Sandi's Erotic Adventures Ch. 45 - 2020 Pt. 02

Sandi's Erotic Adventures Ch. 45 - 2020 Pt. 02

A semi-autobiographical account of my sexual encounters over many years.

Chapter Forty-Five. 2020.

(April to June.) 

Due to a flurry of cards through the letterbox the lads discovered that my birthday is April 4th. Unbeknown to me they held a meeting and decided that as it was a Saturday and none of us would be working they could devote the entire day to 'serving me'. Will and Danny, both of who proved excellent cooks with an interest in food preparation would see to all the meals. Aaron, perhaps because he hasn't been away from home as long as the others, doesn't know anything about cooking so he would be responsible for any housework that needed doing. Anyway, his main asset of possessing an enormous penis more than makes up for his short-comings in the kitchen!

Saturday April 4th.

The day dawned with me waking up to find the three naked lads gathered round me, all sporting erections. A marvellous start to the day!

I always sleep naked and the duvet had been turned down to my hips. Now, with Will and Danny kneeling either side of me and Aaron straddling me with his mighty erection between my breasts, I thought at first I was dreaming. However, the two cocks hovering over my mouth were all to real and I licked the pair of them eagerly, happily aware of Aaron thrusting his penis back and forth between my breasts.

Eventually, Will said they were all going to fuck me now and afterwards I'd be served breakfast it bed.

"Sounds good to me," I replied while the duvet was thrown to the floor.

I spread my legs eager to receive the first penis of the day, Danny's as it happened.

Will went second and then it was Aaron's turn. I clung to the guy happily as the largest penis of the three powered in and out of me.

Left alone while the lads went to the kitchen I relaxed on the bed contemplating the marvellous start to the day. Of course, most of my days begin with me being fucked by the three lads in succession but today it had seemed special somehow.

Aaron returned and saying breakfast wouldn't be long, sank on to the bed beside me. Kissing and cuddling, Aaron's hand automatically slipped between my thighs the way mine found his penis. We remained like that until Will and Danny returned, the latter bearing my breakfast on a tray.

The three of them left to partake of their own respective breakfasts in the kitchen.

When, on their return to the bedroom some thirty minutes or so later, I announced that I was taking a shower Will said they would bathe me.

"You're not to do anything today, remember."

So, there I stood under the running water with both Will and Danny in the shower with me. They washed my body thoroughly, inevitably paying a lot of attention to my more intimate places, while Aaron meanwhile stood watching with a towel in his hand.

Stepping from the shower Aaron engulfed me in the towel and proceeded to rub me down. Will and Danny following me from the shower both possessed erections I noted, much to my delight.

Back in the bedroom I stretched out on the bed as instructed and the three lads proceeded to lick me all over, and I mean all over. After extensively licking my front, nipples and cunt coming in for special attention from them all, I was rolled over so that my back could receive similar treatment.

This time it was my bottom that came in for special attention. While fingers stroked between my thighs, lips and tongues worked on my bottom with a finger, Will's, gently stroking my anus. On the finger being replace by his tongue the others ceased their own activity to watch.

I squealed with pleasure as the tingling sensations rippled through me from the work of Will's tongue on my anus and experienced feelings of disappointment when he stopped. 

I perked up however when Will said, "Have a taste of Sandi's bum hole Danny, you know you want to."

There was movement on the bed while they changed places and then I felt the first tentative touch of Danny's tongue on my anus. The tongue licking continued, growing more animated with Danny clearly getting into it.

Finally, and to my delight, Aaron took over.

Despite being lovers for upwards of a year now, apart from than the brief hiatus last Autumn, Aaron hadn't performed analingus on me or even stimulated me there with his fingers. He is certainly making up for it now I mused, feeling Aaron's tongue probing my anal opening.

Next, the lads lay in a row and I was invited to straddle them in turn. I lowered myself on the first penis Danny's, and rode it for a time before moving along to Aaron's. I rode his thrusting penis for perhaps a minute before transferring to Will's. And so it went on, with Aaron being in the middle getting more 'turns' than the others as I moved back and forth along the row of erect cocks. Probably due to that fact it was Aaron who came first. 

I was about to move from him to Will but Aaron urged me to continue, "I'm almost there!" he gasped, driving his penis deep as I sank back down on him.

The others were content to lay either side watching us, knowing their time would come, while I rode Aaron's lovely penis to the climax.

Then I moved on to Will, coating his penis with Aaron's semen as I sank on to it.

I continued swapping back and forth between Danny and Will until both lads had emptied their balls inside me.

We lay there in a tangle of bodies for an age or so it seemed, before the procedure in the shower was repeated, but this time all the lads showered after washing and drying me.

And so it went on. I spent a really lazy day, doing nothing but being made love to by the lads. I have no idea how many times I was fucked that day but it must have been a considerable amount.

Saturday 9th May. Aaron's 22nd birthday.

Five weeks after my birthday it was Aaron's and following a suggestion from Will I told him that part of my present was for him to do as he wanted with me. 

"I'll be your sex-slave for the day and do anything you say," I told Aaron. "Dress however you want and try any sex position or activity that takes your fancy."

"I'd love to watch you peeing," he said, the colour coming to his cheeks as he spoke.

It was a hot sunny day so Will suggested doing it outside so they could all get a good view. (I suspect they'd already planned for this!)

We all trooped outside, naked of course, where pointing to steps leading up from the lawn to a raised area Will suggested I sit on the top step and lean back on my elbows to pee.

"That way we'll all have a good view."

"I might get some wee on my legs," I complained.

"No problem, we'll lick you clean after," Will replied.

So it was that I took up the required position, towels being provided to cushion my bottom and elbows from the stones, reinforcing the idea that they had planned this in advance.

They had waited until I was absolutely bursting so there was no problem peeing, I simply spread my legs as wide as possible and let it go.

I could tell that all three were excited by what they were witnessing as they stared at my gaping cunt, the pee actually arcing upwards under the pressure.

As anticipated a certain amount of pee ended up on my thighs and directly I'd finished it was Will who licked me clean, I knew it would be!

Fired up by what they'd seen all three lads then fucked me on the lawn, as they have several times before due to the unseasonal spells of hot sunny weather we've experienced so early in the year.

May 15th.

When Aaron announced to the others this morning that it was exactly a year since I seduced him; he hadn't needed much seducing I reminded Aaron, I was surprised. The time seems to have flown by!

"That means you'd turned twenty-one just six days earlier. You didn't tell me."

I hadn't known the date of Aaron's birthday until the events just described.

"To commemorate the event I think you ought to spend the day without knickers and allow Aaron access to the 'promised land' whenever he wants it," Will suggested.

"Trust you to think up something like that," I replied.

"I was under the impression Sandi's cunt is always available whether she's wearing knickers or not," Danny chimed in.

"Yea, well I don't know about you guys but it will turn me on knowing she hasn't any knickers on," Will said.

The others agreed so when dressing later I didn't bother with panties.

By the end of the day the lads were so turned on by my lack of underwear that when Will suggested making it a permanent arrangement there was unanimous agreement.

They all seemed excited by Will's comment that as my knickers were constantly being removed by one or other of them it wasn't worth my while wearing any. 

(Consequently it has been quite a while now since I last wore panties, even the weekly shopping trip being done without them.)

The following morning all my panties were collected up and placed in a box which Danny then carried across to the workshop, where apparently the box was locked away inside a cupboard. When, a few days later, I did some washing the five or six pairs of panties included were 'confiscated' directly they were dry and added to the rest locked away in the cupboard.

From that day forth I couldn't wear panties even if I wanted. I didn't go out much anyway, none of us did with the lockdown situation, but every time I did the weekly shop accompanied by one of my lovers, Will insisted I wear a short skirt or dress.

"I bet it turns you on as much as us, knowing how easily accessible your cunt is. Does the feeling of vulnerability excite you Sandi?" 

I answered Danny's question in the affirmative.


"Here you are Sandi, I've got you a belated birthday present," Will said, handing me the parcel that had just been delivered.

I opened the parcel to find a strange-looking object. It was made of leather with one end clearly a handle but I was mystified about the two prongs at the other end.

"Whatever is it?" I asked, holding the red leather object in my hand.

"A Tawse," Will replied but as I was no nearer it was Danny who enlightened me.

"A Tawse, also known as 'The Strap' in Scottish Schools, was an implement of punishment."

"Now I understand!" I exclaimed, the truth dawning. "A present more for your benefit than mine I suspect."

The lads laughed and Will said, "Bend over the Kitchen table Sandi and I'll give you a demonstration."

"I don't know about that," I murmured while the lads hustled me into the kitchen.

"We know by this time how much you love being dominated and punished," Danny informed me.

"Yea, you get turned on by a bit of rough handling and sex play," Will added. "Let's tie her face down over the end of the table mate, that's the sort of thing she loves."

Once upon a time Danny had seemed reluctant to join in the occasional forced sex scenarios but by now he had no qualms in assisting Will achieve his objective.

Pulled face down over the narrow kitchen table I found my wrists being tied to the table legs by cords already attached there for the purpose. This was no spur of the moment desire, I realized.

"You planned this you sods!" I yelled.

The lads were at my rear by this time and I felt my legs pulled apart and tied there, again using cords already in place on the table legs for the purpose.

"And the fact you're not wearing knickers makes the game that much easier," Will said, pushing my skirt up to fully expose my bare bottom.

"Looking good Danny, pass me the Tawse and we'll see how Sandi likes her new present."

Seconds later I felt the leather straps across my bottom and gasped. Initially the feeling was more of a light stinging sensation than anything else but as Will continued lashing my bottom with the Tawse so the skill and strength of his blows increased, as did the attendant pain.

By the time he stopped I was yelling loudly with each blow and continued so to do when Danny took over despite his blows, initially at least, seeming a little lighter.

Eventually the blows ceased and my cries of pain faded away. However, a hand thrust roughly between my thighs drew another yell from my lips. I knew it was Will before he spoke.

"You're cunt is dripping juice Sandi, I knew you'd be turned on by that."

Will was right of course, my experience of the Tawse created just the right admixture of pleasure and pain which I find so exhilarating.

"You go first Danny while I pop upstairs for the lubricant," Will said, adding for my benefit, "I'm sure Sandi knows what they means."

I did indeed, anal intercourse, but wasn't surprised because with his penchant for anal intercourse Will has done it to me that way at least once a week ever since the first time back in early February.

Danny's penis entered me and I gave myself up to enjoy the waves of sensations it afforded. He fucked me at a steady pace, his hands gripping my hips tightly, but of course tied to the table I was unable to respond in any way other than shout my joy.

Well before Danny finished Will appeared in front of me smearing his penis liberally with lubricant.

"You love being tied down and fucked like this don't you Sandi," he remarked, bending low so his face was close to mine.

"Yes, yes," I gasped, realising from his more erratic thrusts that Danny was close to coming.

"And the fact of being tied down and helpless to stop us doing anything we want is also a turn on, as is knowing I'm going to fuck you up the bum whether you want it that way or not."

"But I do want it that way and you know it," I gasped.

The heavily breathing Danny withdrew and moved aside for Will to take his place. Aware of Danny's semen running down my thigh I felt Will easing his penis into my anus. Following much practise it slipped fully inside with ease and with a cry of, "Oh yes!" Will starting bum fucking me.

With Will pausing occasionally to slap my bottom the anal intercourse seemed to last a lot longer than Danny's more conventional intercourse before him. When he eventually came Will kept his penis buried deep inside my anus, as he usually does.

Leaning over my back Will put his mouth to my ear and said quietly, "I bet you've enjoyed every minute of your experience today haven't you Sandi?"

"Yes," I murmured, aware of Will's penis slowly subsiding within me.

"Well it's not over yet. We're going to leave you trussed up like this as a welcome home present for Aaron. His big cock will be a nice finale for you, won't it."

"Yes," I murmured again, this time with more feeling.

Before they left the kitchen I felt post-it notes being attached to my bottom. It was only later that I saw what they'd written. 'Help yourself Aaron' on one. 'Choice of holes' on the other.

The thirty minutes or so before Aaron arrived seemed an age giving me plenty of time to reflect on the events of the afternoon. I wanted more of the same, much more! Suddenly hearing Aaron's surprised exclamation brought my mind back to the present and I revelled in the knowledge that I was about to get more. 

(Apparently notes had also been attached to the door directing him to the kitchen.)

Aaron quickly recovered from the surprise of finding me tied down to the table and I heard the sound of his zip and rustle of clothing. There was a pause then and I realised why when I felt the tip of his lubricated penis pushing at my anus. Aaron hadn't had anal intercourse with me before and I felt both excited and a little apprehensive when I felt the massive penis slowly slipping inside me. Could I take such a huge penis in my anus I wondered whilst also revelling in the fact that I literally had no choice in the matter!

"Will's been telling me for ages I ought to try this and he's right, it feels marvellous," Aaron grunted as he worked his penis in and out, gradually penetrating me deeper and deeper. The movements stopped and I realised with delight that I had the full length of his mighty penis inside my anus and I could echo his sentiment.

"It feels marvellous for me too!"

Aaron resumed his thrusts, bum fucking me slowly and steadily. The rhythm of his penis pumping in and out of my anus seemed relentless and I realised we had company. Will and Danny had been drawn to the kitchen by my wild shrieks, shrieks I'd actually been unaware of making!

Unfazed by his audience when once he probably would have been, Aaron continued his work and I realised his was deliberately controlling himself to draw out the act, slowing almost to a stop at times and very different to the fast and furious way he often fucks me.

Eventually though Aaron's thrusts speeded up and he came, his penis fully embedded in my anus the way Will's had been earlier.

They didn't immediately untie me from the table and I saw that some at least were were taking photos. Well, all three of them already have nude photos of me on their phones so I wasn't bothered about that.

When I was eventually released from the table I had to be supported initially as my limbs had stiffened up due to the amount of time I'd been immobilized. Carrying me upstairs Danny gently placed me in the bath which one of the others had filled with water. I relaxed in the hot water and the lovely feel of many hands washing my body, cunt and anus receiving lots of attention as is the norm.

Later, during the evening meal, I thanked Will for his present saying I hoped, with their assistance, to get plenty of use from it.

"There's little doubt about that Sandi. We'll get you tied down over the table, beat your arse until it's red and raw, then finish off by filling all your sluttish holes with cock. And we'll do it whether you want it or not!" Will exclaimed, knowing full well by this time how such talk excites me.

The others though looked as if they thought he might have gone too far.

"Lighten up guys," Will said, seeing their faces. "If a bunch of strangers had walked in and fucked her one after the other Sandi would have loved it, wouldn't you."

I didn't say anything but my facial expression told Will all he wanted to know and he laughed.

Wednesday June 3rd.

For the weekly shopping trip I'm usually accompanied by one or other of my young lovers, ostensibly to act as trolley pusher although they all admit to feeling turned on by knowing I haven't any panties beneath my skirt, or whatever I'm wearing. More often than not I drive and also more often than not my companion of the day will be stroking my thighs throughout the journey to the supermarket, a more distant store than my local one where I'm more likely to encounter acquaintances.

By the time I arrive on the supermarket car park the hemline is invariably high up my thighs, prompting Danny on this particular day to urge, "Try to give the guy in the car over there a flash up your skirt as you climb out."

Well, never averse to exhibitionism, I did so and the guy parked a couple of spaces away stared at me in disbelief. Could he see that I hadn't any panties on? I don't know but I spread my legs with skirt riding high on alighting from the car.

Danny could barely contain himself and remaining fired up during the shopping trip fingered me at every opportunity on the journey home. If it wasn't for the fridge and freezer items among the shopping I would most certainly have pulled up somewhere like he asked.

As it was Danny fucked me from the rear over the kitchen table leaving the others to unload the shopping and put it away.

"So much quicker and easier isn't it when you're not wearing underwear," Danny said when he withdrew, the deed done.

As reward for putting the shopping away, they said, I had to accommodate first Will and then Aaron, although 'had to' is too strong an expression considering my own eagerness to do just that.

Wednesday June 10th.

It was while driving home with the shopping a week later, this time with Will, that the following conversation took place.

"You've never made any secret about living a very promiscuous lifestyle and bedding lots of guys, have you Sandi?" Will began.

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