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My Experience with and Research on Scopolamine
In previous sections I wrote about how overdoses of Scopolamine affect the brains function, how hypnosis works and the different ways a person can be put into a trance. In this section I will write specifics about how a person on Scopolamine can be manipulated and controlled long term and what I will call a form of entrancement of a person while on Scopolamine.
As I have warned readers before the information in this section is all about illegal activities. Any use of the information in this section could get you arrested, imprisoned, or even executed. The information in this section is intended only for your knowledge and your own protection. I do not encourage anyone to do anything I write about in this section. I am offering this information so that you, the reader, might be able to identify the illegal activities documented here.
In general, the effect of Scopolamine which criminals exploit is that while on Scopolamine a person’s ability to reason and in general think for themselves is hindered or nonexistent. In a casual conversation in which simple and automatic questions and answers are exchanged it may not be obvious that there is anything wrong with a person on a low over dose of Scopolamine. That is because Scopolamine does not affect the parts of the brain that handle motor skills and language skills. However, when a person has to actually think about a question and reason for themselves in order to produce an answer it becomes more obvious. A criminal can easily tell a person the rational they should be using or how they should think about a situation. In this way, it is easy to convince a person on Scopolamine what is and is not true. While the victim is still on Scopolamine they will continue to maintain the reasons and beliefs given to them. However, even after the Scopolamine has worn off the reasons and the way of thinking given to a victim still seems valid to the victim.
Many ideas, beliefs, and philosophy’s can be implanted by a criminal using Scopolamine. If a victim does not go along with a criminal or is still too difficult to work with after one dose of Scopolamine a criminal will give the victim more Scopolamine until the victims self-reasoning and self-motivation is so damaged the victim goes along with anything. Eventually the victim will have no idea what is and is not happening around them. Once enough Scopolamine has been consumed the victim will not remember anything once the Scopolamine wears off. A victim who has forgotten what happened while on Scopolamine may not retain the reasoning or philosophy given to them by their attackers. However, even if the victim does not remember what happened while on Scopolamine the ideas and the new beliefs will still surface and the victim will create their own reasoning behind what they now believe to be true.
At this point I should add a paragraph about belief. I am often writing about how a criminal can change someone’s belief while they are on Scopolamine. Belief is just something a person thinks is true. A person does not necessarily need direct evidence to support a belief. Religious people use the word faith to describe their belief in a God which they have no empirical evidence for. However, the belief is supported by philosophy and reinforced throughout a person’s life. Some beliefs are stronger than others. When I talk about belief and creating or changing belief I am referring to creating or changing what a person thinks is true. Changing or creating a new belief of a person while they are on Scopolamine is very easy for a criminal who knows how to do it.
As a victim ingests more Scopolamine there is an increasing threat that a person on Scopolamine will become angry and violent. Given no judgment a person has no way to evaluate a response to a situation. A person’s mood can begin to swing wildly. This is always a risk criminals take when using Scopolamine. These moods may look like a child throwing a temper tantrum. However, the mood swings are also something that criminals have learned to use against the victims.
Unless the criminal wants to make a scene or get a victim in trouble the criminal will be very nice to the victim. The victim will reflect the criminal’s mood while not comprehending what the criminal is saying. For example, if a criminal tells a victim they are going to steel from them in a nice tone of voice they will go along with it. If the criminal acts hostile and aggressive toward a victim, then the victim will become hostile and aggressive back toward the criminal.
It is possible to hypnotize someone on Scopolamine. One way is to use standard hypnosis on a person. A criminal could easily convince someone on Scopolamine to allow themselves to be hypnotized. If a criminal was a decent hypnotist the criminal could easily hypnotize a victim without the victim knowing they are being hypnotized. Even a low overdose of Scopolamine is enough to throw a victim’s mind off guard and make hypnotizing them very easy.
The brain works through signals which are passed through various pathways. The brain expects that regardless of the input some output is produced. The brain operates in repetitive loops. If a signal is sent down a path which is disrupted by Scopolamine or another neurotoxin, then it may not produce a response. If enough pathways are disrupted the loop is broken, all signals stop, and the victims mind goes blank. Our minds can go blank without Scopolamine. I am sure you have experienced it before. There is a part of the brain that under normal function will reinitiate the signals but that part of the brain does not work on high doses of Scopolamine. On Scopolamine, once a victim’s mind goes blank it can stay blank for a very long time. During such time a criminal may be the only influence on the victim’s mind. The victim can still hear, see, stand, and feel but they cannot think. Impulses generated from other parts of the brain or from the senses come into the frontal lobe and are the only impulses being generated. This is the closest thing to a hypnotic trance you can achieve with Scopolamine. It creates a very deep trance that is deeper than anything hypnotists can achieve. However, this is not hypnosis it is a chemically induced trance. With hypnosis, the brain is basically asleep and it can wake itself back up. Using Scopolamine in this way the brain is not working and it cannot wake itself back up.
There are a few ways I know of to make the brain go into the chemically induced trance. From experience, I know a person can be entranced if the criminal can create a conundrum for the victim. If a criminal can make a victim try to think deeply they will not be able to do it. The brain will try to access pathways that are not working and brain activity in the frontal lobe will stop or at least dramatically slow down. Anything that gets the brain to go blank will put a victim in the chemically induced trance. A victim be entranced if they are shocked. I do not mean electrical shock just a shocking event or shocking statement is made to them. They could also just be surprised. Punching a person is another possible way to shock someone or make their mind go blank.
To an on looker the appearance of a victim in this sort of trance is very similar to what you get with standard hypnosis. Of course, given enough Scopolamine and a lack of direct stimulus a victim may appear to be in a trance without being entranced. Think of an elderly person with dementia who can sit and stair for hours with hardly any movement or interaction. A criminal can create that late stage dementia with Scopolamine.
Most of what a hypnotist can do with a person who is not on Scopolamine is still possible with a victim on Scopolamine. Also, it seems that the hypnotic suggestion and post hypnotic triggers set with a person on Scopolamine remain active once a person is no longer on Scopolamine. However, there may be a limit to how much Scopolamine a person could ingest for a hypnotic trance to work. I do not know this for sure but if a victim’s brain is so poorly operating that they have absolutely no idea what is happening and no permanent memory of the events while on Scopolamine the hypnosis and any hypnotic suggestions or post hypnotic triggers may not stay in effect once the person is off of Scopolamine.
In the following sub-sections I document many techniques I have seen used. It is important to note that Scopolamine and Hypnosis is not a perfect science. Some victims are more susceptible to Hypnosis than others and the same is true with Scopolamine. It is also important to note that the psychological effects of Scopolamine discussed below are coupled with the effects of the drug itself. As Scopolamine, by itself, has some hallucinogenic effects while on the drug, many side effects after the drug wears off, and causes brain injury the results of the techniques below will be irregular and unpredictable. Also, exact dosages of Scopolamine required for each effect are impossible to exactly quantify.
1.1       Distribution of Scopolamine
Scopolamine can be distributed in many ways. For thieves and rapist in foreign countries Scopolamine powder is blown into the faces of their victims. In the United States I have seen it most commonly used in a tablet form and dropped into a victim’s drink at a party or a bar. It can also be distributed in any water based liquid including wine, ice tea, or cool aid. It is a sodium that dissolves nearly instantly in any liquid. If the liquid is water the water could be sprayed into someone’s face. It could also be put on food. I am not sure if high heat will destroy Scopolamine or not but it is nearly tasteless and could be used like salt sprinkled on a salad.
A criminal may try to get a victim to take it intentionally. Drug dealers and user’s may tell a victim it is like pot or Ecstasy which will make you high. They may get drug users to take it as a way of increasing the high they get from their usual drug of choice like cocaine and pot. It was explained to me once that it is like Ecstasy but you may not remember what you do on it. I was told, “you will not do anything you would not do otherwise.” Which is somewhat true if in-reality I was the 21-year-old 6’ 4” 220 lb. male with the hormones and instincts I had except that I would have the reasoning skills and maturity of a 3-year-old. That is something criminals will not tell people. When I refused to take the tablet it was dropped in my cup anyway when I wasn’t looking. The same is true of a female. Imagine an 18-year-old girl with all her hormones, instincts, and desires at a party with older men and absolutely no ability to use any judgement at all. That is a best-case scenario of what Scopolamine does to victims in a party or bar environment.
Criminals may tell people it is a vitamin tablet or medicine and they may mix it in a bottle of water. They may say it is candy or a mint and give it to kids. Criminals give it to minors in school lunch milk, in orange or apple juice, a soda, or a milkshake.
The children I knew who had access to Scopolamine got the drug from their parents. They did not get it on their own. To me it sounds crazy to imply that criminals give their kids Scopolamine and teach them how to use it on other kids. However, parents tend to teach their children their trade. Gangsters and cult leaders are no different.
1.2       Learning and Education
It is important to note that Scopolamine has many side effects like a concussion or stroke. Using a drug like Scopolamine on a child without a prescription or giving them an intentional overdose with a prescription, even your own child, would be considered a felony assault and felony child abuse in most jurisdictions.
I have heard it said that scopolamine can be used to learn information. I have not seen any research to support this yet. However, it may be possible. A hypnotist can effectively program information into a patient’s mind but I think it would be time consuming and especially difficult with a child. A light over dose of Scopolamine may produce a programmable trance in a calm and safe environment. A managed dose of Scopolamine could be used to maintain a chemically induced trance for hours as opposed to trying to maintain a hypnotic trance. A person could study under the chemically induced trance and once information has been acquired the information will stick and be easily recalled for an exam.
Hypothetically, I think there is also the possibility of effectively increasing a child’s IQ using Scopolamine. Intelligence is a combination of capacity and function. A true super genius is a person with enormous capacity coupled with excellent function. Capacity is largely a result of genetics but the brains functions can be altered or improved. The human brain is a relational machine where information and function are not distinctly separated like in a computer. There are parts of the brain usually designated for specific tasks but the knowledge of how to perform those tasks is embedded with the control of those tasks. Think of a person who was not born blind but becomes blind. Their hearing and ability to use their hearing improves. With Scopolamine a person may be able to reallocate capacity but not increase the capacity. Scopolamine may help to improve or at least alter function but it would not increase capacity. Using Scopolamine to improve function would take away from something else. For example, children are expected to learn basic social skills through contact with other children and adults. However, Scopolamine could easily create social and psychological disorders by devaluing and reallocating paths used for the social programming a child normally undergoes in its early years of life. There is also the potential of regular light brain damage which over time could have dramatic and permanent effects on a child’s mind.
There are now many mobile apps which provide brain games that are designed to improve various areas of brain function and claim to help stave off dementia and general brain degradation. However, these same games can be used to help young children develop thinking skills. The exercises train the brain how to solve problems. These exercises, if performed regularly, are expected to effectively increase a child’s IQ scores. There is a limit to just how much improvement the exercises could increase a person’s IQ but a 10 point boost is not impossible. While the electronic versions are relatively new the idea of the exercises have been around for a long time. You probably did some form of these exercises at some point as a kid. With Scopolamine it may be possible to amplify or expedite the effects of the brain games. Scopolamine could help to hardwire the brain to perform certain mental tasks more effectively. Scopolamine could allow the brain to overwrite space and rewire its connections as necessary. People with very high IQs are seemingly hardwired to perform on IQ tests with no thought or effort. I am not saying every super genius has been on a drug like Scopolamine I am saying maybe it works or has been tried for some people crazy enough to use it on their children. It would take a very controlled dose. Enough to induce a trance without inducing sleep or other unwanted side effects. Just enough to induce a light trance while the child performs mental exercises in a safe and secure environment.
1.3       Truth and Lie Serum
Scopolamine is not a truth serum. Someone on Scopolamine may be more truthful because they do not have the judgment to hold back the truth or realize the risk if they tell the truth. Scopolamine could also be used to trick someone into telling the truth. However, Scopolamine in no way guarantees the truth. A person on Scopolamine may be more likely to say whatever they think they are expected to say. A person may say the truth but it is also not hard for a person to lie on Scopolamine either. If the victim ingests enough Scopolamine the victim will have no idea what the truth is.
In some cases, a person may be more honest when they are not on Scopolamine. For example, an honest person would tell the truth when asked a question because they have been taught to always be honest. It is their “better judgment” to try and tell the truth. However, on Scopolamine a person’s “better judgment” is just not working and they may lie if they are asked about something that is embarrassing or that they think they might get in trouble for.
In addition, a person can be easily tricked into saying many things that are not true. Given a sufficient quantity of Scopolamine a criminal could easily convince a victim that they are playing a game or that the victim is helping someone deserving of help. Once convinced the victim could be told to repeat a specific script to another group of people which is the “truth.” The victim will have no judgment of what it is they are saying and what the impact of their statements might be so the script could be just about anything.
1.4       Self-Destruction
Small doses of Scopolamine can go unnoticed if administered at the right time. Large doses will be forgotten by the victim. Even if the attacker does not do anything to their victim other than give them Scopolamine in a public place the victim may do some crazy things on Scopolamine that their better judgement would prevent them from doing sober or even on most any other drug. If alcohol or other drugs are involved observers will contribute the bad judgement to an over indulgence or someone who just, “cannot handle it”. The residual effects and side effects of Scopolamine can slow a person down or take them down all together. For example, that fact that Scopolamine leads people to not taking things seriously is a problem when it comes to balancing work with play. Having memory problems and trouble concentrating will also affect a person’s work, education, and effect a person’s overall judgement. Anxiety and agitation will interfere with work and personal life. All of this can lead to a victim failing at work, failing at their education, failing at their relationships, and failing at their personal life. It would be as if the victim had a minor stroke or a series of mini strokes but no one ever knew it happened.
1.5       PTSD
Just performing hazing type activities on a victim while they are on Scopolamine can cause PTSD symptoms. Imagine tormenting your demented old grandfather or extreme hazing of a 4-year-old child. A child undergoing many of the hazing rituals used by fraternities or the military would be very traumatic and abusive. While on Scopolamine the hazing activities will combine with the effects of extreme confusion and psychosis amplifying any negative impact of the activities.
Beating, raping, or physically torturing a person while they are on an over dose of Scopolamine will create strong PTSD symptoms. This would be like beating, raping, and torturing a young child but with the added impact of a repressed memory. The fact that the memories will be repressed makes the events impossible for a victim’s conscious mind to process and deal with. These repressed bad memories still affect a person’s behavior and their decisions. Furthermore, surfacing flashbacks can cause a paranoia.
Creating PTSD is another way criminals can negatively impact a victim after Scopolamine has worn off. If a victim is never aware that
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