School Masturbate Solo

School Masturbate Solo


School Masturbate Solo
By Hannah Orenstein Published: Dec 4, 2017
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"I can't be the only one who does it, right?"
Masturbation — there , we said it. Touching yourself might feel taboo and you might be embarrassed to talk about it, but exploring your sexuality is totally normal. It's a healthy way to learn about yourself and your body, so you feel more comfortable when you're ready to have a sexual partner. (And hey, it's fun and feels good, too.) If you think you're the only one of your friends who has done it, you're probably not. Here, 18 girls open up about how they do it, how often they do it, and all the complicated feelings (pleasure, empowerment, happiness, embarrassment) that go along with it.
1. "I was 13 or 14 when I masturbated for the first time. I was watching TV with my grandma — I think it was Modern Family — and they brought up masturbation. I had no idea at that time what it even meant, but handy ol' Google quickly filled me in. I masturbated for the first time shortly after that. It was awkward at first. I tried the whole shower head thing to see what all the hype was about, but it didn't work for me. I probably masturbate twice a week now. I come from a very religious family, so I thought it was something to be ashamed of. Now, it's completely different. A girl's got needs." — Spencer, 17
2. "I was 15 years old when it first happened. Up until a few months ago, I was COMPLETELY embarrassed about masturbation. Each time I did it, I was ashamed that it happened and wished that it didn't. I knew this feeling would occur afterwards, but I always did it anyways. However, now that I'm entering college and defining who I am, I am realizing that it isn't something I should be ashamed of. I can't be the only one who does it, right? The feminist in me has given me the ability to feel empowered and in control of myself and what I want each time it happens." — Malia, 18
3. "I use my hand, read sexy stories, and fantasize about past experiences. I masturbate quite frequently actually — at least four times a week. I'm an open book when it comes to literally anything else, but when it comes to masturbation, I'd never admit to doing it. Honestly, typing, or even saying the words 'I masturbate,' feels so foreign and taboo. I'm not ashamed of doing it, I'm just super secretive about it." — Noelle, 17
4. "I started experimenting with masturbation last year. I was a little nervous about it, but when I attempted it, I felt a little pleasure and wasn't so turned off by the idea anymore. I usually do it before I go to bed so I fall asleep better. At first, I used a pillow to masturbate and just recently switched to doing it myself. There's so many good things that come from having an orgasm so why wouldn't you? You've got to learn what you like and figure yourself out before someone else can. " — Annaka, 17
5. "I started when I was 17. I had my first orgasm, and after that, it became something I had to do every night. I just tend to use clitoral stimulation because it's foolproof for me and it's what I am most comfortable with at the moment. " — Jackie, 19
6. "I was 19 years old and had just gotten out of a pretty bad relationship. One day when I was sad, my best friend/roommate said I need to lock myself in my room, explore my body and love myself. Ever since, I've been very open to masturbating and truthfully regret not pleasuring myself sooner. Since then, I would say I regularly masturbate maybe three times a week, whenever I have free time in my bed really. I use my hand and read stories from time to time. It's empowered me to take control of my body and dictate when and how I experience pleasure. In a society that prioritizes men's sexual pleasure over women's, I take pride in knowing that I love myself and deserve all the pleasure I want and enjoy." — Avery, 22
7. "My mom told me once that she saw me playing with myself when I was a toddler, but the first time I can remember masturbating was in my early teens, maybe 13 or 14. I think it was to a fan fiction. It was pretty clumsy, and I recall being more embarrassed and worried that someone would walk in on me than focused on pleasure. Now, it makes me feel happy and satisfied. It's nice to be able to take pleasure into your own hands... literally. " — Megan, 19
8. "I usually masturbate once a day. I have to have visuals, so I watch porn. It's hard for me to just imagine stuff. I'm not embarrassed that I masturbate; if we're close enough and you ask me, I won't deny it at all. Or sometimes when I'm texting my friends in the group chat I'll be like, "brb gonna go mb." It's completely normal. I used to be really ashamed about it, though." — Fran, 22
9. "I masturbate roughly one to three times a week. When I first started masturbating, I'd use either my fingers or my shower head. Now that I'm 18, I bought myself a vibrator. " — Jill, 18
10. "I was about 11 the first time I masturbated. It was kind of an accident. I had a pillow between my legs to keep them from sticking to each other, and next thing I knew, I was humping the pillow. I usually start off reading sexy stories on Tumblr or porn websites, hump my pillow, and then start to use my hand. I've never talked to anyone about masturbating because I feel like I'd get judged for doing it. But the older I get and the more I hear about women masturbating, the better I feel about it. I don't think of masturbating as a bad thing anymore." — Ada, 18
11. "I was probably like 15 my first time. It was a really awkward and clumsy experience, and I felt guilty for doing it. I just use my hand, and usually if I'm in the mood to do it, I really don't need to think about anything else to help. It makes me feel proud that I'm secure enough with myself and my body to do it. I'm not ashamed at all because theres nothing wrong with doing it. It's a great way to relieve stress." — Michaela, 17
12. "I was 18 when I first tried. It was a super uncomfortable feeling. I think because I felt like it was a 'dirty' thing to do — even though the reason I was trying it in the first place was to familiarize myself with my body while I'm alone so I'd be comfortable and know my body when I was with my boyfriend as our relationship got more serious. I just Googled how to do it. The website I read had a ton of different ways to do it. I used my shower head. I switched the water power setting to a soft little stream. I moved past feeling dirty or embarrassed about masturbating, because I realized how comfy I am with my body now. I'm proud that I'm so in tune with myself." — Jordyn, 19
13. "I was 17 the first time I did it. At first, I didn't know what to do, and then I kind of just learned to move my hips around to get different feelings. I like to fantasize about guys when I'm doing it and I let the faucet do all the work. I want to try it with a dildo or vibrator, but I just don't have the guts to go buy one and risk getting caught with it in my room." — Kelly, 19
14. " I've tried talking to my friends about masturbation. I think they felt uncomfortable and a little astonished that I was so open with my sexuality. I think masturbation is a completely normal and healthy expression of loving your body and who you are. Over the years, I've shifted from feeling guilty to feeling proud of my body." — Lacey, 17
15. "I usually use my hand, but sometimes when I'm really worked up I use a mini vibrator to amp things up. Typically I watch steamy videos, but sometimes I will read written stories as well. The very first time I masturbated, when I was 11 or 12, I was thrilled by it. I instinctively knew it was something I needed to keep to myself, but I apparently didn't do a very good job because about a week or so later, my mom came to talk to me about it (LOL). There was no shame involved, she just wanted me to make sure I only did it when I knew I had private time, as my little sister was in the house as well." — Tori, 23
16. "I stumbled across masturbating when I was 14. I used my fingers to rub my clit really quickly because that's how I thought you were 'supposed' to do it. I Googled tips. Eventually realized I liked slower motions and also lying under the bathtub faucet. I would've rather died than admit that I did it in high school, but once I got to college, my friends started talking about it more openly. That helped me feel comfortable talking about it, too." — Lauren, 22
17. "I was about nine or ten. I kind of stumbled upon it so it was pretty clumsily done. I remember being blown away with how good it felt. Since then, I just capitalized on what I felt and that's how I began masturbating. I masturbate anytime I really feel the need to. Sometimes I fantasize about different situations, read sexy stories, and I have a special playlist of pornos on my iPhone's Reading List that I watch. Growing up in a Christian community keeps me from talking so openly about it to my family, but my friends and I speak about it openly in our small circle." — Carla, 18
18. "I was 12 years old the first time I masturbated. It was an overwhelming experience; I didn't know what I was supposed to feel, and once I felt the rush, I didn't expect to feel it so strongly. I mostly just use my hand, but I've used my shower head a couple times before too. I actually read a lot of young adult books that have sex scenes in them and that would get me really aroused too." — Zaire, 21
Hannah Orenstein is the author of several novels, including Meant to Be Mine (out June 7, 2022), Head Over Heels, Love at First Like, and Playing with Matches. She's also the Deputy Editor of Dating at Elite Daily. She lives in Brooklyn. 
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My 8 year old daughter may be pleasuring herself in her car seat. She doesn't have the strap between her legs anymore but when she is in her car seat somehow she is able to rub against it. She has been doing this a long time, prior to this using the strap in between to do so, which we then removed. Now she is starting to tell me that when she does this she gets wet between her legs (she is wondering if she is peeing on herself). I am not sure how to handle this. First, as she gets older I don't want her to feel embarrassed as she starts to understand what she is doing (and talking to me about). Second, she thinks she does this when she feels like she has to pee and it keeps the pee in, so that is about the extent of what she understands. She doesn't know anything about the details of sex although in vague general sense she knows how things work. She is a bit squeamish about bodily functions and will run into the bathroom to see if she has pee in her underwear after she does this and we are at home. I have all the sex books and age appropriate body books ready to go for when the time comes, but I don't think we are there yet. She also says that when she runs she gets wet there (I am not sure if that is pleasure or pee). Since her reporting of this wetness has just been about two to three weeks, I have just responded by saying "sometimes us girls have bodily fluids coming out of different places and it's a part of life"; last night we made a joke about girls springing leaks. She usually she asks right before bed and the few times I've said let's talk more about it tomorrow. I am not sure where/what/how to address this in an age appropriate, positive, healthy manner that will not in the future embarrass her.
I think the time is now. Books like It’s Perfectly Normal and The American Girl Book (The Care and Keeping of You, The Body Book for Younger Girls) are probably appropriate for her. Note that American Girl publishes a book for older girls, and one for younger ones.  Reviews on Amazon for those books are really helpful! Check them out (they're actually probably even available at the library) and see if you think it’s right for your family. Some girls enter menarche as early as nine (!), although usually later, but there’s nothing wrong with starting the conversation about puberty now. Same with sexuality. Setting aside for The Talk, on some Future Time and Place, can set up a pretty awkward chat. In my experience, it’s easier to have smaller chats as they come up, and the subject can be directed/chosen by the child. Information is power! Help your daughter figure out what’s going on when she’s pleasuring herself, when it’s appropriate to do so, that everyone does it (even you!) and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck!
I can give you my perspective as a mother of boys. Boys are pretty keen on self-touching, beginning in the toddler years and then, well, forever! The behavior itself is perfectly normal. The key is that this is *private* behavior. As soon as the kids were old enough to speak, we'd just coach them, consistently, that touching yourself is for private time -- alone in bed or in the bathroom, and "we don't do it in public."  If they forgot and touched themselves, we'd remind them again, have them wash their hands, and carry on. There was no shaming involved, just a very clear boundary about what is socially acceptable and what is not. IMHO, you will really help your daughter (and prevent an actual shaming situation, or worse) by making this clear to her.
Your daughter could simply be having a Urinary Tract Infection. You could have it checked out by her Pediatrician. You could discuss this with her doctor too. The main concern at her age would be that frequent rubbing down there could lead to an infection. Perhaps if you explain this to her simply she might understand. You could say that it feels good but can burn if the skin gets rubbed too much. She might need pantyliners until this is resolved.
If your goal is to not embarrass her, I think you need to proceed slowly and separate what sounds like two separate issues. You say she reports wetness when she runs. Assuming she does not have a UTI or other infection, as another response suggested (and you could definitely rule this out with a doctor appointment), it's most likely that what she is experiencing is completely normal vaginal discharge. I don't know any women who report "pleasure" from running, although I suppose it's possible. But it is very common for girls entering puberty to have a heavy discharge that comes and goes, which through gravity and anatomy would likely be more noticeable when running. Some girls need to use a panty liner when the discharge is heaviest. It sounds like you've started a pretty normal conversation about this, so perhaps confirm with a doctor that it's not a medical problem and then further explain that this is normal for girls. I would not talk about "pleasure" as it relates to this as it's likely not the case (at least not all the time) and could embarrass her later. Next, I would address the self-touching or rubbing if that's something you've actually witnessed. I would ask her directly if she's experiencing any itching or pain, and barring that, explain simply that we don't touch our private areas in the presence of others. Remind her that it's private. I think that will be sufficient in the short term and you can break out the sex books shortly after, once you feel her immediate questions have been answered and she is ready for more information. Basically I would just not link all wetness to sexual pleasure as it's really not accurate and would only likely embarrass her later on. 
Your daughter's behavior is totally normal and healthy, and so is your discomfort! Sounds like you are doing a great job by explaining to her that girls have bodily fluids that come out of different places! To echo what others have said: the time to talk to her is now. Go practical - talk about her biology. Name the parts, and try to do it without shame or embarrassment. She's not too young to understand. Explain that this is her "pleasure center" and that masturbation is totally normal but something saved for private times and places, like her bedroom. Shaming or expressing embarrassment about kids' sexual behavior leads to anxiety around their physical bodies and sex, rather than a healthy acceptance of biological urges. It doesn't sound like a UTI - she'd report painful burning when she urinates, and it sounds the the "wetness" is directly linked to the rubbing. I'd also tell her that she should be the only one touching this part of herself. Sex ed is best taught early - better she learn from you than from the internet!
Hi - I can't believe I'm having to ask about this, but my 6-year-old daughter has been masturbating lately. She went through a phase of rubbing against furniture when she was about 4, but it eventually stopped; this is much more extreme. The last few nights she did it pretty vigorously in bed before going to sleep. She has even started going into her room or bathroom at various times of day ''to be alone'' and tells me not to bother her because she ''needs privacy''. I'm worried about why she might be doing it - i.e., is she anxious about something(s)? Perhaps not coincidentally, she has also started getting reprimanded frequently at school for things such as talking over the teacher. For some reason I intuit the two might be related. I just feel so helpless at being able to help her - can anyone steer me to a professional we could see together to address this? I'd be so grateful. Anon
if masterbating is an effective, harmless emotional release for her. do not address it. just give her the privacy she wants. if you think it's related to this other issue, that is what you should be addressing (once the other thing is resolved, the masterbating should lessen IF they are related) talk with her about school; strategize with her teacher about how to motivate her to pay attention... good luck
I think its great that your daughter understands that masturbation is private. She is appropriately trying to get privacy. I know parents who have struggled to get their kids to understand that they need to seek privacy if they want to masturbate, but your kid already understands that. So what exactly is the problem? Do you want her not to masturbate? Why? Let her play
don't worry about it. my 6 yr old has been masturbating vigorously since 2. I think sometimes it calms her down. I draw the line at public masturbating, and she knows I know what's going on when she goes into her room for ''privacy.'' (though sometimes it's to pretend to wear diapers). I also draw the line if she's masturbating when I need her to pay attention. It's kind of funny in our household, and I leave her be unless there's some reason not to, or something else to think about: (''can you wash your hands before we eat dinner?'' or ''honey, let's keep our hands out of our bottom when we have visitors.'')
I was hoping that the answers you received would cover this one, but I feel like I need to offer a different perspective. I was your daughter's age when I experienced a similar situation, and years of my parents avoiding the issue led to years of heart-ache, embarrassment, and even physical issues for me.
Please, please consider talking to your daughter, and if necessary getting a counselor for her. Trust your instincts. Sexual exploration is one thing, but anxiety overlaid upon it (or anythin
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