Screwing My Niece

Screwing My Niece


Screwing My Niece
A little over two years ago We had a small family get together at my brother-in-laws place. His daughter we'll call her Amy, was the only child remaining at home. The rest of the children were all gone off to collage. Amy was had just turned 18 at this time. Ever since she was a little girl we had never gotten a long. Our personalities always clashed. But when she turned 16, we would always sit and talk with each other. Her dad is a bit of a stick in the mud. I think we never got along cause I always had and still have a great relationship with my children, where as her and her dad don't. But anyway I finally got a chance about the December of 2002 to sit and have a conversation with her as she sat with her beautiful size 7 nylon feet with in my reach. As we sat and talked she made a snide remark to me so I reached under the table(I was sitting on the floor) and stroked the bottom of her foot to tickle her. Her dad made the comment, "Oh boy, r u gonna get kicked." Amy lowered her foot pointed her toes and said that doesn't tickle. But I didn't get kicked. I played with her foot for a good half hour under the table. I finally told her dad that she must not like the way u tickle her if u get kicked.

Now up to date. It was early June and we were sitting in the living room. Amy asked me to help her with a problem she has been having with her computer. We went in and she sat at her computer and I knelt down next to her chair. I had been hoping to play with her feet again. Now I figured was the time to try. She was wearing a platform type flip flops, her nails were painted a metallic pink, and her arches were crying out to me. As she sat I was kneeling at her right side. She crossed her right ankle over her left, and applied pressure to her left foot so the flip flop pushed away from her foot.

I reached down as we worked on the problem she was having and placed my hand on her heel. She didn't move, so I slid it down onto the bottom of her foot. As we talked I noticed a slight smile come over her face.

I grasp the right flip flop and loosened it from her dangling foot, she freely let it fall from her foot. I was dripping into my jeans. She was letting me play with her feet. Well we finished the computer thing and moved back into the living room. She went to her room, I moved to the floor in front of the couch.

She came into the living room, kicked off her flip flops and sat next to me.She said she had to study for her final test, which was on Monday. As she sat next to me I thought to myself, "It worked once ... I'm going to try again. Her dad was sitting on the right of me, and she was on the left. I reached around the back of her legs, and gently pulled her right foot toward me. She let it slide to me with no resistance.

I started to stroke the bottom of her foot and she eventually slid it forward so her sole and toes were off the ground. Her dad look down and said again, "U better watch it she'll kick u if your not careful. I looked at her and said "U gonna kick me Amy?" She lifted her foot into my lap (I could feel the wet spot) and said, No, as a matter of fact that feels really good. It helps me concentrate on this reading."

With that she put her other foot in my lap and told me they both demanded equal time. I told her gladly. I played with her soft feet for a good hour. When I would run my fingers between her toes, she would spread them a bit so my fingers would have easier access.

When I left to pick up her mom and my wife she asked if I was coming back in when I got back. I told her no cause We had to head home for supper. She looked at her dad and said, "Why can't you be as cool as (Mark), see dad I didn't kick him.

Amy has since joined the Air Force. We still keep in touch via E-mail, and she still likes foot massages.
Let me be the first to tell you that was a great story. I have a female friend who is as cool as your niece and lets me massage her feet once a week when I see her (last night in fact). I usually do it for up to 5 hours, but last night I only got to do it for 2.

Hope there's more to come from her one day.

Wow, nice story,

I am in the Air Force as well (In Germany) so if your niece should want a massage I will be ready anytime ...
Wicked Story! If you got a pic post it Brother!Check out my site

If you have anything you want to tell me send them to
Mr.American lives forever....Brother
damn fine story dude! I wonder if there have been more incidents with this sweetie?!
Excellent Story! I am assuming that it is "NF"???

a bump for a really cool story. I'd love to know if you ever got to tickle her again.
Damn you went diving for this one.

And to top it off J4L sill has my some of my old stories up on one of his sites.

That's so funny that someone bumped this story back up. I was just over on Page 20 the other day and re-read this one for old time's sake, just as I thought it was going to fall off for good.

I'm thinking some of these older, good stories should be bumped back up, as there seems to be a lack of stories here in general lately.
WOW Talk about one from the archives . With all this nostalga, maybe I'll repost my first story, about my cousin's sleeping 16 y.o. girlfriend, and her sweet smelling nyloned toes. But,... later, I'm on my way to Atlanta for a Monday delivery now.

Thanx for the memories relived. BTW I did get a chance at her beautiful feet again, FTF she called me to go and see her . . . Tasty ... Very Tasty.
Let's hear it footaholic, I love your stories!
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Posted Jun 21, 2012 17:37 by anonymous



I recently just bought my own house and after getting it all decorated, I decided to have a house warming party and invite my family and friends over. We had a wonderful time. But here is the story behind the secret...My family, both sides are very well known because they have amazing careers. It's nothing for me to visit my parents and the Mayor is in the living room having a glass of wine. Also my family is very close knit. Over the past holiday season and the past few months I noticed my Uncle (Father's Brother) has been super distant toward me. All I get is a hello and a goodbye. We used to be so cool. I could talk to him about anything. I was thinking that I did or said something to piss him off because he never used to act like that. So I asked my Dad and he said that my uncle hadn't mentioned anything to him and I should just ask him. My Dad hates drama...I should have asked my Mom. So after the party I told my Uncle that I wanted to talk with him. My parents and best friends were still helping me clean. He insisted that he leave but I demanded he stay and talk about whatever was my parents and friends decided to leave. My uncle tried to leave again and seemed to get angry when I stood in front of the door so he couldn't. He then calmed down and told me what was wrong. He told me that he was ashamed of himself because of the way he felt about me. He said that he had romantic and sexual feelings for me. He said it all started when he saw me at my cousins birthday banquet and those feeling only got stronger when we had our family reunion in Aruba and he saw me in my swimsuit. I thought that was strange because I always thought he was very handsome and sexy. He looks like a younger version of Raquel's Dad on Single Ladies. Like maybe when he was in his 40s. About a 3 years after his wife passed he started dating again. I overheard his ex telling her friend that he was amazing and so passionate in bed. I was like really, wow, my uncle? When I saw him again after that I was curious because if he made love as good as he looked, he was a badboy in a good way. I could tell he was getting nervous again and I told him it was alright because I thought he was he was handsome too and secretly I was very curious too but I never would cross that line because I knew he would have my head on a silver platter. We talked some more and when he got ready to leave we hugged and I could feel his manhood in my center. He begain touching my face and kissing my neck. He felt so good and so right I pulled away. When I looked into his eyes it breathtaking but he was had tears in his eyes. He said he was so sorry and left. I went around the house turning off the lights and when I got ready to turn off the kitchen light I noticed he left his keys. Just then he was knocking on the door. I gave him his keys and his jacket. He put his jacket on without out taking his eyes off of me. I fixed his collar and that started things up again. He stepped in the house closed the door. He kissed me again but this one was a tongue kiss. I melted like butter. Next thing I know we were coming out of our clothes. He looked amazing to be almost 50. He had muscles everywhere and his manhood was like 10 inches and thick too! I was pleasantly suprised! I led him back to the bedroom and he layed me down and begain kissing all over me. I was having sensations I never felt before and he wasn't even down there. I mean I have NEVER had my breast sucked like that before. He gave me oral sex and I came forever and ever. He had both my legs up in the air. For like an hour he just kissed me all over my body, back and front. Then he did the real thing. He laid me on my back and when he stuck the head in, I held my breath. He was so gentle and he moved like air. His skin felt like silk. He told me to relax as he went deeper and deeper. Before I knew it he had a nice stride going and I was coming like crazy. He told me to relax. His baritone in my ear just drove me more crazy as he was moaning and telling me this was far better than he imagined. It felt he was touching every inch of my body but only one hand was on my face and he was holding me tight with the other. I think it was his eyes because he never stopped looking into each others. He felt soooo good. Finally we both came together. I was amazed. He spent the night and in the morning we made love again and again and again. After we had to get ready for work when we were leaving I noticed he had gone out and parked in the garage. I know it wrong but he is like a drug to me. One hit is never enough. At Sunday Dinner at first it was a little weird seeing him because of what had happened but he was super cool. We talked and agreed we would only meet once a week and would never tell a soul. We recently celebrated our birthdays, we have the same birthday, and my aunt (my Mother's Sister) gave a us a big birthday party. We snuck away had a quickie. That night he spent the night again and he told me he was in love with me and gave me a diamond necklace. I was a little taken back so we talked and agreed that if we see other people to always use protection.
β€œWow girl u r lucky.... I wish my uncle would do that with me”

how many nieces think of their uncle and do they want to fuck them ?
β€œhow many nieces think of their uncle and do they want to fuck them ? ”

my niece told me she masturbates why would she tell me this ?

Me and my uncle first time i was scared but second he make love to me like i am his lover anyway we love each other he makes me happy i always want him in my ben he can fuck hey i love my uncle a lot

I had an uncle that was so cool and sexy from the time I was young until he died a few years ago. I always wanted to suck his cock. I never got a chance to see it in all its glory, but I know it was long and big. He was a mechanic and wore those dark blow mechanics outfits with his name on one side and a pocket on the other. Back when he was working he must have wore boxers or no underwear on at all, because you could always see his cock print down the right leg of his pants. It had to be at least 10' and if he was sitting down you could see the print and also his ball area was very big. I know I stopped by he shop one time and he was out working on putting a new hub on a pickup truck and he was on one knee and kind of leaning forward while trying to put it on. I was walking up behind him and he was on his left knee. There was a shop light laying under the truck and I could clearly make out his balls from behind. On was on one side of the inseam behind his cock on the right and one on the other side on his left leg. They must have been the size of a big lemon each. I just squatted down and talked with him as he worked and I wanted so much to run my hand over them balls and his cock. I would have given anything if his pants would have spit at that moment.

I went by to see him about 3 months before he died. He was home on the sofa in the den.and his GF that lived with him went to the kitchen to get us some coffee. He had been laying on his side and as he started to sit up the cover he had on him slid off and I got a real good glimpse of the head of his dick sticking out of the leg of his boxers. And it was only about 2" of it I could see but he had a long foreskin that completely covered the head and came to a point. But I could make out the head under the foreskin and it looked like it was just a little bigger than a golf ball. I don't think he even knew that I got a good glimpse of it. He got the cover back over him. But that picture of his big cock will forever be a snapshot on my memory till I die. He died about 3 months later. He was 79 and I was 50. I would have sucked him off from the time I was young till he died if I could have. I bet he was tearing his GF's pussy up until his health went down. She was a few years younger than me.

That's gross.... hope you have mutant babies

I live with my grandparents & my uncle lives here sometimes he walks into my room just to talk because we are somewhat close but I don't wear a bra and usually have comfy shorts on at home and I see him looking me up and down and stare at my vagina area or my boobs. Obviously he wouldn't mind doing anything he isn't blood related he's my aunts ex husband. He's here taking care of his kids because he has some legal issues blah blah but I'm not sure how to approach the situation I am 22 by the way so no illegal actions would be taken place. Thoughts??
β€œI live with my grandparents & my uncle lives here sometimes he walks into my room just to talk because we are somewhat close but I don't wear a bra and usually have comfy shorts on at home and I see him looking me up and down and stare at my vagina area or my boobs. Obviously he wouldn't mind doing anything he isn't blood related he's my aunts ex husband. He's here taking care of his kids because he has some legal issues blah blah but I'm not sure how to approach the situation I am 22 by the way so no illegal actions would be taken place. Thoughts??”

Go up to him when he's alone and seduce him girl! You sound like you need a good fucking anyways.

I'll be your uncle too you can suck this big ole guy
β€œhow many nieces think of their uncle and do they want to fuck them ? ”
β€œhow many nieces think of their uncle and do they want to fuck them ? ”

Im 18 and my uncle is 23. I've always thought he was sexy. 5 days ago he told me he wants to fuck me and ever since then I cant stop imagining it.
β€œIm 18 and my uncle is 23. I've always thought he was sexy. 5 days ago he told me he wants to fuck me and ever since then I cant stop imagining it.”

Most uncles fantasize about fucking their niece.
β€œIm 18 and my uncle is 23. I've always thought he was sexy. 5 days ago he told me he wants to fuck me and ever since then I cant stop imagining it.”
β€œI cut of my dick after a bad sex it was just an nice evening I invited some friends over my house we just kinda ate snacks after a little bit some of my friends started inviting there friend over I was like woah this little friends come over thing is gonna get kinda far so this one girl walks in ginormous jugs if you know what I mean she had brought some achohal with her TONS OF ACHOHAL literally she brought a suitcase full then she's says anyone wanna get it on so like all of us were like yes like zombies she hands us all cases of beer and says lets get this party started next thing you know i made it in bed with her she kissed all around my body she got to my manhood and bit right in it was the most painful thing I have ever expsprienced she just kept on chewing on my 12 inch manhood I woke up in pain everyone in my house passed out so still dazed out I started slicing my manhood after about two minutes it was gone now I'm at the hospital writing this wish me some luck for better sex”
β€œIm 18 and my uncle is 23. I've always thought he was sexy. 5 days ago he told me he wants to fuck me and ever since then I cant stop imagining it.”

I've fucked my niece since she was 13. Now she lives with me, and we still fuck. it's been 12 years.
β€œI've fucked my niece since she was 13. Now she lives with me, and we still fuck. it's been 12 years.”

Can you personally msg me somehow ? I am going through something maybe you could help with a few questions. Would very much appreciate it.
β€œI've fucked my niece since she was 13. Now she lives with me, and we still fuck. it's been 12 years.”
β€œCan you personally msg me somehow ? I am going through something maybe you could help with a few questions. Would very much appreciate it.”

Yes keep fucking her there’s nothing wrong with it because she likes it also.

I fucked my niece for 2 years. The first night I fucked her it was hot. She was living with her mom and dad. Her mom is my sister. After eating her pussy and her sucking my dick then fucking like drunk monkeys. I took her home and walked her in the house. As i talked to my sister. My niece came and sat in the floor beside her mom. She looked at me and smiled. Anyway the next day I was at work. She called me and asked if I would do it again that night. I said sure. We fucked 2 times a day every day for 2 years. We had oral sex , anal sex and she said her pussy was all mine. We stopped fucking after 2 years due to falling in love. It has been 6 years since we fucked but I masturbate often wishing my dick was in her pussy...

I wanna fuck my ex wife niece bad wanna lick her pussy but not sure how to ask
β€œI fucked my niece for 2 years. The first night I fucked her it was hot. She was living with her mom and dad. Her mom is my sister. After eating her pussy and her sucking my dick then fucking like drunk monkeys. I took her home and walked her in the house. As i talked to my sister. My niece came and sat in the floor beside her mom. She looked at me and smiled. Anyway the next day I was at work. She called me and asked if I would do it again that night. I said sure. We fucked 2 times a day every day for 2 years. We had oral sex , anal sex and she said her pussy was all mine. We stopped fucking af
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