School Love Teens

School Love Teens


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Are High School Relationships Worth It?
High School Student, Northern Secondary School
Relationships are a delicate topic when it comes to any age group, but the high school years are often overlooked, deemed to be not particularly important. The minds of adolescents are not fully developed and therefore are not capable of knowing what is or isn’t beneficial in terms of romanticism at the time. Speaking out of experience, I am nowhere near certain of whether or not my high school relationship was detrimental or advantageous for myself, and it is a question that lingers on the tip of of my tongue countless hours of the day: Is being in a high school relationship honestly worth it?

The initial answer for a still maturing young man such as myself would’ve been no, but rushing to such an answer is irrational. Many individuals who never experience a high school relationship may just picture two naïve teens who are taking on more responsibility than they can possibly handle, and in many cases, those people are probably right. The majority of the time, high school relationships do not last, as only two percent of new marriages in North America are compromised of “high school sweethearts.” But the fact that these relationships do not last until marriage in no sense means that they do not teach those involved valuable lessons.
Going through a relationship while young can ripen a young individual’s mind, while helping them discover what it is they’ll want out of future relationships in life. Every person someone dates during their life will teach them what they do and do not want, and obviously that is no different for high school students. If the parties involved are mature and stable enough to realize what they have gained, or what they have learned, then it would unquestionably have been worth it. It is much better to have discovered what it is you’re looking for in a partner early on in life through experience and looking back to gauge the mistakes made, rather than marry someone not suited for you when you’re older and then realize shortly after that you have made an impulsive decision.
There is also the romantic’s way of looking at things: the idea that it isn’t entirely unimaginable that the person whom you could spend the rest of your life with could be sitting next to you in first period English class. It’s the thought that love, no matter how intense, can be found at any age, despite a person’s maturity level or innocuousness. It would be insensitive and pessimistic to call these romantic types blind. A romantic would argue that these things are most definitely possible, no matter how slim and desperate the chances.
Despite all the arguments in favor of high school relationships, there are an equal amount of negatives that must also be stressed. A high school environment is not a healthy place for an intense romantic affair, what with the drama involved in adolescence and the fact that a relationship takes away from the things that are truly important at such a fruitful age — mainly a steady and focused education. Students should primarily be focusing on the universities they’re going to attend and how they are going to get in, not daydreaming of what to buy a girlfriend for her birthday. Additionally, there is the chance of having to experience heartbreak at a possibly life-altering time. Someone who goes through an especially harsh breakup in high school is undoubtedly more prone to being emotionally damaged by it than an older individual, because high school students are still maturing. Falling in love and having that not reciprocated could stunt a young man or woman for the rest of their lives, disrupting their abilities to trust or feel that way towards anyone in the future.
So what truly is the answer, with so many optimistic and pessimistic beliefs and thoughts regarding high school relationships? Who can say whether or not high school relationships are positive or negative for the youth in contemporary society? It’s a question that still needs an answer. The case has been made for both, and one can never really have a meaningful opinion if they haven’t experienced it for themselves.
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BMC Public Health volume 9, Article number: 282 (2009) Cite this article
In order to achieve a change among teens' sexual behavior, an important step is to improve our knowledge about their opinions concerning relationships, love and sexuality.
A questionnaire including topics on relationships, love and sexuality was distributed to a target population of 4,000 Filipino students from third year high school to third year college. Participants were obtained through multi-stage sampling of clusters of universities and schools. This paper concentrates on teens aged 13 to 18.
Students reported that they obtained information about love and sexuality mainly from friends. However, they valued parents' opinion more than friends'. They revealed few conversations with their parents on these topics. A majority of them would like to have more information, mainly about emotion-related topics. Almost half of respondents were not aware that condoms are not 100% effective in preventing STIs or pregnancies. More girls, compared to boys, were sensitive and opposed to several types of sexism. After adjusting for sex, age and institution, the belief of 100% condom effectiveness and the approval of pornography and sexism were associated with being sexually experienced.
There is room for further encouraging parents to talk more with their children about sexuality, specially aspects related to feelings and emotions in order to help them make better sexual choices. Indeed, teens wish to better communicate with their parents on these issues. Condoms are regarded as safer than what they really are by almost half of the participants of this study, and such incorrect knowledge seems to be associated with sexual initiation.
It is well known that, from the standpoint of public health, sexual relations among teens represent a risk factor [1–4]. Existing literature points to the alarming consequences of premature sexual involvement among adolescents [5, 6]. Examining cross-country data, Wellings et al. establish that men and women in most nations begin sexual activity at ages 15 to 19 [7]. Far from settling with a marital or cohabiting partner, teens engaging in premature sex increase their risk of exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and teenage pregnancy. According to UNAIDS and the World Health Organization, the global AIDS epidemic continues to grow and the number of deaths due to AIDS is increasing in most continents [8]. Every year, 14 million adolescents give birth, which in developing countries translates to one in three women under 20 years of age [9]. Owing to the health consequences, adolescent sexual behavior is certainly a growing concern.
Competent authorities are trying to find solutions to this problem (in the form of education programs and information campaigns). However, the average age of first sexual relation is still too low, while unplanned pregnancies and STIs remain high [10–13]. Some behavioral factors such as starting sex relations at a young age and having multiple (concurrent or serial) sexual partners, increase the risk of infections [5, 6, 14–18]. Moreover, the use of contraceptive methods does not seem to be effective enough to avoid unplanned pregnancies in youth [19–22].
In addition to the physical dangers, existing literature has likewise examined, albeit on a smaller scale, how early sexual activity could be compromising teens' emotional and psychological well-being:
Some studies assert that sexual activity is directly correlated to emotional problems among American teens; sexually active teenagers are more likely to be depressed and more likely to attempt suicide than teenagers who are not sexually active (even after controlling for sex, race, age and socio-economic status) [23, 24].
Personal testimonies of young people reveal that emotional dangers of premature sexual involvement are real [25].
Most sexually experienced teens are already reporting feelings of regret over premature sexual intercourse [26, 27].
Research points to different factors affecting early sex among teens. Several studies have confirmed more risky behaviors in males compared to females (higher prevalence of premarital sex, less likelihood to be sexually abstinent, increased odds of engaging in risky sex and younger age at first sexual relationship) [28–31].
Socio-economic status is also an important factor. Singh et al. ascertain that adolescent childbearing is more likely among women with low levels of income and education [32].
Several family variables have proven to be related to sexual behavior. Parent-child communication is protective against early sex [30, 33, 34], especially for girls [33]. Furthermore, according to the systematic review of American youth studies done by Buhi and Goodson, the youth's perception of parental attitudes toward sex is a stable predictor of sexual behavior outcomes [35].
Several studies show that the sources of information available to teens as regards sexuality are incomplete and inappropriate. A study in Costa Rica concludes that a more complete biological information is received compared to affective information. Furthermore, the same study reports that educational institutions are the most frequently used source, while the family stands in second place [36]. A Spanish research calls attention to the fact that almost half of the youth between ages 18 and 29 describe communication with their parents on sexual matters as inexistent (25.9%) and unsatisfactory (20.6%). While parents are the youth's favorite source of information, the youth in actuality turn to friends or partners for information [37].
Limiting current perspectives to the physical or biological dimensions of sexuality may further obscure fitting solutions. If intervention programs and future research are to be responsive to the needs of teens, what they feel and say should have weight in ongoing discussions. Expanding this research area has therefore the potential of uncovering important and useful insights on how to best help teens.
This research is the first step toward an international study (Project YOUR LIFE), on what the youth think and feel about relationships, love and sexuality; with the general objective of enabling future health education programs focusing on character and sex education to be grounded on youth's opinions and needs.
To know which is the preferred and actual main source of information about relationships, love and sexuality on representative samples of Filipino teen students;
To explore what topics the teens would want to know more about; and
To study their actual knowledge about the prevention of STIs and unplanned pregnancies as well as their attitudes toward specific issues such as sexism.
In order to accomplish the research objectives, a paper-pencil questionnaire was crafted to gather data on the following categories: Socio-demographic characteristics; characteristics of the group of friends; use of free time; access and exposure to media; feelings, opinions and information sources on relationships, love and sexuality; and life goals.
The instrument consisted mainly of close-ended questions. A five-point Likert scale was used for attitudinal responses. The questionnaire was drafted in colloquial English and pre-tested in the field to 180 students. Questions were tested to ensure clarity, comprehension and suitability to local conditions. Content and length of the instrument was modified to last about 45 minutes.
Specifically, variables considered in this article refer to: youth's sources of information about love and sexuality; importance of parents' and friends' opinion about different topics; frequency of conversations with parents about different topics regarding sexuality, and desire to know more about these topics; degree of agreement with sentences showing disapproval towards different forms of sexism; knowledge about condom effectiveness; and sexual experience (whether the subject has had any sexual relation).
The wording of the questions and answer scales is described below where appropriate. The questionnaire is available upon request to the corresponding author.
The targeted study population was 4,000 students from third year high school to third year college in the Philippines. Subjects were obtained through multi-stage sampling of clusters of universities and schools.
Time and budget constraints yielded the limitation of choosing seven respondent regions out of the seventeen political regions. These are National Capital Region, CALABARZON, Central Luzon, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, Davao and Northern Mindanao. The respondent regions were selected on the basis of having the greatest number of youth population while limiting two regions each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao (the three island groups), plus the National Capital Region.
From each region, four institutions were identified as survey venues: one public high school, one state college or university, one private high school and one private university. Schools with wider representation of youth sectors (judgment-based) were chosen (Figure 1).
The total of approximately 4000 students were targeted from the seven regions based on the respective contribution of the region to the total youth population. This sample size was chosen taking into account approximate sample size estimation criteria [38, 39]. We worked with the criteria that 10 subjects would be needed per parameter included in a statistical model used to adjust for confounding. By parameter we mean each continuous variable and/or each dummy variable from categorical variables, that could be included in a model. Thus with a sample of about 4000 students we were quite confident to have sufficient statistical power to account for a good amount of variables in a given model. Equal samples were taken from each year level and from public and private sectors to improve subgroup analyses by school type. Classes were randomly selected.
Not included in the population were out-of-school youth. Priority was given to study in-school youth since one of the implicit objectives of the research is to generate insights on future formation channels for this specific group.
Finally, for the propose of the analyses of this paper, we focused only on high school students aged 13–18.
The questionnaire was implemented between July and September 2007 in twenty-eight schools from seven regions using standardized data-collection protocols. Prior to administering the survey to students, consent was obtained through the schools. Schools were invited to voluntarily participate in the research project, which was described to the schools as an effort to collect nationwide baseline data to guide future education interventions.
Data collectors travelled to each participating school to administer the survey sheets during class hours. Administration in schools (that is away from parents) has the reported benefit of increasing the respondents' sense of privacy and their willingness to disclose sensitive information.
Survey procedures were designed to protect student privacy by allowing for anonymous participation. Data collectors read a standardized script, including an introduction to the survey requesting the participation of students. The survey's scope and respondent anonymity with respect to the school and their parents was explained. Moreover, students were instructed that they might opt to leave any discomforting survey item blank. The survey was completed in approximately 45 minutes or one class period in classrooms or lecture halls. To the extent possible, students' desks were spread throughout the classroom to minimize the chance that students' could see each other's responses. Neither the survey administrators nor classroom teachers moved around the classroom while students took the survey. Students were told of the importance of providing honest answers and that no one would know how they responded individually. When students completed their survey sheet, they were asked to seal their answers in individual envelopes to be returned to data collectors. Lead researchers secured and transported survey sheets to Manila for data entry.
Analysis was jointly conducted at the University of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines and at the University of Navarra, Spain. Ethical authorization was obtained for the study by the Ethics Committee of the University of Asia and the Pacific.
Data were analyzed taking the weights and clusters of the sampling process into account by using specific survey commands of the STATA statistical package release 9. The survey mean. proportion and logistic commands of STATA enable the estimation of group means, proportions and logistic regression respectively assuming weights and cluster sampling and thus estimating appropriate estimates and standard errors. Significance levels of comparisons and model coefficients are performed by STATA survey commands using an Adjusted Wald test [40].
The survey was answered by 3,726 subjects (93% of the targeted population). Most of the 7% of non-participation (6.5%) was due to scheduling constraints of one institution. Responses of 28 students were omitted because they were older than the target sample age (13 to 24 years). Seventy-three subjects did not give age information, 2 did not give sex information and 22 did not specify whether their school or university was public or private. Therefore, 3601 respondents were used for the project (90.0% of the targeted population). Among these, 3044 subjects (high school students, 13–18) were analyzed in this paper.
A majority of the respondents were female (64.3%) between 16 to 18 years old (60.4%). Most of them were Roman Catholics (83.6%) and came from middle-income families (79.1%) and public schools (54.3%) (Table 1).
Participants were asked how often they got information regarding love and sexuality from different sources. The source most
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