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Saskia Sassen

Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology
713 Knox Hall, 606 West 122nd St, Mail Code: Columbia University, New York NY, United States
Sassen, S. 2018. "The Global City: Strategic Site, New Frontier." Chapter in Moving Cities - Contested Views on Urban Life. Springer.
Sassen, S. 2017. "Finance and business services in New York City: international linkages and domestic effects." Chapter in Deindustrialization and Regional Economic Transformation. Routledge.
Neither Legal nor Illegal: Today’s Operational Spaces Barely Captured in Law. In C. Landfried (Ed.), Judicial Power: How Constitutional Courts Affect Political Transformations (pp. 365-383).Feb. 2019, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
"The Global City: Strategic Site, New Frontier." Chapter in Moving Cities - Contested Views on Urban Life. Springer. 
Our Epoch’s Little Banishments
"In Contrast #33 The Global City", New England Public Radio November 2018.
"Welcome to a New Kind of War: the Rise of Endless Urban Conflict", The Guardian, January 30 2018.
"Deep Inside the Global City", The Guardian January 2018.
"Embedded borderings: making new geographies of centrality", Territory, Politics, Governance, March 2017.
"Predatory Formations Dressed in Wall Street Suits and Algorithmic Math", Science, Technology & Society, February 2017.
"'One of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK': Saskia Sassen on Manchester", City Metric, June 2017.
"A Third Space: Neither Fully Urban nor Fully of the Biosphere", Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary, May 2017.
"Home economics: Book Review on Jane Jacobs Biographies", The Times Literary Supplement, March 2017.
"Why The Paris Attacks May Signal A Shift In Extremist Violence", Huffington Post, January 2017.
"Is Rohingya persecution caused by business interests rather than religion?", The Guardian, January 2017.
"Land Grabs Are Partly To Blame For Skyrocketing Violence In Central America?", Huffington Post, January 2017.
"Finance and business services in New York City: international linkages and domestic effects."
Chapter in Deindustrialization and Regional Economic Transformation. Routledge.
"Can Cities Help Us Hack Formal Power Systems?", The Architect's Newspaper, August 2017.
"Digitization And Work: Potentials and Challenges in Low-Wage Labor Markets", Open Society.
Sassen on "What’s the Greatest Risk Cities Face?", Politico Magazine, July/August 2017.
Interview at the Moscow Urban Forum: "Extraction & inaction? Ft. Dutch-American sociologist Saskia Sassen?", RT, July 2017.
"A world unified by the golden rule: expropriation" (an interview with Saskia Sassen), il manifesto, March 2017.
“I think we need more cities: Saskia Sassen”, The Hindu, February 2017.
“Saskia Sassen en La Historia es Nuestra”, Cooperativa, January 2017.
Global Networks, Linked Cities. Routledge. 
"Top-Down, Bottom-Up Urban Design" by Elizabeth Greenspan, The New Yorker, October 2016.
"Die Reichen möchten in der Stadt nicht belästigt warden (The Rich do not want to be bothered in the city)", Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 2016.
"We have entered a new era that the language of inequality cannot capture", The Journal of Turkish Weekly, February 2016.
"How Jane Jacobs changed the way we look at cities", The Guardian, May 2016.
Sassen, S. 2016. Global Networks, Linked Cities. Routledge. 

Knox Hall 606 West 122nd Street, 5th Floor, Suite 501 · New York, NY 10027

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Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chairs The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University. Her recent books are Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press 2008), A Sociology of Globalization(W.W.Norton 2007), and the 4th fully updated edition of Cities in a World Economy (Sage 2011). The Global City came out in a new fully updated edition in 2001. Her books are translated into twenty-one languages. She is currently working on When Territory Exits Existing Frameworks (Under contract with Harvard University Press). She contributes regularly to OpenDemocracy and The Huffington Post.
Sociologist Saskia Sassen contributed insights on population displacement in megacities Beijing and Shanghai in an article for the Guardian.
Dr. Saskia Sassen , Columbia University Professor of Sociology, wrote an article for The Architect's Newspaper on how the powerless can "hack" global cities. 

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