Sagging Face? Oh! Hell No!

Sagging Face? Oh! Hell No!

Sabine Zenker MD Dermatologist

Who doesn’t wish to age gracefully? A youthful and fresh look always attracts everyone around you, but a significant impediment is a sagging face. Oh! How we hate it when our face makes us look older.


What causes a sagging face?

We start to lose an essential protein known as Collagen (A key player in keeping our skin firm) or losing an impressive amount of weight. Even though a sagging face is natural, it doesn't equate to it being aesthetically pleasing. We all prefer to have a firm look with no lines and wrinkles. While collagen serums, chemical peels, and skin tightening facials can help as a temporary fix, it doesn't last very long, and surgical implants can be intimidating to many people.


So, is there a way to avoid a sagging face without any surgery? Yes, there is. With advancements in science and technology, there are now ways to tighten the skin without surgery.


Botox- facial revitalization minus the surgery.


The use of botulinum toxin (Botox) is an incredible way to get that flawless, aesthetically pleasing heart- or V-shape. To control the sagging face, lines, and wrinkles, a mixed treatment involving Botox, Fillers, and Autologous Fat is the best way to reverse the effects of aging and give one the chance to optimize their exquisite features without any surgery. Professionals carry out the treatment over a few sittings based on how much work needs to be done while keeping the face's anatomy in mind. You can find a specialist such as Dr. Zenker, a German Board Certified Dermatologist who is an expert in fixing the skin problems.

This non-invasive method is entirely personalized as per one's needs, and skin type helps keep one looking youthful for months and, in some cases, years with easy touch-ups as and when required.  

 It is indeed true when people say that you only live once so, why live with a sagging face when one can enjoy a fresh, rejuvenated version of your face with Botox, a simple, non-invasive procedure for youthful skin for the rest of your life.




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