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Saidiya where is the marijuana

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Saidiya where is the marijuana

Рецензии Цитаты Истории Лайфхаки. В избранное в избранном Сообщать о новых номинантах 0. Страна: США Дата проведения: 8 апреля г. Премия Джона Кеннета Гэлбрейта. The Yellow House. Купить эту книгу. Deported Americans: Life after Deportation to Mexico. Что-то не так с Гэлвинами. Идеальная семья, разрушенная безумием. Истоки неравенства в XXI веке.

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A View from the Inside: On the Front Line of Afro-American Liberation, Reggie Brown

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The Afro-Hispanic Reader and Anthology, Paulette A. Ramsay, Antonio D. Tillis

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Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ. Описание: The essays in this collection offer new evidence and new conclusions on topics in the history of African Americans in Virginia such as the demography of early slave imports, the means used to regulate slave labor, the situation of female hired slaves in the backcountry, African American women in the Civil War era, and the Garveyite grassroots organizations of the s. S and their domestic black counterparts. The transformations in Cuban racial identity across the hemisphere, represented powerfully in the literary and performance cultures of Afro-Cubans in the U. Описание: An authoritative text on the formation and evolution of planetary atmospheres. It covers a comprehensive range of topics including atmospheric chemistry, thermodynamics, radiative transfer, and atmospheric dynamics. It is an invaluable resource for graduate-level students and researchers working across the fields of atmospheric science, geochemistry, planetary science, astrobiology, and astronomy. Описание: In this absorbing transnational history, Alex Lubin reveals the vital connections between African American political thought and the people and nations of the Middle East. Spanning the s through the present, and set against a backdrop of major political and cultural shifts around the world, the book demonstrates how international geopolitics, including the ascendance of liberal internationalism, established the conditions within which blacks imagined their freedom and, conversely, the ways in which various Middle Eastern groups have understood and used the African American freedom struggle to shape their own political movements. Lubin extends the framework of the black freedom struggle beyond the familiar geographies of the Atlantic world and sheds new light on the linked political, social, and intellectual imaginings of African Americans, Palestinians, Arabs, and Israeli Jews. This history of intellectual exchange, Lubin argues, has forged political connections that extend beyond national and racial boundaries. Описание: A uniquely detailed account of the dynamics of Afro-European trade in two states on the western Slave Coast over three centuries and the transition from slave trade to legitimate commerce. Автор: Commander Michelle D. Commander traces how post-civil rights Black American artists, intellectuals, and travelers envision literal and figurative flight back to Africa as a means by which to heal the dispossession caused by the slave trade. Through ethnographic, historical, literary, and filmic analyses, Commander shows the ways that cultural producers such as Octavia Butler, Thomas Allen Harris, and Saidiya Hartman engage with speculative thought about slavery, the spiritual realm, and Africa, thereby structuring the imaginary that propels future return flights. Автор: Bonnie S. Описание: Contemporary Afro-Brazil: A Multidisciplinary Anthology exposes students to all aspects of Afro-Brazilian culture, including sports, music and dance, ideas of gender, socioeconomic and political disparities, and more. The anthology includes primary and secondary sources that emphasize and demonstrate the African influence in Brazilian culture from the beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade to today. Additional readings explore the African influence on Brazilian dance, music, and film, the development and policing of favelas, and gender inequality in the nation. The collection closes with sections dedicated to the Afro-Brazilian influence on soccer and modern-day politics, protest, and policy, as Afro-Brazilians struggle to overcome socioeconomic, racial, and political disparities. Contemporary Afro-Brazil is a cross-disciplinary anthology designed to serve as a supplementary text for foundational courses in anthropology, history, political science, sociology, music, dance, religion, and gender studies that focus on Latin America and Brazil. Описание: Decades after the first multicultural reforms were introduced in Latin America, Afrodescendant people from the region are still disproportionately impoverished, underserved, policed, and incarcerated. In Nicaragua, Afrodescendants have mobilized to confront this state of siege through the politics of black autonomy. For women and men grappling with postwar violence, black autonomy has its own cultural meanings as a political aspiration and a way of crafting selfhood and solidarity. Creole community in Nicaragua. Weaving together fifteen years of research, Black Autonomy follows this community-based movement from its inception in the late s to its realization as an autonomous territory in and beyond. Goett argues that despite significant gains in multicultural recognition, Afro-Nicaraguan Creoles continue to grapple with the day-to-day violence of capitalist intensification, racialized policing, and drug war militarization in their territories. Activists have responded by adopting a politics of autonomy based on race pride, territoriality, self-determination, and self-defense. Black Autonomy shows how this political radicalism is rooted in African diasporic identification and gendered cultural practices that women and men use to assert control over their bodies, labor, and spaces in an atmosphere of violence. Описание: Transpacific Antiracism introduces the dynamic process out of which social movements in Black America, Japan, and Okinawa formed Afro-Asian solidarities against the practice of white supremacy in the twentieth century. Yuichiro Onishi argues that in the context of forging Afro-Asian solidarities, race emerged as a political category of struggle with a distinct moral quality and vitality. This book explores the work of Black intellectual-activists of the first half of the twentieth century, including Hubert Harrison and W. Du Bois, that took a pro-Japan stance to articulate the connection between local and global dimensions of antiracism. Turning to two places rarely seen as a part of the Black experience, Japan and Okinawa, the book also presents the accounts of a group of Japanese scholars shaping the Black studies movement in post-surrender Japan and multiracial coalition-building in U. Together these cases of Afro-Asian solidarity make known political discourses and projects that reworked the concept of race to become a wellspring of aspiration for a new society. Мои желания. Ваши заказы. Войти Регистрация Забыли? Варианты приобретения Цена: р. Кол-во: о цене Наличие: Отсутствует. Возможна поставка под заказ. При оформлении заказа до: 5 мар Ориентировочная дата поставки: Апрель При условии наличия книги у поставщика. Биографии: общее жизнеописание. Социальная история и история культуры. Этнические исследования. Исследования азиатских и африканских этнических групп. Политика и политический строй. Гражданские права и гражданство. Есть вопрос? Политика конфиденциальности. Помощь Дистрибьюторы издательства 'Логосфера'. О компании Представительство в Казахстане. Российская литература. Расширенный поиск. Российские издательства. Каталог книг. Учебная литература. Варианты приобретения. Цена: р. Автор: Schultz, Kathy Lou. Описание: Analyzing the poets Melvin B. Within the context of Classical epic traditions, early 20th-century American modernist long poems, and the griot traditions of West Africa, Schultz reveals diasporic consciousness in the representation of African American identities. Описание: This book introduces North Americans and other general readers to 1 the role of Afro-Cubans in Cuban history and culture, particularly in the 20th century, and 2 librarianship in the context of the Cuban revolution. Considering these two related subjects through the life and work of Marta Terry, Cuba will serve as an example for other Africans in the Americas and for all library workers in times of social change. Marta Terry directed three centrally important Cuban libraries. From , she was library director at the Casa de Las Americas, the organization built and led by Haydee Santamaria that published and connected writers and their readers from across Latin America and set a model for combining liberation politics and innovative cultural production. She was then also point person in defending Cuba from the US-government sponsored attack that followed, under the guise of the so-called 'independent libraries.

Saidiya where is the marijuana

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