unipro PJSC

President, Russian Association of Employers The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

Head of the Department for Planning and Organization of Security Measures, FSO of Russia

Deputy General Director – Moscow Office Director, Tatneft

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Local Committee on Biomedical Ethics FGBU “Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems” was established to provide an independent assessment, counseling and evaluation of the ethical, legal and social issues related to biomedical or other types of research with human participation. The thesises of the Ethics Committee have been developed based on the “Standard operating procedures of the ethics committees’ activity” of the Forum of Ethics Committees of CIS countries (FECCIS). These positions were approved by the Academic Council FGBU “Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems” Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences № 16 (protocol number 8) on December 22, 2005.
Structure :
Chairperson: Kononova S.K., PhD, senior researcher in the Department of Molecular Genetics FGBU “Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems ” of the RAMS Siberian Branch;
Secretary: Mikhailova M.N., Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Physiology and functional reserve of human ECHNIDD;
Members: Loskutova K.S., PhD, Head of Pathomorphology laboratory and study the effects of cold on the human body FGBU “YSC CMP”; V.P. Shadrin, PhD, head of information-analytical department of Children’s Hospital; R.N. Pavlov, PhD, Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics TsOMiD RH№1-NCM; O.G. Sidorova, a physician-geneticist, genetic counseling RH№1-NCM; I.A.Vinokurov, member of the public who does not refer to medicine and science.
Schedule :
EC meetings are held not less than 1 time per month for receipt of applications for candidates to conduct ethical review of the research protocol (RP) and the informed consent form (IC) of the study participant. RP is a shortened form of summaries of research or the abstract of the thesis of the applicant, specifying: Study objectives, relevance, objectives of the study; overview of published data on the study, the study sample volume; Inclusion / exclusion criteria of study participants, the study methods used. To the research protocol are applied two types of applications, number 1 and number 2, drawn up in the form of a questionnaire of 20 questions, which shows the data of the applicant, contact details of the research center, the duration of the study, the types of research (social health, genetic screening, epidemiological, etc. .), study groups, including other vulnerable groups (the elderly, children, pregnant women, etc.), the need for resources, including the use of ionizing radiation, new drugs, new medical equipment, procedures (invasive, non-invasive), etc.
The evaluation criteria for ethical review of research protocols:
Qualifications of the Researcher; Study objectives; Methodology; Criteria for inclusion / exclusion of study participants; Inclusion of vulnerable contingents; Voluntary recruitment of participants; Room, infrastructure and research center equipment; Involvement of local researchers and institutions in the development of RP, analysis and publication of results; Public contribution; Benefits the local community; Availability of clinical trial results; whether biological materials samples are sent abroad; are used in a study new drugs or medical equipment.
Information for researchers:
To conduct ethical review of research you have to submit to the meeting of the Ethics Committee (EC) at FGBU “Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems” following documents:
I. The research protocol (RP) (7 copies) in the free form of presentation (no more than 2 pages), which should include:
a. 1. Objectives of the study 2. Actuality 3. Research Objectives 4. A brief
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