Scorpio I

Scorpio I


Scorpio I

26 thoughts on “The 5 Scorpio Periods: Scorpio I”

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The Scorpio I period takes Intensity as its central image. In the Scorpio I period the ability to take control, to effectively manage and exert one’s powers over the environment, to subdue wayward elements to one’s will are manifested.
The days which comprise Scorpio I illustrate the underlying theme of Intensity, and the accompanying capacity to formulate, guide and finally transform unpolished materials creatively and efficiently into highly valuable and viable entities.
Scorpio I people are very intense. Once they get their teeth into something they do not easily let go. Nor do they specialize in compromise. Although they may be referred to as “sunny” Scorpios (usually not as emotionally dark as others of this sign), those born in this period are nonetheless attracted to tragedy and know what it is to suffer.
Scorpio I’s usually have an immediate feeling for whether someone is likely to be a friend or foe, a general sense of discrimination that stands them in good stead. They can be quite combative towards their opponents, giving no quarter in an argument or dispute. Yet most of their aggression is unleashed from a defensive posture, and they are smart enough to walk away from confrontations that are senseless or place them at a serious disadvantage. By the same token, these warriors (men and women) rarely waste their energies on lesser opponents.
Using their charm with great effect is characteristic of Scorpio I’s. They have an excellent sense of humor, but can sometimes employ is devastatingly at another person’s expense. Indeed, those born in Scorpio I make terrible teasers and if they decide they want to get under a victim’s skin, can be at once unmerciful and unrelenting.
Scorpio I’s usually have a strict code (hopefully moral rather than immoral) to which they adhere. They are very interested in motives, often deeming it more important to know why something was done rather than judging an endeavor or action by its outcome alone. Thus a false move will be forgiven by a Scorpio I more readily than an impure move. Scorpio I’s scorn petty or underhanded actions and despise success achieved through deceit. Furthermore they show little interest in apologies and excuses, unless truly sincere and not overly frequent. Where work is concerned, those born in this period tend to be unimpressed by quantity alone, focusing on the quality of services and products. In like manner, they themselves are capable of working very slowly for long periods of time in order to achieve their ends.
Libra-Scorpio Cusp October 23 - 25 Drama and Criticism The Libra-Scorpio cusp is an overlapping and admixture of the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra, and the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio. This is a period that can be characterized by the themes of Drama and Criticism. A heightened…
Decans are 36 groups of stars that rise in a particular order throughout each earth rotation. These decans were developed in Egypt thousands of years ago. The rising of each decan marked the beginning of a new "decanal hour" of the night for the ancient Egyptians and eventually three decans…
To Miseducate; meaning to educate improperly. Being independent, strong, and seductive sign we Scorpio's tend to get a bad reputation. For example, when I meet a guy and tell him I'm a Scorpio the answer is usually "Oh so you a Scorpio? That means you're up for any and everything…
Nov 2 and I am going to be a believer in the power of love and I can’t believe at 53 I am blessed to have energy and I am a surfer,salinunew alive in nre York city and I am meeting with men in this age group they are tired pain etc. I am a grandma, and widowed 4 10 years been thru it with 4 kids and I am done with raising kids and they are grown-up and I can’t believe that this is what happens to me in this I hope that you are going to comment, I am going to date younger but I have to get good with that my son is 35,I think about maybe 40 years what should I choose?Help me
I’m Octoberr 27 and I don’t forgive. I also feel that November ones have a sunny side as well
This is so accurate it’s kind of scary…
Its funny Im a Nov 9th baby but i have noticed that i fit into all of the periods. All though my period 2 is most dominant, I have strong traits from the 1&3 as well. I’m not sure what this means but I have always felt like a powerful Scorpio. There are several Scorpios in my family and life. Even they say that I am more Scorpio than anyone they have known. I take it as a complement =D.
I am also very drawn to our element.I cant stand being away from it. If i could i would live sea side or on a boat in the middle of the ocean.
I believe all Scorpios are amazing, we stand apart from all the rest. We are a very special powerful breed. I believe that the Gods smiled upon us.
Best wishes my fellow Scorps = )
Soon True… November 1st Baby and I must admit i am an PERFECTIONIST. I do rather take my time because after all Slow n Steady wins the race! I like things in order. I must control my environment of fear that under someone else’s control things won’t get done right, either Ethically and/or morally. I have the highest of morals . That I strongly stand by. Which includes RESPECTING OTHERS. something this world lacks. I always seem to get what I want in due time… friends included. I don’t associate with many on a day to day basis but I do value the Happiness that a Real True Friendship cam bring. Im single and quite honestly don’t think I will ever get the love that I give back from anyone these days. So I’m holding on to my sanity and choosing the Single life as a means of Peace. I need my space and peace.
Its sad we’re experiencing the same issues with love. That our personalities are so similar. My last relationship problem was affection..I gave and gave and didnt get a return ever. I believed she love me and not to be in comparrison but not as much as I was for her. In the end with past experiences not helping Im happier not getting any affection vs.expecting it cause you say you love me but fail at displaying it. If you want me you cant be scared to show it. Don’t talk about it be about it.
The description about “Intensity ” is so true. Only now I can understand myself after reading this. I’m terribly slow and adore quality. That’s definitely me. Thanks!
Intense and I am going to what I want a bad and a good for me. People are very judgemental AND jealous of me
I hope that you can understand. But why?? Help me
Yep thats me my bf is a libra-scorpio cusp and we get along he is loyal but peaceful maybe that is why we get along oh and it is spot on about me being able to tell before hand who will be a friend or foe I can feel it
I’m a Scorpio 2 (November 8th) who dated a Scorpio 1 (October 30th) some time ago. When he first met me, about an hour into the conversation, he started flattering me constantly, showering me in compliments, and so on. He was extremely good with words and couldn’t be persuaded to believe anything other than what he was saying – hence, when I told him I couldn’t possibly live up to his “expectations” and that I wasn’t all of those things he was imagining, he ignored it and kept adoring me as usual.
On the plus side, he was my second love – my first was another Scorpio 2 (November 6th.) I felt that he completely understood my ‘depths’ as these writers so call it, and though I tried to keep myself distant from this wonderful person who seemed to love me for everything I was, because I thought his image of me was so twisted and distorted – I fell for his words, anyway. Big mistake, and that was partly my fault. His image of me WAS so distorted in my eyes that I was half in love, half in “hate.” I kept thinking he was after something. I was also clingy, becoming more dependent on him, and he couldn’t possibly deliver more than he was already giving me. The break up was bad. He wasn’t there at a time I needed him most and I tweaked out. There was no repairing the emotional damage I had done. In the end, I tried to focus on the upside: at least he had soon who I really was. At least now, there were no more lies.
I still miss him. I wish I had understood that he wasn’t crazy, and that he wasn’t lying to me, and that it was simply his personality. I hadn’t realized that Scorpios ARE different from each other, because I was nothing like him and it confused me as to why. Sometimes I wish I could go back with the knowledge I have now and start over. However, I don’t think it would make much of a difference, even if he did take me back. I still would need things from him that he simply does not have.
Hey.Your post gave me goosebumps.Ive made a lot of mistakes relationship wise in the past and its nice to know I wasn’t the only one who saw things that weren’t there, or just couldn’t accept someone for who they are. Ive just gone thru my 3rd breakup now.Its been months but I still think about him and wish Id done things differently even tho I know now that he wasn’t right for me. I just wish Id known then what i know now. I hate that I hurt him.Anywho.Just saying hi.Jess.
wow what a story! i dated a scorpio and what an intense and rich experience! I have one question for you though. What was different about you and you boyfriend that was born on the 6th of November and which of your two scorpio boyfriends personalitis did you like most?
I am a scorpio I born a still birth 10/25/91 11:58 pm took my first breath of life 10/26 at 12:02 am. A decade later my element took my brothers life followed by my friend seven years later.most people who don’t know me won’t approach me unless forced. people who call me friend rely on me but keep me distant through fear of knowing what I am inside, what ever that may be.
It’s more than pain to feel the break of a bond with some one you love. It hurts worse when the you try so hard to find the right way to fix it and all you do is drive them away. But we learn from our mistakes and still wake up everyday regardless how dark. Cause that’s our essence as scorpios , The Depths of Unknown Darkness .
Pretty damn true! People always say I’m calm or still happy in a dire situation. I just have the ability to bounce back! Also, I would rather take twice the amount of time to do something perfectly than rush a half ass job! Happy bday Scorps!! xoxo
i’ve never heard of “scorpio periods”, either! very informative, and spot-on!
i always said oct and nov scorpios must be different, unbeknownst to me (until now) different scorpio personalities do exist!! This is an awesome website i adore this! Oct 28th is my bday @gogettergreen is my twitter name.. keep it coming!!!
This is spot on. Everyone is confused by my sunny personality and humor because the art I produce is so dark and I have seen a lot of tragedy in my life. We Scorpio Is are a special blend and I love it! I also did not work well in jobs that expect things done quick, even when i was a teenager. I had to do it right or it wasn’t worth my time.
Absolutely true….but sometimes we give more importance to our friends which must be avoided………

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David W. Rintels (screenplay) (story) Gerald Wilson (screenplay)
The film crew had to obtain a special authorization before shooting in the CIA building. Burt Lancaster asked Senator John V. Tunney , who then asked a CIA head director to authorize the shooting. Although filming and recording was not allowed in the building, Michael Winner did it anyway. Plus, no identification of any kind was asked for the crew members, but they had to wear badges made by the CIA especially for them, and with a scorpion on them. Those badges had to be destroyed after the shooting.
In the alley just prior to the rear-ending of the tail car the tail says "I can't see him, he must have got out and run" yet Cross' car's brake lights are clearly on, meaning somebody is in the car with their foot on the brake pedal.
Referenced in The Transgressor (1974)
Hannibal Brooks (uncredited) Music by Francis Lai
The thing about spys and espionage is that there is a difference >between good guys and bad guys. Burt Lancaster portrays aging C.I.A agent Cross who wants to leave the C.I.A to spend more time with his wife (Joanne Linville). However he has been training another mentor Jean code name "Scorpio"(Alain Delon) who is just been learning the tricks of the trade as a C.I.A assasin. C.I.A boss (John Colicos) feels that Cross knows too much and that he should be killed. He soons asks Scorpio to do the job, but he refuses. Scorpio is later arrested on phony narcotics rap and is blackmailed to do the job of eliminating Cross, so he accepts it. Cross however catches on that he is being by the watched C.I.A and the game of cat and mouse between him and Scorpio begins. He later takes refuge in with on old colleague (Paul Scofield) in Venice. Yet the question remains. Who is doublecrossing who? Who will survive the game? Who is good and who is bad? This a great film. Burt Lancaster was 59 years old and he had the ability to perform his running scenes as he is being pursued by Delon and another C.I.A hitman. He is proven to be a good actor who attributed the physical-athletic attributes in the film. Alain Delon gives a marvelous performance the man forced to hunt down and kill Lancaster. I give this film 10 out of 10**********.
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By what name was Scorpio (1973) officially released in India in English?
The Best Movies and Shows to Watch in July
During the Cold War, the CIA orders free-lance operative Scorpio to assassinate his former CIA mentor Cross and a deadly cat-and-mouse game ensues. During the Cold War, the CIA orders free-lance operative Scorpio to assassinate his former CIA mentor Cross and a deadly cat-and-mouse game ensues. During the Cold War, the CIA orders free-lance operative Scorpio to assassinate his former CIA mentor Cross and a deadly cat-and-mouse game ensues.
Cross : There's a room just down the hall from McLeod's office where grown men play a game. It's a bit like Monopoly, only more people get hurt. There's no good and no bad. The object is not to win, but not to lose - and the only rule is to stay in the game.

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Often mistaken for a fire sign because of their fierce independence, Scorpios are actually a deeply emotional and sensitive water sign. While they can be intimidating, Scorpios are also the most loyal friends and partners you could ever ask for, and as one of the most ambitious signs, they're amazing at creating connections and being their authentic selves.
Scorpios are born between October 23rd and November 21st . The Scorpio personality is often misunderstood due to their intensity and their tendency to be harsh.
However, Scorpios are extremely emotional, and crave intimacy. They have a powerful presence and demanding personalities, and their penchant for mystery is what makes them one of the most interesting signs.
Scorpios are extremely deep and emotional people, and are intense in all things they do . They're natural leaders and can be very serious; Scorpios are one of the most interesting signs because of their intensity, and there are some key Scorpio characteristics to be aware of that make them stand apart.
Scorpios are known for being tough-minded and biting, but they also have lots of positive qualities that make them great friends and successful people overall.
Determination is one of the most well-known Scorpio characteristics. When a Scorpio wants something, they go for it and they don't hold back . There's not much that can stop a Scorpio once they have their mind set on something, and they have unmatched focus when they pursue a goal.
There's no one better to have at your side during a time of trouble than a Scorpio. They will run into danger without a second thought , and are always the first to volunteer themselves for difficult tasks. Especially when it comes to helping family and friends, the Scorpio personality means that they are the first to jump into the fray.
If a Scorpio is committed to someone or something, they stick with it. Their trust is hard to earn, but once they do trust someone, they dedicate their whole self to that person , and apply their classic determination to stand by friends, family, and partners.
Scorpios are honest to a fault. They always tell the truth, no matter what, and hate dishonesty in others. They can't stand people who steal and cheat, either, since they're just as honest with themselves as they are with others.
Scorpios are known to be fierce. They are single-minded in achieving their goals, and they set those goals high. Scorpios don't see or set limits in their lives, and they don't let anyone tell them that something they want isn't possible.
Like their symbol the scorpion, Scorpios have a tendency to lay in wait, collecting information and trust until their time to strike. Scorpios need to be aware of some of their harsher qualities, and so do those who have Scorpios in their lives.
Scorpios feel everything intensely, including jealousy. They are quick to be jealous since they think their determination and intelligence entitle them to get what they want. They have a hard time not comparing other people's achievements with their own, and think everything is a competition .
Scorpios never show their cards. They are incredibly honest, but they don't like to display any vulnerability , especially with people they're unsure about. They tend to keep their feelings to themselves, as well as plans and ideas, so when it's time to win the chess match of life, Scorpios have a leg up. However, this also makes them difficult to deal with as people.
When someone else gets something the Scorpio desires, we know they can be jealous. But on top of that, no one holds a grudge like a Scorpio does. They take betrayals personally and setbacks seriously, and may often find themselves resenting others for perceived slights.
Scorpios like to be in control. Their fierceness and intensity means that they think they know what's best, and the people in their lives will often find themselves under the Scorpio's thumb. Scorpios also hate being controlled by others , and need control over all situations.
Stubbornness can be a helpful trait, since it means Scorpio
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