Schoolgirl Bj

Schoolgirl Bj


Schoolgirl Bj
Just asking...or weird place you've had relations?

My fessing up of some of the "sins" I have committed didn't include this one. The circumstances of it (at least to me) are more amusing than some of the other stuff on the poll.

Senoir year of high school, state forensics meet in topic was Moments in History. I really didn't give a shit how well I did so before I began my speech I declare; "If I start sniffling and wheezing halfway through my speech it's not because I just did a bunch of heroin and smoked crack. I have a cold so that might be the problem." Ripped into my deal and got a perfect score from the state judge. But that didn't get me a BJ...

On the bus ride back home, a good three hours or so of riding in the back of a cramped school bus. This girl I had previously dated sits with me...we had a strange relationship overall. Never had sex and we never fully understood why it never happened. I still wonder that but now I know it won't happen. Not because she got married, not because she had kids, nope...because she's dead. I had a girlfriend at the time but who is going to turn down a BJ? She hops in the seat with me and about 10 minutes into the trip back home she simply asks; "Ever get a blowjob on a schoolbus?" I'm a smooth high school kid so I say; "Nope, not yet but I'm about to." To which she replies: "It's something I've always wanted to do and this might be my only chance." Me: "Being the gentleman that I am, if that's what the lady wants, then that's what the lady gets."

Ok...back to having a girlfriend. The next week at school the school bus girl was obnoxious about it. Never openly said what had happened but whenever I was with my girlfriend she would make comments about how I needed to cut back on my salt intake. It was a bit awkward and when I confronted her on it she used it to blackmail me and said; "Hey look, I like sucking guys off, especially you. You can have all the BJ's you want (she was pretty damn talented) but if I have to stop with the salt intake jokes I'll tell her what really happened." Shit...a chick is blackmailing me so that I have to let her give me a BJ? What magical secret have I discovered that guys everywhere would like to know? Did my spunk taste like strawberries and is it laced with a highly addictive crack/heroin mix? I went along with her terms, afterall...I didn't love my girlfriend that much.

Fast forward about 10 years. I'm working on a college campus and this chick's younger sister shows up as a first year student. I didn't recognize her, but she knew to look for me. At a new student picnic/mixer type of thing and this random girl comes up to me and starts quizzing me about my salt intake. WTF? No clue what the hell this was about, it didn't click who this could be. So I make small talk, how was moving in, what she was majoring in, who helped her move...something, anything to figure out who this is. Then she drops the; "My sister told me about how the two of you enjoyed going to forensics meets when you were in high school." Ah, yes...makes sense now. Never tapped the sister despite her BJ loving older sister trying her hardest to hook the two of us up.
"I think Crystal Bacon looks pretty cool and shit, but it's weird talking about it. It's just such a fucking dumb ass thing."  
- SOLObucky on 8 July 2012
I am enjoying this one upsmanship between Ulbian and sfbadger.
"we the exiles spend most of our waking days plotting our return"
- Tristan, regarding the Badger diaspora from Madison
So, did she die of high blood pressure or what?
"I think Crystal Bacon looks pretty cool and shit, but it's weird talking about it. It's just such a fucking dumb ass thing."  
- SOLObucky on 8 July 2012
"I think Crystal Bacon looks pretty cool and shit, but it's weird talking about it. It's just such a fucking dumb ass thing."  
- SOLObucky on 8 July 2012
"If you lie, it becomes part of your future. If you tell the truth, it becomes part of your past." ~Rick Pitino
Kinda. I was older, it was a nice coach after a rooftop Cub game sponsored by a title company.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room.' President Muffley
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Badger Sports Photos
Yeah, Red - fell off a cliff with that one, hey?
Did she swallow, like we are all swallowing this?
One of you fuckers out there isn't being truthful here. There has to be someone else on the board that got a knobber on a school bus.....................
"I'm an arrogant know-it-all"
ETR 4/16/2020
no school bus but Van Galder on the way to O'hare.
I attended a Catholic all boys high school so you can bet your ass I was on neither side of that pitch/catch battery.......
“I’ve never met a Championship Trophy I didn’t like”
- Mark Johnson on winning his 6th NCAA Women’s Hockey National Championship
I had sex in a boat on Pelican Lake, WI. No cabin cruiser, just standard fishing boat. I watched a guy fishing panfish the whole time.
I've come to find that Pointer is an extremely wise and insightful fellow. -Azree
Check back here in 2023 at the end of Hillary's second term. I doubt Chelsea will be ready yet, but Michelle Obama would make a great successor to Hillary Clinton in the White House.-- Myles Long
Myles Long wrote:

Kinda. I was older, it was a nice coach after a rooftop Cub game sponsored by a title company.

Myles Long wrote: Kinda. I was older, it was a nice coach after a rooftop Cub game sponsored by a title company.

"I'm an arrogant know-it-all"
ETR 4/16/2020
"I'm an arrogant know-it-all"
ETR 4/16/2020
Well, this was a loooong time ago, but I had to go to summer school in a different city (it was the only high school that offered what my gf and I needed to graduate). How it worked was that we would get dropped off by our parents in the morning, catch the bus, go to school, take the bus back and then get picked up by the 'rents after they got off from work. At any rate, during one lunchtime the gf and I get a little worked up. Since we had no place to go, we resigned ourselves to being frustrated until one of us noticed the school bus parked in the middle of the parking lot. Well, the lightbulb goes on for both of us, we give each other a quick grin and made a beeline for it. Once we get there, I take a quick look to see if anyone is inside and force open the door (it was one of those where you the bus driver just pushes the handle really hard until the door closes). As soon as we get inside, I check to make sure no one noticed us, and then, well, you can use your imagination. What was funny was at one point I remember looking out the window, seeing just crowds and crowds of kids walking around us, and going "damn, my girlfriend is the bomb". Long story short, we somehow make it out without anyone noticing us, get to class on time and make it back to the other school so the parents can pick us up.

Unfortunately, since we got away with it and it was such a cool adrenaline rush, we were soon finding every excuse we could to find crazier and crazier places in school to do it in. The most daring one was probably the time we were between two sets of double doors at the end of a corridor (that was hardly ever used between classes). Both sets were the kind that had metal down the lower half and glass on the upper half, and can still remember peeking up over the metal part and looking through the glass to watch kids as they walked down the connecting hallways and thinking "please don't turn down this way, please don't turn down this way..." lol, I still can't believe we got away with it.

Ah, the good old days....

I saw a story on TV about how girls in high school now are giving BJ's to boys- not even ones they are with- as rewards for things like doing English papers for them or giving the answers to tests in advance. I don't know how I feel about that: The logical side of me that should represent my true opinion says that that's disgusting, that any kind of sex should be between two people who are, at the VERY least dating. Things like that make the value of getting one go down, and with girls feeling pressured to do it, means that they are going to be bad at it and not care who they do it too. Its practically RAISING them to be sluts (not that girls who do this one time are sluts, I don't want to judge the younger viewers of this site.) My horny, creepy side is telling me where the hell were these girls when I was in school? I would throw myself in traffic to get even the slightest hint of attention from girls then. I would have spent more time doing the papers for as many things as I could other than do my own work. Hell, I would have done that just for a date with those girls, but they go down after a thing like some homework or for getting them out of detention. seriously, how do YOU feel about this?
Girls in High School: Blow jobs as thank you? WTF?
I'm in high school, and I've never heard of a girl doing that. I doubt it's very common. I mean, that kind of info spreads really quickly so most girls probably wouldn't want to risk their reputation. Cheating isn't right in the first place, and basically selling yourself to do it is even worse. I don't think it'll ever be regarded as the "cool" thing to do though, and so as long that's true there will only a small percentage of girls who go through with it. A few people will be inevitably caught by admin, since rumors spread quickly and even teachers hear about things, and after watching people get suspended and humiliated, others will hesitate to do it. I don't think what they're doing is right, but at the same time I don't care enough to actively come up with ways to stop them. If they want to do it they'll find a way, but at some point in life they'll realize it won't get them anywhere and no one's giving them any respect for it.
Well...I've never heard of this happening, but I'm pretty sure I didn't run in those circles in high school. If girls are actually doing that, I'm disappointed. To me it seems almost like another form of prostitution. They shouldn't be offering themselves up like that. Even if they're going to be dumb asses and cheat their way through school, they could pay for it instead of giving blowjobs to any guy willing to write a paper for them.
I feel sorry for that girl, how dumb could she possibly be to do that and then get caught for doing it. Its like really there was no point in the first place because you can't get away with nastiness. Karma's a bitch and it came back at her with herpes .
I'm doubting this is as common as the show portrayed. Remember when they told us about rainbow parties? When each girl would put on a different shade of lipstick, then take turns blowing a guy to see who could take the most **** in their mouth? Tv just plays off of viewers fears. I feel same as the asker if it is true. Then again, I'm not having daughters, and these girls will likely blow me some day. So... I'm not sure what to feel.
I feel that you can't control what kids do... you rarely ever could. It would be a waste of time trying to monitor them 24/7, making sure they don't so much as take a sip of alcohol when they are out with friends. There are good kids in this world, who do things the right way. Personally, I could give less of a sh*t about the ones who choose a jaded path, since all they are doing is spotting the ones who work hard.
The lack of respect for their self is appalling. Homework? I hate homework as much as the next person, but I wouldn't go to such lengths. Actually, I never did homework, but still. The ends don't really justify the means.
Guess it sort of makes the old expression, "You gotta provide lip service if you want something done" well...true.
As a high schooler this seems like BS, id be all over that deal and id make one hell of a paper, its not like there's a BJ epidemic sweeping any oh the high schools near me.
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A blowjob is essentially free though. What you can charge for writing a paper can be pretty high. If you consider it like a job that's at least 7.25 an hour. Either way they should just do their own damn paper.
I agree, it might just have been the one incident at the one school they were covering.
lol WTF I've never heard of that kind of party. I thought you were gonna say those parties wear girls wear different colored wrist bands for the things they've done with guys.
If only there was a bj epidemic sweeping the nation. What a world we'd live in.
sadly I think it would get boring "whoop de doo, another blowjob, suppose your gonna lick my sack too..."

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