Screw Halloween!

Screw Halloween!


Author Notes:

This is a one-off little smut romp I wrote in tandem with my editor who helps me with my serials. So if you notice some deviations from my normal writing style, that's why.

Anyhoo, nothing ground breaking here, just a fun little sex story. I hope you enjoy this little seasonal smut.

Oh yeah! This is a full anthro story by the way, not kemonomimi like my other stuff. Just something to keep in mind!


"Have a good night, thanks for coming in," The cat threw his hand-paw up waving at the mother in tow with her two goblins, literally. It was a couple of kits dressed up for their night of candy pillaging. The little monsters had raided the bowl on the counter for what candy was left, while the soccer mom trotted out into the cold with her triple whipped latte to help get her through the late night of trick or treating.

The feline scowled at the clock. It was half-past nine, still an hour and a half to go, but at least he could lock the doors at ten. He moved to begin cleaning up behind the counter while it was quiet, the shop being fairly empty since it was getting later, and a 'holiday' at that.

"Careful not to cross my path as you clean!" His cheerful mouse co-worker tittered as he moved past her. That must have been the hundredth time this season, if not more.

He rolled his eyes and pasted a smile on his muzzle that could have been cute if it wasn't dripping with disdain. "If I was going to bring you bad luck, you would already have it by now, okay Mitz? So can we give it a rest?"

"Such a grouch, jeez! This season is the best, you don't have to be so grumpy all the time!" She huffed off to make a whipped something or other for someone at the drive-through, and he almost stopped to explain, but she was already gone, so he shrugged. He was sick of explaining the reasons to her anyway.

Being a black cat on Halloween was always a hassle unless you were crazy into the season, like being a reindeer during the yule time of the year he imagined.

The doorbell tinked from the entrance as another customer came in, a small cloud of voices following her as she hesitated in the door to finish her rant, "-do know what day it is, thanks! Crawl back into the swamp you dragged yourself out of! Ugh..."

A hassled looking bat came into the shop, wings half fluffed out in a spread from her irritation. Her face mirrored the obvious annoyance, behind a shock of pink hair and some liberal makeup that would have suited a stage more than the holiday.

She sauntered up to the counter with a scowl, her small curvy body hugged by the tight pink and black outfit. The look seemed to fit the season, but the bat looked beside herself with annoyance.

The feline barista flicked the one black ear that sported a gold hoop in it at the fuss coming from the doorway, shifting his amber eyes to watch the newcomer step in. He gave her a sympathetic look as she moved up to the counter, but he still had his customer service side going, so he wasn't really bothering to size her up or admire the view of her curves in the tight outfit.

"Sounds like you're having one of those nights too," He spoke in a casual conversational tone before looking up at the menu above his head. "What can I get you?"

"Every night of this damn month is one of those nights..." She half growled, struggling in a pocket of her body hugging shorts for a scrap of paper that finally came free, the small bat giving an annoyed huff. The pocket was tight because the shorts were a clingy black faux-leather, shiny like wet paint. Her long but rounded legs moved out of the shorts with two layers of variously shredded fishnet going down them, ending in two tall black heavy-looking boots.

She glared at the paper, looking unsure and then glancing up, eyes pleading as she held it out to him. It looked like a scribbled list in quick scrawls that had specific styles of coffee drinks. "I'm gonna be straight with you cat, I have no idea what this stuff means or says. Tall, whipped, almond milk? How do you milk an almond? Help me, please. I never get this stuff because I never drink it. Is this even coffee? Have pity on me..."

Her pleading eyes meeting his own took him out of the customer service mode right away. He took a moment to look over her features now, his eyes drifting along her smaller form, admiring the curves before moving over to the slip of paper she had outstretched for him.

Without a word he plucked the scrap of paper and glanced it over, four drinks of varying styles, he tried to imagine the ones ordering them as he nodded his head. "Sure, this will take about ten minutes to get together." He turned from the bat to gather some things, then looked back at her, playing the words she spoke in his head, coming to the conclusion that none of the drinks were obviously for her. "So, anything for you? Just a black coffee maybe?"

She looked relieved and huffed out a breath that disturbed her shock of pink bangs, a weight off her shoulders at his words of understanding the coffee lingo on the paper. Looking up at him, a small smile played at her small muzzle from his offer of a black coffee, her eyes a shocking purple that had to be contact lenses as she stared. "No way, thanks, I'm naturally hyper enough when on stage, but the girls..."

She rolled her eyes, the purple glitter sparkling on her cheeks before she focused on him again, another smile playing at her muzzle, this one more sly. "Ahhhhh, I see. A black cat. I take it Halloween is not your general...jam? Just a hunch, but I feel like you get it."

"To put it lightly. It's constant commentary about being a black cat and how I must just loooove the season. Really, I find the whole thing irritating," He spoke out bitterly while frothing some milk. His outfit was the type you would expect to see regardless of the day, just black slacks with a white shirt beneath his orange work apron. He wasn't thrilled with the holiday-themed apron, but rules are rules.

His amber eyes moved back to hers to see the sly smile on her face and the knowing look she gave him, like she had caught him staring earlier. He felt his pulse pick up a little at the view of her and racked his brain to find something to say, "What about you though? You look dressed up for it despite your obvious disdain."

She scoffed and dug in her half jacket pocket, wings rustling absently as she moved. The jacket only covered her arms and if she tried to close it, it would be difficult to do so around the bust beneath. A fishnet top snaked over her torso and then down, disappearing into the shorts. The netting was a bodysuit of course, rather than a shirt, and beneath the netting was a hot pink half tank-top that kept the outfit decent, barely. It did its job nicely, which was to showcase the swell of her plump breasts and curves, she had to keep the fans happy after all.

He could see the edge of a tattoo peeking out beneath her top through the thin grey fur and another from the shorts at her hip, but it was unclear as to what they were. The bat finally found her goal in the jacket pocket and popped a piece of white gum into her mouth, though It looked like she would have rather had a cigarette perched there instead.

"I dress like this every day, black cat." Another sly smile at him as she looked him over thoughtfully seeing him eyeing her again, then another annoyed glance at nothing. "But, I get that a lot... like, 'I didn't know it was Halloween yet', or that the whole 'Halloween's over' line. I don't give two flying fucks about this candy whoring time of year, pardon my language."

"Complains about candy while eating gum." He purred out in a playful tone of voice, his eyes still glancing over at her while making the various drinks, his own playful grin showing on his face, his sharp teeth coming into view.

She chewed the gum with a grin, showing her own sharp little teeth, and smacking it obnoxiously. "This ain't exactly Hubba Bubba gum, and I can't sing with a smoke burned throat, so it's my vice at the moment. You're a sassy cat, I like that in a male."

There was a pause between the conversation as her wings rustled again, watching him as he worked and mixed drinks that she would never call coffee on any day of the week. Was he putting marshmallow fluff on that one? Blegh, that was Kiki, their drummer for sure. She was a ditzy round pup with a sweet tooth to rival any kid, but she could keep the beat like no one else, and that was important, even if her drums tended to have M&M's on them at practice.

"Thanks for understanding that gibberish they wrote. Also, sorry for the shouting match at your doorway, I'm usually very soft-spoken and sweet you know." She grinned at the joke on herself and flipped the longer part of her bleached white hair over one shoulder.

"So you're a singer eh? That sounds exciting." The cat purred the words and moved over to set the fourth drink down before putting them all into a travel holder for her.

"It's a pain in the ass like any other job, but yeah. We're just a local band, but it sure beats working behind a desk," She snapped her gum as she spoke, watching him move over towards her, setting the drink carrier on the counter.

He was close enough to smell her now, she smelled like a club, but also feminine with the faintest odor of sweet perfume or some sort of body spray lingering on her. Smoke, alcohol, sweat, and candy, that pretty much summed up her scent. "And to answer your previous statement, yes I can be a bit sassy. Is that a problem?" He showed his sharp teeth with a playful grin, feeling his confidence well up thanks to the bat's own flirting.

"Problem? No, I don't think so. What's your name, sassy black cat?" Now that he was right over her, his own scent could easily be made out as well, a little wild and feral smelling, but also like the coffee he had been making all day. The cat wasn't exactly built but he had a nice tone to him, his arms looked strong and his chest looked well defined from what could be seen through the apron and shirt. She had caught a look at his backside a few times while he was working and had no complaints, though his tail was a bit distracting as it flicked.

He gave another grin at the words, "Sassy cat is it?"

The bat popped her gum in her teeth with another wide grin, her tall black ears flicking in amusement, one of them covered in black hoops and studs that moved up the length of it to the tip. She pulled money from another pocket in the small jacket and laid a fifty on the counter between them, neither of them looking at it. Her gaze stayed fixed on him as she took in his coffee scent and pleasing face, the ring in his ear glinting and making her happy for no real reason.

"It's Ash, what's yours?" He purred the words as he turned to the register to ring up the drinks, giving her another glance at his backside. The bat gave him a knowing grin, seeing him eyeing her out of the corner of his eye while counting out her change, admiring the view of his body once more. With a smile he placed the money in her small padded-palm, his padded-fingertips lingering against her soft skin for a heartbeat before pulling away.

She gave him an amused smile at his lingering fingers, grasping them as he tried to pull away, not letting him break from her. Using her free hand-paw she gripped the outside of one of his apron pockets, pulling it open, appreciating the scent of him again as she dumped the change, bills and all, in the apron.

The shorter little bat huffed in a low breath he could tell she wished was made more dramatic by a puff of smoke, "Star, I'm Star." She lingered there for a second on his paw while holding him by his apron before sliding back from the counter and letting go of him. Her grin was sly and slightly hungry-looking as she stared into his eyes.

The cat's bravado slipped when she grabbed his apron and pulled closer, he didn't really even register the tip so much as how she smelled. She was so close and her scent was intoxicating, overwhelming even. Her eyes lingered on his own as she spoke her name while keeping a grip on him, from the angle he could see the heavy swell of her breasts snug in the pink top beneath the fishnet as well as how round and firm her rear looked in the tight leather of the shorts she wore, a small little pointed black tail sticking out above them before she pulled away.

"Star? A stage name, or short for something like Starlet?" Ash purred the words as he stared into her purple eyes, his own having a similar look of hunger now.

"One half dozen or six of the other, does it matter? What time are you off, sassy Ash? We have a set at ten, but I'm not eager to linger at the club on Halloween. We can... complain more, about the holiday." Another pop of gum, another grin against her muzzle, she was a practiced flirt for sure.

His brain took a few heartbeats to catch up before he composed himself and tried to play it cool. He slid his hand-paw through his messy black hair and glanced at the clock. "Ah, Eleven, I get off at eleven." He saw the look she was giving him now, the obvious intent in her eyes as the cat returned his own hungry grin. "I think... I would enjoy that, yes."

Her smile dazzled, like a cat catching her prey. She popped the gum again and picked up the drink carrier, knowing her phone must be blowing up. It was dangerously close to ten and she knew her bitches needed their sugar coffee, with straws, of course, to 'not fuck up' their make up, as she recalled from the instructions.

"Peachy. I'll be back here as close to 11 as I can manage. It's a mixed show, so we shouldn't play more than the hour between then, and we are nearby after all." She glanced at the windowed wall to down the block, at a rowdy club he had never been to. "See you then, black cat."

She winked at him before bumping the door open with her hip, the little bell tinkling as she turned to walk back out into the cool night air. She gave the cat one last grin over her shoulder, giving him a full view of her firm round backside, her little black tail lifting before she slipped out of sight.

Ash felt his breath catch at the view of the small bat's rear while she sauntered away, his tail whipping about and coiling. "Pretty smooth, Ash. Found yourself a little bat to hang out with, eh?" His co-worker the little mouse chimed in having watched most of the scene transpire from the drive-through window.

The black cat showed his teeth in a grin at the mouse, "So it would seem."

The mouse pursed her lips and gave him an amused look. "On a night you seem to hate too no doubt. You going to go trick or treating with her?" Mitz mused the words teasingly at him now, fully aware of the two's intentions.

His black ears flicked up at the words and he gave a hungry purr, "Something like that..."


Star was waiting for him when he left the shop and before Ash knew it she was in his car next to him. The small female leaned back and planted the heel of her boot right on the dash of his car with a relaxed huff.

"So glad to be out of that club," The small bat spoke, her lips still slightly glossy with purple lipstick that matched her eyeshadow. She had worked up a bit of sweat while performing and the cat could smell her all the more plainly. She smelled of candy, alcohol, and something else, something more primal.

"So, where to?" Ash asked, looking the bat over in his passenger seat while he slowly drove down the streets of the city. Her chest was rising and falling gently in the snug pink top beneath the netting as she breathed.

The little bat showed her own sharp teeth in a hungry grin, seeing him look her over while driving. "We both know what we want, sassy cat." Star tilted her head and fixed her bright purple eyes on him. "Your place is fine."

Feeling his heart rate pace up he nodded and continued to drive. It wasn't far to his apartment, less than five minutes given how light traffic was tonight, but it felt like hours thanks to his eager tension.

Ash had barely put the car in park before she had unbuckled and moved across the seat to him. Star climbed right into his lap and shoved her muzzle eagerly to his own in a hungry kiss that tasted of mint gum and slightly of alcohol.

Black ears perked up sharply from her movement and subsequent kiss before he returned it eagerly. Star huffed out against the cat's mouth, her tongue shoving forward to meet his own, both of them eager to relieve the frustrations of the season on each other.

With renewed courage his hand-paws moved over her curvy hips, grabbing at them through her shorts and netting, the thin material of the fishnet gliding against her soft fur. Star let out an excited gasp as his paws found her backside, grabbing it hard and pulling her closer, more possessively.

"That's it cat, don't be shy. I want you to touch me how you please..." The small bat flicked her wings excitedly while brushing her lips against his as she spoke, his own muzzle now wearing the smears of her purple lipstick on them. She felt him knead at her rear through the shorts and fishnet, holding her to his strong chest, her warm breasts pushing into him, her small black tail brushing his padded-fingers.

"I have a name, Star. You forget it already?" He purred the words in that sassy tone that first made her take interest in him, then moved in for her throat, kissing along her neck while she tilted her head to give him full access.

"I will yowl your name out all night for you if you make me feel good, sassy cat," She groaned the words, feeling his teeth brush her throat while he kissed and nibbled along it, his right hand-paw pushing along her hip once more and moving up to her waist.

He darted his tongue out, dragging it along her thin fur and feeling her excited pulse, tasting her eagerly. The small bat let out another gasp as his paw move

d off her waist and grabbed at her left breast through the fishnet and tank-top she wore. She grinned and flicked her wings lazily while feeling him knead and massage at her chest, eager to touch her.

"I want to take you inside..." Ash huffed the words against her throat and the bat giggled in response.

"Aww, not going to take me in the car?" The bat cooed the words teasingly, her padded-fingertips now in his hair, brushing at his black ears, watching them flick and twitch in response to her touch.

"I want more room for the things I plan to do to you." He huffed the words confidently while opening the door of the car. Star grinned at him with that hungry look, showing her approval of his words and letting him pull her from the car. He gripped her wrist and was almost pulling her with him towards the door of his apartment.

The door was frantically opened and the cat dragged the little bat right into the dark apartment. She didn't have time to see the interior and he didn't even bother with the lights, he simply shoved her against the wall, pushing his muzzle to hers once again in a feral, desperate kiss.

Star moaned against his mouth eagerly, feeling his hand-paws wander her body in the low light of the room. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dimness, making out shapes of furniture here and there. His mouth pulled from hers and he moved a paw to the dial on the wall, bringing the lights up to a higher brightness so the two of them could see one another more clearly.

With a sly grin, the small singer gave a huff while moving her hand-paws over his chest. "How about it cat... did you expect your night to end up like this?"

"Did you?" He hissed the words into her ears and pulled her along from the wall, guiding her deeper into the apartment.

"Once I saw the look you were giving me in the coffee shop? Yes, yes I did." The bat giggled the words while he gripped her wrist and tugged her along, her black wings flicking about excitedly.

The apartment was tidy and simple. She didn't catch the scent of anyone else but him lingering in the air, so he must not have had a regular mate. Star grinned, wondering just how pent up the cat really was, or how long it had been for him.

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