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In this tutorial we are going to style text boxes and buttons to create pretty search forms. We are going to create three forms which will match the image above. Each of the search forms will have a textbox and a button which we can submit the search. As we are creating three forms everything we do we need to duplicate three times. Each of the forms have two search boxes, the first search box is a rounded box with default text of Search. All the search boxes will have a CSS class of search this is so we can display a search icon inside the textbox. The second search box is a rectangle box, this one also has a button next to it which is used to submit the form. To start off we center the form in the middle of the page to create the look of the above image. Then we can change the search class to display a background image of a search icon. To make this display correctly we have to change the position of the icon inside the search box. The first search boxes are rounded so we can add a class rounded which will change the border-radius to 15 pixels. The second search boxes have a search button used to submit the form, the position of the search button is next to the textbox so we change the left position to -6px. The only difference between the search forms is that the containing DIVs have different backgrounds and the textboxes have different borders and background colours. The three styles are dark grey, light grey and a lighter grey just like the image below. Styling The Forms First we are going to create the general style which is repeated on all of the above forms. Subscribe To Newsletter Get weekly updates to your email.

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Configuring Search Forms

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