Scorpio Leader

Scorpio Leader


Scorpio Leader
Astrology Which Zodiac Sign Is The Best Leader?
Jetta Moon is an artist, writer and astrology blogger with a passion for creativity and psychology. He is also an enthusiast of MBTI theory and loves to research and write about what he learns. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog.
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Which zodiac sign makes the best leader? The answer to that is mostly subjective because there is more than one style of leadership and some styles are better suited than others for different purposes and goals. You can find excellent world leaders of every zodiac sign so here is a look at the type of leadership displayed by each sign.
The Aries leader is bold, courageous, honest and fair. Their best asset may be their ability to inspire others to take action. They lead by example and practice what they preach. Their enormous confidence and belief in themselves allows them to take risks that others dare not take. Aries leaders have the energy, enthusiasm, and naivete to tackle the big problems and initiate bold ventures. Aries knows how to seize the moment and capitalize on opportunities which is a valuable quality in leadership.
Famous Aries leaders: Thomas Jefferson
The Taurus leader is staunch and firm in their beliefs. Once they decide on a course of action it can be very difficult to change their mind. They commit to their goal or vision and they can inspire others to support them as the fruits of their labor begin to materialize. Taurus leaders have patience and can work tirelessly to bring their objectives to fruition. Few others can match their work ethic and persistent long-term focus. Over time, Taurus can slowly but surely build successful enterprises and achieve remarkable and beautiful things.
Famous Taurus leaders: Ulysses S. Grant, Malcolm X, Tony Blair, Mark Zuckerberg
The Gemini leader can be something of a wildcard. It is often their personality and charm that wins people over. They position themselves as a leader who is for the people and they can come across as irreverent and egotistical. Gemini leaders can be very smart, even brilliant, but have a penchant for being highly polarizing. This is partly because they have a propensity for changing their minds and or not following through on what they say. Gemini leaders are often quirky and amusing and their personalities take some of the gravitas out of being a leader.
Famous Gemini leaders: Donald Trump, John F. Kennedy, Muammar Gaddafi, George H. W. Bush
As a leader, Cancer looks after their constituents as though they were extended family. Cancers can be very strong and determined leaders who can be both nurturing and tough when necessary. They display remarkable resilience and fighting spirit in the face of adversity. Cancers can be fierce defenders and protectors of the values and causes they believe in. As leaders, Cancers can be highly industrious and tenacious in the scope of their ambition and many possess excellent instincts for success.
Famous Cancer leaders: Nelson Mandela, Julius Caesar, Angela Merkel, Elon musk
Leos are the stereotypical leader of the 12 zodiac signs. This is because Leo is a very proud, dignified and benevolent zodiac sign. Leos have great leadership qualities. Although their egos are big, they are also very sensitive and compassionate toward the vulnerable and less fortunate people of the world. They are known to be bossy and egotistical but they more than make up for it in the size of their heart and magnanimous nature.
Famous Leo leaders: Barack Obama, Fidel Castro, Haile Selassie, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bill Clinton
Virgo leaders are smart, orderly and very reasonable. They are more modest and self-aware than other types of leaders but may be more critical as well. They tend to think they know best and can be very bull-headed and forceful in the strength of their convictions. Virgos may be prone to micromanagement and being overly concerned with details. When they disagree or dislike someone or something, Virgo leaders will hardly resist making it known. They seek to fix and improve things according to their exacting standards.
Famous Virgo leaders: Jack Ma, Lyndon B. Johnson, John McCain
The Libra leader is typically well liked and popular. They are proponents of civility and decorum in how they deal with others. Libra is often drawn to human interests and taking up causes revolving around the alleviation of world suffering and poverty. They hate violence and coercion and so as a leader, they know how to persuade and motivate their followers. They promote discussion and feedback and enjoy the opportunity to also teach and inspire others to work together in the service of building something meaningful and beautiful.
Famous Libra leaders: Mahatma Gandhi, Dwight D. Eisenhower
Scorpio leaders exude strength and mental fortitude. They have a raw magnetism and can be very cunning and manipulative to achieve their ends. However, they can also be deeply inspirational and embolden others with their passion and intensity. Scorpio leaders can be very extreme and all-or-nothing in their approach. They have an inner drive to evolve and transform themselves. They earn the respect of their followers through their achievements and the grit and tenacity of their character..
Famous Scorpio leaders: Bill Gates, Theodore Roosevelt, P. Diddy, James A. Garfield
Sagittarian leaders are likely to be progressive and expansive in their outlook. They are optimists and as a leader, they can be very good at encouraging others when they are demoralized or losing hope. Sagittarius uses humor and their skillful way with words to motivate and reassure others. They have a strong philosophical and poetic bend and will invariably promote values that support their love of freedom, fairness and prosperity.
Famous Sagittarius leaders: Winston Churchill, Pope Francis, Joseph Stalin
Capricorn leaders are very admirable for their strength and competence. They have a paternalistic presence that reassures others of their capability for taking charge. Capricorns typically possess good judgement and a serious temperament. People tend to respect and take them seriously. The Capricorn leader is unparalleled in their work ethic and will put in more hours than anyone to achieve their goals. They convey a very mature and responsible demeanor that inspires others to just naturally trust them as an authority or leader.
Famous Capricorn leaders: Martin Luther King Jr., Jeff Bezos, LeBron James
The Aquarius leader is very idealistic and visionary. They focus on the future and have strong ideas about how it should be shaped. Their style of leadership may be more informal and humanistic. They want to make the world better for everyone especially the most vulnerable and misfortunate members of society. They have a revolutionary spirit and are willing break barriers and challenge the powers that be in order to champion what they believe is right.
Famous Aquarius leaders: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Huey P. Newton
The Pisces leader can be something of a guru to their followers. They have lofty ideals and seek to inspire others to believe in their dreams and themselves. The Piscean leader has a strong vision and they strive to shape their reality accordingly. For them, the lines between real-world and fantasy is not so clear. They can be excellent motivators and elevators of the human spirit because they have great imagination can see the potential and beauty in almost anything.
Famous Pisces leaders: George Washington, Steve Jobs, Grover Cleveland, Joel Osteen
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Published: 19:54 BST, 12 June 2015 | Updated: 23:01 BST, 12 June 2015
Many world leaders may think that their paths to power were written in the stars, though some born under certain constellations always stood a better chance of wielding influence when they grew up.
Analysis of more than 190 world leaders shows that those with certain zodiac signs may be more likely to lead their countries, according to Vocativ .
Scorpios, born in late October through late November, have the most heads of government, with 22, or more than 11 per cent of those heading up cabinets throughout the world.
Scorpio was the most common zodiac sign for world leaders. Above, a Vocativ graphic shows where those born under the constellation rule, including Australia and a number of countries in Africa
Prominent Scorpios, who are known for being independent but unyielding, include Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (right) and American presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (left)
Other powerful Scorpios, who are known for being independent but ambitious unyielding, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Scorpios are followed by 18 Sagitarrius leaders and 18 Leos including President Barack Obama, who like Bill Clinton was born in August.
Powerful Sagitarrius have included wartime prime minister Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin and Pope Francis, and those born under the sign are said to be philosophical and optimistic.  
Leos world leaders have included President Barack Obama and former president Bill Clinton. Above, a Vocativ graphic shows where they currently occupy 18 positions as heads of government
Sagittarius around the world include Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Pope Francis. Above, a Vocativ graphic shows that those born in November and December run the governments of Poland and Denmark
Gemini saw the fourth most heads of government with 17, followed by Cancer with 16. 
Former George W Bush, a Cancer, shares his sign with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Aries, which is said to be enthusiastic, and Pisces, thought of as an idealistic sign, made up the middle of the pack, with 15 world leaders each, according to Dadaviz .
Late winter signs Aquarius and Capricorn each had 14 world leaders, despite previously boasting presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Scorpio is the most common zodiac sign for world leaders, despite the fact that no member of a G7 country has it. Above, (left to right) European Council President Donald Tusk (Taurus), Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Virgo) Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Taurus), Barack Obama (Leo), German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Cancer), French President Francois Hollande (Leo), David Cameron (Libra) Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (Capricorn) and the European Commission's Jean-Claude Juncker (Sagitarrius)
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, (left) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, (right) both Virgos, have risen to become heads of government despite their star signs
Prominent Taurus have included such diverse figures as the Queen, Pope John Paul II, Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair and Adolf Hitler.
However, the sign came second from last in the ranking of current world leaders with 13.
It shared 10th place with 13 Libras, who are described as balanced and include UK Prime Minister David Cameron, born October 9, who shares a sign with former PM Margaret Thatcher.
Virgo, a sign known for being reflective and analytical, had the fewest government leaders with 12, including Indian Prime Minster Narenda Modi and Russian premier Dmitry Medvedev.
Dadaviz's tally of world leaders' zodiac signs focused on heads of government rather than heads of state, meaning some powerful figures such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, a Libra, were not included.
More graphics of the zodiac signs' spread over the globe can be seen at Vocativ .  
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Zodiac signs have inherent qualities that one cannot just shake off. Sometimes when you meet someone and admire a certain quality about them, if you have a good knowledge of the zodiac – you can almost attribute it to their sign and understand why they are a certain way.
We’ve all heard people say things like “Oh, you’re so organized. You are such a Virgo”. Or if they say, “You really command attention in a room, you must be a Leo!”, don’t be offended, just take it as a fair compliment. Similarly, if you think you have good leadership qualities, then maybe you belong to one of these 7 zodiac signs who are born leaders.
Had a friend in school who was the perfect student council head candidate? Or are you recalling your Zumba instructor and how great she was at managing all her students? Maybe your own husband just got promoted at his workplace and fits the bill of his new designation as if he was born to run the place.
There are 7 natural-born leader, zodiac signs and your acquaintances might be one of them. But who are these zodiac leaders? What are their traits and qualities? Read on to find out.
Aries is one of the fire signs from the zodiac. Naturally, they possess qualities that make them quite vivacious, authoritative and dynamic in the eyes of others. Their determination to get things done is also very strong. An Aries achieves success partly owing to their energetic and restless nature, according to some.
An Aries is highly resilient and strong in the face of adversity and never scared or timid. They carry themselves well amongst strangers and even in the most uncomfortable of situations. No one has ever seen an Aries breaking down or letting external stress get the better of them.
They tackle the problems in life head-on and are successful more often than not. They also command a lot of respect and people see them as visionaries and highly reliable leaders.
The horoscope and general character traits of this particular fire sign have placed them as highly natural-born leaders who show the way to others. Who is the leader of the zodiac signs? That has to be Leo. In general, Leos have a dominant attitude towards everything in life and people notice this personality trait which is generally attributed as a reason for their high rate of success when dealing with people. The alpha male in your circle is most likely a Leo.
They carve out their own niche, are fiercely independent and original and can do anything for the love they believe they are deserving of. Leos are generally friendly, outgoing and giving. They are the ones in the friend circle who throw random and regular house parties.
The downside of the Leo is that they can be quite volatile, angry and even panic stricken when something goes wrong, and this makes others misunderstand them. They are fierce zodiac signs. They have a tendency to treat everyone as subordinates to them for they are indeed the leader of the zodiac signs. However, they must learn to be flexible and accepting of other’s opinions as well and give them the respect they deserve.
Scorpio is not a fire sign; however, it possesses many character traits similar to fire signs due to its connections with Mars (previously it was said to be ruled by Pluto). Mars is known to be the planet of arms and warfare. Scorpio also has connections to Saturn, the planet responsible for teaching us various life lessons through experiences and hardships in life.This makes Scorpios extremely strong, bold and independent right from the beginning of their days as a young adult.
Scorpios are well-known, rather notorious in the Zodiacs as the evilest sign. However, how much truth actually exists in this statement?
Because Scorpios are one of the Water Signs (the trio Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), they are quite flexible and can fashion themselves according to others’ requirements. This can make many pe
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