Scavo Technologies: Delivering an eco-friendly cryptocurrency mining

Scavo Technologies: Delivering an eco-friendly cryptocurrency mining

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Hello friends, welcome to my article review. Over the past few years, I have taken it upon myself as a duty to provide the most useful information In my article reviews. Today, I will talk about an ongoing project called scavo technologies.

Just with a quick glance, one would notice our world has gone past the era of analogy to this current age of digital innovation. These innovations brought about the idea of an electronic coin known as cryptocurrency and amazingly this currency is rapidly gaining acceptance in the world’s ecosystem. Since the creation of cryptocurrency, the number of crypto miners has grown from thousands to millions on a worlds scale.

The popularity and demand for cryptocurrency are growing and this comes with an undying need for people to mine cryptocurrency which is why Scavo Technologies is launching an eco-friendly cryptocurrency mining operation. As time flies, mining cryptocurrency has proven to become extremely complex and this issue has grown to be a general challenge. These errors have resulted in an Increase in electricity consumption for mining the coins.

In other, for this mining to be environmentally friendly, a green source of energy is required.

Scavo Technologies is found in Argentina. The scalvo technology team is launching a self-sustaining mining location utilizing renewable energy such as solar, water and wind.

Scavo Technologies is presently holding a token sale for fundraising. The token is an ERC-20 token. Token holders are exposed to vast advantage and benefits. 80%of mining gain will be distributed to token holders and the remaining 20% will be utilized for reinvestment into the mining operation for reinvestment into the operation which includes the purchase and maintenance of equipment. A democratic decision will be carried out in the Scavo ecosystem and Token holders will have the ability to participate in the voting process with the utilization of smart contract.

The token sale started on July 5th and will last till October 31st 2018.

Project benefit

• Scalability

• Self-sustaining

• Secure payments

• Weekly Payments

• Environmentally friendly energy sources

Project strategy

An autonomous mining unit: an autonomous mining unit is a unit which is ready to be mined with all the vital hardware which includes an active and passive cooling system, a video recording capability, an information control centre for data usage and ready to receive power. This method will integrate coin mining and make it easier to begin coin mining in a different location.

Generation unit: General unit will be responsible for utilizing solar power, hydropower, wind, the generation unit and will supply power to the autonomous mining units.

Integrated data centre: the data centre will be responsible for the control of all aspect of mining. This method will drastically minimize cost and by so doing increase mining profitability and will also eliminate challenges in electricity price fluctuation.

Token detail:

Platform: Ethereum

Token code: SCAVO

Total supply: 200,000,000

Price 1SCAVO = 1USD

Soft capacity: 500,000

Hard capacity: 83,600,000



I believe with the full implementation of Scavo, the issues associated with the mining of cryptocurrency will be a thing of the past and this initiative will encourage more individuals to mine crypto.

Thanks to scalvo technologies, mining crypto will be easier for me from this moment onwards. Everyone needs to be a part of this amazing innovation.

Important links


Username: tochidavid

pofile link:;u=2355893

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