Scat Worship

Scat Worship


Scat Worship


Copyright © 2022 Mistress Ophelia Fatale . All Rights Reserved. | Catch Vogue by Catch Themes
Brisbane Dominatrix, Fetish Queen, Fantasy Facilitator and Dungeon Mistress
Don’t believe Me? Read on then, pet….
Goddess worship in it’s rawest form. Hell yeah I’m the self proclaimed Queen of scat in Brisbane. I mean, none of my toilet slaves are going to contest that. The truth is that I enjoy it more than any other Dominatrix I know, you won’t find anyone else that wants to force feed you.
It took me three years to start offering hardsports and toilet sessions. It’s like something switched in my brain overnight and I threw myself into the deep end (typical) within 48hrs. I remember telling my toilet that if he vomits, I’ll laugh at him and that he’s cleaning it. That I wouldn’t feed it to him because it’s shit and it’s disgusting. Once I’d dumped my load into his mouth, I put some gloves on and forced it down his throat, totally against my own imaginary boundary. I loved it. It’s shit and it’s disgusting. That’s why we love it.
I’m attempting to use this blog to answer any questions that you have about serving as My toilet – bear in mind that I don’t only see toilet slaves, but scat fetishists too.
I’m a healthy Bitch. I consume a vegan diet and a very low amount of processed foods. My body runs like clockwork and my best quality turd happens at 9:30am. I will not see you at any other time, unless you’re ready to compromise quality for convenience.
I love to make jokes about having you eat your vomit should it occur, but as much as I’m a bitch I’m also a huge advocate for consent and I understand that consent can be withdrawn at any moment (hence the use of safe words). You say the word and it’s over. If you require a specific aftercare process you need to make me aware of this too.
THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS TO PLAY WITH SHIT!!! I can use you as my toilet, restrain you, have you eat from a dog bowl etc etc. Like any other fetish, there are different levels to hardsports which I will talk about below. Generally you will arrive and, we once again talk about what we’re doing and then we do the thing that we’ve negotiated together.
I offer toilet training fantasy, full toilet training, extended toilet slavery and brown shower sessions (consumed or not). For those that cannot jump in the deep end, I would suggest a fantasy session involving golden showers and conditioning you to one day, eat my shit. I’ve never had someone chicken out in a scat session, even those with previous bad experiences.
This is always a risk for consuming shit. This is how I mitigate these risks: – I will not shit on your body if you have any wounds or cuts on it. – I do not eat meat, eggs or poultry therefore the risk of salmonella and e-coli is pretty much nil. – Do not brush your teeth!!!! This creates micro-tears in your gums and will cause infection if shit gets in there. Mouthwash instead, baby.
My minimum charge for scat sessions is $500. This depends whether you’re in and out, the degree of interaction that I have with my shit and the amount of time you’re there for.
Hope you’re hungry! If you want to find out for yourself, go here – Comment any further questions below and I’ll add them to the list.

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How the Hell Can Someone Have a Poop Fetish?
Evolution may provide one explanation.
Feet. Feces. Statues. These are such common fetish objects that experts have given them names. (Coprophilia, by the way, is an arousal to shit.) Sexual fetishes don't stop at objects , either: Specific settings and scenarios—everything from caves to foggy weather—are well documented in the existing fetish literature.
To fully understand this concept, it's first important to differentiate a true fetish from fetish behavior. "The clinical definition of a fetish is that you need this object or activity to be aroused, but that's pretty rare," says Justin Lehmiller, director of the social psychology program at Ball State University and a faculty affiliate at The Kinsey Institute. "It's far more common for people to enjoy fetish sex on occasion"—BDSM being the most popular example—"but not truly have a fetish."
Whether you're a dabbler or a full-on fetishist, however, it's not always clear where these sexual proclivities come from. What we do know is that a person's personality and sexual history likely play a role. "Habituation might make a more frequent behavior seem dull after a while," says Roland Imhoff, a professor of psychology at Germany's Johannes Gutenberg University who has authored research on fetishes and sexual motivation.
Imhoff compares "vanilla sex" to eating the same kind of pizza every night for dinner. Even if you love pizza, you're going to get tired of eating the same pie night after night. Likewise, white bread sex may grow boring—especially for people with a high sex drive who are doing it all the time, he says. That boredom may lead you to try novel and increasingly exotic forms of sex—including sex that incorporates fetish objects. If that experimentation leads to excitement and—the ultimate payoff—an orgasm, you may be more likely to revisit unusual or "deviant" forms of sexual adventurism, he says.
That helps explain BDSM and some of the more common forms of fetish sex. But how does a person develop a serious attraction to less widespread fetishes—like sex in caves? Or around wood? The most likely explanation is that a person is exposed to something unusual or exotic during an especially pleasurable sexual experience, Lehmiller says. Maybe a woman has amazing sex in a cave, or a guy spends his childhood enthusiastically masturbating in his dad's woodshop. These events could form powerful associations in the brain—associations made all the more powerful because they were rewarded with an orgasm.
Once that reward pathway is formed, the association between the fetish object and sexual pleasure will be strengthened every time that person has cave sex or plays with himself around wood. And despite what you might guess, there isn't a big Freudian or subconscious element to all this. Lehmiller says most fetishists can remember a specific sexual event or encounter that kicked things off.
But even that theory doesn't always account for what may be one of the most polarizing fetishes of all: poop. Fecal matter is inherently revolting to most of us, but researchers actually have a theory as to how someone could develop an attraction to it.
Research shows that , when people are aroused, their disgust reflex basically shuts down. That makes sense from an evolutionary perspective; soap, toilet paper, and breath mints didn't exist for most of human history. Sex was a dirty, smelly affair. If arousal didn't overpower our disgust toward bodily fluids and excretions, our species wouldn't have lasted long.
Lehmiller offers a hypothetical: "Maybe a guy is in the shower with his girlfriend, being intimate, and she urinates on him," he says. Because the man is aroused and his disgust reflex is muted, he may find he enjoys the introduction of human waste into the equation. "I've heard stories like that," he adds. He also points out that anything considered taboo is likely to kindle excitement. If you're the type who gets a thrill out of the forbidden, exposure to urine or shit during a sexual experience could—emphasis on could —stimulate a new fetish.
Your personality may also play a role. "There are probably some traits that predispose people to enjoying fetish sex," Lehmiller says, adding that sensation-seeking is one example. Or it could simply be how you're wired: One study suggests that the areas of the brain that light up in response to pain and pleasure have a lot of overlap; crosstalk between these overlapping networks might help explain why BDSM is so popular.
But there's still a lot we have to learn about how these associations develop. And it's important to note that not everyone who has awesome sex in a cave, or in a wood shop, or around poop, for instance, is going to develop a taste for it. As Lehmiller puts it, "It's a complex question, and I think there is more than one answer."
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Open discussions about the various fetishes.

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================================================ The Fetishes Forum is now closed for new posts. It is against the Forum Rules to discuss Fetishes as the main topic of a post anywhere at PsychForums. ================================================ You are entering a forum that contains discussions of a sexual nature, some of which are explicit. The topics discussed may be offensive to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum.

So I've always fantasized about wearing and defecating in diapers since I was around 6 years old, but since the age of 11, I've had an actual scat fetish. I enjoy watching hardcore scat pornography and have done so since I was 12 or 13, and it's all I can really enjoy these days. Most other forms of porn just seem boring to me. Feces can be repulsing to me like it can to normal people, but my sexual desire "overrides" this disgust, and I continue to return to it every time I try to permanently stop watching scat porn. Would you recommend that I get psychiatric help to try and "cure" my fetish, or that I just accept it? I don't really feel guilty about it like I did when I was 11-14, but I know that it can be unhealthy and cause relationship problems in the future. My main problem is I feel like I'd never find someone who'd e able to satisfy my fetish (although due to my current location, I have yet to see much of the world). What do you think?

I think it's really up to you whether you seek help for it or not. I'm fairly sure (I could be wrong) that you can't really get rid of the attraction, you can however minimize the effect it has on your life. I think you need to ask yourself whether scat is truly the only thing you're attracted to, I mean it's ok to be attracted to it, but does normal sex interest you? I know you said it seems boring, but when you watch nothing but scat pornography for a while that'll seem boring too. As a person with a scat fetish (and several other fetishes) I notice that what fetish I find interesting and what fetish I don't seems to vary, as in I might be interested in one fetish for one week then a different fetish another. Which makes sense because you always want something new and interesting, but if you over do scat watching it'll become boring. I think watching scat porn is completely fine, it doesn't harm anyone. I personally think you needn't worry about that, the only thing that you might worry about is actually partaking in the act. Doing it in diapers is rather ok, the only problem would be social engagements and possible problems linked there. However, if those aren't a problem for you at the moment you might not worry about it, but when it does begin to become a problem then you can seek help if you believe you need it. Some things like playing with it or eating it could be quite bad for your health, you should try and stay away from those acts, especially because cuts
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