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Page navigation serfaus-fiss-ladis. Last updated. Google Tag Manager. Facebook Pixel. Google Analytics. Site server? Eguberri on! Весела Коледа! Bon Nadal! Khrisimasi yabwino! Jwaye Nwel! Maligayang Pasko! Nollaig Chridheil! Bo Nadal! Nadolig Llawen! Merry Kirsimeti! Selamat Natal! Buon Natale! Merry Milied! Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal! С Рождеством! God Jul! Next christmas coming soon! And - in fact - I do not look like Father Christmas with my long, white beard. Not at all. In fact, it is completely the other way around - it is not me who looks like Father Christmas, it is Father Christmas that looks like me!!! And, by the way Welcome to my homepage! I am swedish, born in Gothenburg year , but I live in Denmark - at least most of the time. In winter when Denmark is too cold I normally go south to Portugal or Spain. If you scroll down you can read about politics, space, my life in Portugal, something about me in ten different languages and much more. I normally live in Denmark, but sometimes here is so cold - so I go south where the food is so much cheaper, and the weather so much better When I went to the Apple Store and asked for an iPhone 7 with internet, facebook and camera the Apple dealer said: -No, sorry - the iPhone 7 is not invented yet - we only sell apples today - but please do take a queue number, and sit down and wait until year ! I have always been a beardy boy - too lazy to use the razor. And the last photos are from Gothenburg. This photo is from Stora Hamnkanalen great harbour channel in Gothenburg, Sweden year I used a Canon mirror reflex camera and a Codachrome 25 ASA film, and the camera had to stand open and collect light four long hours - now a days you can take a photo like this with a digital camera and an exposure time less than one second. WOW - higher than heaven - I feel like Neil Armstrong - positively the highes point in all Portugal, a PARADISE for a radio amateur - I have friends on Facebook, most of them radio amateurs - this place, with a large antenna on roof, a 3 kW power amplifier and some time on 14 MHz - 20 meter band - I will soon have 20 and not only 2 friends on Facebook, all over the world. Just have a look - this is me OZ1MAN to the right the strongest european on the twenty meter band - to the left you see my secretary And with a very large home made power amplifier, I will be at least or times larger, stronger and louder! I could hear that somebody was knocking on my door. When I went out, and opended the door - there was nobody there. Of course I got scared - there was no natural explanation. I checked the stairwell, I saw from outside - no light - nobody there - it was jut a few minutes past midnight. Again - five minutes later - somebody knocked loudly on my door. Again - there was nobody there! Or am I still asleep - is this just a terrible nightmare? Again - five minutes later - again, the ghost knocked on my door. I was scared out of my mind. Again - again - again - ten times, every five minutes, somebody knocked violently on the door - and there was nobody outside the door, or in the stairwell. Finally, I had a look out of my kitchen window - and there he was, the Small Red Hat Woddpecker - hungry, violently knocking his hungry beak in to an old rotten tree - just outside the window - and the sound was EXACTLY the same as somebody knocking firmly on my door. That was Scary Movies, Hitchkock and panic - I almost shit in my pants! And in a forest - the red army will positively think it is a very heavy machine gun, and run all the way back home to Moscow again! Scary Movies? By one or another strange reason He just did not come and pick me up I am swedish, I am born in Gothenburg at the west coast of Sweden year I have also lived half a year in Morocco, one and a half year in Spain, half a year in Portugal, a year in Norway, a month in Algeria, a month in Italy and so on. And I have also been an international vagabond for some years - I have been to 66 countries and more than two thousand towns and villages - hitchhiking from town to town, from country to country. If you scroll down you can see my cv - for finding a job - written year when I lived in Portugal, first in portugese - then in english - plus a lot of lincs to my other websites -a list of where I have been - and a history book about my life in swedish. Peace and horrors in Once upon a time I lived in a vale of tears named Denmark. The winter was so cold that you immediately froze to death if one opened the door to the street, and the summer was so wet that not even an octopus could survive half a second in a Danish forest without drowning. Farts from the winos echoed between the walls of the houses, rabid dogs vomited hysterically on the sidewalks and the stench from millions of pig farms did that not even the flies could not breathe. And how did I get there? Why did I stay there? It depends, of course, that Sweden was a thousand times worse! And now - when I got tired of Scandinavia - so, Portugal has suffered a long-bearded immigrants from Northern Ice Hell. Portugal is a thousand times better. Portugal has lots of spot virgin forests, lakes with lots of fish, forests and nature with storks, swallows and woodpeckers - things that became extinct in Scandinavia half a century ago. The weather is like in California, and the food is so cheap that it is almost free - even though it actually tastes good. Nature and food prices is that - so-so about - as in Sweden 50 years ago - before the forest industry and the big bad Inflationary-troll came and destroyed everything. I bite me stuck here in Portugal - poor Portugal has suffered a long-bearded immigrants the poor country never to get rid of with again! I know what is on the other side. I said I could tell all ateists - and religions - that they are wrong. Black, silent, peaceful, beautiful - the most beautiful black color I had seen - there was nothing but me, or my soul - I was like an astronaute with no body in a universe with no stars. But I still had all my intelligence and all memories from my life - all my life was like a movie on my inner vision, I had plenty of time - those 8 minutes at the other side was like at least 12 hours - all i could do was to view my memories, think, realise That place was not in my brain - my brain was dead, and a lot of strong waste electricity from the hearth starter was chocking through my dead brain for 8 minutes - enough to make a memory loss, it took me over a year to recover. I was there, they were not - they can only know it from God - those guys are right, and from now I am a mormon. Willkommen auf meiner Homepage! Und wie kam ich dorthin? Warum habe ich dort bleiben? Portugal ist tausendmal besser. Das Wetter ist wie in Kalifornien, und das Essen ist so billig, dass es fast kostenlos - auch wenn es schmeckt wirklich gut. Aber ich hatte immer noch alle meine Intelligenz und alleErinnerungen aus meinem Leben - mein ganzes Leben war wie ein Film auf meinem inneren Auge, hatte ich viel Zeit -diese 8 Minuten auf der anderen Seite war wie mindestens 12 Stunden - alles, was ich tun konnte, war, um meineErinnerungen, denken, erkennen Bienvenue sur mon site! Et comment ai-je y arriver? Pourquoi ai-je y rester? Le Portugal est mille fois mieux. Depende, por supuesto, que Suecia era mil veces peor! Portugal es mil veces mejor. El clima es como en California, y la comida es tan barato que es casi gratis - a pesar de que en realidad sabe bien. Добро пожаловать на мою страницу! Я шведские, я родился в Гетеборге на западном побережьеШвеции года. Но я живу в Дании - Я переехал из Швеции в Данию году. Кроме того, я жил полгода в Марокко, полтора года вИспании, полгода в Португалии, в год в Норвегии, в месяцв Алжире, месяц в Италии и так далее. И я также международных бродяг в течение нескольких лет -я был в 66 стран и более двух тысяч городов и деревень -автостопом из города в город, из страны в страну. Если вы прокрутите вниз вы можете увидеть мои резюме -для поиска работы - написано в году, когда я жил вПортугалии, сначала в португальском - то на английскомязыке - плюс много Lincs на другие мои сайты -Список, где я был - и история книга о моей жизни вШвеции. Если кликнуть на услуги, которые вы мои книги по историина английском языке - сделайте клик по ПРО США, и вынайдете более полный список, где я был - и сделайте кликна контакт, и вы найдете мой адрес. Мир и ужасы в году:Давным-давно я жил в юдоли слез имени Дания. Зима была настолько холодной, что вы сразу же замерзли, если открыл дверь на улицу, и лето было настолько мокрой, что даже осьминог может выжить полсекунды в Дании лесу без утопления. Алкогольные пердеть эхом между стенами домов, бешеные собаки вырвало истерически на тротуарах и вонь от миллионов свиноферм сделал, что даже мухи не мог дышать. И как мне туда добраться? Почему я остался там? Это зависит, конечно, что Швеция была в тысячу раз хуже! А теперь - когда я устал от Скандинавии - так, Португалия пострадала длиннобородые иммигрантов из Северной Ice ад. Португалия в тысячу раз лучше. Португалия имеет много пятен девственных лесов, озер с большим количеством рыбы, леса и природы с аистами, ласточки и дятлы - вещи, которые вымерли в Скандинавии полвека назад. Погода, как в Калифорнии, и еда настолько дешево, что это почти бесплатно - хотя на самом деле вкусно. Цены на продукты питания и Природа является то, что - так себе о - как в Швеции 50 лет назад - до лесной промышленности и большой плохой инфляционной-тролля пришел и разрушил все. Я кусаю меня застрял здесь, в Португалии - плохое Португалия пострадала длиннобородые иммигрантам бедная страна никогда не избавиться от с снова! Я знаю, что на другой стороне. Я сказал, что могу сказать, все атеисты - и религий - эточто они не правы. После того как я не умер в машине скорой помощи сердце мертв, не ЭКГ, не ЭЭГ, не так дыхание,временно мозг мертв 8 мин Я проснулся в другом месте. Черный, тихий, мирный, красивый -Самая красивая черный цвет я видел - не было ничего, кроме меня, или мою душу - я был, какастронавт без тела во Вселенной, без каких-либо звезд. Но я все еще были мой интеллект и всевоспоминания из моей жизни - я всю жизнь был, как в кино на моем внутреннем видении, у меня было много времени -эти 8 минут на другой стороне было как минимум 12 часов - все, что я мог сделать, это посмотреть моивоспоминания, думать, понимать, Это место не было в моем мозгу - мой мозг был мертв, и много сильных электроэнергии отходов отОчаг стартер шокирует через мой мертвый мозг в течение 8 минут - достаточно, чтобы сделать памятьпотеря, он взял меня за год на восстановление. Три года спустя я найти именно то же самое место - в Книге Мормона! Я был там, они былинет - они могут только знать его от Бога - эти ребята правы, и теперь я мормон. YA znayu, chto na drugoy storone. Posle togo kak ya ne umer v mashine skoroy pomoshchi serdtse mertv, ne EKG, ne EEG, ne tak dykhaniye,vremenno mozg mertv 8 min YA prosnulsya v drugom meste. Chernyy, tikhiy, mirnyy, krasivyy -Samaya krasivaya chernyy tsvet ya videl - ne bylo nichego, krome menya, ili moyu dushu - ya byl, kakastronavt bez tela vo Vselennoy, bez kakikh-libo zvezd. Tri goda spustya ya nayti imenno to zhe samoye mesto - v Knige Mormona! Velkommen til min hjemmeside! Fred og grusomheter i Det var en gang jeg bodde i en jammerdal heter Danmark. Og hvordan gjorde jeg kommer dit? Hvorfor skulle jeg bo der? Det avhenger selvsagt at Sverige var tusen ganger verre! Portugal er tusen ganger bedre. Jeg sa jeg kunne fortelle alle ateister - og religioner - somde er feil. Svart, stille, fredelig, vakkert -vakreste svart farge jeg hadde sett - det var noe annet enn meg, eller min sjel - Jeg var som enastronaut uten kropp i et univers uten stjerner. Og hvordan kom jeg til at rejse derhen? Hvorfor ville jeg bo der? Portugal er tusind gange bedre. Jeg var der, de varikke - de kan kun kender det fra Gud - de fyre har ret, og fra nu er jeg en mormon. Ingen leiligheter, var ingen hus til salgs. Ikke en eneste taksi-bil i sikte. Jeg er ikke en idiot. Men hvem er dum, egentlig? Jej eller idioter i parlamentet? En leilighet er faktisk verdens mye mer enn hele Joakim von And dollar-tank! Og - det er ikke jeg som er gal, er det statsministeren som har glemt sine hjerneceller tilbake i skuffen! Jag eller idioterna i Stortinget? Qualquer tipo de trabalho vai ficar bem. Muito obrigado antecipadamente! I was born in Gothenburg, Sweden in the year - april - By education I am a nurse, and an electronics engineer - I have been eight years to technical schools - four years at The Polhem Collage downtown Gothenburg, and four years at the technical school in Viborg, the old capital of Denmark. I have worked many years in agriculture - an engineer is a nothing-maker, too many electronics engineers were educated - and I have worked in restaurangs, hospitals, as an electrician, at furniture factories and at fishing ships in Scandinavia, and I have also worked at farms in Spain, Italy, Morocco and Algeria. I have quit my flat in Denmark, Scandinavia and have no intention what so ever to return - it is too goddam cold up there! So - in fact - I have planned to stay here in Portugal forever. And I do need to find a job - a work - any type of work - as soon as possible. Any type of job will be fine. I can speak swedish, norwegian, danish, english, german, russian, spanish and arabic - but no portugese. I do have a driving license - for cars up to three and a half tons of weight - and I am single. Thanks a lot in advance! My country og birth - Sweden a small country in Scandinavia, north of Germany is a member of The European Union - so I have the same rights here as a portugese citizen cause my citizenship is swedish. The beardy pipe smoker in wonderful Santiago. DHLWeed — sat gmail. We spread love worldwide! Weed rome italy weed laws in italy reddit weed italy s. Divorce attorney queens ny, brooklyn ny, nassau ny - deborah fiss esqdeborah g. Fiss, esq. L-dh li'. Site languages. All-in-One Event Calendar. Linkedin Sign-in. Acquia Campaign Factory. Oracle BlueKai. LazySizes library. Slider Revolution. Disability equipment supplier. Summer toboggan run. Mobile hairdresser. Fitted furniture supplier. Chamber of agriculture. Rail museum. Drive-in movie theater. Glass repair service. Airport shuttle service. Chinese noodle restaurant. Funeral director. Art studio. Heating equipment supplier. Add new website. We have received your site update request. It may take up to 24 hours to update. 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