Safe Anal Lube

Safe Anal Lube


Safe Anal Lube



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By Sweetcarol21570 | 145 posts, last post 8 months ago

Sasa Milosevic, MD
answered this
(Anal) Sex Lubricants And Safety Issues

hi i was wondering what i can use for anal lube during masturbation, i cant really buy actual lube cuz my parents are always with me when i go to the store and i dont want them asking me why i need is there anything SAFE i can use as anal lube that wont irritate me?

use olive oil, not vaseline, and make sure it's pure olive oil

also is you ever can get your hands on some lube make sure it isn't just any kind, it has to be water-based

Olive oil is almost certain to irritate your butt if you use it as lube, because your anus isn't meant to be simmered in olive oil. You MUST use a water-based lube (like KY or Astroglide) and leave the olive oil in the skillet.

hmmm so many different opinions....whos right :$

If you're looking to simply masturbate and play alone, then most things will be okay for you. Of course, an actual lube, made especially for anal play, will be your best bet, but being a kid under watchful eyes, I know it's hard to do. Still, some other items work great.

I personally haven't tried olive oil, because, well, it's expensive enough that I'd rather cook with it than use it sexually, because it has a particular, distinctive odor, and because it really is rather thin- not what you're looking for in anal lubrication. I do hear that some people like it, though.

Better would be something a bit thicker, like some softened (room temperature) butter, or, better yet, Crisco (shortening). Crisco really is famous for this sort of thing- it's been used as anal play grease for forever, because it's good and works well. In fact, Crisco probably is your best bet, simply because butter, as a dairy product, does have the tendency to have some bacteria in it and the ability to spoil- you don't want anything funky happening in your tush.

So I recommend Crisco- it's soft and smooth, not too thin, fairly odorless (though not completely), and should be lying around the house (if not . . . just tell mom and dad you want to bake some cookies with a recipe you found- bake the cookies, and take the rest of the Crisco upstairs!).

In a pinch, I've had fair results with various lotions that I've had on hand, although they do have their drawbacks (they're often scented, may be irritating inside, and dry up very quickly).

Basically, do a little experimentation. If you're worried about irritation, dab a little of whatever you want to use on your anus and let it sit for about ten or fifteen minutes and see how it feels. If it starts burning, even mildly, give it up! And of course other skin reactions are a bad sign. Otherwise, feel free to use it, although I highly recommend giving yourself a good cleaning out afterwards. Since none of these things are actually made specifically for being put up your butt, there's no guarantee on their safety, so take some old soap and water and wash it all away when you're done.

Now, if you're looking to play with a partner and want to do it safely, you really ought use a professional lube, because olive oil, butter, and Crisco alike will "eat through" your condoms/dental dams, leaving them useless in preventing STD and disease transmission.

Hope that helps!

If you're looking to simply masturbate and play alone, then most things will be okay for you. Of course, an actual lube, made especially for anal play, will be your best bet, but being a kid under watchful eyes, I know it's hard to do. Still, some other items work great.

I personally haven't tried olive oil, because, well, it's expensive enough that I'd rather cook with it than use it sexually, because it has a particular, distinctive odor, and because it really is rather thin- not what you're looking for in anal lubrication. I do hear that some people like it, though.

Better would be something a bit thicker, like some softened (room temperature) butter, or, better yet, Crisco (shortening). Crisco really is famous for this sort of thing- it's been used as anal play grease for forever, because it's good and works well. In fact, Crisco probably is your best bet, simply because butter, as a dairy product, does have the tendency to have some bacteria in it and the ability to spoil- you don't want anything funky happening in your tush.

So I recommend Crisco- it's soft and smooth, not too thin, fairly odorless (though not completely), and should be lying around the house (if not . . . just tell mom and dad you want to bake some cookies with a recipe you found- bake the cookies, and take the rest of the Crisco upstairs!).

In a pinch, I've had fair results with various lotions that I've had on hand, although they do have their drawbacks (they're often scented, may be irritating inside, and dry up very quickly).

Basically, do a little experimentation. If you're worried about irritation, dab a little of whatever you want to use on your anus and let it sit for about ten or fifteen minutes and see how it feels. If it starts burning, even mildly, give it up! And of course other skin reactions are a bad sign. Otherwise, feel free to use it, although I highly recommend giving yourself a good cleaning out afterwards. Since none of these things are actually made specifically for being put up your butt, there's no guarantee on their safety, so take some old soap and water and wash it all away when you're done.

Now, if you're looking to play with a partner and want to do it safely, you really ought use a professional lube, because olive oil, butter, and Crisco alike will "eat through" your condoms/dental dams, leaving them useless in preventing STD and disease transmission.

Hope that helps!

sorry ive read your post and it doesn't really help because i don't think im from the same country and i have NO idea what crisco is. could you tell me?

Crisco is a brand of cooking oils, the one they are speaking of is a particular type of shortening, it is used in baking. It is a fluffy white substance, usually made from vegetable oils, it's basically the fat from the oils, look it up on Google, it should give you an idea of what it is.

In reply to anonymous on 2007-10-07 - click to read

can you google it from your country?

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does vegetable oil have any health risks?? or is it just the possibility of irritation??

well as veggie oil and olive oil goes, besides irritation , think of it this way, if you can eat it its probably going to be safe to be used for lube, meaning your tush is obviously going to absorb some of whatever your using, because it is so sensitive and a mucous membrane, just like when you smell something some of the particals of wahtever it is actually goes in your nose into the membrane.

but main rule i stick by, if you can eat it, its probably gonna be safe to use in another mucious membrane lol

ps make sure if you do use it , you wash out as much as you can because yes if you leave crisco in your bum then you wont just be baking cookies back there! ;-)

Crisco is a brand name of hydrogenated vegetable oil.

i have used olive oil or plain oil.

the thing is, especially with plain oil (culinary use, the kind you use to deep frie) if youget towels dirty with it, it will be very dificult to remove the odor, even after several washes. so use paper to clean, not towels. i didnt felt any irritation with these two.

im afraid to use soap because i dont know if it gets toxic once absorbed by the intestin.


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