Sale CIFA et 12

Sale CIFA et 12

ከግንቦት 10 እስከ ግንቦት 17 አ.ም ብቻ የሚቆይ የምዝገባ ቅናሽ በቤዚክ ጥቅል! በ 0919415260 / 0942125616 ደውለው ይመዝገቡ በርካታ የክፍያ አማራጮችን አመቻችተናል ። ዋልያ ቴንደር ቲም


CIFA Ethiopia is a non- political, not-for-profit, secular national nongovernmental organization established to promote sustainable livelihoods and self-reliance in the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in southern Ethiopia.

CIFA is currently implementing an emergency project funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) in partnership with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI) and Welthungerhilfe (WHH).

CIFA intends to procure “Supplies of hand wash buckets with taps (20 Litres) and Hand Wash Soaps (250 Gms)” and hereby invites potential suppliers to submit a sealed tender for these services.

A complete tender document in English is available at Borana Coordination Office and Moyale Field Office. Interested and eligible bidders can purchase it upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 100.00 ETB (One Hundred Birr only) in cash and upon submission of a written application letter together with copies of the following legal documents:

Companies that have a license on the supply of House equipment, General trading, Retail Shop, Pharmaceutical, and another related license.
Commercial and Business License Renewed for the year 2012 E.C.
VAT Registration certificate.
Tax Payer Identification Identification Registration (TIN) certificates.
2% of CPO can be guaranteed ONLY.
The bid document can be collected from the Borana Coordination Office and Moyale Field Office. The bidders should submit their proposals within Seven consecutive days from 15/05/2020 to 21st May 2020 during office working hours. The bid closing date will be on 21st May 2020 at 4:00 PM and opening will be 21st May 2020 at 4:15 P.M at Borana Coordination Office in the presence of bidders or their official representatives

The bid proposal must be accompanied by a 2% bid bond only in the form of C.P.O and originals and copies of the above mentioned legal documents. The bid shall be presented sealed and clearly marked.

The bid document should be inserted in the bid box placed at Borana Coordination Office in Yaballo.

Bidders are requested to fulfill all the necessary conditions clearly indicated in the bid documents!

CIFA Ethiopia reserves the right to accept or reject this bid, in part, or in entirety.

For further information please contact us at the following address:-

Tel.: +251 46 446 1290/4, Borana Coordination Office

or Tel.: +251 46 444 0575/83, Moyale Field Office

Posted: ሪፖርተር ግንቦት 09 ቀን 2012
Deadline: May 21, 2020

© walia tender

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