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Samurai Jack (formerly) Aku (biological father) The High Priestess (mother) Dominator The Omen Orc Army Lazarus 92 Scaramouche (for a moment)

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β€”Ashi to Jack, giving him back his hope and fighting spirit.
Later: Curious, kind, compassionate, strong, good-hearted, honest, selfless, focused, open-minded, heroic
Aid Samurai Jack into returning to the past and defeat Aku (succeeded) Be with Samurai Jack (succeeded; Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time )
She served as Jack's most important ally in Season 5, in Episode XCIX she and Jack eventually fall in love. Eventually, after meeting Aku in person in Episode C , it is revealed that Aku was her biological father, after which he corrupts her unwillingly into his service. In Episode CI , she used her powers as a cambion to help transport Jack back to the past to defeat Aku but faded from existence on the day of her wedding to Jack as a consequence of past Aku's death.

In Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time , Ashi is given an alternate ending, married to Jack and doesn't fade away from existence. She is with Jack in the final scene watching the horizon under the cherry blossom tree in a world free from Aku. The same cherry blossom tree Jack showed Ashi in Episode XCVI .

Ashi and her six sisters were birthed from the High Priestess , the leader of an all-female cult of Aku, and raised as assassins to do what no other warriors could do: kill Samurai Jack. The High Priestess named them the Daughters of Aku and raised them with the most brutal training methods throughout their childhoods and youth, in order to sculpt them into the ultimate killers.

During her training as a child, Ashi found a hole in the wall to gaze upon the outside world. The High Priestess told her that the world was a creation of their master, Aku and that it was threatened so long as Jack lived to oppose Aku's rule. She was then thrown back into training and received punishment. By the time Ashi had reached adulthood at age 18, she and her sisters completed their training. They donned their masks and head coverings and set out to fulfill their mission. ( Episode XCII )

Ashi and her sisters laid an ambush for Jack in a forest, destroying his motorbike and starting an intense battle with the samurai, forcing him to hide and later flee to an abandoned temple. Ashi and her sisters pursued their fleeing enemy into to the temple's underground crypt. Here they had another intense battle with the samurai, but he succeeded in killing one of Ashi's sisters and blew up the temple using Scaramouche 's knife, briefly trapping the others inside. ( Episode XCIII )

After breaking out of the rubble, Ashi carries her dead sister and says "Death is failure". She and her sisters use the Samurai's blood trail to track Jack. At night, she says she will take watch and looks at the stars before falling asleep in the tree. The next day, Ashi and a couple of her sisters witness a male and female deer nuzzling each other affectionately. Ashi and her other sisters are confused about what is happening as they do not know what love is. Ashi and her sisters track Jack to a forest clearing and he gives them a choice: go and live, or stay and face their destiny. The sisters remain steadfast in their resolve to complete their mission, and Jack responds, "So be it."

Ashi and her sisters attacked Jack relentlessly. However, this time Jack had the elements of concealment and surprise on his side, rather than the other way around as previously. The daughters of Aku found themselves outmatched as, one by one, Jack killed the sisters until only Ashi remained hanging off a cliff by the chain of her kusarigama. Seeing her sisters perish and having been bested, Ashi had a momentary breakdown as she ranted and swore that she would kill Jack, even as he dropped her to her presumed death. ( Episode XCIV )

Initially playing dead, Ashi survived the fall and tried to kill Jack again numerous times, despite being chained up with her own weapon, eaten whole by a giant monster, and witnessing Jack's numerous attempts to save her life. Jack at one point had enough of Ashi's words and told her everything that she knew was wrong and it was Aku who had released the monstrosities upon our world to feed on his carnage. When Ashi calls Jack a liar, Jack says she may believe what she may, but if she opens her eyes and lets go of her hate, she would see the truth. Eventually, after escaping the monster, Ashi attempts to kill Jack with the sickle of her kusarigama by sneaking up on him, before noticing a ladybug fly by. This triggered a flashback to when she was a small child training with her sisters when a ladybug flew into her hand and she observed the beauty of it before it was unceremoniously squished and killed by her mother, labeling it a distraction and "not part of Aku's order."

Ashi continued to hear these words until she sees Jack hold the ladybug in his hand and releasing it unharmed. After being saved by Jack from the belly of a colossal beast (despite her constant animosity towards him and continued attempts to kill him) and watching his humble and honorable nature to the simplest forms of life, she started to question her ways. Finally realizing that Jack was not the enemy, she dropped her weapon and reconsidered her purpose, deciding to meditate with Jack on an island from a distance, indicating that she has made peace with the Samurai. ( Episode XCV )

Ashi thinks about Jack and her mother's words all day and night and even hallucinates her mother as the moon telling Ashi to kill the samurai in his slumber. She refuses as she has questions and how Jack saved her life. The hallucination of her mother tells Ashi she has failed them as she fades away. Jack then rides a sea dragon with Ashi to the mainland. Jack leaves and tells Ashi "Goodbye. Ashi follows him and wants Jack not just to tell Ashi the truth, but to show her. Jack tells Ashi, no, but seeing as she got upset, he says he will in the morning and to have patience. Ashi asks if the stars are Aku's creation and Jack tells a story of when he was little that his mother told him about the creation of the stars. The next day, Jack shows Ashi a cherry blossom tree surrounded by a wasteland of spikes. Jack tells Ashi how there used to be many of them until Aku left, but one as a reminder of his hate and oppression. Jack and Ashi then visit the city of Aku where Ashi gets to witness first hand of a violent alien criminal banished from his world being allowed to occupy a peaceful village to do what he wants with it. Jack tells Ashi how the innocent and weak are always preyed upon. Jack proceeds to show Ashi the death, carnage, and destruction of Aku until Ashi has seen enough and how she finally believes Jack. Ashi sees the error of her ways and becomes his ally, going against her mother and her cult. At the same time, she no longer saw Aku as a god but a demon to be destroyed, finally convinced after being shown solid evidence by Jack that Aku is truly evil. Shortly after, she agreed to help Jack save a group of children who are being mind-controlled by implanted chips.

While Jack distracted the children, Ashi searched for the source of the mind-controlling signal, only to be captured and brought before the sadistic Dominator . While being tortured and forced to watch as Jack was overwhelmed, Ashi was angered when the Dominator gloated about turning the children into weapons due to them being naive and vulnerable, striking a nerve and allowing her to break free of her restraints, since it reminded her too much of how she was also turned into a living weapon for no good reason. Overcoming the Dominator's electric onslaught, Ashi managed to overpower and kill her torturer, freeing the children in the process. Upon discovering that the children are alive and well, Ashi called out for Jack, but the samurai had mysteriously disappeared. ( Episode XCVI )

When searching for Jack on a blimp, Ashi finds herself being targeted by two mysterious figures. When they reveal themselves to be, woolies , friends of Jack, they ask her if she is a friend to Jack as well, leaving her lost in her thought. Ashi then assures them she also wants to help Jack. After hearing the story about how Jack saved the woolies, the airship captain informs her that Jack got off at their current exit, to which she quickly hops off the blimp.

After landing in a forest, she ends up meeting the Three Blind Archers , who tell of Jack's nobleness, then later the Ravers, who dance and sing upon being reminded of Jack, causing Ashi to join in as well. Upon arriving at a cave with a waterfall, Ashi remembers how her mother forced her and her sisters to jump into a pile of burning darkness, creating a bodysuit that also allows her to store her weapons. Ashi at first walks away from the cave, but then jumps in and starts scraping the scabs off her body with rocks.

While climbing out of the cave, she realizes that she is naked, and creates a new outfit out of leaves. Later on, when she arrives at a tavern in the forest, she meets Da Samurai , who explains that he gave up his samurai life after Jack enlightened him. Back outside, Ashi meets a shadowy cat-like figure and is asked if Jack is her friend, to which Ashi assuredly says yes. The shadowy person then tells Ashi to follow the path north, after which she finds Jack in a cemetery about to commit seppuku.

Ashi tries to snap Jack into his senses, yet The Omen fights to keep her from interfering. Ashi tells Jack how hopes lives and it is everywhere, how Jack not only saved a lot of people, but also how Jack saved Ashi, showed her the truth, and how he taught Ashi there is so much more to Ashi than she knew existed and how the hope Jack gave Ashi saved her life. Eventually, Ashi is able to get to Jack when she tells him the children from the factory are still alive, allowing Jack to save her from the Horseman and defeat him. After the ghosts of the other samurai return to their graves and Jack compliments Ashi's new dress, she asks what their next move is, and Jack responds it is time to find his sword . ( Episode XCVII )

After Jack tells her the story of how he lost his sword, they arrive at the site on the back of a large bird. Exploring the pit, but failing to find the sword, Ashi wonders if someone could have stolen it, to which Jack responds the sword abandoned him and not vice versa. Back outside, Ashi thanks the bird, and it nuzzles her in return.

While Jack meditates to find his sword, Ashi remains behind to protect his body. Sure enough, an entire army of Orcs arrives to kill Jack. Ashi confronts them, much to their amusement, but she actually managed to fight and kill them all. Afterward, Ashi spots another hostile near the top of the mountain and calls for the bird to take her back to high ground.

The assassin fired multiple arrows at Jack, but Ashi quickly catches one mid-air, blocking the rest with a large stone slab. Ashi is surprised that the attacker is none other than her own mother. The High Priestess criticizes Ashi's lack of focus but offers her another chance to kill Jack. Ashi refuses, explaining that Jack showed her the truth about Aku. Furious, the High Priestess attacks them both, but Ashi manages to defend Jack and herself using only a ram's horn.

The High Priestess scolds Ashi for sparing Jack and betraying their family, despite the fact the samurai killed her sisters. Ashi retorts their fates were already sealed, being raised as nothing more than living weapons. Before the High Priestess can finish Jack, Ashi recovers from the rubble she had been buried under and manages to throw one of her mother's arrows back at her, hitting her in the back and sending her falling to her death. Ashi herself falls to the ground shortly after, exhausted from the fight. Jack wakes her up upon returning from the spirit world. She compliments his new look and getting his sword back, and Jack himself remarks that Ashi has also been busy. When Ashi asks what their plan is now, Jack tells her Aku is their final target. ( Episode XCVIII )

After finding Jack's sword, Ashi and Jack journey through a desert, stopping to rest at an outpost resembling a Middle-Eastern-style city. Jack offered Ashi some food from a local vendor, but she politely refused after it temporarily turned his head into a fish. On the camel barge transporting them through the desert, Ashi's affection for Jack begins to surface as they both find themselves being awkwardly hemmed in by multiple green tiger-men. When a trap is sprung, Ashi helps Jack fight their attackers, with the tension between them continuing to rise.

Ashi and Jack both agree it's time to leave and escape from the barge, continuing their journey on foot. Stopping at an oasis for water, Jack shows Ashi how to make straw hats for each other, further enhancing their relationship. Eventually, the two are caught in a sandstorm, but find shelter in a towering monolith. Investigating the facility, Ashi and Jack discover it is actually a prison ship, and Ashi is suddenly bitten on the leg by a leech-like creature.

Fortunately, Jack kills the creature and removes the poison in time. Hearing an animal-like scream in the distance, they retreat deeper into the prison before confronting their pursuer: a massive monster made of the same leeches from earlier, and barely manage to escape while fighting it off. Shortly after, the duo is directed to the ship's armory, where Jack receives a special weapon that can kill the creature, Lazarus 92 .

Unfortunately, Ashi misfires a laser rifle, causing Jack to miss the part involving the weapon's activation. Ashi then dons a riot shield and sword-staff and says she is ready, with Jack reluctantly agreeing. Once they find the creature, Jack attempts to turn on the weapon but fails. Ashi realizing that Jack doesn't know how to turn it on and tries it herself. In the process, she is attacked by Lazarus-92 and her leaf dress is eaten off, leaving her completely naked. An embarrassed Jack explains private parts are personal, confusing Ashi due to her sheltered upbringing and forcing Jack to lend her his gi mid-battle.

The two are then surrounded by the leeches when Jac
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