School Penis

School Penis


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By koolman2007 | 285 posts, last post 8 days ago
Kate Smith answered this Exploring Sex And Relationships: Some Tips For Gay Teens
Hi, i'm a male of 15 years old. My friend at school is always messing about when we are alone in the form room at dinner. He does things like trying to hump my bum and stuff. Well i let him come round my house the other day and we was sitting in my bedroom alone. He started to touch my penis through my trousers and ask if it felt alright which it did. Then he asked me to do the same so i did and he was already hard. I stopped then he said if you show yours i'll show mine so i showed him and we both got ours out together. He rubbed mine so i did the same to his. He said if i dont tell anyone about this then he would let me do stuff to him at his house next time. Do you reckon it is safe to touch each other in this way and if it is what could we do at his house? I am not sure but want to see him cum as i masturbate alot.
Maybe its safe but make sure you wash your hands before doing this and are comfortable doing it
it is right to want to do this as thia is exploring your sexuality and most guys do it but normally dont mention it but you cant get anything from touching
i wish i could touch my friend's penis
well its like normal to be curious i guess i did it before and i wanted to know if i was just normal but i found out what uncircumsized was and now im sad
Disregard the uneducated post two posts up.

It is perfectly fine. Sexual exploration with the same gender does not make you gay. It's normal and healthy, and as long as you just use your hands and keep yourself clean, nothing bad will happen. :)

Oral sex is another issue, though, because you can easily contract STIs from your partner if he has them.

You cannot, however, spontaneously contract an infection from mid-air. One of you has to have something in order to pass it on.

So be careful and explore. And again, it does not make you gay. If anything, you may find that later in life you become very secure in your sexuality, whatever it ends up being.
I envy your position. I have only seen my brothers penis and that's it. I don't have a friend that would let me see his penis.
Explore what you got. Don't let what others think get in your mind. If you end up liking it, then I assume you would put yourself in a position of being a homosexual. As for if it's safe, it's safe as long as he doesn't have any STD or HIV/AIDs. If your going to suck on his penis, get those things cleared out before you proceed any further. It's not about pleasure, it's your life your playing around here.
A classmate of mine was much the same and became fascinated with my penis when we were age 12. He used to peer at it in the boy's restroom when at the urinal because he liked to compare mine with his. He told me that he was self-concious because his penis was smaller and unattractive because he was uncircumcized. Mine was thicker, longer and he especially loved the bulbous head on my penis. One time at his house, he reached for and rubbed my penis bulge through my pants, then asked if he could just look at my penis, so I let him unzip my fly. My penis became very aroused and fully erect when he reached into my pants and touched it for the first time. He just kept squeezing it and looking down at it, telling me how much bigger my penis was than his. With his free hand, he started stroking his own d*ck. I finally shot a wad onto his hand. We did this a couple of more times before we decided it wasn't right, then stopped.
Look...forget what everyone has said here, its completely irrelevant. If you like it, do it, it doesn't make you gay or bi or anything like that. Labels are labels, you like what you like, simple as that. Go for it and carry on doing it!!
Also there is no scientific proof if oral can cause STI apart from maybe syphillis, so use a condom. Tossing each other off is totally safe, so enjoy! :-)
Well...Is is safe as long as you don't get it any further than just touching...I doesn't make you gay either, I asume you are a teenager and by that age you can explore, you can figure out what is your sexuality... ?

I once touche my best friend's penis while he was asleep... :-D I was just exploring it's normal.

Good luck! ;-)
o.O It is perfectly fine. Explore all you want. It is NOT GAY.Don;t pay any attentions to anyone else.
Some of the people who reply are Nerds and whiners. I did this with many friends and we all are happily
married today. It is just curiosity
Sounds like normal exploration. When everyone at home is so modest that you never see someone elses genitals, either brother,dad or whoever, it is only natural to be curious. We always had gym class required, so you were able to see some, but if you were caught looking at someone else, you got a lot of sh*t about. So curiousity with a friend is normal.If people didn't make such a big deal about nudity and seeing some one else naked, it wouldn't be looked at as being a bad thing. America may be a world leader, but very backward when it comes to matters of nudity and the body.
yer it is ok and maby if you feel up to it u can wank each other and mabey he could you :-D
i have this friend, when we're still young, we use to go to CR , and then, he will try to kiss me, and when he did it, i felt good, so i kissed him, and touched his body, i even want to undress him and touch his penis, and i wanna sak it, but i just contiued kissing him, and touching his body!
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