Sagittarius Sex Traits

Sagittarius Sex Traits


Sagittarius Sex Traits
Home » The Sagittarius Sexuality - Traits and Characteristics
Adventurous and outspoken, Sagittarians believe in looking at the brighter side of things. People with this Zodiac sign are born between 22nd November and 21st December. The positive mantra that informs their daily life also colors their sexual relationships and often opens up untold worlds for their partners. A Sagittarius in love For a Sagittarius, being in love is living yet another kind of adventure. This sign is not in favor of carefully-made, long-term plans and just like they love throwing a few things into the suitcase and heading off for the unknown, so too you might find your Sagittarius lover taking you out on a surprise date or whisking you away to the nearest getaway for an intimate weekend. Trust this sign to do something impulsive but utterly romantic for you. While this kind of impulsiveness becomes potentially dangerous where major issues like money and health are concerned, on the whole these free-living spirits seem able to get away with it by their innate trust in the universe that attracts luck.
TIP: Click here to download the book 'How to Meet, Date and Keep the Man of your Dreams' A Sagittarius is on the whole an uncomplicated sign and genuinely dislikes pretence and falsehoods. To them hypocrisy and dissembling are perhaps greater sins that a one-off fling. Your Sagittarius lover will bring the same openness and transparency to your romantic relationship unlike a Scorpio or Libra for whom being in love often implies battling torturous emotional states. However very often this frankness slides into a tendency to be outspoken which might take you aback if you are used to all-round praise from friends and acquaintances. A Sagittarius is nothing if not honest and will tell you without batting an eyelid that the Picasso in your living room is hung upside down or that your Bolognaise sauce needs more seasoning. It does not matter if you are his/her partner and in fact a Sagittarius will see all the more reason for expressing their opinion if you are close to him. The thing to remember here is that their outspoken nature is never motivated by malice but rather a child-like innocence which believes that honesty is always the best policy. Sagittarians are great optimists and this is what makes it so delightful to be in a relationship with them. If the world is such a great place to be in, how can love be anything but a wonderful experience? So far from a Libra’s vacillations or a Virgo’s fastidiousness, a Sagittarius dives into romance with reckless abandon and knowing their penchant for good luck, are more often than not rewarded with fulfilling relationships. How to seduce a Sagittarius A Sagittarius lover is one of the easiest to seduce since unlike a Scorpio or Gemini, they are least likely to engage in complicated mind games. their open and honest natures will let you know if they are indeed attracted to you and when that is a clear yes, you can be sure of having an extraordinary night lined up for you. Sagittarius men and women are usually physical creatures and any dating activity which involves a lot of fun-filled adventure is sure to give them a good time. And once you have stirred their hunger for wild, impulsive adventure, get away to your love pad and go on sharing ideas and opinions since Sagittarians are as much turned on by a brilliant active mind as by physical, energetic activities. You can try to enhance the love quotient in the air by feeding your Sagittarius ice-cream or having them sample yohimbe which are supposed to act like aphrodisiacs for this sign. When you are finally ready to make love, begin by focusing your foreplay on areas like the hips and inner thighs which make up the most erogenous zones for these lovers. In keeping with their love for travel, Sagittarians are turned on by fantasies of adventure and escape from the mundane settings of the familiar world. Involved images of exotic lands and cultures in your foreplay and in no time at all you both will have embarked on a wild erotic adventure of your own. Horses often play a prominent role in the sexual fantasies of Sagittarians perhaps because one of the symbols of this zodiac is the Centaur – half-horse and half-man – and like everyone knows, the phallic pull of the equine image is immense. How to make it work If you are keen to keep your Sagittarius lover, the first rule you need to follow is to allow them the freedom to go. Personal space and independence are extremely important for a Sagittarius who intensely dislikes being tied down. So don’t expect your passionate sexual encounter to be followed with a proposal of marriage or even a commitment to a long-term relationship. To these people, lovemaking is yet another wonderful adventure where their free spirit and open hearts take off for the unknown in company of a partner. However if a Sagittarius is given plenty of space and positively encouraged to explore, then you could well have a lasting and equal partnership. This is particularly true if you can accompany Sagittarius on those spontaneous adventures where they like to lose themselves every now and then. In a long term relationship with a Sagittarius, it would also help if you can learn to take their outspoken natures in your stride. Since these people put a great premium on honesty, sometimes their frankness can veer dangerously on the side of tactlessness. Your partner might not set out to hurt you with their remarks, but the verbal blunders can be painful because Sagittarius has an unhappy knack of hitting on the truth. Don't ask Sagittarius if you look fat in something unless you are prepared for a straight answer. And never expect your partner to apologize – a Sagittarius barely knows the meaning of the word, nor sees a need to explain his/her behavior. Despite their love for the adventurous and the physical, men and women born under this sign are more likely than others to settle into a platonic relationship over a length of time. So think twice before choosing a long term relationship with a Sagittarius if you believe that physical intimacy is the be-all and end-all of a romantic relationship. The all-consuming fires of passion that burn for Leos and Scorpios are not for a Sagittarius lover - they would rather be your companion and soul mate for life.
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7 Key Things To Know About the Sagittarius Man in Bed
6 thoughts on “7 Key Things To Know About the Sagittarius Man in Bed”
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Hey. I hope you enjoy this article! For one-on-one astrological guidance, check out my $25 Q&A service .
This post covers some of the most frequently asked questions concerning the Sagittarius man’s sexual tendencies and what he likes most in bed.
Some FYI: this post will be exclusively about the Sagittarius man’s sex traits and his style of lovemaking. I won’t be going into detail about his romantic/relationship proclivities because I have other posts about those topics on this site. So check those out if you’re curious to learn more in-depth details about the Sagittarius male.
If you don’t find all that you were looking for, please leave a comment at the end of the post and I’ll be sure to answer any specific questions you have promptly.
Curious how satisfying a romp in the sack with the Sag man can be?
The answer is: it depends. Sexual tastes are always subjective.
But he does have certain ways about him that may or may not line up with what you like.
For example, he is a fire sign who likes to act fast and bring physically intensity to the bedroom. So if you like adventurous, passionate and athletic sex, then you should be plenty satisfied with the Sagittarian guy.
If you instead desire lots of foreplay, empathetic sharing, and emotional depth during sex, then the Sagittarius man might not be your type. He’s not particularly keen on diving deep into feelings and emotions (unless he has some water placements).
Yes – you can count on Sagittarius men enjoying some kinky things. Sagittarius is a novelty-seeking Fire Sign, after all, and he likes to try a bit of everything.
He tends to have a dominant personality – and that translates to his bedroom proclivities. Any power play is likely to turn him on. He loves a woman who is comfortable in her femininity and enjoys being sexually submissive with him. Any bondage, spanking or other S&M ideas you throw at him he’ll probably be eager to explore.
If you aren’t at all kinky – there’s a chance he could be put off by that. He’s a man who likes to explore and expand. He wants what he wants and might dislike his sexually adventurous, explorative side to be turned down. But, if he has a moderate level of maturity, he will respect your boundaries.
Everyone is different in this regard, but there are some positions that he’s likely to favor. He enjoys positions that are athletic and put him in a dominant position.
Some potential positions: Doggystyle, Shoulder stand, The V, Downward Dog, Cello, Prison Guard, Captain, Missionary Plank.
The Sag man’s main erogenous zones are his hips and thighs (inner and outer).
If you’re looking to turn him on at any time, pay close attention to these areas. He’ll be extremely responsive to your touch. You can lightly graze, or grab him. They’re great spots for massage, too.
Try to explore these areas during sex, see if you can find a position that stimulates these areas in him or allows him to stimulate you, as he likes touching those places on you, too.
These are tips for him to better enjoy sex.
Have you had any sexual experiences with the Sag man? What were your experiences like, and do you have any tips for us? Let us know in the comment section below.
If you want to learn how to thoroughly attract a Sagittarian man and make him fall head over heels for you, check out my course here .
Hi, I’m Loren. Welcome to Popular Astrology. You can learn more about me and this website here .
My Sagittarius man lied to make me interested in him. He had/has a sex cams addiction and was having virtual sex with hundreds of different woman a night/every other night through to early hours of the morning. When getting to know him had lied and said that he hadn’t been doing stuff like that for months of in order to manipulate stronger feelings towards him. When confronted he lied with pathetic excuses about having an app that makes up its own internet history in order to cover up real browsing history. ‘How do you know it was me and not a friend’.. first an app then a friend.. he tried many different contradictory excuses then told the truth, after telling the truth lied about it again then told the truth and lied ect.
If he was open to begin with I would have been accepting but concerned about the scale of use and would have detached emotionally.
I do not trust my partner because of his unnecessary compulsive need to lie excessively and I have seen him grows to believe his own lies through ‘forgetfulness’ He was also using hook up websites to find sex after asking me to be his girlfriend. I don’t agree that the Sagittarius man is more interested in satisfying himself in bed I have seen the opposite in my Sagittarius partner.
Hi, Nanu. I’m sorry to hear about your experiences with his manipulation. Shame and denial breed secrecy and disingenuous behavior, unfortunately. I would deeply consider if his actions make the relationship worthwhile for you. Though that’s good to hear that he’s interested in satisfying you in bed.
I’m a Libra, and I’ve been having a secret affair with my Sag guy for over a year. We don’t get the chance to meet very often. Every time we meet in public we both feel a strong attraction to one another. We have great conversations where we laugh and finish eachother’s sentences. Great chemistry! We often end up hot texting/video after meeting in public. When we meet in private we just melt together. Passionate kissing, wonderful sex and lots of eye contact…. It’s crazy how well we match in that departement! (I was married to a Gemini for many years and although we loved eachother and the sex was good we never had THIS kind of sexual connection.) When my Sag and I have sex, I feel LOVED because of the way he looks into my eyes. Sometimes it’s a playful, teasing look, sometimes a soft smile and sometimes it’s like he’s amazed by me. He makes me feel like a princess, I feel safe and I feel worshipped.
However; «It’s just sex». At least that’s what the deal is. He has obligations elsewhere (relationship and children) and doesn’t want me to think the two of us are in a relationship. Although I’m a Libra I’m not too keen on relationships myself at the moment. Also, I have no intention of breaking up his household.
My problem (other than the obvious bad conscience for having sex with another woman’s man) is that he always goes silent on me after we’ve had sex. Not immediately – we usually hang out for a conversation and a cup of coffee. We laugh, he opens up a little… we don’t cuddle after sex (I don’t mind, but I do notice). We hug or kiss before parting, but more like friends than lovers… And then comes a time of no texting, almost no respons if I text him. The contrast between that warm, fun, pleasant and attentive guy I had sex with and this…cold bastard is HUGE! And SO confusing. My gut tells me he is afraid of falling for me because that could cause serious problems in his current relationship (yeah, it’s kinda stupid skipping the fact that there must already be serious problems in a relationship where he is being unfaithful!). His biggest fear is hurting his kids. I’ve asked him if he struggles with a bad conscience after having sex with me, but he doen’t want to talk about it. So he shuts me out. And that’s when I usually break up. Or he, if I suggest he should. No quarrelling, just coming to our senses.
Sag and I have broken this thing off several times, but we keep falling back into eachother’s arms. Last time we «broke up» I was really brave and confessed I had feelings for him, and that I might want more than «just sex». I reconned that would scare him off for good, but I thought «so be it, probably for the best». We agreed that we had really enjoyed ourselves and eachother, but that it was more important to take care of oneself and thus be able to maintain a friendship. And his relationship. I even advised him to work out whatever is wrong in his current relationship, and (as a joke) not to go silent on future lovers. After that he sent me subtle signs that he reciprocate my feelings. I pretended I didn’t notice. I mean; it was so subtle I might have imagined it. But it was there.
Our «break up» lasted a couple of months, and then he initiated contact again. We met a few times, and the sex was even better than before! The way he looked at me….! He was more cuddly than usual when we parted and he has not been so rigidly on silent mode as before. And here we are… I don’t know where this is going (if anywhere), and I don’t know if he loves me or is just playing me. My gut says both.
I know this is none of my business, but I just read your post and feel invested now. 😉 Do you want to give an update as to how things are going for you?
So I’ve been in a secret relationship with a saggitarious man. He has a girlfriend plus other women(unsure of how many) Oh and we work in the same institution. He makes me feel so loved, gives me all the attention that I want, often expresses how much he misses me and craves me and always comes to see me everyday for my daily kiss to start off my day at work. We don’t see each other outside of work and I don’t know why. He always seems to be too busy and I stopped asking to meet up. On our lunch breaks sometimes we have car sex or we go to his home nearby. Sex with him is amazing because of his sensuality. His dick isn’t that big but his sensuality, passion, kinkyness, intensity and wanting to ensure that I’m pleased all the time(making sure that I cum), makes up for it. He is very dominant and brings out my submissive side. I always let him lead.. sometimes he wants me to get on top and i show him my confident and sexy side although I’m not sure if im pleasing him.. I fell inlove with him and I wish I hadn’t because its clear that he won’t commit to me. He already has other commitments. I don’t quite see a future here and I know better than to hope. All I know is I always wanna move on but everytime I see him his charming and flirtatious ways that is so manipulating wins me over everytime. He pretends like nothing happened between us and I fall right into his traps. I love him let me know what you guys think.
As a Sagittarius woman (5 times in my chart) I just wanted to comment – especially reading some of the other comments. I think it’s important to let other signs know that it is kindof a Sagittarius thing to make people feel special and like they’re the only person in the world when we’re with them. I don’t have as much trouble with this as a woman vs. probably Sagittarian men bc men don’t always tend to get as attached (although there have been a few). But from the Sagittarian perspective we generally just love and are interested in people. To your Sagittarian, you are special, but so are a lot of other people – you know what I mean? I just think it’s really important to know this because I think with Sagittarians it’s really easy to project into something and think it’s more than it is, but for the Sag – when they’re with you, they’re with you and when they’re not…. they’re often not… they’re interested in someone or something else. So just… beware of your own projections in a relationship with a Sagittarian where they haven’t been absolutely clear that you are ‘the one.’
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By January Nelson
Updated January 28, 2022

By January Nelson
Updated January 28, 2022

More on the Sagittarius

Sagittarius Woman – All about the Sagittarius woman.

Sagittarius Man – All about the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius Compatibility - Learn about who a Sagittarius is compatible with.

Sagittarius Horoscope - Traits, personality, dates, characteristics, and more.

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According to astrology, if you were born between November 22 to December 21, you are a Sagittarius . Sagittarius is symbolized by a bow and arrow, or, the archer. These sun signs are considered to be a centaur: half man, half horse. In astrology, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune, philosophy, and truth. As a fire sign, Sagittarius is very intense and extroverted. They are enthusiastic about life and having fun. As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is adaptive and flexible, but also quite careless and inconsistent too. They are energetic and dedicated beings. They are free spirits in search of knowledge who cannot stand routine or being tied down.
Let’s learn more about the Sagittarius woman personality. We’ll dive into her likes and dislikes, if she is trustworthy, and the way she acts in relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family.
The Sagittarian woman is very energetic, adventurous, and wild. She is very courageous, wanting to explore everything and anything. She is enthusiastic and curious about life and the world. Sagittarius is typically considered the “f
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