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Statement about prices! We are occasionally receiving emails about our MDMA price; in some of that messages, our dear potential customers showing us other websites which listing MDMA with lower prices as example. We are pretty sure they are not legit suppliers. We can assure you that you will get high quality product with right amount of money when you order from us. If you are looking for pure Dutch Molly or Ecstasy pills, you are in the right place. We have mastered on sending our products to all over the world with maximum stealthness. Now we have decided to go on main web to reach more people and spread the happiness! Unstable nature of deep web markets also effected our decision. We know it seems risky but we have perfect methods to eliminate that risks. First of all, we do not use a membership system and do not store any customer data except emails to inform you for important updates like webiste address change, etc. We do not mention any product name or risky information on e-mails. We only accept Bitcoin payment which means no one can know what you are ordering. However, delivery is still the hardest part of the game. It is far beyond of regular stealth shipping which you have familiar with. We only send our products in retail amounts to ensure successful delivery. We do not accept wholesale orders. If you still need tracked delivery, which means you have to sign upon the delivery. We have pure MDMA and Ecstasy pills in stock at the moment but we are planning to stock speed paste in a few months. We sell this exclusive product complete uncut. Our pills contains same geniune MDMA properly dosed and professionaly pressed. We have processed more than orders of this superior MDMA on deep web markets before and recieved great feedbacks. You can order very low amounts from us. You can pay your orders via Bitcoin. It means, you can use cash or credit card while keeping your privacy. Please check Payments and Delivery pages before making order and read our How to buy Bitcoin with Credit Card or Bank transfer guide if you are stranger to Bitcoin. Here is a special promo coupon for you. New customers, please read If you are looking for pure Dutch Molly or Ecstasy pills, you are in the right place. If you have any question, please contact us.

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