Secret Cumshots

Secret Cumshots


Secret Cumshots
Have you ever secretly cum in girl drink and watch she swallow all your cum unknowingly? or bet girls to do something like this
Once in party, my colleague volunteer to bring me a drink. When i drink it, I remark a liquid like an eggnog go down my throat. After that i saw a pic of that glass and i feel i am a victim.
Guys, Have you ever secretly cum in girl drink?
It was secret only because she knew it was coming but not when. My wife joked about making a milkshake with my cum. So I made her one. She knew what the secret ingredient was as soon as she took her first drink, and she finished it all. Years later, I found out there's an entire cookbook about making foods with semen.
No? Closest thing is stumbling onto a recipe book about cooking with sperm but aside from that being a more serious approach in the culinary arts it was also just a news headline and not something that originated from my interests.
I have put cum in my girlfriends coffee a total of 4 times. I split it over 2 cups so there is not too much. She has never said anything about it. She has told me that my cum has very little taste, so maybe that is it. I have also put pre-cum around the rim of her cup, still nothing
Secretly? Hell no. I did for a woman that asked me to once, and even that was kinda weird. She said it was best with dark rum and a splash of lime.
Never But I will be turned on by it. I will never do it coz it's like rape or sexual harassment
No I would neverbdp that let sum guy else give her pay back
secretly not, but i had done in many drinks, food... its fun and many girls love it.
Not cum But i put my dick head a glass orange juice onetime.. and she drunk that unknowinly lol
noooooooooooooo that would be wrong
girlfriend loves doing this. no lie.
No. But I wish to do so. Will it be fun?
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Well, I am up to 6 times. Today saw a little of it floating in her coffee, but her room is dark, so she can't see. Really turns me on to fix it for her, bring it to her and watch her start drinking. I think I will do it again tomorrow and just let her have the full load. She swallows anyway, so whats the difference?
This morning while she was sleeping, I came in a coffee cup. When she woke up, I made her coffee. This is the first time I did it with a full load in it. She did state it was a little bitter. She will let me cum in her mouth and swallow and she has never said it was bitter. It was quite the thrill to watch her drink the coffee and my cum. More exciting then watching her swallow me when she sucks me. I also put some cum on her toothbrush and watched her brush her teeth with some of my cum. This is like the 7th load of cum I have snuck to her. But I suspect she knows... by the taste... I have pictures of the cup and a video of me pouring the coffee. Don't think I can post them on her
I wouldn't do that is sum sick guy an you should get the drink from waitress or watch what is being put in a drink cuz your lucky it wasn't a date rape drug
Yes it is wrong and i have already been a victim.
bugger did you get to smash the bustard.
since you don't know if he has a disease asult with deadly weapon
oh well you seem to think it's dunny
I think it would be interesting to see if my girlfriend can tell if I did it or not
she's a freak. pretty much sums it up.

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… the truth is, load size (or “semen volume” if we're getting technical) is.
One study found 50.43 % of women say it's “very important” for their partner to ejaculate during intercourse.
If a guy can really “perform” like that–not only is it impressive, but it's a huge turn-on as well.
To be honest, it's pretty disappointing to most women (even if they won't admit it to your face).
The average man ejaculates between 3-5 milliliters, which amounts to about a teaspoon, according to a study by WHO.
So we asked our top experts, and researched online for some of the best ways to increase load size… and we narrowed it down to these 8 scientifically-proven tricks:
Have you ever kept it on top of your lap? (It is called a laptop, after all.)
Several studies have shown that when you keep warm, weighted objects–like a laptop–near or close to your testicles, then it's bad news for your sperm.
Not only will some of your sperm get killed off by the heat and radiation, but your sperm volume will decrease as a result.
And lower sperm volume = lower load size.
Well, it's pretty simple–just use a desk for your laptop, or place a pillow between your lap and your laptop when you use it.
(Although experts do say that even sitting for too long can kill off sperm as well, so make sure to get up and move every 10 minutes or so.)
Even if you're used to keeping your laptop on your lap all the time, after a few times placing it somewhere else will start to feel like second nature.
Speaking of electronic devices, you may want to keep your phone out of your pockets as well.
Just like laptops, phone emit heat and radiation. And both of these things can decrease your sperm quality and size.
As an alternative, you can simply carry your phone or keep it in a breast pocket of your shirt.
And if you have to keep it in your pants, then a back pocket will do as well.
Did you know that certain foods can affect the quality and quantity of your load size?
A recent study found that men who eat less meat have higher-quality sperm– especially less processed meat.
Does that mean you have to stop eating meat altogether?
Definitely not–another study discovered that folic acid helps keep sperm healthy and strong, dubbing it a “sperm superfood.”
So you can keep your load size large by adding foods like citrus fruits, whole grains, leafy greens and beans to your diet.
And in fact, there are even certain foods that can increase the strength of your erections as well (but more on that in a bit).
And that's because when you ejaculate, you're getting old sperm out–and making room for new sperm.
And the newer your sperm, the higher quality they'll be. That's including their quantity.
Now, you might have heard that not jerking off can actually increase your load size. The theory goes that when you hold it in, it just builds and builds inside of you.
While this is partially true, it's still healthiest for your sperm to masturbate regularly.
Another healthy habit that increases your load size?
Studies have shown that men who are overweight or obese have much lower quality sperm, and a lower volume of sperm as well.
According to urologist and infertility specialist Jamin Brahmbhatt, losing weight will increase your loads:
Thirty-three percent of obese men have a low sperm count, and seven percent have no sperm count. As you lose weight, your count will naturally improve.”
So even if you're far from buff, it helps to do something:
Even do a quick workout at home (there are lots of options if you Google it)…
Just make an effort to stay in shape, and that can make a big difference. Both for your health, and your load size. 😉
… then you may want to consider quitting, or at least cutting down.
Many studies have found that smoking can decrease sperm count and motility. This means that not only will smoking make your loads smaller, but they won't shoot as far either.
Plus, quitting smoking today is easier than it ever has been!
You can use a vape pen (although there is limited information about the adverse effects it may have on your health) or a patch–and there are also lots of support groups available online that can make it easier.
Chances are, if you have a bad habit that you suspect might be bad for your sperm quality & quantity… then it probably is (at least a little bit).
The key is to practice moderation in everything you do.
A healthy diet, lifestyle, and environment will ensure peak sperm quality and load size.
And even though masturbating more will help keep your sperm healthy… not masturbating can also help too.
Out of 24 studies, all but one found a connection between abstaining from ejaculating and an increase in semen volume (so the longer you wait between ejaculations, the more you're going to ejaculate).
And that means lots of satisfied women in bed. 😉
Of course, all of these steps will take time to make a difference–and the waiting can be frustrating.
So what if you want even faster results?
That's what I want to show you next:
You know how when you sit on your butt for too long, it starts to feel numb?
Well, the reason this happens is because the pressure stops blood from flowing there…
… and so when you stand up, you may feel a little bit weaker, or you might not be able to walk as fast as normal.
Basically, when you’re having sex, your heart works hard to pump blood all throughout your body…
… and if not enough blood flows *down there,* then your loads are gonna be weak, no matter what.
If you can find a way to boost the bloodflow to your penis . .. then your loads will be MUCH larger, MUCH more impressive, and MUCH more likely to turn girls on.
Thankfully, you don’t have to take any crazy heart medications or get a “prescription” to boost your bloodflow in this way…
… because we discovered this exotic combination of 5 foods, which boosts bloodflow to your penis in a safe, natural, and very powerful way. 😉
This short, free video will show you the recipe and how to get it–enjoy!
P.S. These 5 foods can also give your erections a nice “boost”… click here now to see how…
[ Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on July 10, 2019.]
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20 Dirty Little Secrets Women Go Out Of Their Way To Keep From Men
By The Frisky — Written on Apr 14, 2021
A friend of mine — a guy who used to occasionally step out on his woman and hook up with other girls — had the strangest theory about the female species.
"Women don't cheat," he told me, when I asked if he was ever worried she was doing the same thing to him. "It's just not in their nature."
I laughed. Of course, I wasn't surprised when he found out she'd been two-timing him for most of their relationship, after their inevitable breakup, but he was completely shocked.
But during my two-and-a-half years of interviewing countless women, I discovered that there are many, many more things that we ladies keep secret from men.
Most of the time, women keep secrets that are personal to them: how they see their body , what they do in their free time, or any guilty pleasures they may have.
It's okay for women to have dirty secrets stashed away where men can't find them because there are just some things you want to keep to yourself — and that's perfectly understandable. These secrets might be embarrassing or too personal, and only when you're ready should you share.
Either way, women will always keep secrets from their partner, but most of the time these secrets aren't anything to worry about; rather, they are harmless thoughts women have about themselves and don't think of sharing with others.
It might be something like wanting their partner to be kinkier in bed, or that they want to go out with their girlfriends and get a little crazy. Sometimes, a woman's closest friends know more than what their husbands or boyfriends see. 
As soon as we're alone in the house — husband leaves for the office, kids go to school, roommate goes out of town — and we have quality free time knowing no one is going to walk in on us, we touch ourselves.
Sometimes we even just do it if you're still in the house if that quality free time is never going to come. Usually, it's while we're in the bathroom.
And in the shower. And sometimes we really just want to do it in the hot tub, but we try to not do that out of respect for everyone else in there.
From our toes, our chin, our lips, moles on the backs of our legs, and our nipples. And we really, really enjoy plucking a stubborn ingrown hair . Getting that sucker out is, for some gross reason, such sweet satisfaction.
Or the pillow you were sleeping on when you're not around. If you were to catch us doing this, we'd be mortified.
Photo: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock
Maybe go to a swingers party , have a threesome, or be a dirty stripper for a night, but with no emotional consequences.
And very often, we will dress for them and subtly flirt just so they will. We don't want to actually sleep with them — we just want them to want us.
As long as they aren't rude or nasty, it can be kind of flattering. We also like it when you get a little jealous, to a degree. Not in an irrational or psycho way, just a bit to show you're protective and you care.
The longer, the louder and the stinkier, the more enjoyable.
This includes spilling all of your embarrassing secrets, sneaking cigarettes or other substances, and drinking way more than we let on. Grinding with strangers at a club can also sometimes occur.
But we'll never marry you. Brains and kindness will always trump hotness when it comes to marriage material .
Or sometimes we're just plain excited. And we hate being judged for it.
Hate it, hate it, hate it! But we like that when it's cleaned up, you go down on us more readily. In a perfect world, you would go down on us with regularity on naturally poofy pubes.
And it's usually a deal-breaker for women who are of child-bearing age.
Photo: Africa Studio / Shutterstock
As long as you're kind and emotionally generous and work hard. Laziness and lack of motivation are inherently un-sexy.
We'll certainly give it the old college try if we want you bad enough, though.
A little belly, gray hairs, even a receding hairline. It reminds us that we all have body issues and that we shouldn't be so insecure or hard on ourselves. Being human is cool, but being whiny about your paunch or constantly fussing over your gray temples is as annoying as us always asking, "Does this make me look fat?"
A gross and pervy situation, another man, being dominated... who knows. But most of us love to fantasize. It doesn't mean we're not sexually attracted to you, we just need the mental images to take it up a notch.
Photo: sergey causelove / Shutterstock
As long as we have the technology, they will never be fully out of our lives or minds. This doesn't mean we still love them; we're just curious. long as we're the ones doing the drunk kissing. We consider sleeping with another man cheating .
We say we miss you but are often secretly glad you're gone so we can totally relax and be ourselves. But we still love it when you come back.
Emily Hingle is a writer, editor, and social media coordinator at LCIA.
This article was originally published at The Frisky . Reprinted with permission from the author.
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First-time-to-taste-cum Confessions
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we were 12-13 and at a sleep over, he and I at another guys house. We had a few beers and we're watching tv. We had been talking about sex all day and how we had felt up girls and fingered them. The host had dozed off in front of the tv and my friend started asking about feeling a girl up. He pit his hand on my thigh and asked if that was how you started, I was wearing briefs. I was under a blanket and he had his hand under there. He rubbed my thigh a little and in a whisper asked if he was doing right. I just said yes that's right. He didn't stop and he was now inches away from my crotch. I was getting hard and didn't know what to do, I just froze as he slid up and began feeling my dick and balls. He immediately remarked that I must like that and all I said was it feels good. Last I remember is him saying it will feel better if I go in your underwear. His hand went down and his touch was driving me crazy, he had gripped my cock and was stroking it. As I really started getting excited our host woke and rolled looking at us asking if we were still watching the show. I'll never forget how it felt answering him while my other friend had a hold of my dick. I said, you can turn it off. As I rolled away from my friend he let go. The next day he asked me up to his room and it all unfolded. I had been thinking all day how good it felt and how wrong it was, the good won out. We quickly had our pants and underwear down and he was playing with mine and I was looking at his. I finally gave in and reached over and played with his. We were up there for more than an hour, we had no idea that we were edging each other, it came natural. We would stop the other when we got to close to coming. He suggested we try and come at the same time. We laid on our sides then face to face and teased away on one another. We were rubbing them together and looking down watching was putting me very close. I told him and he just responded that he he was going to "shoot off" as we said back then. He started shooting on to me and immediately used his semen on me and I started coming. I never felt anything like that before, I had jerked off but this was different. I wanted to stop doing it with him but didn't. We must have done it 30 times that summer, we did it ever time we could be alone. At 15 I had a girlfriend I was fooling around with and I stopped with him until 17-18. We were alone for some reason and drinking, I think another friend was with us and someone drove by and he got in the car with them. We parked in a secluded spot and were drinking beer when his questions about sex with girls started. I knew where he was going and didn't really want to but was a little drunk and horny. His hand came over and went at my crotch and when I didn't stop him he went for my zipper and had my jeans down in a minute. I was so hoping he would suck me. After a while I felt guilty about no touching him so I reached over, he immediately dropped his pants and I could see his cock. It had gotten so much bigger, bigg
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