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Sam Heughan Naked In Tumblr


Pics and video from Sam’s time with the Nash Motorcycle Company
(Video clip credit to @moduinne-and-redjamie)
Wide shot from OL Russia video (linked just above)—
Cait is seen standing up, Sam directly to her left (more on that later)—
Cait seen leaning in for a face-to-face with Sam (note the difference in hair color between the two men)—
Looking for more? After Cait leans down for her facial tête-à-tête with Sam, she walks around behind him, as he stands. When he stands, those pesky, bright, erratic lights catch the side of his head, complete with auburn-colored hair and extra length curled around his left ear.
Looks familiar to me! Much like this—
Now, next order of business... As seen in this official table pic 👇, Sam is sitting at the back of the table, but...wait...Cait was just sitting there...🤔🤨 Seems there was a quick game of musical chairs that went on during Cait’s [cait]walk to the stage.
More musical chairs! After Cait finished her speech, the wide shot takes over, and you can see Sam has vacated Cait’s seat, moved back over to his original seat, to the right of Tony.
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By wearing arisaids belted around her (the wrap-around kilt she wears for warmth), Claire introduced us to the 18 th century Scottish version of wearing your boyfriend's oversized shirt .!!!
This app appears to be a beta so they are trying it out as a video and photo diary of their time with Sam and Alex. The majority of the pics and video are on IG so I’m not posting them all. Enjoy!
Rough seas on the ship last week, but most of us are still happily sipping our umbrella cocktails on the lido deck. And, because of that, and @minny5ca2018 , we have good news!
@ashmarie1687 and I are back with a little sumpin’ sumpin’.
Thanks to our fRiEnDs, on the other side of the fandom, we found a little nugget that we would like to share with you!
The clip in question was intended to highlight Cait kissing her PA then “ boyfriend”, A.G. McGill, as she stood up from her group’s table to go accept her 2016 BAFTA for Best Actress in a TV Series. Except...she didn’t kiss her PA “boyfriend.” Instead, she kissed...<<>>
The above clip was taken from a wide shot, just after Cait was announced, on this video (see 0:18-0:28):
To highlight how Ashley and I came to this conclusion, we’ve posted some screenshots of the video and the closeup video clip below—
Just as Cait is standing up, and leaning in to the man on her left (Sam, not Tony), the lights flash erratically. Result? A perfect spotlight for what seems to be a lip-to-lip, congratulatory smooch. 💋
If you are still questioning this, please review the first clip provided, above, about 20 more times, and it will all make sense. Promise!
Another interesting detail we found in the whole video (OL Russia - posted just above), Cait’s name was called, she stood up, leaned over, gave Sam a kiss, walked behind Sam towards the stage, and right past Tony (on Sam’s left) without a thought. (To see it, you have to watch very carefully on the wide shot for the stand/lean/kiss/walk around, then the the close-up cuts in of Cait beginning to walk up to the stage. That’s when she walks past Tony and Duncan.)
And, before you come at us with a hypothetical, “She would never do that in public!”...1) Videos don’t lie, 2) Until the light flashed on them the the exact 👏 perfect 👏 moment 👏 it was über dark in that room, and 3) We’re pretty sure they gave zero fucks on a night like that, in fact...
...this looks like the face of a man who is done. Done with the games, the drama, and the hiding. Too bad we are still here five years later. 😑
(Blocked out a couple faces for a certain blogger. She knows who she is.)
I'm just in love with this show and I did some drawings... 🌿🍃
They have a secret. That is not so secret
Not sure if this would wake any ES up, and I realize they abound in many different countries, but I wanted to share an observation. I'm in the US, and been -minimally- aware of a few ES "theories" (e.g. I stop by from time to time), and recently learned of the baby nonsense. ES remind me most of the Qanon folks who believe and post the most ridiculous, made up crap. Think about that ES for a second. For those of you who think Qanon and it's followers are cuckoo. That's how you look to most of us.
I appreciate you reaching out with this, Anon. But after being in this fandom for 7 years, I know that for the truly entrenched Extreme Shippers NOTHING will make them see reality. 
Everyone and their mother, literally Cait's mother, told them that Sam and Cait weren't a couple in real life. They said they'd only believe if it Sam AND Cait said so themselves on VIDEO. Sam and Cait said so in the Kristin Dos Santos video. They said they'd only believe it if Cait or Sam became engaged to someone else. Tony put on a ring on it. They said they'd only believe it if one of them got married. Cait and Tony became The McGills on August 10, 2019, legally, and for good measure, religiously IN A CATHOLIC CHURCH in front of their friends, family, God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Virgin Mary, all the angels in Heaven...and Mr. Sam Heughan. They said they'd only believe it if Cait had Tony's baby. Wellll, baby Balfe McGill was just born and Cait HERSELF announced it. 
You can see what's coming next right? Digging for the birth certificate to see who's listed as the father and/or demanding a paternity test at a lab of ES's choosing. And even if all that craziness happened, ES would still find a way to explain it away. You know why? Because THEY DON'T WANT THE TRUTH. They’ve said as much.
And there are faux shippers in this fandom who know this and take advantage of it. Whether it's by milking these gullible ES out of their disposable income via websites, events, or merchandise. OR by continuing a false narrative to string ES along, because they know they have a captive audience of women who are SO lacking something in their own lives that they would see the evidence above and DISMISS it. Because the SamCait fantasy is too much of a drug. It gives them a high...and there's nothing like chasing that high. It would be sad, and I would have pity on them, if the majority of them hadn't been such assholes to everyone who told them the TRUTH. They only have themselves to blame for their continued misery. The rest of us are HAPPY because we came to terms with the fact that Sam and Cait are great friends and costars, they promoted their show brilliantly, but they are not a couple in real life. And Cait has her fairytale ending with Tony, a REAL love story. That's a high that lasts a life time. I'd take that over the transitory 5 second crack high ES get every time they think the ship has been revived.
Anyhoo , I've given up on the truly out of touch with reality ES, I'm still here to steer any new fans in the right stay on terra firma where we never get seasick and where we experience REAL opposed to sailing on the Flying Dutchman SamCait faux ghost ship to NOWHERE, where they stock up on economy size boxes of Dramamine and hold on tight for the rollercoaster that is their ship of lies.
Omg, I've had way too much to drink some water...fresh water, not salt. Thanks for stopping by, Anon!

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