Science Fiction to Science Fact

Science Fiction to Science Fact

Marc Miller

The world is in the midst of a market Disruption and META is poised to take advantage over the next 5 years and beyond. 

You don't have to take my word for it, listen to the experts;

"Metamaterials to Disrupt Multiple Technology Industries by 2030" by Dawn Allcot, Electronic Engineering Design Inc

“Mediwise is developing product innovations which can be highly DISRUPTIVE in the health-care industry,” said Professor Andrea Alu, Einstein Professor of Physics and Director of the Photonics Initiative at the Advanced Science Research Center at City University of New York.

“The German based automotive OEM’s love the type of innovative products that META has developed,” said Richard Hahnekamp, President of I-D-L Engineering, Crossover’s German subsidiary. “META’s nanocomposite products can be DISRUPTIVE in that not only can they outperform existing solutions without the need for rare earth metals but they are also ultra-lightweight, all key ingredients for success in the automotive industry. We are certain our deep relationships with the German OEM’s will augment the impressive group of products that META have developed"

“Truly DISRUPTIVE innovation can turn on its head our preconceived notion of how the world can be,” said, Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science at the California Institute of Technology Harry Atwater

Societal disruption is nothing new, it goes back thousands of years. I'm not sure which came first, Cavemen discovering the wheel or fire, but either way it certainly changed life forever. We are currently in the middle of the next disruption that will change the way we live.

Funny thing about disruption is that generally the companies that are being made obsolete rarely recognize what's happening in their market even when they themselves developed the technology. I will touch on that later.

Moore's Law, Butter's Law & Kryder's are the foundation for how disruption is made possible. 

So what is market disruption and how is META poised to take advantage in the next few years? The easiest way for me to define disruption is when a business plan or model is made possible by a technological advancement that brings the cost of the product low enough to be seen as a value to the masses. Making their lives more convenient, safer or productive. A great example of this is the automobile. At the turn of the last century cars were a luxury item that only a few could afford. When Henry Ford developed the mass production assembly line in 1908 for the Model T, he created a disruption in society felt around the world . This technological advancement brought the cost to buy a car down to approximately $23000 by today's standards making it's convenience and added productivity to consumers worth the cost. In roughly 10 years, Ford made livery stables, blacksmiths, saddle makers and others obsolete while replacing them with auto dealers, repair shops and tire companies. This spawned the need for service stations, roads, restaurants, etc. This "ripple effect" always follows disruption. 

This story is told over and over throughout history. Electricity, computers, home computers, cellphones, internet and smartphones have all ushered in new opportunities for companies and investors while leaving their competitors bag holding. In 2000, Kodak had revenues of 14 billion dollars. Everything looked great for another 100 years of success. Only problem was, Kodak had invented the digital camera. While they believed it could gain market share, they didn't understand the significance of their technology and by 2012 they filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy while Samsung, Apple and Sony took their market share. This of course made film development shops obsolete and severely hurt revenues of companies like Canon and Nikon. But it also brought the need for digital storage chips and with the internet, the Cloud. Combined with the smartphone, it gave us social media and apps. There are hundreds of these examples in history. Out with the old and in with the new. 

Meta is poised to capitalize on the current disruption in Transportation, Communication, Energy and Wireless applications. The projected revenues for each of these verticals are in the billions worldwide in the next 3 to 5 years. Meta offers the solutions to these industries by making their products cheaper, lighter, giving them greater efficiency, larger capacity and in applications like wireless sensing, the technology to make it work.  

Meta has over 200 patents granted or pending and larger IP (intellectual property) that applies to all of these applications. META has assembled a Team of Experts in their fields that is unrivaled. They are the literally The Dream Team of the metamaterials industry. We are going to be profiling each of these individuals in an upcoming "Who They Are" series. 

A key for META is their membership in the LOT Network. They are members with several hundred other worldwide Blue Chip companies. Many of these companies already have partnerships with META. What is the LOT Network and why is this significant? LOT members are legally bound to protect the IP of the other member companies to prevent it from being stolen. As a result, LOT members will automatically defer to fellow LOT Network members when looking for suppliers and partners. This gives META a major head start on any future competitors. 

This cannot be stressed enough with regard to what the future holds for META and it's investors. These are the largest manufacturers in the world and META is the only metamaterials LOT member. Using metamaterials for their products will give any company an advantage over their competitors. Metamaterials are the foundation for how we will build the future. It's revolutionary and any company that wants to remain relevant will have to use metamaterials to maintain their market share. 

Think of META like the "Microsoft operating systems" of the future. Microsoft operating systems became the standard for all IBM capatible home computers, so regardless of what brand you bought, Microsoft made money. Products made from metamaterials will be used in multiple applications with billions in revenues. 

META is the ONLY metamaterials company in the world in the LOT Network. 

META is the ONLY metamaterials company in the world that has full scale production capability. 

META is the ONLY metamaterials company in the world that's IP will allow its partners to have full scale production capability in their own facilities. 

META is the only metamaterials company in the world that is traded on a United States Stock Exchange, Nasdaq. 

To put it simply, the concept of using metamaterials has been around for more than 100 years but it's only now that technological advancement has caught up to allow us to use it. Its the definition of Disruption. And META is the first company poised to take advantage of it. Its the ground floor of ground breaking technology. 

The current predicted revenues for disruption markets that META has verticals for are Transportation ($121 million per year est for META) Communication (14 Billion market whole cagr 2025), Energy (solar 7.6 Billion market whole cagr 2025), Augmented Reality (50 Billion market whole 2027) and Wireless Sensing ($31 Billion market whole by 2028). Below are links to each of these verticals.  

Science Fiction to Science Fact. 

Just a few of the products that metamaterials are being used to develop

Solar powered cars that charge themselves while you drive. Solar powered Airships and drones that will provide 5G signals and deliver packages to your door. 

Homes and Businesses operating 100% on Solar power. 

Wireless Sensing devices that will detect cancer or aneurysm (stroke) externally. Non Evasive Diabetic and Heart monitoring, Enhanced MRI resolution

Augmented Reality glasses that will utilize an I.O.T. (internet of things) experience that is similar to the HUD unit in your car for the wearer that will display information in the lens referencing points of interest while shopping or traveling, military applications for soldiers in the field, police, fire & pilots.  

Imagine the implications to sports and entertainment. You can buy tickets to any live concert or sporting event in the world & AR will transport you into the event with the best seats in the house! How much will that be worth? 

How about digitally remastered concert footage from the past? How amazing will it be to watch the Beatles play the Ed Sullivan show fron inside the studio in 1964 or seeing Queen perform "We Will Rock You" in Wimbley Stadium during Live Aid. 

Fully Automated Uber style taxi/bus service that offers free shuttle to/ from work in exchange for your Starbucks coffee and breakfast purchase in the morning and José Cuervo Margaritas on the way home. Before you laugh, the cost of a bldg & maintenance vs fully solar powered million mile vehicles with no maintenance costs do offset. 

Finally, META is not a "meme stock" like AMC and GME. Those companies that are on the opposite spectrum of Disruption. META is at the beginning, similar to Apple, Amazon and Tesla a few years ago. 

I want to be clear, disruption only occurs if the product's price is perceived as a value to the mass market. In other words, if its a lousy product it doesn't matter how cheap it is and if it's too expensive then it will never reach the masses. Consumers don't simply decide I am going to help the planet regardless of cost or inconvenience. I want to stress this point because unlike 5G/6G and Wireless Sensing, people tend to refuse to believe that solar power and EVs will dominate the market in a few years. This sudden switch isn't going to happen because the world suddenly wants to "Go Green", it will happen because we are inherently selfish and will make this change when it's in our best interest to do so.  

If you don't believe the switch to EVs is 5 years away then you haven't been paying attention. Autonomous Driving in 10 years. Every car manufacturer in the world is currently in the process of changing their vehicles to EVs. Why, because they know that as batteries become lighter, have longer life and become cheaper to manufacture, the cost of an EV will be less than combustion engines vehicles. So if the consumer can fully charge it for the equivalent of $15 worth of gas or less, can go 400+ miles on a charge, have $0 maintenance cost, better performance and buy the exact same vehicle for the same cost or less then its a no brainer.

I am not paid or endorsed by META or anyone associated with them. I am trader turned investor after researching the company. The work done by our group of investors to reach the masses is done out of a profound belief and respect for the work of META.

I am a META Imagineer

Transportation Applications - Holography and Lithography 

Holography; Keep your eyes on the road, METAs holoOPTIX using Bayfoil HX120 film developed with Covestro. Covestro and Ceres Holographics have contracts to produce xxxxx HUD units for a major European Auto Maker by 2025. EVERY vehicle manufacturer in the world is currently developing this product for their cars. 


uses their MX3 and MXColor laser protection film to prevent airline pilots from being blinded from laser beams while still allowing them to see cockpit gauges and runway lights. META is partnered with Airbus to offer commercial airlines and pilots glasses & visor protection. Its also part of METAs Military contracts. 


“There is an environmental and global economic demand for ITO-free (Indium Tin Oxide) coatings for solar cells, smart phones, touch screens, and automotive applications,” stated George Palikaras, President and CEO of Metamaterial Inc. “The funds from BDC Capital will facilitate us to expand our existing manufacturing capabilities of NanoWeb® and achieve our goal of becoming a leader in cost-effective replacement solutions for ITO, which is a transparent conductive material that is used in most of the world’s touchscreen and solar applications. META’s award winning NanoWeb® materials are not only a sustainable alternative to ITO, but they also provide a combination of world class performance levels for transparency and conductivity.”

52% of the worlds ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) comes from China. Nanoweb is an ITO alternative with superior conductivity and is less expensive than ITO. META uses Nanoweb to integrate invisible antennas with 5G capability into windows and windshields. Autonomous cars are estimated to need as many as 18 antennas, Nanoweb allows for transparent antennas, as well as its touch screen sensors , lidar range enhancement, de-icing and de-fogging applications which are critical for HUDs and Lidar sensors to function properly. Nanoweb provides superior EMI (electro magnetic interface) shielding as well. META’s shielding systems effectively minimize the EMI for applications that require high visible and IR transparency as well as optical clarity. This is critical to ensure that electronic signals don't interfere with each other in a confined space. META is also developing solutions for sensors, such as security cameras, lidars, and night vision systems, which are susceptible to dazzling and even permanent damage from lasers.

De-icing de-fogging (airplanes), EMI, night vision & security cameras are all Department of Defence applications that are major revenue streams.  

Lidar sensors are the future of autonomous driving and in order for them to reach 100% reliability the they need to be able to work in all weather conditions and recognize various colors at a high resolution. 


META is using RML (rolling mass lithography) to produce all its Nanoweb products and AGC (anti glare coatings) for instrument clusters and headlamps to improve driver comfort and vision. 


is flexible, lightweight and extremely efficient allowing them to be used to power hybrid solar cars, Airships, drones and flying 5G transmitting gliders providing 5G signals to remote areas.  

Communications 5G:

META"s Transparent Window Film Transforms Outdoor 5G Coverage Passively. META and Sekisui have partnered to integrate invisible film to glass for large urban areas eliminating the LOS (line of site) issues and drastically reducing costs of building 5G capable networks. Combining a special 2D metasurface nano-patterned layer provided by META with Sekisui’s film processing technology, the new product is durable and transparent, yet diffusely reflects only radio waves, eliminating blind spots in communications. It has reflection characteristics which are equivalent or superior to those of aluminum materials used in antennas and is highly effective with high-frequency radio waves used in 5G and future 6G networks.

The "Invisible Antennas" provide excellent 5G capability inside residential and office buildings. 



We utilize the latest achievements in optical science, semiconductors, and nanotechnologies. Our NanoWeb® technology is used to capture all electrical power without blocking light propagation. Because the ultra-thin materials used in our solar cells are flexible and light, they are ideal for harvesting energy at the fuselage of planes, cars, drones, and much more.

The investment in META will be part of a $17.9M initiative to develop this technology and brings together industry leaders such as ENEL Green Power and Lockheed Martin as well as Dalhousie University, the California Institute of Technology and Stanford University. The technology, called metaSOLAR has the potential to lead to greener vehicle alternatives. 

“Solar energy is a green alternative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles. METAs technology captures more of the sun’s energy than other technologies currently on the market and will be used in hybrid solar powered vehicles. 

META utilizes the latest achievements in optical science, metamaterials, semiconductors and nanofabrication. Its patented solar technology has been engineered to collect, trap and absorb solar light from all directions at wide angles, significantly improving efficiency, removing the need to track the sun. “Metamaterials are in essence the materials of the future. MTI is pioneering large scale affordable nanofabrication technology that can push the boundaries for crystalline silicon solar efficiency and create very thin form factors for solar cells.”

-Harry Atwater, Howard Hughes Professor and Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science at the California Institute of Technology

Sage Geothermal 

Project “Pluton” to Enable Geothermal Energy Anywhere in The World – Terawatts of Clean, Secure and Baseload Energy by 2050 

Sage Geosystems, a leader in heat harvesting solutions with modern oilfield expertise and methodologies to enable geothermal energy anywhere in the world (“SAGE”) and Metamaterial Inc. (“META”) a developer of high-performance functional materials and nanocomposites, today announced that META has collaborated with SAGE to submit a $10,000,000 initial proposal under an open call for the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) U.S. Department of Energy. If successful, the project (codenamed “Pluton”) will run over a three-year period. The proposal will validate aspects of META’s NANOWEB® proprietary production methodology to develop a novel Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) system. SAGE has teamed up with META to model, co-develop, investigate, and validate a new TEG technology for harnessing of geothermal energy in drilling wellbores at selected testing locations.

There is significant interest in accessing geothermal energy from the Earth as it provides an infinite clean and renewable baseload source of energy.

Batteries and Storage

While there is no definitive proof of META working on Storage and EV Battery applications, CEO George Palikaras has mentioned them in several interviews and publications in the past. We have found strong evidence that META will be using metamaterials it eliminate the need for materials like Colbalt in Lithium Ion Batteries.  

Augmented Reality: 

ARfusion™ technology combines precision cast lens fabrication tools with functional metamaterials and volume holograms, to provide AR wearable developers with a platform for seamlessly integrating smart technologies into thin lightweight prescription glasses

ARFusion is METAs Augmented Reality (AR) line of eyewear that creates a "wearable" interactive smartphone experience for the user. The HOE (holographic optical elements) are integrated with cameras, antennas, 3D holographic imaging. META acquired from North, Inc. the 1st and 2nd generation roll-to-roll holographic manufacturing technology originally developed by Intel for their Vaunt AR glasses. META acquired the assets and IP of Interglass, including second generation, ALC5 lens casting equipment and related workstations and software, tools, and test equipment, along with intellectual property including patents, trademarks, know-how, technical data, proprietary software, designs, and trade secrets. Interglass had 35 international patents in the field of casting processes for high-quality plastic lenses or other optical components based on UV curing acrylics. 

"Optical metamaterials to impact lens market 'within a year" accordingto LuxResearch referring to a $50 Billion market opportunity. META is mentioned as a Top 3 company to lead this industry globally 


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