Scorpion Female

Scorpion Female


If life was all about living either black or white, without shades of grey, then Scorpions would be the only living souls on Earth! For every other zodiac sign has the tendency to move into the grey line every now and then, except the Scorpion! If you don’t believe us, here are some telltale signs. A Scorpio loves passionately and hates passionately. There is no middle ground for him/her. When in love, a Scorpio would immerse you into a pool of passion but if the love turns into hatred, he/she would not take a moment before giving you lasting scars. A Scorpion is honest but to the extent that his/her honesty can turn brutal for you. A Scorpion would attract the attention of all but remain loyal to one. Need more? Peek-a-boo into the life of a Scorpion woman and you would know everything else. She is a charmer in her own right with a magnetic presence that is absolutely overpowering. But, don’t get carried away by her gently mannerism and soft disposition. She has the capability to make the most raring of tempest occur. There is a mysterious quality about Scorpio woman, as she is intensely private, discrete and secretive. There is much to her personality than what meets the eye and thus, it is rightly said that a Scorpion female can be a bundle of surprise for many. To know more about the characteristic features of a Scorpio female, browse through the following lines.
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Chris Evans Hilariously Responds to Lizzo’s Drunk DM
Famous As: First woman to win a Nobel Prize
Famous As: Daughter of Donald Trump
Famous As: YouTuber, Makeup Artist, Singer
Famous As: Former First Lady, Political Leader
Famous As: Former Prime Minister of India
Famous As: Actress, Co-inventor of technology for spread spectrum
Famous As: Former Figure Skater, Boxer
Famous As: Actor, Voice actor, Screenwriter, Television actor
Nationality: Chinese, Macanese, American
Scorpio Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Bright Side
Attractive looks, penetrating eyes, magnetic personality, and friendly disposition – Scorpion females are rarely the ones whom you can overlook. In fact, once caught in their captivating and hypnotic eyes, you can never be totally neutral towards them. Scorpion females exude an aura that not many can elude from. Intelligent, intuitive, controlling and passionate, Scorpion females are self-confidant and self-possessed females who draw men to themselves from every walk of life. They are brilliantly sharp and only focus on the fundamental essence of any issue. Due to their intuitive nature, Scorpio females can easily make out the real intentions of men and know what exactly is playing their mind. They have a mystical sixth sense which helps them to understand people and circumstances better. But what separates a Scorpio woman from the rest is her burning passion. Females under this sun sign are intensely passionate and never ever display a casual attitude. In fact, whatever they do, they do so with complete fervour and enthusiasm. Scorpion women are honest by nature and rarely tread the unfair or fraudulent path. They are loyal individuals and expect the same of their loved ones. They choose their friends very carefully and only maintain everlasting relationships with the credible ones.

The Dark Side
The idea of sharing the life with a Scorpion woman can be quite enticing and why not, for who can resist the charm and magnetic aura of her personality? But pause and ponder, a Scorpion woman also has a dark side to her being which not many can endure. Having said that, the trait that tops the list, while discussing the negative characteristic features of Scorpion females, is their over possessive nature. Just a slight ray of suspicion and boom! You will be exposed to her dark self that is quite intimidating and nerve-racking. Often known as green-eyed females (not literally), Scorpio women fiercely guard the people they love. As such, even a teasing stare or a friendly flirt can get the volcano to wake up from its state of dormancy. Since Scorpion females are revengeful, if betrayed they can go to any length to avenge the betrayal. Scorpion females are known for their   temperamental nature and have a rage that is not worth experiencing. Another trait that is typical of Scorpio females is their stubborn nature. By far, all Scorpion females are controlling and demanding. As such, they are bounded by their own theory and can get very stubborn if forced to look from other’s point of view.

Romance Quotient
Romancing a Scorpio female is like experiencing a rollercoaster ride. The highs and lows can be quite exhausting and draining for the person concerned but, without a doubt, it is worth experiencing. Probably, this is the reason why they say that you can never really know the true intensity of romance if you haven’t been involved with a Scorpion female! Passionate, intense and a no-inhibition woman, Scorpio female is an enigma in the exact sense. She is enormously passionate and at the same time, surprisingly emotional too. In matters of love, a Scorpion woman isn’t the one who would come up with a yes immediately. In fact, expect her to take her own sweet time. Only when she is sure if your love to her would she reveal her feelings for you. Scorpio women are bowled over by men who are attractive, ambitious, intellectual, philosophical and masculine. They are impressed by those who can deal with tough situations and have a go-getter attitude. While a Scorpio woman happily hands over the reins of control to her lover, in crises situations, she can play the role of the leader with full conviction and can bring the two ashore from the high tides. To get close to a Scorpio woman, all you need to do is behave like a chivalrous man who can lead from the front and at the same time respect her individuality.

Once committed, a Scorpio woman is extremely loyal and faithful towards her lover and expects the same in return. Even healthy flirtation can make you face the wrath of a Scorpio female. In fact, be prepared for a little jealousy on your end while dating a Scorpio girl as there would be umpteen men who would be drooling for her. But take control of your emotion as she isn’t the one who would leave you for anyone else. In fact, she would remain loyal and devoted to you in the worst of circumstances. For a Scorpion female, the future, the happiness and the dreams of her husband hold supreme importance. She would protect and stand by him even in the worst of situations and encourage him ceaselessly. She is the one who believes in supporting her husband rather than overshadowing him. Once you win her love, you will never be lonely again. Expression of love for a Scorpio female has a different meaning altogether. She isn’t the types who would rush to your arms and shout her feelings out in the open. Contradictorily, she is the one who would come close to you, cast a sensuous glare and whisper sweet nothings in your ear in a seductive tone that could leave you charmed!
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I have a strong interest in astrology and I love sharing my knowledge with others.
Understand your Scorpio girlfriend or wife.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned," wrote William Congreve in his play, The Mourning Bride. I believe he was speaking of a Scorpio woman. When seeking revenge, she will wait patiently until her enemy or competition is at his weakest before she attacks. When people meet Miss Scorpio, they react in one of two ways. They either come closer to find out more about her, or they get as far away from her as possible.
She appears to act cold at times; however, the truth is she feels so deeply that she needs alone time to process what life is handing her. Her powerful emotions come from Scorpio's ruling astrological planet, Pluto, which represents life, death, and regeneration. This cycle describes, perfectly, a Scorpio woman preparing for the next phase of her life. Feeling so deeply contributes to the passionate temper of a Scorpio. The more immature Scorpios may prove to be very jealous and untrusting—two feelings that go hand-in-hand.
However, although Miss Scorpio is labeled the wicked woman in comparison to women born under other Sun signs, her nasty behavior isn’t displayed very often, especially as she gets older. She is more often very generous and sweet. She has an incredible sense of intuition and will use it to her advantage when choosing friends and lovers. It’s just that Mars, her other ruling planet, inspires an aggressive temper that gets her into trouble.
Spider, scorpion, lizard, serpent, wolf, eagle, and phoenix
A Scorpio's glyph is shaped like the letter "M" with a scorpion's outward pointing tail.
Miss Scorpio loves deeply and intensely and requires an unconventional physical relationship. Just like Mr. Scorpio, she is the ice form of the water signs. She also belongs to the sign of extremes. Most of her opinions are black and white. She can be genuinely sweet, kindhearted, and generous. She can also rip you to shreds with a glaring deep, dark stare and two words.
Miss Scorpio likes to be with a man—a strong-willed man. Because she is naturally dominant, she finds relief in being with a man whom she trusts to take control of any situation. The challenge is exciting as well. With this woman, you want to choose your battles wisely. She appreciates a meaningful, passionate battle occasionally; otherwise, she may become bored. She has seven symbols to evolve through, which means that she will be maturing as a Scorpio as she encounters obstacles. As she matures, you will find your Scorpio woman quite reserved and oozing confidence.
Once you have hooked Miss Scorpio, you will never find a love deeper than hers. She will fight and die for you and your children. She can be quite domestic, but only on her terms, and she must be appreciated. She makes a great wife, mom, and homemaker. Be well aware, Miss Scorpio will defend her family with all she has, like a mama Grizzly.
Here is an unusual image representing the Scorpio sun sign. I think it looks more like a lizard, another Scorpio symbol.
It is important to realize that each of us is an individual, created by God. We all have differences. Astrology helps to find the similarities we have. By studying our birth charts, we can find out more about our preferences, priorities, emotions, and flaws.
The birth chart is a picture of the sky at the exact time and place a person is born. When determining one's character traits, it's important to take into consideration the astrological planets, zodiac constellations, houses of the zodiac, and the aspects between them at one's time of birth.
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"God bless you" ~ Margaret Sullivan
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
Im 11/13 Scorpio who has married twice Virgo and another Scorpio. My best relationship was with a Capricorn however they are a bit boring. Ive never been more relaxed as I was with Cappy but unfortunately he turned out to be a serial Cheater. Unfortunately All of them have proven to be weak Liars and Cheaters so I don't believe there is a perfect sign nor do I believe in a perfect man. Men are definitely not made for monogamy and they lack understanding on their roll and purpose in a relationship with a woman or as fathers. Its not until they grow too old to perform in bed that they finally can appreciate the connections. Such a damn shame because by this time, women have grown so tired of the BS, that they won't waste their energy on it anymore! "Many a man claim to have unwavering love, but a faithful man, Who can find?" The Bible
Honestly, depends on the people. As a Scorpio, I was miserable with Virgo, Taurus was a holy disaster, Libra was perfect with their understanding of my intense emotions, and need for space, but was too submissive, and Cancer, never again. But I have Scorpio friends who found their better halves with each of these signs.
Me? I've found it with a Capricorn. But he's not a typical stuck up Cap, either. I don't like games. I don't like beating around the bush. I prefer blunt. And my Capricorn has been that since day one, and has been consistent and persistent in his attentions and affections, since the very beginning, no matter how much of a rollercoaster ride I take him on with these ridiculous emotional waves.
And honestly, isn't that all we want, what anyone wants? Someone who sees and acknowledges our flaws, but loves us unconditionally regardless? Rather it's two months in, or 40 years?
Because say what you want. I am perfectly capable of getting my own "power and money," I don't need my partner to have it too. What I need is someone who gives their love and support as good as I do. Because all the power and wealth of the world isn't going to be the comfort I need on a cold, sleepless night. That unconditional love is.
NAZMUL AHSAN on September 10, 2018:
My heart! who born in 23rd October and she do all for heart me! trust, commitment etc is not in her dictionary but I love you and its ever! In my unconscious mind know all over that I want you live a happier also a smaller face. Actually, I am also confused may I love you much than me!
- a loser man who born on 22 August 1988
Ummm The quiz is weird. I dont really like long talks and I dont like the color red i like Blue
As a scorpio female born 11/09 I always have felt the attraction between two scorpios is too magnetic, it's too strong and the energy is way too much. It always feel like death to me. I don't know why but I always feel like if I was to be with another scorpio we would be at each other's throats and probably sting each other to death, because we wouldn't give up until both were out for the count. I find that also as a Scorpio it is difficult for me to date a Cancer. I feel they are way too emotional, and to dependent. As an Independent Scorpio woman I am attracted to mostly earth signs and air signs. I feel that water and fire are too suffocating. Then again, my birth chart has mostly water, fire and earth signs with some air signs so I suppose I have all elements. I also notice that Cancer only shows up once in my chart and that's as a midheaven. Scorpio however shows up quite a bit. More than any water sign. Then I have a lot of Aries next and then Capricorn, followed by Libra. Those are the signs I can't stand being around. Aries is too controlling to date. Libra is not sexually stimulating enough. Capricorn bores me to tears, perhaps because my moon is in Cap but then Cancer is just too freaking emotional. I have a tendency to shut down with them or they shut me out one. We just never get along well. Anyway, the above description is so 100% me.
I sever a mighty good God, all a woman need is love, affection and attention. It doesn't matter her sign. She a woman given grace by the Lord.
I am a scorpion woman, and i recently met a Capricorn guy. I loved his will power! He is everything mentioned in the video above. He left me wanting, and demanding more from him! He got me real hard. I wanted his attention but hardly got it, I started to have serious trust issues and blocked him. He got to know and was very mad at me. I have reached out to him after that but he seems not to love or care about me as much and as deep as i about him, and that was what scared me from the unset, I knew i was deep and could not control my emotions with him! I feel he either does not love me enough to make it work or he is scared I would be a trouble maker....I wish he got to know the sweet side of me but we had not even stared dating when I was always complaining of getting less attention. I became crazy and starting to think he was talking to another girl, trust issues came in etc! I still miss him and think of calling him every now and then but I have to have a self worth. I only pray I find me my only Capricorn husband or God brings us back together if it was meant to be!
My scorpio girlfriend promised revenge after a nasty row last night. I found it in the morning. She put one of my work boots 5 feet away in a little bush. Guess I got off easy.
I am a scorpio woman born 26 oct .i think i am very feelings r just like fire balls and i only love onethat is IBRAHIM and i am madly loyal and honest with him .if you met scorpio woman never tease her otherwise she'll make your life narrow to live and never leave her if she is single but before this too look once at you
Have had my most wonderful and special moments with Scorpiowomen!
My son's gf is scorp sun. She keeps unplugging the grow lights I use on the peace lily from my daughters funeral. Scorp doesn't wait til your weak, they just dive right in deliberately.
I'm a Taurus in love/lust with a Scorpio lady. Let me tell you she is a ball of emotions and fire. She retreats into silence sometimes and that drives me quietly mad. However when she comes out of her box no women is more enchanting and hypnotic then her. I just want her to be more expressive on how she's really feeling about things though.
Shasta singh on September 30, 2017:
Scorpios are nice people.they luv so deeply that it sometimes hurt them.all they need is loyalty and nothing.they r bt jealous thy are just striking to be in top by their means and by hitting or leaving someone.they live in the past and ruined today ,hell bt interested in future.
This posting is for all Scorpios who are leaning into a relationship with another Scorpio.
I have a theory. I think that a Scorpio has the opportunity to be happiest if They ARE with another Scorpio...!
Why? Because if the two set their parameters and have complete understanding of one another... there can be.. no stronger or more devoted couple.. to one another .
I think the it often requires ANOTHER Scorpio.. to make a Scorpio feel they are understood. Who else to better comprehend the mysterious, often deep Scorpio.. than another one?
So talk, understand each other, and KNOW that there is someone at your back that thinks like you and GETS You.
For those who pause because someone.. who is non-Scorpio.. says it won't work... don't listen!
Why? Because if these two passionate people have FULL understanding of each other they are unstopable and inseparable.
There is no stronger couple than this one if they have endeavored to be on the
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Scorpion Female

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