Сальвинорин A — WiKi

Сальвинорин A — WiKi

Сальвинорин A — WiKi

Сальвинорин A — WiKi



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Сальвинорин A — WiKi

Сальвинорин A — WiKi

File:Salvinorin A 007.svg

Сальвинорин A — WiKi


Сальвинорин A — WiKi

Является психоактивным веществом. Содержится в растении под названием Шалфей предсказателей сальвия, лат. Salvia divinorum. Очень сильный галлюциноген. Действие обусловлено активированием каппа-опиоидных рецепторов. Эффект длится от 2 до 10 мин при курении и от 15 минут до 2 часов при жевании. Экстрагирование производится в темноте, так как сальвинорин-А разрушается под действием солнечного света, с помощью этилового спирта или ацетона хорошей очистки. В воде сальвинорин-А не растворяется. Сальвинорин А не входит в Список наркотических средств и психотропных веществ , оборот которых в Российской Федерации ограничен и в отношении которых устанавливаются меры контроля. Wikimedia Foundation. Salvia divinorum —? Salvia Divinorum —? Salvia divinorium —? Шалфей наркотический —? Шалфей прорицателей —? We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. Сальвинорин A. Экспорт словарей на сайты , сделанные на PHP,. Пометить текст и поделиться Искать во всех словарях Искать в переводах Искать в Интернете.

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WARNING: Always start with lower doses due to differences between individual body weight, tolerance, metabolism, and personal sensitivity. See responsible use section. It is not a recommendation and should be verified with other sources for accuracy. Salvinorin A is the main active psychoactive molecule within Salvia Divinorum , a Mexican plant which has a long history of use as an entheogen by indigenous Mazatec shamans. It is structurally distinct from other naturally occurring hallucinogens such as DMT , psilocin and mescaline because it contains no nitrogen atoms, making it a terpenoid and not an alkaloid as is the norm. This means it cannot be rendered as a salt. It also differs in subjective experience compared to other hallucinogens , and has been described as an atypical psychedelic although this formal classification is debatable. Salvinorin A is a neoclerodane molecule, an oxygenated cyclic diterpenoid. It contains four isoprene groups bound to its oxygenated polycyclic rings. Salvinorin A is unique as it is not an alkaloid ; it contains no nitrogen atoms unlike almost all known classical, natural, or synthetic hallucinogens. It does not have any effect on the 5-HT 2A receptor, the receptor targeted by most psychedelic substances, nor does it act as an NMDA receptor antagonist as dissociatives do. The unique structure of salvinorin A lacks features commonly associated with opioid ligand binding such as a guaternary carbon atom linked to a tertiary amine group by two other carbon atoms. Salvinorin A also acts as a potent agonist at D 2 receptors, \\\\\\[1\\\\\\] which may be partially responsible for its hallucinogenic effects. Disclaimer: The effects listed below are cited from the Subjective Effect Index SEI , which relies on assorted anecdotal reports and the personal experiences of PsychonautWiki contributors. As a result, they should be taken with a healthy amount of skepticism. Likewise, adverse effects become much more likely on higher doses and may include serious injury or death. When a user of this substance keeps their eyes open throughout the duration of a moderate to strong trip, a number of open eye distortions and alterations are usually present. These are significantly more simplistic from that of open eye distortions found with other classes of hallucinogens. At moderate to high doses in darkness or with closed eyes, a full array of level 1 - 4 hallucinatory structures becomes present once the user has become disconnected from their body. This is an effect which is most commonly found within dissociatives such as ketamine and DXM. The hallucinatory structures of salvia are distinctively different in style and are significantly more likely to be based on mathematical constructs such as vast and elaborate fractals. In terms of stylistic appearance, they also tend to contain significantly more detail in their style with a greater variety of materials and abstract detail comprising the structures. Another key difference between the manifestation of this effect within salvia and those found within dissociatives is the extremely prominent sense that the user actually is the structures that they are visually perceiving. This can be described as the sensation that they have become the structure itself and can physically feel every detail and moving part across itself. In comparison, this effect is only present at level 4 within the classical dissociative drugs, but is often present across all levels within salvia. These constructs and structures are often so huge that they appear to expand across hundreds to thousands of miles and gradually change by means of panning, zooming and rotating slowly into view as more and more detail is gradually revealed. As dose increases so does the level of detail and intricacy of these structures. This continues until level 4 when the sensation of seeing the entire universe condensed into an infinitely vast and intricate self-transforming machine form becomes present. Salvia produces a full range of high level hallucinatory states in a fashion that is just as consistent as that of any of the classical psychedelics. These effects include:. Anecdotal reports which describe the effects of this compound within our experience index include:. Its native habitat is within Cloud Forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico where it grows in shady and moist locations. The plant grows to over a meter high and has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyxes. The fresh leaf is typically used for making a quid of leaves and is held under the tongue for sublingual absorption. If one plans to use dried leaf for a quid, they should soak them in water for at least ten minutes otherwise ingestion can become highly unpleasant. Soaking the dried leaf in water can also cause it to lose potency. Dried leaf is usually prepared by simply taking the leaf and leaving it out in the sun. The leaf can also be dried in the oven at about degrees Fahrenheit until it becomes crispy. Dried salvia leaf is used for smoking. Commercial salvia extracts are easily accessible both online and within local head shops in certain countries. They are sold in varying forms depending on how concentrated they are and are usually marketed as being 5X, 10X, 15X, 80X, etc. This symbolizes that the extract is X times stronger in psychoactive effects than those that can be had from the regular leaves 5X is 5 times as strong as regular leaf. The stronger the extract, the stronger the experience; use at your own risk. This is made by dissolving pure salvinorin A or a semi-pure form of it into ethyl alcohol. It is meant to be used sublingually by holding a certain amount under the tongue for a period of time. This type of preparation tends to cause longer but weaker effects. It is sometimes best to dilute the pure tincture with water although potency may be decreased. Afterwards, let it simmer for around 15 minutes. Salvinorin A is not orally active, so the tea has to be kept in the mouth for around 15—20 seconds for each sip. This tea, if properly brewed and ingested, can produce a trance-like state when closing the eyes and up to an entire night of vivid and intense dreams along with occasional closed eye visuals. Currently, the scientific literature classifies salvinorin A as a hallucinogen. However, there is additional debate as to whether it can correctly be labeled as a dissociative or an atypical dissociative with some psychedelic and even delirious qualities. Although salvia shares states of hallucinatory structures and out-of-body experiences commonly reported with typical dissociatives NMDA receptor antagonists , this is arguably not sufficient so that it falls under the same classification. For example, the hallucinatory structures although similar are vastly different in their style and complexity. Alongside of this, the out-of-body experiences commonly reported with dissociatives are presumed to be triggered by the way in which NMDA receptor antagonists block signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain. This is accompanied by a distinctive feeling of dissociation, disconnection and detachment which is not present on salvia as it works on an entirely different set of receptors, the function of which in the human brain is almost entirely unknown. The effects of salvia have a subjectively unique style and pharmacology that is not found within any other category of hallucinogen , this has led many within the psychonaut community assert that it deserves recognition for falling into an entirely new class of its own. Any compound within this subjective and pharmacological class could potentially be referred to as a 'salviagenic'. This would also include various other similar analogues such as Salvinorin B and many others. Salvinorin A is currently being researched in relation to its properties as an anti-addiction drug, and several analogs with improved pharmacokinetic profiles have been shown to have anti-addictive effects as well. This toxicity and harm potential section is a stub. As such, it may contain incomplete or even dangerously wrong information. You can help by expanding or correcting it. We also recommend that you conduct independent research and use harm reduction practices when using this substance. The toxicity and long-term health effects of recreational salvinorin A use do not seem to have been studied in any scientific context and the exact toxic dose is unknown. This is because salvinorin A is a research chemical with very little history of human usage. Anecdotal evidence suggests that there are no negative health effects attributed to simply trying it by itself at low to moderate doses and using it very sparingly but nothing can be completely guaranteed. Independent research should always be done to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe before consumption. Due to its unusually potent and potentially overwhelming effects, it is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices when using this substance. Salvinorin A is not habit-forming and the desire to use it can actually decrease with use. It is most often self-regulating. Tolerance to the effects of salvinorin A does not occur. In fact, many users report that the effects of this substance can actually become stronger over time and with repeated usage a phenomenon known as ' reverse tolerance '. Due to its unique set of target receptors, salvinorin A presents cross-tolerance with no other hallucinogens. Summary sheet: Salvinorin A Salvinorin A. Physical effects. Visual effects. Cognitive effects. Auditory effects. Multi-sensory effects. Transpersonal effects. Categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements Psychoactive substance Entheogen Hallucinogen Psychedelic Dissociative Salvinorin. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Community Network YouTube Good vibes. Summary sheet: Salvinorin A.

Сальвинорин A — WiKi

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