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Sarpsborg buying snow
Normally the search retrieves all newsitems in which all the search terms occur. However, this behaviour may be modified by using quotation marks, wildcards and Boolean operators in the following ways:. News Search: buy snow www. By relevance. Search Options Search terms: The word or words being searched for. This is a required field. Ordering: Results may be ordered by date with the newest newsitems at the top or by relevance. In relvance ordering, the frequency and placement of the search terms in the news item affect the ranking. Advanced Search Normally the search retrieves all newsitems in which all the search terms occur. Quotation marks: By enclosing a series of words in quotation marks, one indicates that they should occur in that specific order. Wildcards may be applied to the words as well. A minus sign: A minus sign or hyphen - immediately in front of a word or a phrase in quotation marks indicates that it should not occur in any news item found. Parentheses may be used for grouping. In order to search for these words themselves, one must place them inside quotation marks. Icelanders could be a part of a Nordic army. Presidential candidates flock to run for office in the coming elections. Iceland could be a reception site for solar power plants in space. Serious traffic accident in the North.
Sarpsborg buying snow
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