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Cannabis Store Amsterdam, Лиссабон: просмотрите отзывы (10 шт.), статьи и 18 фотографий Cannabis Store Amsterdam, с рейтингом на сайте Tripadvisor среди достопримечательностей в Лиссабоне.

Welcome to Expert Adviser , your guide to the marijuana world! Our expert team has exclusively gathered all the information regarding the history of cannabis in Portugal, consumption, possession, selling and buying laws, and much more! Romans brought cannabis in Portugal around the second century BC. However, it was the Moors who spread cannabis cultivation and its various uses, including recreational marijuana use in the eighth century. In those days, the Portuguese used cannabis for making tea, twines, nets, fishing lines, cords, ladders, bridges, shoes, clothes, shields, and helmets. Portugal turned into a colonial power in the fifteenth century. As a result, its maritime units encountered cannabis in Africa and Asia. Toward the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Portuguese seized Goa, where they learned about Indian cannabis customs, exchange, and its numerous uses. The maritime units used hemp to make rigging and sails for their ships, making hemp known as the plant that made the conquistador identity of Portugal. Portuguese colonizers brought cannabis to their new colonies in South America, introducing the plant to the indigenous individuals and educating them on how to grow it. When it comes to domestic use , the yield was essential to Portuguese country people. Hemp was one of the three main support of their financial survival, along with cereals and vines. In , the Portuguese maritime armada suffered damage as a result of the Restoration War with Spain. By the eighteenth century, cannabis cultivation was generally spread and used for food including its oil , medicine for the treatment of cough, jaundice, and gonorrhea , and its psychoactive effects. This decision was repudiated after the European Union enacted its regulations for granting help for flax and hemp during and , respectively. The report featured the problems with imprisonment — particularly in terms of increased pressure on the economy of the nation. Also, the reoffending rates were high, making incarceration a less compelling alternative than rehabilitation. Generally, the Council of Ministers approved almost all aspects of the report. The public drug strategy followed all its principles exactly. Portugal is world-renowned for decriminalizing all illegal drugs in and, thus, massively changing the legal situation of cannabis. People often misunderstand the decriminalization of drugs. Most individuals wrongly accept that all drugs are legal in Portugal, which is definitely not the case. This decriminalized the consumption and possession of all drugs, including cannabis, for personal use. At that point, this was seen as a trailblazing verdict— making Portugal one of the first nations in the world to adopt such an attitude. The government passed the law to endeavor to handle the growing drug issue of the country. According to a study did in , individuals listed drugs-related problems as the main social issue in Portugal. This had fallen to 13th place on the list in In a conversation with the San Francisco Chronicle , he compared the rule to not wearing seatbelts. He said that the government wants you to wear one for your safety, but it will not send you to jail for not complying. Instead, it will charge you or send you to the traffic school. These days, if the police caught a person possessing or using a small number of drugs for personal use, the local Commission for Dissuasion of Drug Addiction assesses the individual. This is made up of thre e officials. First and foremost, is a legal expert, the other two either medical professionals, psychologists, social workers, or sociologists. It intends to review whether the offender requires treatment to battle compulsion. While debating the changes to drug policies, the Portuguese government considered decriminalizing the cultivation of cannabis for personal use. Upon reflection, the government then chose to exclude cannabis cultivation from the decriminalization law specifically. This bill did not just push the use of medicinal cannabis with a prescription; it also suggested legalizing cannabis cultivation for medical purposes, providing that the THC content was minimal. The authorities did not pass this aspect of the bill, and to date, growing cannabis remains illegal. The sale of tools and implements for growing it is also prohibited, though the production and sale of industrial hemp products are legal with a license. The government of Portugal approved the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes in June The bill stated that a doctor must prescribe all medicines, and just if all other regular treatments fail to work. They can prescribe medicinal cannabis to treat symptoms associated with chronic pain, malignancy therapy, and post-awful stress disorder, among other things. In , it authorized the construction of a medicinal cannabis plantation in Portugal. The crops harvested from the farm contained high levels of THC and are made arrangements for export. The law also declares that the government should support scientific research on cannabis and its expected therapeutic benefit. CBD is legal for medicinal purposes. People can also purchase and consume it without prescription, as long as the THC content is below 0. Industrial hemp production is legal in Portugal. But it is based on a condition that the plants should not contain more than 0. The authorities regulate the production intensely, and farmers are subject to inspections throughout the year. Likely conflicts between hemp, which is low in THC, and medical-grade cannabis, which is more powerful, implied that, toward the beginning of , the government put hemp cultivation on pause. The favorable atmosphere of Portugal, its high number of daylight and sunshine hours per year, along with its reasonably-priced labor, make it ideal for cannabis cultivation. As a result, different companies are, as of now, investing in the Portuguese cannabis industry. The organization planted over 5. The British organization GW Pharmaceuticals is presently running a cannabis cultivation facility in Portugal. The facility produces around 21 tons of cannabis every year, which GW uses to formulate Sativex , its famous cannabis-based medicine. Right after the legalization of medical cannabis in January , a Canadian, Israeli-owned organization called Sababa Portugal declared that it would plant around 4 hectares of medical cannabis in the southern Alentejo region. Holigen , an Australian-supported investment group, will cultivate cannabis in an outdoor plantation of , square meters in the Alentejo region. Aurora Cannabis , another Canadian cannabis monster, expanded into Portugal by acquiring 51 percent of Gaia Pharm Lda. This local facility got its approval to create medical cannabis and cannabis-based products. The government has decriminalized cannabis. The medical cannabis law is not completely regulated , and legal matters remain uncertain. Patients complain about the new regulation, mainly because CBD was promptly available in local shops before its enactment. If you need quality and a reasonable price, forget street dealers. The best shot is to go to a natural supplement store and make discreet inquiries. Your other alternative would be to purchase CBD and cannabis seeds online. For CBD, if you can obtain a prescription and authorization certificate, you could shop online and choose the brand you need. For other cannabis products and seeds, you have many options to choose from when it comes to buying seeds online. Many seed banks ship globally. They also assure the high-quality of the seeds. Such seed banks might have a discreet shipping service that delivers your package in stealth shipping to your doorsteps. There are quite a couple of other blog articles and forum posts about selling weed in Portugal. Most of them would be based in Cameroon. If you go to purchase herb, knowing the local terminology will help you immensely. The following are the few popular terms to use when you visit Portugal next time! You can find many cannabis social clubs in countries around the globe, including Portugal. The club members control such clubs and cultivate cannabis for the use of their members as it were. A large number of members consume it for medicinal purposes. However, some politicians have proposed making these clubs legal, depending on the success of similar enterprises in Spain. In , the political coalition Bloco de Esquerda Left Bloc presented a proposal to parliament, recommending that the government should allow such social clubs to grow cannabis. Portugal is also one of the 65 countries that have partaken in the Global Marijuana March since Final Thoughts. The government has now introduced medicinal marijuana. This is most likely if Portugal capitalizes on its domestic cannabis production. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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В обед в ташках едят за длинными общими столами или стоя за барной стойкой — так часто дешевле. Тиндер не работает, как минимум в женской части. Хороший обзор. Одно примечание: все-таки, если переводить буквально matabicho — это заморить червячка. Автору браво! Все как есть, без преукрас. Вот именно такое впечатление у меня и сложилось об этой нации. Если развивать тему дальше, то скажу, что Португалы иначе их не назовёшь заложники своих традиций. Эта псевдовежливость меня бесила. А сколько раз я слышала от мужчин, что как они задолбались ждать секса по полгода, и хочется девушку послать, но он Ее гуляет уже 6 месяцев и не хочет терять это время…. Павел, очень точно о еде и алкоголе, в остальном еще не могу ни согласиться, ни опровергнуть, т. Мало времени здесь живу. А насчет подростков согласна, они такие! Дочь учится в 8 классе. Видела как они на переменах зажимаются и целуются! Хоть наши Украина сейчас такие же! Моя пуританка хоть знает и смотрит всякое дай Бог, вольется в это общество. Ждем дальнейших Ваших заметок! Спасибо за обзор Павел! Живу в Португалии уже 14й год. Особенно задела часть о сексе, очень правдиво. Раньше считал что это были просто предрассудки, но культуры свиданий действительно нет и знакомятся исключительно через друзей или круги интересов. Даже среди молодежи. Интересная статья. Про еду точно. Покушать португальцы любят.. Впрочем, я тоже…А вот трехчасовые обеды я за 17 лет работы и жизни здесь не припомню…Секс.. Не со всем согласна. Молодые португальцы раскрепощенные, но не вульгарные.. Сексуальное воспитание у них на высоком уровне. С лет девочки знают о предохранении от нежелательной беременности и болезней. И многие воспринимают секс, не как спортивное увлечение. Для них прежде любовь, потом уже близость Не меняют партнеров, как перчатки. Конечно, все эти выводы относительно. Зависит многое от уровня жизни и экономической ситуации конкретного человека. Я писала о людях с высоким уровнем жизни. Чушь полная. Сколько лет автор статьи живет в Португалии? Чтобы такое писать сначала законы изучи. Автор статьи хоть португальский то знает? Или так поверхностно? Бред сивой кобылы. Чушь собачья. Bred polnii …. Павел, отличный язык, читаю не первый час Только я удивилась — как же при таком пуританстве и традиционализме португальцы относятся к гей-парам, которые съезжаются сюда? Особенно интересует отношение людей старого поколения. Ваш адрес email не будет опубликован. Ваша почта. Ваш сайт. Читать статью Как жилось и живётся женщинам в Португалии. Читать статью свободная Португалия как пример для Европы. Читать статью Порту против Лиссабона. Читать статью Португалия и рабовладение. Перевод фрагментов книги Жоау Барруша «Зеркало супругов» XVI века, посвящённых 12 негативным и 12 позитивным моментам в женитьбе. Читать статью 12 причин не жениться на португалке XVI века, и 12 причин жениться. Читать статью рюмочные с жинжей в районе Россиу. Читать статью Тест: 10 вопросов о португальских привычках. Светлана И. Офигеть, наверное я в другой Португалии живу 15 лет! Для субъективного мнения автора пойдет. Добавить комментарий Отменить ответ Ваш адрес email не будет опубликован. Как жилось и живётся женщинам в Португалии. Порту против Лиссабона. Север против Центра, провинция против столицы: что у них общего и в чём отличия? Португалия и рабовладение. Перевод фрагментов книги Жоау Барруша «Зеркало супругов» XVI века, посвящённых 12 негативным и 12 позитивным моментам в женитьбе Читать статью 12 причин не жениться на португалке XVI века, и 12 причин жениться. Тест: 10 вопросов о португальских привычках.

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