Savannah's Hypnotic Socks Pt. 33

Savannah's Hypnotic Socks Pt. 33

Chapter 40

Nervously Roxy crawled into the living room at Cabrina's side all eyes were on her, most with a lustful look except for Helena who simply couldn't believe her eyes. Amber was clearly taking more charge of her as well after what had happened in the hallway. Helena was sitting really close to her and Amber's hand rested possessively on the girl's thigh.

"Damn we shouldn't have been this on time, just look on what we missed out, it isn't like getting here early allowed us to play with Roxy any longer either." Kiana whispered to Shawna. It was clear that the two of them had planned to get the most out of toying with her.

"Alright Cabrina, lead her up here a moment will you? We're going to play a fun little game. Thank you, now help yourself to some breakfast." Savannah said taking over the leash from her friend before pointing to the sort of buffet on the salon table.

To Roxy's confusion Savannah took out two small containers. Popping one open she fished out a small slippery black disk of some kind. "These are contacts Roxy, so hold still while I put them in." Savannah explained as Roxy remained in place nervously, seeing someone's finger come to your eye was just such a strange terrifying feeling. When the first one went in everything became dark before that eye, with the second one in Roxy became completely blind which didn't help her nerves at all.

"Good as both I Cabrina and Amber can testify you're an expert pussy muncher, probably even the best on campus although to test that we'd have to compare you to some other girls." Savannah started speaking only to be interrupted by Shawana.

"Oh me and Kiana have had a few, we could definitely be the judge of that if you wanted. It would require some thorough testing though." She said sending everyone in a fit of laughter except for Roxy who was naked and embarrassed, blushing at her Goddess's feet, even more vulnerable now that she was completely blind. Although the fun joking atmosphere gave her some more confidence as well. It was increasingly obvious that everyone just was here to have a good time with her as entertainment, that she wasn't judged, well not apart from her pussy eating skills that was. She was accepted here which allowed some of the excitement she felt over being in this situation to take the upper hand.

"There'll be enough time for that later, now let me finish explaining the game we're going to play. While Roxy might be an expert cunt muncher already I would like to see how big an expert she is on women in general. You know like those wine experts are able to tell how old, what grape mixture and even what vineyard a certain wine is? Well I want to see if your can tell the difference between us in certain aspects." Savannah carried on creating another round of laughter.

"For this first round we'll test kissing. We'll each walk up to her giving her a kiss and when the kiss breaks Roxy has to say who she just kissed. There'll be a few more rounds after this and for each correct answer she gets to spend 10 seconds under my feet with who ever is willing toying with her pussy. She love's my feet so much that they're the only way she manages to reach an orgasm by now. So I'm sure she'll want to rack up those 10 seconds. After all there are 80 seconds to be earned every round and with how much of a foot slut Roxy is she can probably earn herself two orgasms in that time." Savannah explained what she could win, Roxy knew she was right about her being such a slut for her feet, still it was embarrassing that everyone else knew as well. That everyone else no knew this would be a real reward for her.

"Of course incorrect guesses need to be punished so for each wrong guess Roxy will receive one more spank from everyone during the last round. On top of that as a compensation to the person she couldn't guess she'll have to lick that person to an extra orgasm after the game is played. So for each round up until the spanking round she can earn herself 8 more spanks, although I hope for her sake it's only 7 more at most cause I hope that by now Roxy can distinguish me at least. So Roxy, you can either earn yourself a lot of time under my feet and orgasms until your pussy is sore, or a very sore bottom and tired tongue." Savannah said gleefully.

The game's explanation only made Roxy more nervous. How the hell was she supposed to tell how everyone kissed? There just was no way, she would have to do her best cause there was a lot on the line here. Still being kissed while not knowing by whom was exciting in and of its own right.

To her surprise Roxy then felt the leash tug on her collar. Without much of a choice she went down on all fours and followed closely where the taut leash led her. Right now it was all she had to go on since she couldn't see for herself. She had to trust extra hard on Savannah and what direction her collar was being tugged. All in all it was only for a few steps, but those were scary as hell already.

Where they stopped the leash dropped right next her in what Roxy could only imagine was the middle of the circle everyone was sitting in. She was only just getting over the fact that she had just been moved when she all of a sudden felt a strong hand grip her cheeks and chin, lifting them up before a pair of lips pressed to hers and a rather aggressive tongue invaded her mouth, exploring relentlessly for nearly a minute while all Roxy could do was let it happen and try to figure out who it was.

The aggressiveness could certainly rule out Helena, Alisa, Amber and Cabrina. She could tell for sure that it wasn't Savannah either, Amy would probably hold back more as well since she didn't know her, then all of a sudden something she could swear was a dreadlock brushed against her nipple. This could only be one person and when the kiss broke off she exclaimed. "Miss Shawna?!" This was followed by a round of cheering and applause.

"Damnit, my stupid hair! Oh well it was nice kissing you Roxy, I guess you earned those ten seconds under your Goddess's feet." Shawna laughed planting another quick kiss on the girl's lips before walking off to her place again. 

Shawna had barely left when someone grabbed Roxy's hair from the back, pulling it down with painful force which forced her head up. Another aggressive tongue invading kiss followed. When it broke off Roxy guessed. "Miss Kiana?!"

A wide smirk spread over Amy's face. God lording it over such a pretty sexy girl was so fucking great and she was going to take full advantage of it. "Not even close Roxy, guess you'll have to apologise to me with your tongue a little later on. I'm already looking forward to it." Came the voice Roxy recognised as Amy's much to her shock. 

Up next Kiana approached Roxy. She was trying to be gentle, from how Amy had kissed Roxy that it was what Roxy would expect from her. After all taking a bit less advantage of the girl now would be worth the orgasm later. Only when it was time to kiss she was a little too eager to work her tongue in Roxy's mouth so when she pulled back Roxy guessed. "Miss Kiana?!" 

"Damnit!" Kiana shouted, her plan having failed. Roxy beamed however hearing that she had bee right. The more people walked up to kiss her the more at ease she started to feel. Before Anyone else walked up to kiss her Savannah interrupted again. "Alright people, once you're done kissing you'll just walk to your place quietly from now on. This way Roxy can just eliminate people making the guessing easier. We'll just give her her score after each round."

The kiss that followed was one Roxy instantly recognised as Savannah, it was rough firm and demanding taking full control in the way Roxy loved so much. "Goddess Savannah?!... Or no wait Miss Kiana." Roxy said with a big smile up to Savannah who had just kissed her. This brought a round of laughter from everyone around as clearly Roxy was missing deliberately to sacrifice ten seconds underneath her Goddess's feet in favour of giving her an orgasm.

"You cheeky little slut, your first guess was correct and you know it. Now I'm going to let the first one count and you'll get a warning if you guess me incorrectly, you'll be very sorry." Savannah said with a gleeful smile, warning Roxy. 

"Sorry my Goddess, it won't happen again. I swear." Roxy said throwing a sweet innocent smile up at Savannah.

As Savannah walked away someone else took place, this time kneeling in front of her so they were on the same height. The girl gently moved closer to Roxy, and planted a soft gentle peck on her lips, followed by another one, then one with a bit of tongue until they were entangled in a long passionate kiss. Roxy blushed, from that first peck she already knew it was Helena kissing her even though. She recognised the smell of her shampoo, after all she knew Helena longer and better than anyone here. If she had to judge from the way of kissing though she would have expected it to be Amber or Cabrina. She hadn't thought her friend would actually dare to use tongue.

What she didn't know was that Helena had been ordered by Amber to kiss her like that. Amber had possessively kept her hand on Helena's thigh, something which Helena deep down loved. Seeing Roxy give in to her desires in such a spectacular way had turned her on and made her feel a bit more at ease with her own desires all at the same time. So when Amber had instructed her how she wanted to see her kiss her friend she had blushed at first, but the promise of having some fun later made her want to give it her all never the less. "Miss Helena?!" Roxy guessed after the final peck as her friend walked back to her place where Amber gave her an intense kiss of her own as a reward. Something Helena was very happy with.

No confirmation for Roxy's guess came this time. Instead a short kiss with some tongue followed. It was quick and business like. "Miss Alisa?!" Roxy guessed, she had felt that Alisa wasn't nearly as into women as the others were. She did enjoy the company, but she wasn't the most eager participant. Although no confirmation came Roxy was pretty certain she was right and she was.

The next one in line was Amber. It was once more a tender few pecks followed by a light urging with the tongue until it went over to full on tongue action. This could be Amber or Cabrina. Although since it was nearly the exact same way in which Helena had kissed her, her guess was. "Miss Amber?!" 

Without a word The girl in front of her left and got replaced by the next in line. A hand gently slid up her neck, tangling with her hair as the nails delivered gentle scratches to the back of Roxy's head as a soft pair of lips met hers, gently coaxing Roxy to let the tongue in. Roxy was in heaven while kissing the girl and once the kiss broke, she said. "Miss Cabrina.

"That's correct Roxy, very impressive. That means you earned yourself seventy seconds underneath my feet and only one extra spank as well as an apology orgasm to Amy. You really are an expert lesbian my little slut." Savannah laughed.

"Now for the next round someone is going to walk up to your and take your leash. You're going to smell that person's feet and guess who it is. This person will then lead you around the circle to smell everyone's feet. I'm expecting you'll be able to do this round without any mistakes like the good little foot slut you are." Savannah explained the next round of the game.

Just like Savannah had said Roxy felt her leash being picked up a few seconds later. She responded immediately by getting down on all fours and feeling out where the feet were. Once located she moved her head in close and started sniffing. "Goddess Savannah?" She blurted out nearly instantly which led to a lot of Laugher from everyone around. 

"Of course, now I think no one would have thought you would get this wrong but congratulations Roxy, you have earned yourself another ten seconds under these feet you love so much." Savannah laughed as she pulled the leash taut and started leading her blinded girlfriend around the circle. Unlike the short crawl last time Roxy now had to rely on the guidance of her leash way longer.

Savannah just walked around a bit making sure Roxy was completely disoriented and couldn't guess whose feet she was smelling on the places she remembered from before the contacts were put in. "Alright Roxy, get down on your back and whoever I have stopped in front of will put their feet on your face for one minute. You have one minute to smell then you'll have to make your guess." Savannah instructed.

As Roxy got down on her back a pair of warm nylon covered feet came to rest on her face. She instantly knew they had to be Alisa's, she remembered that clean smell pretty easily. "Miss Alisa?!" She guessed right after the feet were removed from her face. No answer came as they just headed to the next pair of feet repeating the process.

Whoever got to place their feet on Roxy's face got a perfect view down her tight body, her pert breasts, pierced belly button, heart shaped pubic patch above the girls tight unsoiled but oh so wet pussy. The foot sniffing round flew by as Roxy didn't even need to think whose feet she was smelling. She could always guess right away. After all the smells were still fresh in her mind from when she greeted them. Unlike with the kisses she felt very confident with her guesses.

When she had sniffed all eight pairs of feet she was led back to the middle of the circle where she got the results from this round. "You've got a six out of eight meaning you get another sixty seconds with my feet bring your total on 130 seconds. You also get another two spanks per person when we reach that round and you owe both Kiana and Shawna an orgasm. Nevertheless I have to say you did perfectly Roxy. You matched the right smells to the right persons." Savannah said as Roxy looked up at her Goddess completely confused and in disbelief.

The confusion soon got cleared up when she heard Kiana and Shawna high-five. "See, I told you it was going to work, our socks smelled strong enough to mask the smell of our feet perfectly." Kiana said with a hug smile.

"Sorry Roxy, but you had to guess whose feet you were smelling not whose socks. It might not have been all that fair to you, but technically you guessed wrong even if you smelled right. Either way I'm looking forward to that orgasm." Shawna laughed.

"You two can be such selfish bitches sometimes, I think we should hold a vote. You can keep the orgasms you cheating earned, but I say Roxy doesn't get those two extra spanks per person and get another twenty seconds with your feet instead Savannah, what do you say?" Cabrina said although it was clear in her tone that calling her friends bitches was only in jest.

"Hmmm, I'll allow it. So whoever is in favour of Cabrina's idea raise your hand. Well that was easy, eight against zero. You have earned a 150 seconds under my feet in total and two spanks per person instead of four. You do still owe the orgasms though." Savannah said, even Shawna and Kiana had voted in favour of Savannah's rule, simply because the orgasms were what they cared for, they didn't want to screw Roxy over after all.

A big smile of relieve spread across Roxy's face. she didn't mind having to lick Kiana and Shawna to an orgasm, nor did she mind missing out on twenty seconds under Savannah's feet. What she was relieved to hear though was that those two spanks each would disappear. That was sixteen spanks less in total. Although it was clear from the vote that Kiana and Shawna didn't want to screw her over, she would still find a way to get back at them for cheating her out of a perfect score.

"Now for our next round everyone gets to feel you up for about two minutes and you have to guess whose hands are on your body. Nothing is off limit." Savannah said with a smirk. She had warned all guests not to stick anything in Roxy's pussy. That was the only limit she had given her guests. After all she wanted Roxy to remain her virgin toy for now. She didn't know if she ever wanted Roxy's virginity to go, she quite liked the thought of her girlfriend being a virgin despite all the perverted things they did.

If anyone were to disobey her one rule they would get kicked out of the party instantly and as she had said it, they would really regret it. She didn't expect anyone to disobey that one rule, but if they did she already had a fitting punishment in mind. With her socks she would make sure that person wouldn't be able to stand anything in her own pussy. At least not for a while in case of her friends, and never in Amy's case.

Roxy was kind of nervous about this next round. It would be a harder one to guess once more. Potentially even harder than the kisses. Besides hands roaming all over her body while she just had to let it happen would make her feel like such a slut. Especially once people discovered how sopping wet she was after that foot sniffing round.

When the first pair of hands rested down on her shoulders all of a sudden Roxy let out a small shriek of surprise making every one Laugh. The hands slid gently over her shoulders down to her breasts giving them a couple light squeezes before tracing Roxy's nipples with a feathery light touch making the girl gasp in pleasure. These feather light touches then slid down Roxy's stomach making her shiver before letting out a loud moan when one of those fingers traced right over her wet pussy lips.

God those hands felt good roaming all over her body, she would certainly say it was an expert touch but who the hell was touching her? That she just couldn't figure out. Maybe Cabrina or Amber? She was so focused on who the hell could be touching her that she wasn't even all that bothered by the fact that she was moaning and gasping in the middle of this circle of people. Eventually the touches came to an end and she made her guess. "Miss Cabrina?!" She wasn't sure and she didn't get a confirmation only making her more nervous over it all.

The first pair of hands had only just left when a second pair of hands made its way on her body. These were more aggressive, going straight for her breasts, groping and jiggling them for all to see. While one hand went down to her pussy the other remained on her breasts. The touches were kind of brutish and rough making her expect Amy maybe? While she expected much more aggression from Kiana and Shawna compared to those first hands, she was also pretty sure they were more skilled in touching a woman's body than this, they had to be after all their adventures, so her guess remained. "Miss Amy?!"

Next up were a pair of hands that touched her pretty much the same as the first pair but a bit shier in a way. She also picked up the scent of Helena's shampoo making her guess easy. It also meant that those first hands Had probably been Amber instead of Cabrina. "Miss Helena?!" She guessed, pretty sure she was correct yet very surprised that her friend had actually touched her breasts and even her pussy.

Up next was a pair of hands that felt rather aggressive and controlling, yet there was a certain sensuality to it as well. These hands started down on her inner thighs, massaging them while nibbling at her neck. One of the hands on her thighs went up to her pussy, rubbing it sensually with one hand giving her clit an occasional flick while the other moved up to her breasts, firmly squeezing them and pulling and pinching on her nipples. God these hands turned her on so much. They were aggressive, but clearly knew what they were doing. "Miss Shawna?!" She guessed?

All the other pair of hands, apart form one pair that didn't quite feel her up other than a bit of breast groping, the touches were all very sensual yet with a certain aggression and control like these last ones. She recognised the way in which Savannah usually felt her up, but even that was hard to distinguish. In the end it was just a guessing game.

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