Scene De Sexe Game Of Throne

Scene De Sexe Game Of Throne


Scene De Sexe Game Of Throne
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Sexually Explicit Scenes in Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones , rape , sexism , violence , war


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Game of Thrones has built up a huge fanbase ever since its first season premiere on April 17, 2011. The show is based on the book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. It is a fantasy, drama serial created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It continues building up a fan base even though it is in its sixth season right now. The Game of Thrones fandom is one of the largest fandoms with new discussions, theories, and memes being generated on a daily basis all over.
So what is Game of Thrones all about? It is set in the fictional land of Westeros and Essos. It is ruled by the ruler sitting on the Iron Throne who is currently from the House Baratheon. While many families try to gain independence from the throne, much more want to claim it. “ The Sopranos in Middle-earth” is the tagline that the creator of the show, David Benioff jokingly suggested for Game of Thrones , referring to its intrigue-filled plot and dark tone combined with a fantasy setting that incorporates some magic and dragons.
The show contains a lot of violence and sex. It has come under a lot of criticism for the same. The show is famous for all the sexually explicit scenes. It contains a lot of rape, sex and sexual relations between siblings. According to Dave Itzkoff of the New York Times wrote that critics fear that “rape has become so pervasive in the drama that it is almost background noise: a routine and un-shocking occurrence.” The show has had many scenes which have triggered mass discussions and also angered many. One such scene was in the in the fourth season’s episode “Breaker of Chains”, in which Jaime Lannister rapes his sister and former lover, Cersei. The rape, however, became consensual in the end. George R. R. Martin responded that rape and sexual violence are common in war and that removing them from the narrative would have undermined one of his novels’ themes that “the true horrors of human history derive not from orcs and Dark Lords, but from ourselves.”
The show has shown rape in other episodes too like for example in the first season; Khal Drogo rapes his newly married wife, Daenerys Targaryen. However, this scene was described as consensual in the source novel. The show also shows sexual relations between siblings Jaime Lannister and his sister, Cersei.
Though, the show keeps getting a lot of criticism for its sexist content and torture scenes, much debates that it is a brilliant way to demonstrate sexism. The show despite all the rapes, sexual violence, torture and violence is still gaining a lot of attention and fans due to the interesting story line and will continue to do so.
Originally posted 2016-06-14 09:52:45.
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"Game of Thrones" was known for its explicit nudity and sex scenes.
Many of the stars have spoken about their experience filming these scenes.
Insider has compiled a list of what the stars have said.

Matt Smith says the show has "too much" sex.

Maisie Williams thought her first sex scene was a "prank."

Williams also said the showrunners tried to make the scene comfortable for her but that made the situation more awkward.

Joe Dempsie says he thought his sex scene with Maisie Williams was an "odd transition."

Emilia Clarke says Jason Momoa supported her when she felt "uncomfortable" in her early sex scenes.

Emilia Clarke said that filming "Game of Thrones" sex scenes were awkward because her brother was a cameraman on the show

Jason Momoa said he found it "really, really, really hard" to play his character.

Momoa also said writer David Benioff tried to get him to remove his modesty covering during his first sex scene.

Kit Harington said filming his sex scene with Emilia Clarke was "unnatural and strange."

Harington said that he pretended to throw up during a kiss scene.

Rose Leslie said Kit Harington made her feel "safe" during their sex scene.

Esmé Bianco says she feels "comfortable" about her scenes in "Game of Thrones."

Bianco said she was "so mentally tapped out" that she didn't notice how violent some of her sex scenes were.

Iwan Rheon says the rape scene with Sansa Stark "was the worst day of my career."

Sean Bean said that having intimacy coordinators can "spoil the spontaneity."

Gemma Whelan says filming sex scenes can be a "frenzied mess" without an intimacy coordinator.

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"House of the Dragon" star Matt Smith told Rolling Stone that there might be "slightly too much" sex going on in the show.
"You do find yourself asking, 'Do we need another sex scene?'" the actor said. "And they're like, 'Yeah, we do.' I guess you have to ask yourself: 'What are you doing? Are you representing the books, or are you diluting the books to represent the time [we're living in]?' And I actually think it's your job to represent the books truthfully and honestly, as they were written."
However, the showrunners of "Dragon," Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, told The Hollywood Reporter that the prequel will "pull back" on the number of sex scenes compared to "Thrones."
Maisie Williams essentially grew up on "Game of Thrones," having first joined the cast in season one, when she was 12.
It was only in the final season, when Williams was 22, that her character Arya Stark had her first sex scene with Gendry Baratheon.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Williams admitted she thought the scene was a prank on her by showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
"At first, I thought it was a prank," Williams said. "I was like, 'Yo, good one.' And [the showrunners were] like, 'No, we haven't done that this year.' Oh, fuck!"
Williams said the showrunners tried to let her have as much control of Arya's sex scene as possible.
"David and Dan were like: 'You can show as much or as little as you want,'" Williams said. "So I kept myself pretty private. I don't think it's important for Arya to flash. This beat isn't really about that. And everybody else has already done it on the show, so… "
She continued: "In the beginning, everyone was really respectful. No one wants to make you feel uncomfortable which kind of makes you feel more uncomfortable, because no one wants to look at anything that they shouldn't look at, which in turn makes you feel like you look awful because everyone is kind of [turning away]. You want people to act more normal."
Gendry actor Joe Dempsie said he found the sex scene with Williams in season eight of "Game of Thrones" rather strange after seeing Williams grow up on the show.
Dempsie told The Independent in 2020: "It was an odd transition purely because I'd seen Maisie grow up. I'd met her when she was a child and, during the course of the first three seasons, it was something I was asked regularly because [George R.R. Martin's] books suggest there's a possible romance. It always made me slightly uncomfortable."
Dempsie added that he was often asked by book fans about the romance.
"They were asking me to comment on whether I – at the time, a 25-year-old man – would like my character to hook up with a 14-year-old," the "Skins" star said. "I always avoided answering the questions. But it was something I then had to think about."
He added that doing the sex scene with Williams when she was older was "absolutely fine" and he didn't want to "patronize her" by making a fuss on set.
Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys Targaryen, is one of the most outspoken stars to talk about their experience of filming nude and sex scenes for "Game of Thrones."
In 2019, she told Dax Shepard on his podcast "Armchair Expert" that Jason Momoa, who played her on-screen husband Khal Drogo, helped her through the difficult sex scenes early in the show.
"He was crying more than I was," Clarke said about Momoa filming a scene where his character sexually assaults Daenerys. "It's only now that I realize how fortunate I was with that because that could have gone many, many, many different ways."
She added: "Because Jason had experience – he was an experienced actor who had done a bunch of stuff before coming on to this – he was like, 'Sweetie, this is how it's meant to be, this is how it's not meant to be, and I'm going to make sure that that's the fucking gaze.' He was always like, 'Can we get her a fucking robe? She's shivering!' He was so kind and considerate and cared about me as a human being."
Clarke said she also felt "overwhelmed" by the amount of nudity in the first season, which she hadn't fully prepared for.
During an interview on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Clarke said filming sex scenes in the final season was even more awkward because her brother was part of the camera department.
"It gets pretty tricky when filming love scenes," she said. "Yeah, there's some days when he's like, 'Oh I'll swing by,' and I'm like, 'No it's good! You can stay there.'"
Jason Momoa starred in the first season of the show as Khal Drogo, a Dothraki warlord who took Daenerys as his bride and sexually assaulted her on their wedding night.
When asked to reflect on his scenes as Khal Drogo, Momoa told the New York Times that he wouldn't want to play that role again.
"Well, it was important to depict Drogo and his style," the "Aquaman" star said. "You're playing someone that's like Genghis Khan. It was a really, really, really hard thing to do. But my job was to play something like that, and it's not a nice thing, and it's what that character was."
He continued: "It's not my job to go, 'Would I not do it?' I've never really been questioned about, 'Do you regret playing a role?' We'll put it this way: I already did it. Not doing it again."
In 2020, an oral history book about the series , "Fire Cannot Kill a Dr
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