Saving Private Key Failed With

Saving Private Key Failed With


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i just started a Git tutorial and I get to a deadend: I try to generate a rsa key part and it fails. I did this, in git bash:
I tried to save in a different folder and it went OK. but now i do the command ssh -T and it gives me the error permisson denied (publickey).
Eva Dias
Eva Dias 1,591●99 gold badges●3030 silver badges●6565 bronze badges
If you prefer to use a GUI to create the keys
First Zero
First Zero 19.3k●66 gold badges●4343 silver badges●4444 bronze badges
If you're using Windows, the unix-style default path of ssh-keygen is at fault.
In Line 2 it says Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Eva/.ssh/id_rsa):. That full filename in the parantheses is the default, obviously Windows cannot access a file like that. If you type the Windows equivalent (c:\Users\Eva\.ssh\id_rsa), it should work.
Before running this, you also need to create the folder. You can do this by running mkdir c:\Users\Eva\.ssh, or by created the folder ".ssh." from File Explorer (note the second dot at the end, which will get removed automatically, and is required to create a folder that has a dot at the beginning).
I know this is an old thread, but I thought the answer might help others.
csaba.sulyok 1,691●22 gold badges●1212 silver badges●1212 bronze badges
Vivek Maharajh
6,391●33 gold badges●2424 silver badges●2727 bronze badges
Note that you must create the directory before running the command. To Create a windows directory starting with a . you have to put a . before it and it will automatically be removed ".ssh." creates ".ssh". – marsh Apr 27 '17 at 14:28
That IS the answer. I've been suffering from the same problem and that i.e. entering the pathname the Windows way, solved the problem instantly. Thank you! – Terry May 23 '19 at 13:02
It looks like you are executing that command from a DOS session (see this thread), and that means you need to create the .ssh directory before said command.
Or you can execute it from the bash session (part of the msysgit distribution), and it should work.
VonC 1.1m●446446 gold badges●37023702 silver badges●43584358 bronze badges
In my case this was the correct answer, just forgot to create the directories specified in path – blissini May 6 '16 at 9:55
I had the same issue. I had to provide the full path using Windows conventions. At this step:
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Eva/.ssh/id_rsa):
Jared 315●44 silver badges●1010 bronze badges
OSX too: instead of ~/.ssh/id_rsa I had to use /Users//.ssh/id_rsa – AVProgrammer Mar 17 '16 at 15:47
Yep, on macOS I needed to type in the whole path of the intended keyfile for the second SSH key I generated (the first one worked with just the file name). – Aditya M P Dec 11 '16 at 13:58
I had to provide the full path too on High Sierra. – BaDr Amer Mar 12 '18 at 8:35
You have to create the .ssh folder yourself for saving ssh keys.
By the way, I used this path style: C:/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa
whenov 684●11 gold badge●88 silver badges●1818 bronze badges
I struggled with the same problem for a while just now (using Mac). Here is what I did and it finally worked:
(1) Confirm the .ssh directory exists:
(2) Accept all default values by just pressing enter at the prompt
PS If you are configuring git for rails, do the following (source):
(then accept all defaults by pressing enter)
Tanya Gupta
Tanya Gupta 542●33 silver badges●1313 bronze badges
In Windows I had to create the environment variable HOME pointing to my user profile first (C:\Users\) or whatever directory you prefer.
Then start a new command line window, create a a .ssh directory in your user profile or choosen diretory using mkdir ".ssh" command.
After doing that I was able to use the ssh-keygen without any path problems.
Mario Neubauer
Mario Neubauer 270●44 silver badges●1212 bronze badges
I was using bash on windows that came with git. The problem was I assumed the tilde (~) which I was using to denote my home path would expand properly. It does work when using cd, but to fix this error I had to just give it the absolute path.
Despertar 19.6k●88 gold badges●6969 silver badges●7575 bronze badges
Your method should work fine on a Mac, but on Windows, two additional steps are necessary.
Saving the id_rsa key in this location should solve the permission error.
Finger Picking Good
Finger Picking Good 332●22 silver badges●1111 bronze badges
I faced the same problem. Solution on windows:
Richardd 722●88 silver badges●1818 bronze badges
Open terminal and make sure you have .ssh directory.
On your home(~) folder enter ls -hal and you will see all hidden directories and make sure you have .ssh directory, if not do mkdir .ssh
then enter this ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
then you have: Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/YOURUSERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa):
press Enter (you don't need to enter nothing if you agree with that path or you need to enter your path from root of volume)
then follow answer what is gonna ask press Enter.
On Windows 8.1 using CMDER, I created the ssh key with this file path /c/Users/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa_whatever, the problem was the : that I was using. With this path I didn't create the folder before running the command, there is no need to run mkdir because the command will create the folder automatically.
Allan Freitas
Allan Freitas 1●33 bronze badges
this generate new modeled key. Or can create as:
Then continue following terminal.. give any name to the file as asked Again follow it with empty passphrase..and continue
Then goto the /home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519 or /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (is hidden file..look by doing ctrl+h to unhide hidden file) and copy it to gitlab => profile => setting => ssh => create new key there by pasting copied key and NOTE: public key always starts with ssh. Enjoy! Help:gitlab-Help
For windows use enter button 3 times
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Rupesh/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again:
Rupesh Shitole
Rupesh Shitole 11●11 bronze badge
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Ssh-keygen (Saving the key failed:)

I have tried to save it to /tmp as a example. Same issue.

I think it's because he did it under root user.

Did you try to run ssh -vvvv? It can also help to stop ssh on the server side: stopsrc -s sshd and to run it manually in debug mode: /usr/sbin/sshd -D -ddd to see what happens.

We assume it is root, because //.ssh/* is the same as /.ssh/*

Just to be sure:

the output of the commands:

ls -ld /.ssh //.ssh

print HOME: ${HOME}

and, ls -ls ${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa

FYI: the dsa keys seem to be "the less desired" PKI keys these days. You also want to be sure you have an "rsa" key - of sufficient bits.

and the output of ssh-V will reveal how new/old your installed ssh/ssl software is.

Thanks guys, seems to be a bug in openssl on aix 7.1.3sp5.

where is the output of lslpp -L 'openssl.*' and emgr -l?

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