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An increasing number of governments worldwide have introduced a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages SSB for public health. However, the adoption of such a policy is still debated in many other countries, such as in the Netherlands. We investigated Dutch stakeholder views on taxation of SSB and perceived barriers and facilitators to its adoption in the Netherlands. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in with 27 stakeholders from health and consumer organizations, health professional associations, trade associations, academia, advisory bodies, ministries and parliamentary parties. Data were analysed using a thematic content approach. The findings reveal that, between and within sectors, stakeholders expressed contradictory views on the effectiveness, appropriateness and socio economic effects of an SSB tax. Perceived barriers to the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands included an unfavourable political context, limited advocacy for an SSB tax, a strong lobby against an SSB tax, perceived public opposition, administrative load and difficulties in defining SSB. Perceived facilitators to its adoption included an increasing prevalence of overweight, disappointing results from voluntary industry actions, a change of government, state budget deficits, a shift in public opinion, international recommendations and a solid legal basis. In conclusion, this study shows that several challenges remain to be overcome for the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands. Similar research on stakeholder views in other countries may further inform SSB tax policy processes. Worldwide, the prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled since WHO, a. Overweight and obesity are related to an increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders and some types of cancer WHO, a. Among the many determinants of overweight and obesity, sugar-sweetened beverages SSB have received considerable attention as a target for prevention. SSB have been strongly and causally associated with obesity development and provide little to no nutritional value Malik et al. Evidence for the causal association between consumption of SSB and weight gain is stronger than for other types of food or beverages Woodward-Lopez et al. Potential underlying mechanisms are their high levels of added sugar, low satiety and an incomplete compensation for liquid calories at subsequent meals Malik et al. Although European regions report relatively low SSB consumption levels compared to the rest of the world, large variations exist between countries European Commission, In the Netherlands, SSB consumption contributes to Yet, no such policy has been introduced in many other countries. A country that has not yet introduced an SSB tax is the Netherlands. Additionally, a consumption tax of 8. One Dutch parliamentary party adopted an SSB tax in its draft election programme for the Dutch parliamentary elections in However, because the majority of their party members voted against the tax, the tax proposal was withdrawn from the election programme during their election congress Eykelenboom et al. In the concept version of this agreement, an exemption from the existing consumption tax on sugar-free beverages was proposed. However, no governmental interventions as a tax exemption for sugar-free beverages or an SSB tax were announced to reduce overweight and obesity in the final version of the National Prevention Agreement Rijksoverheid, The adoption of an SSB tax is a political process that takes place in a complex adaptive system Penney et al. The adoption is related to many different components of this system, including the interplay and influence of stakeholders from various sectors e. Stakeholder views on taxation of SSB have been investigated in various studies. For example, Signal et al. Signal et al. Moreover, Tamir et al. Tamir et al. Although Israeli stakeholders agreed on the need for policies to stimulate healthy food choices, a tax was generally not acceptable to stakeholders from non-economic sectors as it was thought not to have a substantial effect on reducing consumption. In countries that have not yet introduced an SSB tax, such as the Netherlands, an investigation of stakeholder views leads to a greater understanding of why certain stakeholders are in favour and others against an SSB tax. Furthermore, it generates more insight into potential challenges and opportunities when governments would consider the introduction of such a policy. Since stakeholder views on taxation of SSB may vary across countries because of different political, economic and sociocultural contexts, it is important to share context-specific research at the international level WCRF, ; Thow et al. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the views of Dutch stakeholders from a diverse range of relevant sectors i. We also collected stakeholder recommendations for the design of an SSB tax if introduced in the Dutch context and for alternative measures to reduce overweight and obesity. This research is part of the Policy Evaluation Network Lakerveld et al. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the Netherlands between March and May Purposive sampling combined with snowball sampling was used to recruit stakeholders from a diverse range of relevant sectors and professional backgrounds e. To ensure all relevant stakeholders were invited, each participant was asked to identify stakeholders that were lacking from the initial list of stakeholders that was developed by the research team. Stakeholders were contacted by e-mail or phone. A total of 46 stakeholders were invited to participate, of whom eleven declined and eight did not reply to our initial e-mail, reminder e-mails, nor our calls see Table 1 , including reasons for declining. In total, 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted see Table 1. The study included 27 participants, as one interview was conducted with two participants that represented two trade associations and one interview was conducted with two participants that represented one advisory body, both at the request of the participants. The study was conducted according to the ethical standards declared in the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants before each interview. Interviews were conducted face-to-face by two researchers trained in qualitative research. Before the start of each interview, participants provided verbal consent for audio-recording of the interview. A semi-structured interview guide was developed by the research team using the available literature on stakeholder views on taxation of SSB Eykelenboom et al. Broad questions investigated stakeholder views on taxation of SSB in general and on barriers and facilitators to its adoption more specifically. Stakeholders in favour of an SSB tax were asked for their recommendations for the design of an SSB tax if introduced in the Dutch context. Stakeholders against the tax were asked for recommendations for alternative measures to reduce overweight and obesity in the Netherlands. Stakeholders who were neither for or against the tax provided input on both questions. The interview guide was pilot tested on a health organization employee, who after the interview provided feedback on the interview guide. Based on the feedback, no adjustments were required. Data were collected and analysed concurrently, allowing the research team to explore issues that proved to be important in earlier interviews further in subsequent interviews. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. To enhance member validity, every participant received a summary of his or her own interview transcript to check for accuracy Green and Thorogood, Names of participants were replaced by ID-codes. Data were analysed using a thematic content approach Green and Thorogood, The first four interview transcripts were inductively coded line-by-line by two researchers independently M. The emergent themes were discussed in meetings until consensus was reached and an initial thematic map was developed. Subsequently, the data were inductively coded line-by-line either by one researcher M. Iterative discussions between the researchers took place to review themes for coherence, refine existing themes, identify new themes and recode some data extracts. Illustrative quotations were identified, translated from Dutch to English and presented in the Results section. An overview of the emergent themes and the views of stakeholders related to these themes is presented in Supplementary Table 2. Stakeholders from all sectors, except those from trade associations, thought that an SSB tax would reduce purchases and consumption of SSB in the Netherlands. Trade association. Stakeholders from parliamentary parties, ministries, academia, health professional associations and health and consumer organizations indicated that an SSB tax would improve health-related outcomes in the Netherlands, such as obesity and nutrition-related diseases, dental health, mental health and life expectancy. In contrast, other stakeholders from parliamentary parties, advisory bodies, academia and trade associations had doubts about the health benefits of an SSB tax and a stakeholder from a health professional association was concerned that an SSB tax might even have detrimental consequences for dental health by stimulating sipping on SSB over a longer period of time. Stakeholders further indicated that an SSB tax could only be effective in improving health-related outcomes as a component of a comprehensive, integrated package of health interventions. In contrast, stakeholders from ministries, trade associations, health professional associations and consumer and health organizations expected that the SSB industry would not reformulate their products as a consequence of an SSB tax. Thus, if there is a shift to their own other products… what would convince them to reformulate their SSB, which will still be sold? Concerns were expressed about a shift to artificial sweeteners as an alternative to sugar. Artificial sweeteners were seen as similar or more health-damaging compared to sugar. Academic in the field of nutrition and health. However, also concerns were expressed by stakeholders from advisory bodies, academia, trade associations and health and consumer organizations that an SSB tax could result in an excessive focus on SSB as the only cause of overweight and obesity, although it is a complex disease with many factors involved. It \[overweight\] is about calories, it is not about sugar. Stakeholders from all sectors, except those from trade associations, noted that government interventions such as taxation are appropriate to reduce overweight and obesity in the Netherlands. The following reasons were mentioned to justify the need for taxation of SSB: overweight is a major problem in the Netherlands, the Dutch government has a responsibility for the health of its inhabitants, overweight has negative externalities, there is imperfect information about the health effects of SSB consumers might not be able to act in their own best interest , there are inequalities in health, the environment provokes unhealthy behaviour, and taxation of unhealthy products is also applied in other areas in the field of lifestyle behaviours such as tobacco prevention. Academic in the field of social epidemiology. In contrast, other academics in the field of political science and preventive dentistry and stakeholders from trade associations perceived universal prevention strategies targeting the general population as not appropriate to reduce SSB consumption and argued for particular attention to specific risk groups showing excessive consumption. These stakeholders suggested measures such as health education in schools and stricter regulation of child marketing to target children and adolescents in the Netherlands specifically. Stakeholders from all sectors referred to the financially regressive nature of an SSB tax and indicated that the tax would financially burden those from lower socioeconomic groups more than those from higher socioeconomic groups. An academic in the field of health economics reasoned that an SSB tax may therefore lead to a widening of budgetary inequalities in the Netherlands. However, stakeholders from all sectors, except those from trade associations, also noted that progressive health benefits would justify financial regressive effects. These stakeholders referred to unhealthier dietary behaviour, including higher consumption of SSB, and a higher prevalence of overweight and nutrition-related diseases among those from lower socioeconomic groups. By disproportionally affecting SSB purchases of those from lower socioeconomic groups, stakeholders reasoned that an SSB tax may result in a decrease in socioeconomic health inequalities in the Netherlands. A Cola is just one of the last things they could award themselves with and then it will also be more expensive. Academic in the field of obesity prevention. Stakeholder views on the effects of an SSB tax on socioeconomic inequalities in budgets, dietary intakes and health are described in more detail in a separate paper Djojosoeparto et al. Stakeholders from ministries, academia and health professional associations noted that healthcare costs in the Netherlands are high and increasing each year. Furthermore, these stakeholders mentioned a growing shortage of healthcare personnel e. These stakeholders thought that an SSB tax could save healthcare costs and reduce workforce shortage in healthcare by decreasing overweight and nutrition-related diseases. Stakeholders identified several barriers and facilitators that may influence the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands. An overview can be found in Supplementary Table 3. Academic in the field of health economics. In addition, possible disappointing results from voluntary industry actions and other measures to reduce overweight e. The introduction of an SSB tax was described as a matter of political will. However, stakeholders indicated that there currently is a lack of political will in the Netherlands to implement an SSB tax. In line, stakeholders mentioned the consensus decision-making approach in the National Prevention Agreement. Stakeholders from health professional associations argued that the SSB industry should not have been involved in the National Prevention Agreement because it was perceived to hinder the adoption of an SSB tax and other measures to reduce overweight and obesity in the Netherlands. All stakeholders indicated that political interests are crucial in the adoption of an SSB tax. Political support for an SSB tax was described to vary among parliamentary parties, with the most expected opposition from right-wing, liberal and conservative parliamentary parties, and the most expected support from left-wing, socialist and progressive parliamentary parties. Stakeholders described the current political interests of the coalition parties i. For example, the coalition parties were described to set great political store by economic business interests, self-regulation and individual freedom. Stakeholders indicated that a change of government could facilitate the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands. Although a change of government was described to provide an opportunity for a future SSB tax, it could also complicate its adoption. Health professional association. Stakeholders indicated that competing agendas of the involved ministries could complicate the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands as well. A policymaker and academics in the field of tax law and health economics further indicated that an SSB tax would be easier introduced during state budget deficits as an SSB tax would provide an opportunity to raise revenue. The same policymaker noted that there was no state budget deficit in the Netherlands during the formation of the National Prevention Agreement. Policymakers noted that Dutch health scientists and health professionals lack decisiveness and political power. A policymaker argued that involving stakeholders that are usually not involved, such as employers who have an interest in healthy employees, could be helpful additional forces in the future advocacy for an SSB tax. The lobby against an SSB tax, particularly from the food and beverage industry, was described to be strong and well-organized. Mentioned lobbying strategies included, for example, convincing the government and public that an SSB would be ineffective and would have negative economic consequences. Stakeholders from all sectors thought that the majority of the Dutch public would currently oppose an SSB tax, which was believed to hinder the adoption of the tax. Some stakeholders argued that there is a shift towards more public support for an SSB tax. An academic in the field of medical ethics described SSB not to be cultural heritage in the Netherlands, which could facilitate this shift. Academic in the field of political science. Stakeholders further argued that an SSB tax could be coupled to other societal problems to strengthen the case. These stakeholders proposed to link an SSB tax to environmental sustainability e. Implementation in other countries was also thought to put pressure on the Dutch government. Some stakeholders indicated that implementation in other countries should not directly serve as encouragement for the introduction of the tax in the Netherlands because of differences e. However, stakeholders noted that the successes of SSB taxes in other countries provide valuable lessons for the policy processes surrounding an SSB tax in the Netherlands. In contrast, a policymaker believed that recommendations of the EU would not be helpful. Policymakers and academics in the field of medical ethics, tax law and nutrition and health noted the likelihood that the SSB industry would file lawsuits against the Dutch government for introducing an SSB tax. These stakeholders, therefore, indicated the need for a solid legal basis. That is really difficult legally. An academic in the field of tax law indicated the need for a clear justification for why SSB are particularly detrimental to health. A policymaker noted that if SSB are as detrimental to health as alcohol and tobacco, existing excise duties on alcoholic beverages and tobacco could be a precedent for an SSB tax. Stakeholders from all sectors considered the implementation of an SSB tax in the Netherlands technically feasible. On the other hand, stakeholders noted that an SSB tax would have a high administrative load and indicated problems within the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, including scarce human resources, and difficulties in defining SSB. Others argued that administration should be feasible, particularly because of digitalization. Furthermore, stakeholders suggested an adjustment period for the supply chain prior to the implementation of the tax, enabling manufacturers and retailers to reformulate their products and change their prices. Stakeholders in favour of an SSB tax and stakeholders who were neither for or against the tax provided several recommendations for the design of an SSB tax if introduced in the Dutch context see Supplementary Table 4 for an overview. Stakeholders from all sectors argued that all beverages with sugar should be included in a Dutch SSB tax. A multiple-tiered tax which applies different rates depending on sugar content was generally preferred over a flat tax, because this type of tax was believed to be more effective in encouraging the industry to reformulate content and to be more legitimate. However, some academics in the field of social epidemiology, political science and health economics also referred to the high administrative load of a multiple-tiered tax. A specific tax based on quantity, e. An academic in the field of tax law indicated that, in contrast to a specific tax, a VAT would interfere with the market, could be spread out over other untaxed products and would increase the risk of lawsuits. Stakeholders from all sectors noted that tax revenues of a Dutch SSB tax should be earmarked for health initiatives. In contrast, others from parliamentary parties, ministries and academia recommended to use tax revenues for the general budget, and raised several concerns about tax earmarking in the Netherlands: i conflicting interests, e. Stakeholders argued that a potential future implementation of an SSB tax in the Netherlands should go hand in hand with a public campaign to explain the detrimental health effects of sugar and SSB, the availability of healthy alternatives and the effectiveness of an SSB tax. Furthermore, stakeholders emphasized the importance of monitoring intended and unintended effects during the implementation of an SSB tax. Advisory body. Finally, stakeholders argued that a Dutch SSB tax should be implemented as a component of a comprehensive set of policies to reduce overweight and obesity. Stakeholders from trade associations who were against or neither for or against an SSB tax recommended several alternative measures for an SSB tax to reduce overweight and obesity in the Netherlands, including further voluntary product reformulation, an improvement in the image of artificially sweeteners, stricter regulation of child marketing, health education in schools and stimulation of physical activity. An academic in the field of preventive dentistry and a stakeholder from a health professional association mentioned well-trained lifestyle coaches, parent coaching, health education in schools and food labelling as alternative measures. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the views of Dutch stakeholders from a diverse range of relevant sectors on taxation of SSB and on barriers and facilitators to its adoption in the Netherlands. Between and within sectors, stakeholders expressed contradictory views on the effectiveness, appropriateness and socio economic effects of an SSB tax. All stakeholders mentioned advantages as well as disadvantages of the tax. Overall, most concerns and doubts about an SSB tax were expressed by stakeholders from trade associations. Furthermore, stakeholders identified several barriers and facilitators that—according to them—may influence the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands. Windows of opportunity open when the three streams are coupled together at critical moments in time, generally resulting from compelling problems or events in the politics stream Sabatier, Our findings suggest that the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands could be related to several conditions that stakeholders want to be addressed. The problem of overweight and other nutrition-related diseases was of importance in the adoption of many SSB taxes Le Bodo et al. Related to an increasing prevalence of overweight, stakeholders mentioned increasing healthcare costs in the Netherlands. Per capita healthcare expenditure in the Netherlands currently ranks fifth on a list of 31 European countries CBS, Secondly, stakeholders noted that a state budget deficit would increase the likelihood of the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands. Budget deficits appeared to be extremely important in opening windows of opportunity for health-related food taxes Le Bodo et al. For example, revenue-raising needs were present during the adoption of health-related food taxes in France, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Mexico and several Pacific countries Le Bodo et al. Thirdly, stakeholders suggested coupling an SSB tax to other societal problems to gain public and political attention, e. The coupling of an SSB tax to an alternative problem such as environmental health and sustainability was also identified as a facilitator to the adoption of an SSB tax in Australia Sainsbury et al. To the best of our knowledge, no research has been conducted to investigate the potential effects of an SSB tax on environmental sustainability e. This investigation requires collaboration between climate change and health researchers. Noteworthy, we conducted the stakeholder interviews in For example, evidence suggesting that those with obesity are at an increased risk of severe COVID illness e. Simonnet et al. It was advocated in local newspapers that the Dutch government should take more responsibility in the prevention of overweight through regulations such as an SSB tax. This may have led to an increased willingness of the Dutch government to address the problem of overweight by means of taxation of SSB. Additionally, after several years of budget surplus, the Dutch government assumes a state budget deficit as a result of the COVID pandemic Rijksoverheid, The Dutch government may view an SSB tax as an opportunity to raise revenue. Taxation of SSB was generally considered technically feasible in the Netherlands by the stakeholders included in our study. This finding is in line with research investigating the views on health-related food taxes and subsidies of national stakeholders in New Zealand, a country that also did not yet introduced an SSB tax Signal et al. However, some of the stakeholders in our study also mentioned problems within the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, including scarce human resources. This indicates the importance of engaging the implementing agency at an early stage to ensure feasible and acceptable SSB tax proposals. According to our findings, a solid legal basis could further be important in a window of opportunity for policy change. Potential explanations include that the potential cost-effectiveness of an SSB tax as a component of a comprehensive approach is well-documented and that the implementation of an SSB tax is recommended by the WHO Le Bodo et al. Stakeholders generally thought that an SSB tax is effective in improving health-related outcomes or had doubts about the health benefits of an SSB tax. A stakeholder from a health professional association was concerned that an SSB tax might have detrimental consequences for dental health by stimulating sipping on SSB over a longer period of time. We recommend future studies on taxation of SSB to assess whether this view is more widespread in the health sector. The evidence of the effects of taxation of SSB on dental health is limited, but several studies demonstrated that an SSB tax could reduce dental caries Sowa et al. Stakeholders described the introduction of an SSB tax in the Netherlands as a matter of political will. Political will is regarded as a crucial factor for health policy. If only there was political will. Health is a fundamental human right. WHO, Stakeholders indicated a lack of political will in the Netherlands to implement an SSB tax at the time of the interviews. This policymaking style was considered unique for the Netherlands. In the present study, stakeholders described the political interests to be unfavourable for an SSB tax in the Netherlands at the time of the interviews. Our findings suggest that a change of government could be an important game changer and open a window of opportunity for policy change. Based on an analysis of thirteen case studies on taxation of unhealthy energy-dense foods and SSB, Hagenaars et al. Parliamentary elections were held in the Netherlands in March At the time of writing, the formation of the new Dutch government is still ongoing. In line with previous literature, we found that there is a strong and well-organized lobby particularly from the food and beverage industry against an SSB tax, and limited and fragmented advocacy for the introduction of an SSB tax in the Netherlands. In Denmark, an imbalance between the strong influence by the industry and limited inputs from public health professionals was one of the factors that contributed to the repeal of the Danish saturated fat tax Vallgarda et al. During tax proposals in Richmond, El Monte and Telluride USA , a wide range of speakers voiced opposition in the news, while pro-tax arguments mainly came from a few politicians and public health advocates Nixon et al. Although the soda industry was absent from the news coverage, many who spoke against the tax were industry-funded. All three tax proposals ultimately failed. In Australia, strong political influence of the industry and fragmented advocacy efforts for an SSB tax were identified as barriers to the adoption of an SSB tax as well Sainsbury et al. A discourse network analysis of the UK newspaper coverage found close agreement among these advocacy coalitions in support of the levy Buckton et al. Stakeholders included in our study thought that the majority of the Dutch public would oppose an SSB tax at the time of the interviews. Public acceptability is an important dimension in its adoption Eykelenboom et al. Public acceptability of an SSB tax in the Netherlands was investigated in an online survey among adults representative of the Dutch population for age, sex, educational level and location Eykelenboom et al. These findings indicate that raising the revenue for health initiatives could elicit increased public acceptability. The main strength of this study is the inclusion of Dutch stakeholders from a diverse range of relevant sectors and professional backgrounds. To ensure that we invited all relevant stakeholders, each participant was asked to identify stakeholders that were lacking from the initial list of stakeholders that was developed by the research team. The use of a qualitative design further strengthens our findings. Since no research has been conducted to investigate stakeholder views on taxation of SSB in the Netherlands before, the interviews provided in-depth information that could not have been obtained through quantitative research. Validity was enhanced by providing participants a summary of their interview transcripts to check for accuracy. Our study also has several limitations. Firstly, despite the efforts made e. We collected reasons for declining, which enables us to reflect on our study sample. Non-participation was high among policymakers and politicians, particularly among those from whom we expected opposition to the tax. Many stated that they were unwilling to participate or were too busy. A potential explanation might be the politically sensitive nature of taxation of SSB. Furthermore, the majority of our research team holds a degree in health sciences. Invitees who declined may have assumed that our research team supports an SSB tax and therefore may have been less willing to participate in this study. Secondly, the views of the stakeholders included in this study may not be representative of the views of their sector as a whole. However, we selected stakeholders with top positions in their sector and asked them to represent their sector as much as possible. Thirdly, interviews were conducted by two researchers trained in qualitative research. To minimize interviewer bias, the interviewers used an interview guide, practiced together and had close communication during the data collection. Between and within sectors, Dutch stakeholders expressed contradictory views on the effectiveness, appropriateness and socio economic effects of an SSB tax, which may complicate the adoption of such a policy. For an SSB tax to be successful, it is important to address commonly raised concerns. For example, the concern that an SSB tax could result in an excessive focus on SSB as the only cause of overweight and obesity, although it is a complex disease with many factors involved, could be addressed by introducing an SSB tax as a component of an integrated package of health interventions. Stakeholders identified several barriers that—according to them—may prevent the adoption of an SSB tax in the Netherlands, including an unfavourable political context, limited advocacy for an SSB tax, a strong lobby against an SSB tax, perceived public opposition, administrative load and difficulties in defining SSB. According to stakeholders, the adoption of an SSB tax could be facilitated by an increasing prevalence of overweight, disappointing results from voluntary industry actions, a change of government, state budget deficits, a shift in public opinion, framing messages related to the objective of the tax, the use of an SSB tax as a potential solution to other societal problems, international recommendations and a solid legal basis. When generalizing our findings to other cases at the international level, differences between the political, economic and sociocultural contexts should be taken into account. We encourage similar research on stakeholder views in other countries to further inform SSB tax policy processes. Supplementary material is available at Health Promotion International online. The authors would like to thank all the stakeholders who participated in this study for their time, efforts and valuable contributions. The PEN project www. Baker P. International Journal of Health Policy and Management , 7 , — Google Scholar. Bodker M. Health Policy , , — Buckton C. BMC Public Health , 19 , Campbell J. Socio-Economic Review , 13 , — Djojosoeparto S. Archives of Public Health , 78 , Eykelenboom M. European Commission. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Green J. Google Preview. Hagenaars L. HM Revenue and Customs. Obesity Reviews , 14 , — Lakerveld J. Food Policy , 96 , Le Bodo Y. Food Policy , 88 , Malik V. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 98 , — Circulation , , — Nixon L. Critical Public Health , 25 , — Penney T. University of Cambridge , Cambridge, England. Sabatier P. Sainsbury E. Food Policy , 93 , Signal L. Health Promotion International , 33 , — Health Promotion International , 13 , — Simonnet A. Obesity Silver Spring , 28 , — Sowa P. European Journal of Public Health , 29 , — Swinburn B. Lancet , , — Tamir O. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research , 7 , Teng A. Obesity Reviews , 20 , — Thow A. Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 96 , — Health Promotion International , 26 , 55 — Obesity Reviews , 12 , 68 — Vallgarda S. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 69 , — Watling C. Medical Teacher , 34 , — Woodward-Lopez G. Public Health Nutrition , 14 , — WHO , Geneva, Switzerland. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Advertisement intended for healthcare professionals. Sign in through your institution. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Summary. Journal Article. Stakeholder views on taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages and its adoption in the Netherlands. Michelle Eykelenboom , Michelle Eykelenboom. Corresponding author. E-mail: m. Oxford Academic. Sanne K Djojosoeparto. Maartje M van Stralen. Margreet R Olthof. Carry M Renders. Maartje P Poelman. Carlijn B M Kamphuis. Ingrid H M Steenhuis. Select Format Select format. Permissions Icon Permissions. Summary An increasing number of governments worldwide have introduced a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages SSB for public health. Table 1: Open in new tab. Recruitment of stakeholders. Accelerating the worldwide adoption of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes: strengthening commitment and capacity comment on 'the untapped power of soda taxes: incentivizing consumers, generating revenue, and altering corporate behavior'. Google Scholar Crossref. Search ADS. A discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage of the 'sugar tax' debate before and after the announcement of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy. Stakeholder views on the potential impact of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax on the budgets, dietary intake, and health of lower and higher socioeconomic groups in the Netherlands. Public acceptability of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax and its associated factors in the Netherlands. Political and public acceptability of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax: a mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis. The taxation of unhealthy energy-dense foods EDFs and sugar-sweetened beverages SSBs : an overview of patterns observed in the policy content and policy context of 13 case studies. Resolved: there is sufficient scientific evidence that decreasing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption will reduce the prevalence of obesity and obesity-related diseases. Advancing the evidence base for public policies impacting on dietary behaviour, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Europe: the Policy Evaluation Network promoting a multidisciplinary approach. Le Bodo. Conditions influencing the adoption of a soda tax for public health: analysis of the French case — Sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain in children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sugar-sweetened beverages, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease risk. Explaining resistance to regulatory interventions to prevent obesity and improve nutrition: a case-study of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax in Australia. High prevalence of obesity in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 SARS-CoV-2 requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. The impact of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax on oral health and costs of dental care in Australia. The global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change: the lancet commission report. Taxation of sugar sweetened beverages and unhealthy foods: a qualitative study of key opinion leaders' views. Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes on purchases and dietary intake: systematic review and meta-analysis. Fiscal policy to improve diets and prevent noncommunicable diseases: from recommendations to action. Taxing soft drinks in the Pacific: implementation lessons for improving health. The role of policy in improving diets: experiences from the Pacific Obesity Prevention in Communities food policy project. To what extent have sweetened beverages contributed to the obesity epidemic? Published by Oxford University Press. For commercial re-use, please contact journals. Issue Section:. Download all slides. Supplementary data. Views 9, More metrics information. Total Views 9, Email alerts Article activity alert. Advance article alerts. New issue alert. In progress issue alert. Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Citing articles via Web of Science 9. 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