Second Life Sex

Second Life Sex


Home » Second Life Sex | The Definitive Guide
I think we agree, that when you first joined Second Life you were enticed to try Second Life sex, but you didn’t have a clue how to actually go about it.
In this guide I will show you step by step how online sex in Second Life works. I will help you to increase the quality and quantity of your virtual sex life. 
I have sex in different online games. In fact I am really naughty. The first time (with this avatar) was at Paradies Beach with Tristan, but many encounters with other users followed.
I even became a professional sex worker in Second Life, an escort girl. I actually lost count with how many men I had sex. Certainly a few hundred and I have done it at least a thousand times.
I share my experience with you and write a guide for noobs about how to have exciting sex in online games and virtual worlds.
I am sure you have noticed that your avatar comes without genitals. Hence the first thing you need to do, get yourself a penis/vagina.
Second Life is a visual medium. Hence it does have a certain importance that you choose a penis that actually looks realistic and is in-line with the color of your skin.
There are freebie penises around, but from what I have seen they look horrible. It is certainly not a turn on to look at an avatar, with a cock that looks like made of wood and has a different color then your avatar’s skin.
At this point it does make sense to invest a little bit of money to get one that looks decent and realistic.
They usually come with a color changer, which allows you to adapt its color to the color of your skin. For the sake of aesthetics, please make that effort!
Some people find those xcite attachments very sexy. They actually react to clicks on them in open chat. I personally crunch at the thought of a talking penis. I have yet to find out why people buy this stuff. But hey, if it rocks your boat, go ahead get a talking penis.
I think I got fucked with each and every typ and brand of penis available in Second Life. I found the most realistic ones you get from a brand called “Aeros”. Search for them on Marketplace.
Make sure you understand the functions of the hud that comes with it. Especially how to get the angle of an erected penis right. It just doesn’t look good, when it is not in where it should be in (a pussy that is).
Just like in real live: If you look good you have better chances. Simple as that. With the prefab Linden Avatar you will find it very difficult to get laid.
Many residents have as a personal policy not to do anything sexual, unless the person is at least adult verified.
I personally expect payment details on file because a minor will most likely not have access to a credit card.
If you are not into using voice, it might be a good idea to join a voice verification group. That means you will have to do ONE call to somebody to verify your gender.
For some people it is important what gender the person behind an avatar is, others might not be concerned about that (me for example) as they see virtual sex more as a form of role play, hence taking the avatar at face value.
On that matter please read this post: Playing the opposite gender?
This is an important one. Emoting is describing what, and most importantly how you do something. It is written in open chat or IM using third person.
Technically what you do is, you write /me before whatever you want to write. This will format your text slightly different then normal open chat and removes the: after your name.
“Caroline opens her bra and lets it slide down to the floor, smiling suggestively and says: „you like what you see?”
It’s basically written role play. This gives an erotic encounter a completely different quality as opposed to just looking at two avatars playing animations. The entire encounter is basically a combination of both: animations and emotes.
Please, do yourself a favour and don’t do what we call “thought emotes”.
We had an interesting discussion about emoting here: Is emoting in sex play overrated?
There are several ways to get those animations.
First of all there is furniture available that has build-in menus for sex animations. You can buy this furniture and rez it in your home if you have one.
If you don’t have your own land/home yet, you can use furniture that is provided at many adult places.
Make sure you know some of those locations before you start chatting up a girl. Ideally you know some places with a nice erotic or romantic atmosphere –
Travel around a bit and landmark places you like.
The second possibility is so-called sex huds. Those are huds that you attach to your screen and whenever you click on it, poseballs rez in front of you.
Those have the advantage, that you can add animations to them and you do not depend on furniture anymore. However they only work on land where the owner allows rezing.
There are plenty of such huds availably for all kind of taste and preferences. Some basic ones you can get for free, the more sophisticated ones cost something between 2.000 and 5.000 Lindens Dollar.
There are also some huds available, which play entire scenes with very smooth transitions between animations.
You can either play the entire set of animations automatically having your hands free for typing or whatever you want to do with them, or you can individually play the animations in the order of your preference.
In both cases the transitions look smooth and realistic, contributing to a much more “real” experience. Once you have used a hud like this, you will probably never go back to the regular huds.
Some basic sex huds you should be able to get for free on marketplace. However: If you want to impress the lady, if she is an experienced player freebies won’t do it, unless you compensate with really good, detailed and imaginative emotes!
It is fine.Most people do it. All of my clients did it. I do it. It is actually a turn on to know my partner cums in real.
It is important to understand, that not everybody who indulges into a sex scene in Second Life is seeking satisfaction in real life. Many simply enjoy the erotic role play and immersion. Germans call that “Kopfkino”.
If you are with somebody like that, avoid comments about what you do in Real Life. Statements like “I wank myself faster now in real life” will kill it for your partner if he/she only role plays sex.
Make sure you both are on the same planet in that sense.
However, there are many people which masturbate whilst having virtual sex. That’s fine, nothing wrong with that.
For those people I have a suggestion: Try to match reality with virtual reality. What I mean by that is, adapt your rhythm to what you see on the screen and only erect your virtual parts if it actually happens in real and so on.
Same applies for cuming. Only hit that cum button on the hud, when you just did climax in real.
It gives a bit more the feeling of “being there” and doing it with your partner, compared to just wank over pixel porn.
Try, it does make a huge difference!
Here a list that kills it for me at least:
There are numerous places in Second Life where people leave their avatars on a sex bed or similar type of furniture when they are AFK (away from keyboard). You can use them for virtual sex play: AFK sex places in Second Life.
Bear in mind they do this to earn some Linden Dollars. Be nice and leave a tip after you used her.
This is a great way to practise. Especially get used to the hud of the penis. It takes a bit of practice to get the angle right when you have him in her pussy (or her mouth).
It looks weird when you screw the bed. You don’t want that to happen when you are with a girl in a virtual sex situation. It can be a mood killer.
This is a cafe in Second Life where you can use life girls for sex. Free of charge even. The girls are not AFK girls, its live sex for free. But again, they need to pay the rent as well, be nice and leave a tip. The girls are not AFK girls, its live sex for free.
This is a very good way to practise your sex skills before actually going on a date.
It really depends what you are looking for.
If you are looking for uncomplicated, no strings attached and drama free sex, go to locations which cater exactly for that. Those regions are typically A rated and can be easily found in the viewer’s search facility.
Simply type “sex”, “BDSM”, “swinger club” “CMNF”(clothed male naked females), “gay”, “lesbian”, or whatever takes your fancy in the search box under “places”. A list shows up ordered by traffic.
Go there and you find a lot of of like minded people. Not everybody’s cup of tea though.
Join their groups, or search for sex related groups to join. A typical one would be: “ Time for Quickie”.
Or simply visit the list of popular sex places our colleague Jessica has visited for you already. You find them here: Top 10 most popular sex places in Second Life.
If you are the more romantic type, try one of the more popular dance places. Preferably jazz clubs or ballroom style venues.
Make sure you dress the part when going to a more formal dating venue in Second Life. You should have at least one decent tuxedo in your inventory. Bear in mind that those places are typically G rated.
Find an activity you like in Second Life, NOT related to sex. Join their group and socialize with other members, go to their events and participate in group chat. This way you find people with similar interests as yourself.
Make friends and see if you click with someone enough to ask her/him out for a date.
This requires more effort obviously, but might result in more meaningful or deeper relationships than a quickie around the corner.
It actually might get you a similar response from a virtual girl as in real life. The girls in Second Life do not sit around all day, waiting to please you or for you to fuck them.
Remember there is a real person behind every avatar. Be respectful and don’t assume everybody is just for sex in Second Life.
If you fancy someone, chat with the person, try to get to know her a bit and use your imagination to seduce her.
This might save you embarrassing situations such as approaching a lesbian or somebody with a partner.
Take her out dancing, show her nice places and most importantly converse and wait for the right moment to talk about sex.
An erotic encounter is much nicer if you “click” with that person, otherwise it’s not sex, but nothing but just boring pixel porn, also referred to as “poseball hoping”.
Not everyone wants to use voice or webcam. If she doesn’t want to, respect it. The same goes for sexual preferences. If she is not into BDSM or whatever you might have in mind, don’t be pushy.
Being pushy can get easily understood as “sexual harassment” which gets you very fast on ban lists and if reported, you might even get kicked out of Second Life completely.
Deal with rejection in a mature way. It is childish to start insulting or lecturing a person who simple does not want to have sex with you. Call it a day and try elsewhere (or improve your skills and looks).
You are looking for a very sophisticated erotic experience with somebody who really knows how to please even the most discerning virtual sex seeker?
Sex workers know exactly how to please. They typically have very sexy and sophisticated avatars and they don’t get angry when you want to leave them afterwards.
They don’t fall in love, don’t provide drama, are available at your discretion and are utmost discret.
There are many escort and stripper clubs in Second Life where you can easily pick up an escort of your choice.
Some are more sophisticated than others. Simply search for “escort” in places search. You will be surprised how many of such places exist in Second Life.
Another option is to go to our new Second Life escorts website . We have listed there a very hot and experienced escort girls which you can make an appointment for virtual sex with.
They have all been casted, assessed and trained to make sure you get an unforgetable sexperience.
All of our girls went through a sorrow recruiting process and where all tested by my boyfriend for their sex skills, looks, tools and attitudes. New girls will be added on a regular basis.
I was asked in connection with our very adult related SL websites: Is Second Life just about sex?
The short answer to this question is:
Yes, there is sex in Second Life, but not only!
Second Life’s image was one of being big sex playground for every fetish imaginable, including pedophilia.
The media, especially in the USA and Germany, are not entirely innocent of creating this image. Individual cases were exaggerated and sold to the reader as being typical of Second Life.
Maybe you remember the beginnings of the WWW. Maybe mid to late 90s. Back then there was exactly the same outcry against the evil World Wide Web.
The perceived anonymity of the Internet tempted many users to try things out or to look at things that they would have avoided in real life.
Be it D/s games, BDSM, group sex or whatever. Did that make the internet one big sex orgy or porn factory?
This type of content is available on the Internet. There is nothing wrong with that. Where people are there is sex.
This is normal, natural and the reason why there are so many of us.
Porn movies are an inexplicable phenomenon anyway: Nobody looks at them, but the operators count your clicks in millions.
Erotic content is only a small part of all content available on the Internet.
Like the Internet, Second Life is just the medium. The content is created by the users themselves.
The users decide what they use this platform for. If it is sex then so be it, as long as you adhere to certain legal regulations.
In principle, the operator of Second Life only provides the interface. That is the server, the software (simulator also called SIM) and the virtual land area (also called “the grid”).
There are two different types of land: The so-called “Mainland” and the “Private Estates”.
The main difference between the two is: On the Mainland, the individual plots (also called “regions”) are combined to form a large land mass and are divided into continents.
“Private estates” are independent regions privately owned by the respective user and are neither connected to other private estates nor to the Mainland.
A “private estate” has no neighbors. You can only access a private estate via teleport and only if the owner has made access public.
Anyone who purchases such an estate must classify it. You can choose between 3 classifications: G = general, M = moderate, A = adult.
If you want to create erotic content on your estate and make it public, you MUST mark your region as A.
If a user now enters such a region, the small red A appears at the top of the viewer to indicate that he is entering a region on which content may be made available that is only suitable for adults.
If you don’t want to see that, you simply leave. That simple.
This is even easier to do on the Mainland. The Mainland consists of 9 continents. One of them, the “Zindra Continent” is marked in its entirety as A, while all others are considered M or G.
So if you want to open a swinger club on the Mainland for example, you have to buy land on Zindra, since such content is not allowed on the rest of the mainland.
Most of the land area on the Mainland is classified as M = Mature.
If you want to know exactly what is allowed and what is not allowed in the respective classified regions, reading the Second Life Wiki under “Age ratings” is recommended.
It is precisely regulated what goes where and what doesn’t!
By default, the viewer’s search function is set that A classified content is NOT displayed.
Everyone who has theoretically access to erotic content is recorded with at least his email address, but mostly also with payment data (credit card).
You now have to change the settings in the viewer, in order to be able to display adult classified content in search or to be able to teleport to such estates or the Zindra continent.
If you want to shop for erotic items in the online shop for virtual goods, the so-called marketplace, you must also be registered and provide payment info – otherwise you won’t be able to see adult content.
Nobody who does not want to explicitly see such content will ever see content of a sexual nature in Second Lifeand whoever wants to do so will have to put in a little effort to find such content at all.
The grid is composed as follows (number of regions):
All regions: 26102
Generally: 3470
Moderate: 17904
Adult: 4722
Offline: 6
Total area: 1710.62 km²
Of the 4,722 adult regions, only 346 are located on the Mainland (Zindra), the rest are private estates. Mainland sex regions represent approximately 1.3% of the total area of ​​the grid and 4.9% of the mainland. All sex regions together (Mainland + Private Estates), on the other hand, correspond to approx. 18% of the entire grid.
“This Stuff” is therefore not only well hidden, but also very sparsely represented on the Mainland and more likely to be found on private estate.
We also encounter the paradox mentioned above: The regions enjoy very good traffic.
A lot has already been written about this, I don’t have to do that as well. Here are a few links on the subject for those who want to deal with it more intensively:
Pretty much everything you would find in real life, including the oldest trade in the world (escort girls).
If you want, please feel free to contact me, I will then make the “tour guide”. Also for open-minded bloggers or press people.
This guide should give you an idea, what’s required. Get it right and have fun. If you need advice or practice feel free to contact me In-World.
Caroline Takeda Member since April 30, 2018
Founder of SLA Media, a company providing adult entertainment websites based on Second Life. Caroline has years of experience in the field of SEO and affiliate marketing. She runs an escort business within Second Life and is well known in the sl adult community.
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Caroline Takeda Member since April 30, 2018
Founder of SLA Media, a company providing adult entertainment websites based on Second Life. Caroline has years of experience in the field of SEO and affiliate marketing. She runs an escort business within Second Life and is well known in the sl adult community.
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