Самое Популярное Хобби В Казахстане Эссе

Самое Популярное Хобби В Казахстане Эссе


Самое Популярное Хобби В Казахстане Эссе

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать эссе на английском языке на тему "The most popular hobby in Kazakhstan now"

назовите все рождественые украшения на английском с переводом пж​

2. What kind of Christmas weather arethey having?​

Переведите предложение на английский:Привет меня зовут Леша.Я учусь в 35 школе в 4 классе.Я живу в квартире.У меня очень много друзей.Мой любимый урок

английский.Я люблю английский!!!

Choose the right variant:
1. Mike
his kite on windy days.
2. We
in a big house.
3. I usually
in the river.

Помогите пожалуйста с английским 1 и 2 задание.

Расшифруй и напиши слова
1 rdvie
2 rweti
3 kaste
4 isk
5 ocutn
6 dneac
7 idytr
8 osrht
9 ceanl
10 olng

Pat arrived at the airport two hours ago to catch her plane to Tokyo. At the check-in-counter, a ticket agent looked at her ticket and her passport an

d her baggage was checked in (weighed on the scales). Pat's suitcases were very heavy, so she had to pay an excess baggage charge (amount of money for additional weight).
Next she was given a boarding pass (a ticket that allows her to get on the plane). The boarding pass has a seat number written on it, and Pat was given a window seat in the non-smoking section. Her suitcases were labeled and sent off to be loaded into the hold of the airplane.
While waiting for the flight to be called, Pat goes to the newsstand to buy a newspaper. Then she goes through the security check, where her carry-on luggage (the bags she is keeping with her on the plane) is searched. Then Pat goes into the
duty-free shop where she has a chance to buy some things cheaply. The goods she buys here are cheap because they are not taxed.
In the departure lounge Pat joins the other passengers who are sitting and waiting until it is time for their flight to depart. After a few minutes Pat hears the announcement: Flight 156 to Tokyo now boarding at Gate Three, and she goes to board (get on) her plane.
1.3.1 Answer the questions to the text:
1) When you arrive at the airport you first go to the ... counter. 2) You have to have a ... pass so that you can get on the plane. 3) After the security check, you wait in the ... lounge.
4) You can buy many things cheaply at the ... shop.
5) When you hear the announcement, you go to the ... to board your plane.

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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