Sarah Paulson Nide

Sarah Paulson Nide


Sarah Paulson Nide


Ellen Killoran

08/08/11 AT 3:43 PM

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Mercede Johnston, Levi Johnston's sister, is revealing all -- literally -- for an upcoming Playboy interview and photo shoot.
There is clearly no love lost between the Palin and Johnston clans, and if Mercede's anecdotes are to be believed, the Palin family is far from picture-perfect.
The 18-year old claimed that Track Palin was forced into military service so as not to detract from his mother's vice presidential campaigning in 2008.
"He didn't choose to go into the Army; he went there because his mom made him, to get him out of the way so when she was at the convention they wouldn't know he does drugs and would think he was a patriot."
Johnston said Track Palin did Oxycontin and cocaine. (Johnston's mother is currently serving a three-year house arrest sentence for selling Oxycontin.)
The soon-to-be centerfold also put in her two cents about Sarah Palin's political future, claiming she would have a "mental breakdown" if she were elected president, pointing to the fact that Palin did not finish her term as Alaskan governor.
Johnston also insisted that Palin is far from well-liked by Alaskans, claiming that 70 percent of residents in her hometown of Wasilla "can't stand" her.
The overprotective sister of Levi Johnston did not spare the mother of her nephew. According to Mercede, Bristol Palin sent a text message to Levi during her pregnancy that read, "Ever since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I prayed to God you weren't the father."
She added that her brother did not like Bristol to drink, as it made her "more promiscuous."
Mercede's photos and interview will appear in the September issue of Playboy.

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i think there was talk of using these for her christmas cards that year...
PLEASE NOTE: This image is copyright 2004 Addison Godel. It is pending registration with the US Electronic Copyright Office. All rights reserved. Unauthorized publication of this image, or images derived therefrom, may be subject to legal action.
Update for those folks looking for answers/statements from me, but who are understandably disinclined to read all the comments below, and at the various linked images where I've chimed in....
1) Yes, this is the real photo. Yes, the Palin one is a Photoshop job. No, I didn't do the Photoshop - that turned out to be InnocuousFun who I had never met or heard of before all this. No, it's not a "real" gun.
A concise and accurate summary of the significant facts can be found at . Where other sources contradict that account, or my statements here, trust the latter. FactCheck, as far as I've been able to discern, is as dry and nonpartisan as you can expect for the internet - certainly better than you'll get from my own forays into campaign bloggery!
To be avoided: Fox News's article on the episode, which manages to be a screed against a rival news organization's ostensibly poor fact-checking, while being itself wrong on points that could have easily been confirmed by either reading the FactCheck story or contacting me. I am flattered that they think Elizabeth was my girlfriend - then or ever - but, very sadly, this was not the case.
2) No, I cannot give you any more information about Elizabeth . No, I can't tell you her side of the story. I am uncomfortable issuing statements on her behalf or taking on the role of being her "manager" or anything similar; for her part, she is mainly concerned about her privacy. Both of us are riddled with mixed feelings about the Photoshop image, which makes issuing a definitive "statement" difficult; as well, it seems clear that the blogosphere/commentosphere will inevitably find its own meanings for anything we'd attempt to say. That's the way the world works - but the main point is that both of us kind of wish this whole thing would go away, not from our lives so much as from people's inboxes. More on this below.
3) Thanks for your interest, but I am really not inclined to participate in any online fora, guest blogs, podcasts, et cetera. Major news organizations should refer to the FactCheck story. If you want to put me on national television, get in touch, but only if you are willing to pay travel expenses to somewhere I'd want to visit anyway, plus charitable gifts. What I would really prefer is to be put on "Jeopardy!" and to have this be my cutesy anecdote that Alex asks me about after the first commercial break.
My reticence doesn't stem from any hostility to anybody who's written with such requests, but mainly from a sense that I personally don't have much more to say than I'm saying here, and that everyone's time would really be better spent covering actual news.
4) I am flattered by those who think I somehow have the power to wipe the Palin 'shop off the Internet, but this strikes me as unrealistic in the extreme. Strangers on my bus to work in the morning have seen the thing. Google turns up hundreds of thousands of hits for "'sarah palin' bikini." It's out of my hands - so whether you agree with my statements on this page or not, don't hold the 'shop image's existence, or distributed reach, over my head as something for which I should be responsible.
At the same time, I don't appreciate or accept my photo being used for profit, in whatever its altered state, without my permission or even my knowledge. If you see it for sale in any context, please let me know. This may also be a losing battle but frankly it is weird enough seeing my photo (and my friend's body) all over the Internet - I really don't want to see them on a T-Shirt.
The bottom line: I'm not a spokesperson for the left, for feminism, or for Barack Obama's campaign. I'm just some guy who took a photo four years ago and posted it on this blog two years ago, for the delight and entertainment of my friends. When the Palin 'shop first broke, I was amused because, I mean, I knew it was Elizabeth and it was just...bizarre. I also figured it was just one of countless 'shops being done at that time - I really could not have imagined, when it first appeared in my browser, that it would become as ubiquitous as it has.
I rather wish it hadn't. We deserve better from this election than deception and worn-out old narratives. It's deception to keep forwarding along a fake photo as a real one. It's a worn-out old narrative to imply that a female candidate (for any position, political or not) is unqualified because she has a body and sometimes puts a bathing suit on it (the "bimbo" frame-up).
Sarah Palin is in my view unqualified to be President, and being qualified to be President is really the only qualification to be Vice President. But she's not unqualified because she's a woman, or because of what's going on in her family, or because some Internet person put her face on the photo of some other Internet person. Her lack of qualification broadcasts itself right off of her resume, and is indeed the driving force behind her narrative as "hockey mom"; if she were qualified, she would lose the glow of the Everyperson.
Similarly, I think it's clear that Sarah Palin, to the extent that she has any documented policy convictions, stands for a vision of America with which I, along with millions of others disagree. Some aspects of that vision are what, no doubt, have lent this image an air of plausibility to many. Elizabeth was donning a particular stereotype of us Southerners when this photo was taken; it would have been read by our friends as hilariously out-of-character, but clearly to many people (on both ends of the Palin love/hate spectrum) they seem in-character for the Governor. But: we don't need the perverse patriotism of an American flag bathing suit (I still wonder how the Flag Code handles this) to point out how self-righteous patriotism of the "Liberals aren't really Americans!" variety poisons the well of our political discourse. And we don't need a BB gun to point out that the McCain/Palin ticket is a pro-gun ticket , calling gun control "a proven failure in fighting crime," opposing waiting periods for gun ownership, and seeking to end restrictions on assault weapons and armor-piercing ammunition.
No doubt this will all blow over soon and this text will look like the overpreening ramblings of a small man trying to elevate his teacup's tempest to the status of a major news story. I would offer this, though: I didn't choose to be thrust into the brief, fourth-tier spotlight. All I chose to do was leave the photo up and link it from a version of the other image. I caught the 'shop very early in its cycle and could have very easily taken this down; eagle-eyed viewers would still recognize the tell-tale signs of 'shopping, but many more people who now know the truth probably would still be fooled. I'm not asking for a standing ovation, but to those who have their own ideas about what I could or should have done, I do ask you to imagine yourselves in my shoes. I never quite anticipated that my life's most significant contribution in either photography or politics would be that I would not deny authorship of a candid snapshot. To quote Batman's spooky growly voice: "What would you have me do?"
When the furor blows over and bloggers can again focus on, you know, the economy, health care, education, foreign policy, and energy, this blog will continue with its normal course: pictures of architecture with academic rambling that only five people care about; and pictures of days spent with my family and friends...including any future picnics at the rock quarry. It was, after all, a really lovely afternoon.
Google Trends reported "Sarah Palin Hot Photos" and "Sarah Palin Bikini Pics" among the top 100 searches for 9/2/2008
As others have pointed out, this Sarah Palin Bikini Image is faked. Thought I'd show the original...
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin shows off her skills with the rod, PETA be damned.
A bit harsh to taint the image of a Vice Presidential candidate, regardless of how funny the image is.
Sarah Palin on the front cover of Playboy magazine, in all her beauty. Sexy lady!
Check out the cleavage on Mrs Palin there!
An interview with the creator of the now famous Sarah Palin Bikini Gun photo.
Mission Mission blog posted a hilarious entry on the original flyer design (
I edited the original flyer design ( based on their suggestions.
I had fun coaching Sarah for the debate tonight. Hope she does well! ; )
This is the BB Gun that CNN's Lola Ogunnaike identified as an AK-47 Assault Rifle when Lola described the obviously faked, and already debunked, Sarah Palin in a bikini with a gun photo as real.
The photo is used in the NeoLibertarian at large blog entry on the incident Gunning for Sarah Palin .
Videos of Sarah Palin from the Miss Alaska beauty pageant in 1984 are being taken down from YouTube as fast as they are being put up. Well, for one, it is called a swimsuit, not a bikini like the video I caught taken down called it.
Others are still up as I post this. I wonder how long they will stay up.
I'm not sure that seeing a potential vice president competing in a beauty pageant makes me comfortable to vote for her to be in a position on the international potlicial stage. It also makes me think that we can't control anything anymore, from political communications to our own privacy.
Who is taking them down, and why? Can information be controlled anymore? Is it a political matter, a copyright matter?
I started at the moose's ass all night before I realized she was wearing a skin tone leotard beneath the thong. Thankfully, Ms. Palin's bottom was also on display.
Purchased outside my local supermarket. The old guy selling these also had McCain/Palin t-shirts. When I walked past him the first time, he asked me if I wanted to buy some "new" stuff. "A few months late, isn't it," I said. I had a closer look on the way out. He had some Obama paraphernalia too, mostly "commemorative" inauguration buttons. Weird.
My take on the Obama Change Poster.
For more inspirational wallpapers, pictures, motivational posters, motivationalposters, cartoons, political humor, funny depictions of the president of the United States of America, pundit comments and quips, Barack Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) cartoons, demotivational posters, see the full gallery of motivational posters online for your enjoyment at . sarah palin sara sarahpalin bikini boobs jugs tits hot hope change
Mariyah Moten at the Miss Pakistan World Pageant, she was given the title of Miss Pakistan Tourism, and later became the first Miss Pakistan Bikini in 2006.
Mariyah Moten at the Miss Bikini of the Universe pageant. FIrst ever to represent Pakistan in a bikini pageant.
contestants from the infamous Miss Bikini pageant 2006
Black Slim Devil (Vivitar UWS clone)
Ilford (either 125 or 400 (this is a scan from my first ever roll through the camera))
His hat read: "Elvis Country." His sign was covered in pictures of women in bikinis, all in glossy white-framed 8 by 10. He wasn't selling anything, just asking for money. The sign reads: "Sarah Palin For President. Colorado, Denver."
I know its hard to see, but that's a painting of Sarah Palin in a bikini kneeling on top of a rocket and the words "blow away the competition" advertising some business or other. I wish you could see it better but I missed my exit getting this shot from my cell phone.
This is the BB Gun that CNN's Lola Ogunnaike identified as an AK-47 Assault Rifle when Lola described the obviously faked, and already debunked, Sarah Palin in a bikini with a gun photo as real.
The photo is used in the NeoLibertarian at large blog entry on the incident Gunning for Sarah Palin .
This is an AK-47 Assault Rifle which CNN's Lola Ogunnaike couldn't tell apart from a BB Gun when Lola described the obviously faked, and already debunked, Sarah Palin in a bikini with a gun photo as real.
The photo is used in the NeoLibertarian at large blog entry on the incident Gunning for Sarah Palin .
A couple at the nature center looking at the fish.
I still think she looks much like Sarah Palin...
Resurrected from the old "moderated" period B&W's, here are some pictures in their original color glory. More archive in my blog
...looking down on the party at Waybakcreek.
Fire~Dance has a great shot of What the Wolf sees
This by far was the best costume of the night. She was asian, she had a gun, she was in an american flag bikini and she could wink like no other.
First Miss Pakistan Bikini interviews with Houston Press and PBS News Channel. Mariyah Moten

Sarah paulson nide - 🧡 Sarah Palin 'Cheesecake' Photographs

Actress Tallulah Brockman Bankhead was born on January 31, 1902 in Huntsville, Alabama.
In 1957 he appeared as Private Meredith in the war movie Men in.
The Enquirer placed a black bar over her breasts.
Her grandfather was a Methodist minister who ran an orphanage in Seoul during the Korean War.

Photograph shows Sarah Palin posing in a U.S. flag bikini while holding a rifle.

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It’s an unfortunate aspect of modern life that just about any woman who enters the public sphere at a national level is presumed to have posed for risqué photographs (anything from cheesecake shots to nude pictures) at some point in her past, and that (whether she has or not) examples of such photos will inevitably be fabricated and put on public display.

[Collected via e-mail, September 2008]
Photo is attached. It shows Vice Presidential candidate Sara Palin holding a rifle. She is wearing a stars and stripes bikini. Behind her a male is holding a can, possibly beer, and in the other hand a cigarette. There is a third person behind the beer/cig guy holding another rifle.
If it’s real it’s dynamite! She’s a Life Member of the NRA yet is at a pool where guns and alcohol are mixed. American Legion/VFW frown on garments made from US flag.
Alaska governor Sarah Palin quickly became the object of such attention when Senator John McCain selected her as his running mate for the 2008 presidential election. The image displayed above, of a bikini-wearing, rifle-toting Sarah Palin, began circulating on the Internet within days of the announcement that she had been tapped for the vice-presidential spot on the 2008 Republican ticket. It’s purely a digital manipulation, however, created by pasting an image of her head onto this original photo (of a bikini-clad woman holding a BB gun, not a rifle):
Another widely circulated photograph was this putative pose of Sarah Palin in a short skirt and high heels (which was also fashioned as a Playboy magazine cover):
It, too, was a fake, one similarly created by clipping the head of Sarah Palin from the photograph below and pasting it onto someone else’s body shot:
Likewise, much attention was paid to a supposed nude shot of a much younger Sarah Palin, seen at the bottom center of this Chinese newspaper article:
This picture was a double fake. It’s not a photograph of Sarah Palin; it’s an image that has long been circulated as a picture of Seinfeld actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus . Even that attribution is wrong, however, as the picture was fabricated by pasting the actress’ face onto someone else’s body.
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