


About SAIEX 

Saiterm is a web stage that tries to expand front line age stock that decrease emanation and have negligible power utilization. Saiterm additionally interests at upgrading its clients' best of ways of life and improving the productiveness of representatives working in one of a kind business areas through improving the tasteful of the running condition. 

Saiterm objective is to fund the improvement of the assembling and promoting of a substantial, totally dynamic item for over the top execution warming of conditions, last fair and self-governing, financing through the blockchain, the formation of assembling and business focuses basic for the generation and conveyance of the most productive warming gadget inside the worldwide, a framework effectively planned, protected, connected and tried. The improvement of this machine, created by methods for Saiterm, is called SPRING, displaying a result that misuses front line money related and business innovation, to deliver and convey an exceedingly looked for after item, as genuinely essential and that reacts to fate overall wants regarding influence proficiency and prosperity for individuals. With reference to the country of workmanship, the objective of Saiterm is to lessen the introduced quality and utilization of warming structures. With a similar exhibition of innovations by and by accessible available. 

The dissemination will take area at the worldwide markets and will be routed to engineers, and enormous retail chains; appropriation can even take region through our e-exchange spare. The Spring board delivered by utilizing Saiterm is better in fine as looked at than some other warming contraption as far as execution, solace and prosperity. This is the reason it's a fitting response for fresh out of the box new structures, redesigns or even to upgrade the relief of a solitary room. No evaluation is truly conceivable with fuel, pellet, and warmth siphon frameworks, nor with customary infrared ones, which best appear to be like SPRING. Customary frameworks, which incorporates underfloor warming, which is as of now the most power productive one, has a normal esteem superior to 236% in contrast with SPRING Despite the esteem, a tremendous bounty of information uncover that this gadget devours at any rate 35% additional power than the Saiterm machine. 

The generation framework may be totally computerized with a reason to ensure the dissemination of 20,000 introductory bits, to take us through the resulting 5 years, to as a base 800,000 parts with regards to a year. This is to adapt best somewhat to the worldwide interest for green warming structures. Get the job done it to state that as of now a 90 rectangular meters townhouse, including five rooms, should put in something like 5 devices of Saiterm Spring. Thinking about the money related favorable position of the buy, just as the unnecessary monetary investment funds acquired with the decrease of solidarity utilization, we can recall 800,000 boards a yr an essentially preservationist and limited gauge. In truth, with 800,000 boards partitioned through 5 rooms, least complex 160,000 homes in the worldwide can be establishment. The immediate ventures inside the task can be made through shopping Saiterm Spring choices, and this can guarantee the freedom of the activity from multinationals in the area, huge associations and banks. The monetary instrument used to discharge may be the Saiex Coin on the Ethereum Blockchain. 

Saiterm's Innovative System 

Saiterm ensures vitality execution in household warming and business heat treatment through its Spring and Radiant structures which gives the clients with various endowments this sort of empowering residential and works of art condition, improved efficiency and diminished preparing and emanation charges. 

The spring warming framework will be awesome items that embellish the fine of infrared warming from the sun, with the goal to at last improve power execution and extravagance. The spring boards produced with the guide of Saiterm will ingest the majority of the infrared discharged by means of the sun beams and convert them to warmness. 

The warmth created will at that point be exchanged to the front floor that emanates the glow. A brilliant floor produced using an extraordinary combination gets the warmth and scatters it into nature in a compelling way. The Spring DHS incorporated into the boards lets in clients to get the predefined room temperature in a short measure of time. 

The Saiterm Radiant machine is an endothermic board for vehicle body shops that decreases the power admission while guaranteeing that effectiveness is at a most. Clients can control every one of the phases of depict routinely the utilization of their cellphone or pill. 


The SAIEX Tokens might be utilized to purchase current Saiterm stock, just as to purchase inventive items that Saiterm will blessing to the commercial center in 2019. The items that we can found in 2019 are identified with aircon, lighting installations, video observation and sound dispersion, did both to the private and common zone, just as to explicit business and business exercises. 

It will subsequently persistently be conceivable to purchase the current and fate Saiterm stock with the SAIEX Tokens, notwithstanding any thermotechnical format, programming project or machine the executives programs offered by methods for Saiterm. Saiterm is unalterably dedicated to selling its stock in the posting, to the valuation of 1SAIEX Token = 1 USD as much as the day on which the SAIEX TOKEN will go in Exchange.

Token Information

Token: SAIEX Token (SAIEX)

Token protocol: ERC20

Total token supply: 50,000,000 SAIEX

ICO sale date: 1st DECEMBER 2018 – 10th May 2019

Token price: 1 SAIEX = 1 USD

Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH, XRP, XMR and FIAT

Soft Cap : 1,000,000 SAIEX

Hard Cap: 50,000,000 SAIEX

Road Map


High-quality studies and scientific research carried out to solve a very old problem concerning the improvement of the thermal yield useful.

First step

We then moved on to the patent phase and to the construction of the first units, used for testing.

Second step

We have started to build a brand that is able to communicate to the world this ecological, advantageous, comfortable and healthy innovation.

ICO phase

We present our ICO and provide the SAIEX Tokens.

Current phase

Thinking big and programming industrial plants able to face massive requests, open branches and develop new products.

From now on

We will present other products that are so revolutionary that they will create a new market segment.


Salvatore Morale

Founder - CEO

Emanuele Morale

Marketing Manager

Elisa Massoli

Purchase Area

Emiliano Satta

Business Manager

Giorgio Sonzogni

New buildings and major restructuring

Giovanna Signore


Giovanni Falcitelli

F.E.M. Counsultant - R & D

Luigi Franceschi

Accounting and Finance

Mario Borio

Car Bodyshop department

Rosario Colletti

Blockchain department

Adrià Parcerisas

Social Media and Bounty Manager

Roberto Mangoni

Graphic Designer and Web Developer

Rosario Colletti


For more information click below links








Bitcoin Profile:;u=2274930

ETH: 0x1b8E697dA9D4b6687B8a6Ad8a3bF351d3C29dFFe

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