Scorpio Worst Traits

Scorpio Worst Traits


Scorpio Worst Traits
I know a lot of you have already started listing down Scorpio's negative traits. And I know that this Zodiac sign can seem to only have bad characteristics or negative traits. But that's being a little too harsh of them. Scorpios have a different way of approaching the world. It can seem selfish and rude and standoffish. So, it feels a little unfair to write an article that furthers these stereotypes. However, to all the Scorpio men and women reading this, I shall not be unfair to you. In this article, you will only see the Scorpio traits that are bad. And you can do well trying to overcome those too. After all, there is nothing that you cannot do, right?
Here is a list of 10 negative personality traits of the Scorpio man or woman!
What personality type do Scorpios have? The first thing that comes to mind is vengeful. It is probably the most unique and defining character of the Scorpio personality. Don't ever hurt a Scorpio. Because they will get back at you for it, it might not be today, might not be tomorrow. May not even be this month. But the Scorpio will attack. And when they do, it will be ten times more hurtful to you, than your action was to them. It gets worse actually. You don't need to hurt them to earn their vengeance. It doesn't matter what you, the intention behind an action was. The Scorpio wouldn't try to find out. Even a perceived wrongful action against them is enough to get them into revenge mode.
On the subject of perceived hurt comes this next point. What are Scorpios weaknesses? Their inability to see the complexities of this world. they judge all actions as good or bad. Black or white. They fail to capture the nuances of actions. As they act based on this notion of fairness. This weakness also leads to their 'self-righteous snob' image. It's not that they consciously see some people as lesser than themselves. It's just that they are unable to see how humans can't decide between wrong and right. And when someone doesn't make what they feel is the right choice, the men and women born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign don’t shy away from letting their disapproval known.
Now, you might think that the last negative trait is something that can be easily overcome. It's not that easy for the Scorpio female or male. Because they are incapable of changing themselves. A Scorpio cannot change who they are even if their life depended on it. In this sense, they can be very narrow-minded. I hear your groans of disagreement loud and clear Scorpios. But this is the ugly truth that you have to face. One of my best friends is a Scorpio. She's an amazing person who doesn't have a lot of friends because people fail to see how amazing she is. But would she try to make some personality changes so that people are less intimidated by her? NEVER! It's not her problem that people cannot take some honest critique. Or are not as evolved as they should be. Well, this leaves you with a Scorpio who isn't liked by a lot of people.
The Scorpios' need to criticize isn't as compulsive as the Virgos'. But when something is too far against what they think is right, they won't shy away from letting you know. that alone is enough to turn people against them. Because no one likes to be told they are wrong. And honestly, sometimes you just have to keep the criticism to yourself. The biggest difference between Scorpio and Virgo is not the intensity to criticize. It's the Scorpios inability to take criticism. They HATE being told that they are wrong. Unless they feel that something is awry. They will bite your head off if you tell them that you disapprove of something that they are doing. And it can be as simple as telling them that you don't like the dress they bought. The typical Scorpios will cut off all ties from this person, who dared question their fashion sense.
And why does all of this happen? Why do Scorpios react this way to situations? Quick to anger. Easy to hurt. It’s because they are extremely emotional. It doesn’t seem like it because of their cold exteriors. But when it comes to their emotions about themselves, they can be very touchy. Now there are two ways in which you can react when you are this emotionally sensitive. You can either cry. Or you can drain your feelings through anger. And you guessed it! Scorpios choose the latter, much destructive way.
In a way I pity the Scorpios, to be honest. They are unaware of so many of their weaknesses and yet they suffer for them. How can someone improve if they don’t even realize that they need to? and when the emotional hurricane hits, it destroys everything in its path. You might think that the eye of the tornado remains unaffected. That’s what the Scorpio native feels too. But when the damage is done and the hurricane passes away. That’s when the Scorpio starts to take stock of the damage they have done to themselves on the way.
What’s the second most common trait in emotionally sensitive people? They are high on jealousy and can be extremely possessive. It is a fact well-known, that the men and women born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign can be extremely jealous and possessive. This isn’t limited to their romantic partners. But their close friends too. they cannot stand being looked over for someone else. If their best friend is talking to someone else. Or hanging out with others when they don’t want to go. That is enough to get the Scorpios in full jealous mode. These are people who can be jealous of someone else’s success too.
Halo effect is when we feel someone, whom we have a favorable opinion of, can do no wrong. For example, some parents never accept that their sons are eve-teasing, roadside Romeos. When a Scorpio man or woman likes someone. Or believes in someone they will never see any fault in them. No matter what anyone says, they will never see anything wrong in the people they love. This blinds them to their faults. And when those people eventually end up hurting them, then the vicious cycle of revenge begins.
Anyone who is set in their ways is so because they believe theirs is the best way. And they expect everyone around them to follow their path too. The Scorpio men and women are no different. They expect everyone around them to do as they say. And so, you will find them going around telling everyone what to do. What they fail to take note of is that people might not agree with their opinion. When that happens, they lose their mind. Sowing seeds of more discontent.
And if you have ever felt intimidated by a Scorpio male or female, chances are they intended to intimidate you. They know that they can scare people off easily. And when they know it is difficult to get their way, they will try to get it by crook.
For nearly 15 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and personality traits, their compatibility, their relationships and their passionate loves, with all the beauty but also all the complexity this can entail.
All the secrets about Zodiac Signs and their compatibility in love revealed

Scorpions are courageous and compassionate; however, they easily get jealous because of their competitive mindset. They are secretive because they lack trust in people and tend to seek revenge when someone betrays them. Their tendency to be moody, stubborn, and dominating may lead people to misunderstand them.
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journal... more
Each zodiac sign has some positive as well as negative characteristics. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, is believed to be zealous and courageous. But to know about their entire personality, you should know some of Scorpio bad traits as well. For instance, they could be quite rigid and hungry for power due to their fervent nature. It is difficult to understand them as they only open up about their raw emotions to people they trust and love. Read on to know about some negative traits of a Scorpion to know this sign better.
Scorpio is well-known for its intensity and passion. However, their intensity and passion extend to their darker side as well. Here are some of their negative traits .
A Scorpio is driven by ambition and a desire to succeed in life. They see everyone as a competition, so they are envious of their competitors. They are afraid of losing their partner in a relationship and dislike seeing them with someone of the opposite sex. They feel threatened and jealous of anyone close to their partner.
Scorpios have a difficult time trusting new people. They are self-sufficient and independent, so it takes time to trust someone for work or even in a relationship . Earning a Scorpio’s trust is difficult because they take their time letting their guard down.
Scorpios are secretive due to their lack of trust. They are also emotional creatures afraid of being hurt, so they do not readily share their emotions with others. As a result, they don’t reveal much about themselves and rarely share their plans with others.
Scorpios are filled with such intense passion that they can appear aggressive at times. They may become easily worked up to achieve something, making them appear aggressive to those around them.
If a Scorpio trusts you and you betray them, don’t expect them to forgive you easily. They are sensitive souls who will not tolerate betrayal and may exclude you from their lives forever.
Scorpios frequently struggle with self-control. They enjoy living an extravagant lifestyle and indulging in luxury. They enjoy trying new things and don’t mind if it means burning a hole in their pocket.
Scorpios can be extremely sensitive. When someone hurts them, it can have a profound effect on them. As a result, if they have been hurt by someone close to them, they may even resent that person. It may take years for a Scorpio to forgive the person who has hurt them.
Scorpios are highly emotional beings. As a result, they can be pretty vulnerable, and to protect their emotions, they tend to conceal themselves behind a cold shield of insensitivity. They try to appear emotionless to avoid being hurt by the actions of others.
Scorpios can be possessive of their partners when they are in love. They yearn for love and seek their partner’s love solely for themselves. As a result, they may feel insecure if they notice their partner paying attention to anyone else.
Scorpios have an innate ability to persuade others. They can convince people to do or believe something. This is not necessarily a negative trait, but others may label them as manipulative because of their persuasive abilities.
Scorpios are natural leaders who expect others to be as dedicated and hard-working as they are. When someone fails to meet their standards, the taskmaster within them attempts to motivate their subordinates. However, their motivational words may come across as harsh and rude to some.
When Scorpio falls in love, they do so wholeheartedly. It could be a game, a sportsperson, a team, a political idea, or anything else. They will adhere to it with such zeal that they may appear to be fanatics. They will give their full support to their favorite and may be unable to listen to criticism of what they believe.
Scorpios feel secure when they have control over their surroundings. Anxiety can be triggered by anything outside of their control. As a result, they try to exert control over everything around them. This controlling nature can make them appear domineering to those with whom they work.
Scorpios who are ambitious have high expectations of themselves. Therefore, they are hard on themselves because they are afraid of failing to meet their goals or living up to their expectations. However, if not appropriately managed, this fear of failure can develop into insecurity.
Scorpios are diligent and well-informed. They only form an opinion after conducting research. So, once they’ve made up their minds about something, changing their minds is a difficult task. They come across as obstinate because they will not budge from what they genuinely believe. They will remain steadfast in their opinions and beliefs.
Scorpios are devoted partners, but their high libido and desire to experiment in bed may make them appear lustful. They enjoy satisfying their carnal desires and making love with zeal. It can be frustrating for both of them if their partner is unable to match their sex drive.
Scorpios have a lot of emotions, and they can get out of control at times. For example, assume you meet them, and they appear cheerful and excited, but by the time you part ways, they may appear sad and lost. It is difficult to predict their mood, and they likely have no control over it.
1. Who is Scorpio most compatible with?
Scorpios are most compatible with Pisces, Virgo, and Cancer. These zodiacs are flexible and willing to accept Scorpio’s strong personality and need for control.
2. What should you never say to a Scorpio?
Scorpios are fiercely independent and they hate people who are dominating. They are vindictive and don’t forgive or forget easily. So, you should never ask questions like “Why are you so intense?,” “Why can’t you forgive?,” or “Why do you want revenge?” Similarly, never say certain things to Scorpio like, “You are too emotional,” “ You are wrong,” or “That’s a bad idea.”
No, Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) is one of the most common zodiac signs. They are also the most likely to disclose their sun sign irrespective of the setting.
Positive and negative traits are like two sides of the same coin and design a person’s personality. A person’s zodiac sign has a significant impact on their personality. Their moody, stubborn, and insecure personality may reflect Scorpio’s bad traits. Scorpios are one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs. They are not bad people, but they do not let any emotions come in the way of their success. They make loving and devoted friends. They may have a jealous streak in their personality, which may be why people do not pick Scorpios as their first choice to share their secrets with.
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All rights reserved. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Read for more information .

Scorpions are courageous and compassionate; however, they easily get jealous because of their competitive mindset. They are secretive because they lack trust in people and tend to seek revenge when someone betrays them. Their tendency to be moody, stubborn, and dominating may lead people to misunderstand them.
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on... more
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journal... more
Each zodiac sign has some positive as well as negative characteristics. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, is believed to be zealous and courageous. But to know about their entire personality, you should know some of Scorpio bad traits as well. For instance, they could be quite rigid and hungry for power due to their fervent nature. It is difficult to understand them as they only open up about their raw emotions to people they trust and love. Read on to know about some negative traits of a Scorpion to know this sign better.
Scorpio is well-known for its intensity and passion. However, their intensity and passion extend to their darker side as well. Here are some of their negative traits .
A Scorpio is driven by ambition and a desire to succeed in life. They see everyone as a competition, so they are envious of their competitors. They are afraid of losing their partner in a relationship and dislike seeing them with someone of the opposite sex. They feel threatened and jealous of anyone close to their partner.
Scorpios have a difficult time trusting new people. They are self-sufficient and independent, so it takes time to trust someone for work or even in a relationship . Earning a Scorpio’s trust is difficult because they take their time letting their guard down.
Scorpios are secretive due to their lack of trust. They are also emotional creatures afraid of being hurt, so they do not readily share their emotions with others. As a result, they don’t reveal much about themselves and rarely share their plans with others.
Scorpios are filled with such intense passion that they can appear aggressive at times. They may become easily worked up to achieve something, making them appear aggressive to those around them.
If a Scorpio trusts you and you betray them, don’t expect them to forgive you easily. They are sensitive souls who will not tolerate betrayal and may exclude you from their lives forever.
Scorpios frequently struggle with self-control. They enjoy living an extravagant lifestyle and indulging in luxury. They enjoy trying new things and don’t mind if it means burning a hole in their pocket.
Scorpios can be extremely sensitive. When someone hurts them, it can have a profound effect on them. As a result, if they have been hurt by someone close to them, they may even resent that person. It may take years for a Scorpio to forgive the person who has hurt them.
Scorpios are highly emotional beings. As a result, they can be pretty vulnerable, and to protect their emotions, they tend to conceal themselves behind a cold shield of insensitivity. They try to appear emotionless to avoid being hurt by the actions of others.
Scorpios can be possessive of their partners when they are in love. They yearn for love and seek their partner’s love solely for themselves. As a result, they may feel insecure if they notice their partner paying attention to anyone else.
Scorpios have an innate ability to persuade others. They can convince people to do or believe something. This is not necessarily a negative trait, but others may label them as manipulative because of their persuasive abilities.
Scorpios are natural leaders who expect others to be as dedicated and hard-working as they are. When someone fails to meet their standards, the taskmaster within them attempts to motivate their subordinates. However, their motivational words may come across as harsh and rude to some.
When Scorpio falls in love, they do so wholeheartedly. It could be a game, a sportsperson, a team, a political idea, or anything else. They will adhere to it with such zeal that they may appear to be fanatics. They will give their full support to their favorite and may be unable to listen to criticism of what they believe.
Scorpios feel secure when they have control over their surroundings. Anxiety can be triggered by anything outside of their control. As a result, they try to exert control over everything around them. This controlling nature can make them appear domineering to those with whom they work.
Scorpios who are ambitious have high expectations of themselves. Therefore, they are hard o
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