Schoolgirl Pin Video

Schoolgirl Pin Video


Schoolgirl Pin Video

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Tableau Vivant \ Lovely hair - New release is out @ Cupid Inc, a sleek short bob with a valentine themed hair pin that can be turned off.
[Merak] - Sweet Love - Event Opening Date: February 5th - 25th, 2020. Then will be at [Merek] Mainstore
πŸ’— πŸ“Œ Limited Addiction - Student Set @ Cosmopolitan
Sweaters, include Trim and Button Hud
Kupra, Maitreya, Legacy, Kalhene, Isis, Venus, Freya, Slink
πŸ’— πŸ“Œ RAWR! Demoness Nails Fetish Fair
Legacy-Female, Maitreya, Kupra, Lovebody, Lovemomma
Rigged, Color Change Hud 12 Metal & 12 Nails Color Options
Materials Enabled, Original Mesh, No Mod, No Trans
πŸ’— πŸ“Œ RAWR! Demoness Rings Fetish Fair
Legacy-Female, Maitreya, Kupra, Lovebody, Lovemomma
Rigged, Color Change Hud 12 Dual Metals Color Options
Materials Enabled, Original Mesh, No Mod, No Trans
Comes with Bun and Hair Pins and EVOX Hair-base
πŸ’— πŸ“Œ e.marie // Naomi Earrings Weekend Sales
Many diff colors to play with on the hud
Ade - Amaya Hair, RAWR! Delicate Rings, e.marie // Kenna Earrings { EvoX human}, LeLUTKA EvoX.Eyeshadow.054, Gloom.- Sweetheart Lipstick (Lelutka Evo & EvoX),
Skin: [theSkinnery] Etsy (LeLutkaEVO X)
Brows: [SB]*EvoX AVALON* LivSpring SoftArch DIAMOND
Handheld: {Flair 'n' Style} Pen holder {GIFT}
Pose: from {AI} BENTO Simplicity Pose Set
❀️ 3 Head sizes / Rigged version only
❀️ "Fatpack" Include Styler HUD & 72 Colors , Tint color HUD
❀️ Material and baby hair can be on or off
Daddy's babygirl just wants to go out tonight.. and she needs a new outfit.. pleeease?
Tandra Quinn (USA 1931-2016) was a model and starlet whose stunning beauty lit up the cinema screen briefly in the early 1950s, in four Hollywood films; most notably the now-cult surreal science fiction picture, Mesa of Lost Women (USA 1953).
Born Derline Jeanette Smith in South Los Angeles in the Depression, her mother was determined that her daughter would not suffer the hardship she had herself experienced in her childhood; the best way as she saw it, ensuring that her child became a successful Hollywood actress.
Derline had an auspicious start winning Number 1 Perfect Baby in America award (as declared by the Chiropractors Association); and her subsequent childhood steps into show business were fashion modelling and attending acting lessons with the Meglin Kiddies, a famous drama studio for children.
However, even before these early curtain calls, Derline had suffered a tragic burning accident that would leave her physically and mentally ( she suffered a constant fight with depression) all her life; and ultimately undermine her confidence in her Hollywood career.
That is not to say that there was plenty of bright hope at the beginning: the startlingly pretty youngster auditioned alongside her contemporary, Elizabeth Taylor (USA 1932-2011) for the role that the 'well-connected' Taylor would win in National Velvet (USA 1944); and then had a small role as a schoolgirl in Weekend at The Wardolf (USA 1945), starring Lana Turner (USA 1921-1995).
After 20th Century Fox had signed her up to a 7 year contract, the spectre of her early tragedy reared its head, leading to her being dropped by the studio, after casting directors complained that a screen test highlighted an imbalance in her features, when photographed ( Derline had been told that the burns had hampered bone development). She was deeply hurt - but on screen there is no evidence that her beauty was marred; just evidence of the rife insensitivity and brutality of the studio system.
Happily, in 1950 she was chosen as β€œGoose Girl” at Hollywood Park; to 'preside over the geese in the Hollypark infield'; and as 'Goose Girl' she guested on the television show, Turf Topics, on KTTV. Publicity stills reveal her blossoming beauty.
Around this time the esteemed photographer Paul Hesse arranged an appointment for her at RKO to meet Howard Hughes. Hughes wanted her to pose in bright light while he hid behind a curtain, but she refused; and she would say in a 2006 interview, that she was probably the only girl ever to stand up Howard Hughes; known for his enticement of so many Hollywood beauties.
The road of B-movies inevitably lay ahead and interspersing modelling with acting, she tried various names including Tundra Nova, Jeanette Quinn - as she was billed in The Neanderthal Man (USA 1953), in which she played, with great sensitivity, a deaf mute - before settling on Tandra Quinn.
The irony was that in all her movie roles she had no dialogue, despite having an exquisite velvet voice which had impressed producers, to accompany her expressive beauty - and which, as can be confirmed by those who knew in her later years (including myself), endured agelessly.
Tandra Quinn crossed paths with a plethora of Hollywood stars during her brief film career; and in her last years recalled knowing Joi Lansing (USA 1928-1972), at drama school, working alongside fellow pin up model, Mara Corday (USA 1933 -), Beverly Garland (USA 1926-2008) & Helen Walker ( USA 1922-1968) in Problem Girls (USA 1953); and Dolores Fuller, Ed Wood Jr's muse (USA 1923-2011) in Girls of The Night (USA 1954). She also knew Marilyn Monroe (USA 1926-1962), with whom she shared a photographer and Rock Hudson (USA 1925-1985) & John Wayne (1905-1979) were amongst her neighbours, around 1960, whilst she lived in Newport Beach - where she would also see resident Mamie Van Doren (USA 1931-)
In 1954, she married a Beverly Hills builder Herbert Smithson ( who passed in 1995) who also taught tennis to the Hollywood Stars, including Gary Cooper (USA 1901-1961) and became a mother to two children. She then retired from films - and quite the entrepreneur, she embarked on various projects, never quite getting the right financial backing; but taking her all around the world - including to Australia and Tahiti. In the 1970s she became interested in gold mining which occupied her and her companion Phillip for the rest of her life.
As a classic Hollywood film buff I was fascinated with the B-movie, Mesa of Lost Women, which I first saw on video in the late 1990s - and was intrigued to research any of the surviving actors; especially Tandra Quinn (Derline). Research on the internet lead me to contact Derline's younger sister Loretta in California in 2005. As an artist I had created cartoon tributes featuring Derline in her heyday as Tandra Quinn ( I had even depicted her with her own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame) - and I was eager to surprise her and hopefully uplift her.
She was delighted - though humbly bemused and incredulous that anyone would remember let alone celebrate her - which only warmed me to her all the more. She had virtually forgotten "that corny old movie" as she called it, until one day in the 1990s, she walked into a half price book & video store in Dallas, spotted the cover featuring her pin up pose and said to herself, " I guess I'll buy one". Lightly mentioning to the cashier that she was buying it "..'cause this is me" provoked much excitement - "you're kidding?!" - and he and his co-workers asked her to sign the cover of another tape of the movie, as 'Tandra Quinn'.
We quickly became firm friends, initially through long letters (she wrote in beautiful script from her Texas home…. "I came here hoping to find a cute cowboy, but…") and then later by long telephone calls - sharing care, support (we both fought depression and suffered knocks in life), our Christian faith - and laughs; always thanking God for humour. Derline had the most wicked dry sense of humour that would be accompanied by the most infectious peel of laughter.
Derline had suffered much hardship in her later years and ever wanting to lift her from a sense of worthlessness , I would always remind her that she was a beautiful piece of film history, from a Golden Era of Hollywood; forever preserved on film. She was usually dismissive and I so wanted her to receive more recognition; so with her permission I contacted film historians Tom Weaver and Alan 'Al' Doshna to tell then that I had discovered Tandra Quinn- and she agreed to wonderful revealing interviews with them, respectively in 2006 and 2015.
Tom Weaver's interview, conducted both through a meeting and telephone calls was first published in Starlog (Issue 365 - May 2008); then again ( with a 'Tandra Quinn today' photograph, showing the former actress as a voluptuous blonde) in his book of Hollywood interviews, I Talked With a Zombie (McFarland & Co. Inc, 2009). Alan Doshna's interview, conducted by phone and in writing containing even more revelations from Derline's film past was published in FilmFax (No.141 - Summer 2015).
Tandra Quinn is forever preserved on celluloid but the lady behind the starlet was so much more: she was a loving, caring, generous, compassionate, often ingenious and feisty human being. She had an extraordinary knowledge of health foods and was an advocate for alternative therapies (although her one personal vice was sugar - "I'm an ice cream & cookies gal!") and a great passion for fighting against injustice . She also protested against cruelty to animals in which she took an active part in highlighting in no uncertain terms, when she tentatively joined Facebook in 2011; at the encouragement of her niece.
Derline and I sadly never got to meet in person - though our hearts most definitely met and bonded. I am completing and posting this tribute on what would be the 73rd birthday of my late beautiful mother Marjorie J. Whatley (1943- 1981), about whom Derline showed so much interest; and compassionate care for me, in my early bereavement
Whilst Derline had deteriorating health problems, she hid from everyone - including her sister - how widespread the cancer was becoming, that claimed her life on October 21, 2016. She passed away peacefully in Florida as she wished (" I'm an ocean gal!" she shared) supported by her son Scott.
I was naturally distressed to hear this past August that she had been admitted to hospital as an emergency - and with prayers, painted this portrait tribute ( photographed just after completion), primarily inspired by her role of Tarantella in Mesa of Lost Women (USA 1953), for which she was most known; determined that it would be painted in her lifetime. Two months later Derline was released from her trial of suffering.
I was deeply honoured to know Derline as my dear friend; though as a film fan I would I have loved a dedicated photograph I never wanted to bother her( I have a treasured batch of letters) - so I conclude this tribute with the inscription Tom Weaver arranged for Tandra Quinn to write in the cover page of his book in 2009:
" To my dear Sir Stephen ~ This one of Tom's Zombies has awakened to send her love! ~ Tandra Quinn (your Derline)"
Stephen B. Whatley, November 18, 2016.
But I don't so mad photoshop skillz helped me ;) this photo is from last time I went out as a babe, maybe a week back. This ponytail / pigtail / schoolgirl(ish) look is most definitely NOT the the usual look I go with :D But still it looks pretty ok to me! Whaddaya think sisters?
AND: Don't get me wrong, just wanted to see how I look with blue eyes :) I'm more than happy with my hazel brown thingys :D
In Shibuya, the district of teenage fashion in Tokyo, 3 kogals (kogyaru) have a quick meal at a Lotteria β€” a japanese fast-food brand.
kogals have an artificial deep tan and bleached hair. They often wear a highschool uniform with a miniskirt pinned very high and white loose socks.
Kogals are not always real highschool students but use uniforms to look childish and sexy so it could be considered as a kind of cosplay.
The kogals subculture had a strong echo on japanese fashion and society, they are sometimes considered as a kind of ironic japanese feminism reaction to a machist society.
Eating junk food is another characteristic of young japaneses today.
Since the sixties, Japan's traditional low-fat diet of rice, fish, tofu, seaweed and fresh vegetables began a shift to foods such as cholesterol-rich beef and dairy products. Because of unusually long workdays and the rigorous education system, Japanese were forced to turn to "instant" foods.
Ironically, while Western societies have begun to show interest in traditional japanese foods not one traditional dish is ranked in the top 10 food choices of junior high students.
Instead, they preferred, in order, French fries, instant noodles, fried chicken, Chinese corn soup, hamburgers, hamburger steak, pizza, gyoza, spaghetti and Korean barbecued beef.
Today, 9 percent of all high school students suffered from diabetes, compared to just 1 percent in 1978.
Baby, lead me to your beauty, let me lift the curse
Turn the lincoln continental to a big black hearse
Before I met you my heart was a stone black wall
You're a crazy little daisy, beautiful and tall
Just shot a YouTube video of this hold
girl dressed as a naughty schoolgirl who is taking off her clothes. She's wearing just a bra and a short skirt. What is also so sexy, is the posing on a mirror which offers an upskirt peek.
Copyrighted image, property of ClassyLadyProduction.
STORYLINE: The shaken schoolgirl was now cursed with the ability to see spirits. It was the price she paid for entering their realm. Still, she hoped the curse would end. She took a different route home to avoid the Possessed Doll. As she passed the outskirts of the US Air Force base, she saw a horrific plane crash. She was glad the pilot safely parachuted down. But something was not right about the strange man in a tuxedo and top hat who stood on the runway without a care. When the firetruck passed right through him, she knew for sure it was a ghost. No sooner had she thought that, then the dark man's head jerked in her direction. He waved his hand, she felt a swoosh of air, then she suddenly found herself in a swamp in some far away place. This ghost must be powerful, she thought. He spoke English, but she could understand him. "A child sees things not meant to be seen. The Baron can not allow this." He handed her a bottle with hot peppers decorating its label. "One drink from that, Cheri, and the walking nightmare will be at end."
Events: Fantasy Collective, FaMESHed, Totally Top Shelf
*eL*, A:S:S, Aphrodite, BOOM, Death Row Designs, Devin Vaughn, Eskimo Fashion, Kauna, Kumaki, MANDALA, Noctis, Pin Me Down, Random Matters, Remarkable Oblivion, Scrub, Slink, SWaGGa, Sweet Lies, Tableau Vivant
Playing hooky, Bristle in woods wearing a sexy blue plaid short school girl skirt and thigh high stocking socks.
Austin Fine Art and Glamour Photography
Specializing in Capturing Female Beauty with Digital Photography
Playing hooky, Bristle in woods wearing a sexy blue plaid short school girl skirt and thigh high stocking socks.
She was imagining what it would be like to be pinned down on the grass, being made love to by a vigorous young man
Italian postcard by Teletutto in the Le piΓΉ belle del mondo series, no. 7.
American film actress and former top model Kim Basinger (1953) won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in L.A. Confidential (1997). Her other films include Never Say Never Again (1983), Nine Β½ Weeks (1986), Batman (1989), and 8 Mile (2002). She was married to actor Alec Baldwin from 1993 to 2001.
Kimila Ann Basinger was born in 1953, in Athens, Georgia. She comes from an entertainment background. Her father was a musician, who played big-band jazz and her mother was a dancer, who had performed water ballet in several Esther Williams movies. As a schoolgirl, she was very shy. To help her overcome this, her parents had Kim study ballet from an early age. At 16, Basinger branched out into beauty pageants. She won the title of Junior Miss Georgia and competed at the national Junior Miss event in New York City. While in New York, Basinger caught the eye of a modeling agent at the Ford Modeling Agency. She soon landed a contract and first gained fame as a model for Breck Shampoo. At the age of 20, Kim was a top model commanding $1,000 a day. Throughout the early 1970s, she appeared on dozens of magazine covers and in hundreds of ads. In the mid-1970s, Basinger moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting. She landed a number of small parts at first, making guest appearances on such shows as Charlie's Angels. In 1978, Basinger starred in the TV movie Katie: Portrait of a Centerfold. She portrayed Lorene Rogers in the miniseries From Here to Eternity (1979) and its short-lived spin-off series the following year. In 1980, she married make-up artist Ron Snyder (they divorced in 1989). Basinger made her film debut in the Western drama Hard Country (David Greene, 1981) with Jan-Michael Vincent. Two years later, her career started to skyrocket with the James Bond film Never Say Never Again (Irvin Kershner, 1983) starring Sean Connery and with Basinger as the 'Bond girl'. More major film projects soon followed, including The Natural (Barry Levinson, 1984) with Robert Redford, the steamy romance 9 1/2 Weeks (Adrian Lyne, 1986) with Mickey Rourke, and . She played a small-town Texan beauty in Nadine (Robert Benton, 1987). Her breakout role was as photojournalist Vicki Vale in the blockbuster hit Batman (Tim Burton, 1989) with Michael Keaton. Kim was a last-minute replacement for Sean Young. This took her to a career high. Financial success also came along with her new found fame. But Basinger became known for her unusual business decisions. In 1989, she and some other investors bought the town of Braselton, in her native Georgia, for $20 million. Basinger sought to make the community near Atlanta a tourist destination, but she ended up selling it five years later as she faced personal bankruptcy.
While making The Marrying Man (Jerry Rees, 1991), Kim Basinger fell for her co-star Alec Baldwin. The pair wed in 1993, becoming one of Hollywood's most attractive yet volatile couples. Basinger and Baldwin welcomed their only child together in 1995. They named their daughter Ireland. Kim took some time off to stay at home with her child. Basinger's career had floundered a bit. In 1993, she found herself in an intense legal battle after breaking a verbal agreement to appear in Jennifer Lynch's Boxing Helena (1993). The court sided with the film's producers, ordering the actress to pay millions for breach of contract. The case was later overturned on appeal. In 1997, Basinger gave one of her greatest performances in L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson, 1997) opposite Kevin Spacey and Russell Crowe. She starred as a high-end prostitute with an intentional resemblance to actress Veronica Lake in this 1950s crime drama. She won an Academy Award for her work on the film. Despite this acclaim, Basinger soon appeared in more headlines than film roles. She filed for divorce from her husband Alec Baldwin in 2001 and spent years locked in a bitter custody dispute over their daughter. After her divorce, Kim Basinger took on few acting roles. She reteamed with L.A. Confidential director Curtis
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