Sale Fana BC 3

Sale Fana BC 3

International Competitive BID (ICB/ Tender Number 01/2020

Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C/FBC/would like to Invite Eligible Interested Bidders for the supply and delivery of

Professional HD Field Camera, IMAC Pro Work Station and Luma Fusion Mojo System with all Accessories.
Therefore, interested bidders shall submit their proposal as per the following condition.

A Complete Set of bidding documents can be purchased by interested bidders up on payment of non-refundable of birr 100 /One Hundred Birr/

Bidders can obtain the bid document commencing 02 June 2020 from Procurement and Finance Directorate which is located around black lion Hospital, FBC Head office 1st floor office number 107/1
Bids must be submitted on or before July 08, 2020 until 10:00.A.M

Each bid must be presented in a sealed envelope and strictly in accordance with the instruction to bidders indicated in the bid document.

The bid will be opened at FBC Head office located around black lion Hospitals, 9th floor office number 903 at the preference of bidders or their legal representative on July 08, 10:30 AM

Failure to observe the instruction of Condition provided in the bid document will constitute grounds for rejection of the bidder from competition.

***FBC reserves the right to accept or reject the bid partly or totally***

For Additional information bidders can contact by the following address:

Tele. 011-5-516777

Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C

Posted: አዲስ ዘመን ግንቦት 22 ቀን 2012
Deadline: June 8, 2020

© walia tender

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