Sabrina Nellie Porn

Sabrina Nellie Porn


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Sabrina Nellie Anonymous 4 years ago No. 198254
(I looked through the catalog and didn't see her on there so if she's posted already- my apologies)
>22 years old (iirc)
>2 kids and recently miscarried number 3
>"can't gain weight"
>lets boys abuse her
>doesn't have custody of her kids
>bought a dog only to parade it around and then sell it
>named her cat "xanny" after Xanax
>leaked poop out of her butt on cam and stuck it back in like nothing happened

Twitter: @sabrina_nellie_
Instagram: @sabrinaanellie
Anonymous 4 years ago No. 198258>>198260
The poop thing is embarrassing, but can you provide more snowflakey behavior?
Her sister posted this on Facebook
Anonymous 4 years ago No. 198263>>198278
Not to mention, she's not only a cam girl, she's an escort too.
that doesn't mean she's a snowflake? there are hundreds if not thousands of cam and escort girls like her online. where's the milk?
There's no milk here anon. Only moldy cheese salted by such a sad individual.
get your shit together anon, bumping 4 month old threads because you want to see videos of girls pooping is not cool
Anonymous 4 years ago No. 289027>>384745
Who would find someone hot, who pushed thousand of kids out of her pussy…ugh
Why is she having another kid if she's not even taking care of her other one?
Kids* I forget about her son she never sees
So that she can have one she actually has legal custody of duh
She just had a double double from In n out like a week or two ago. She posted it in her story. I knew I should've capped it.
the problem shouldn't be if people find her attractive for having kids, its who tf would find someone who neglects their kid attractive
She is probably having a kid for government handouts or something.
Anonymous 2 years ago No. 784382>>784463
Not sure why this thread isn't as active. I tried posting about her in the camgirls thread and got attacked for some reason. Anyhow, apparently Brina and the latest babydaddy, AJ, have recently split. The child is only a year old and she claims they are doing ok with co-parenting. The post confirming the split was on her insta story and I didn't have the chance to screenshot. A month or so ago she changed her family IG name to his last name. She was always posting and praising him and his mom and then just nothing. She just got her oldest child living with her full time over the summer and AJ's young child from a previous relationship was in the same household most of the time and would call Brina "mommy" and such.

I noticed something off when she and ex Rhett were liking each others pics and following each other again on IG. I've been following both for years and it caught my attention because a few years back when they split she was posting pics of her bloody self harm wounds to twitter. It was insane. Lo and behold they are now not following each other and the likes are gone after ppl in the comments were asking about it.

I just wonder if she was caught talking to Rhett behind AJ's back. They were dating for years and she cheated on him with AJ. Not sure why she's not mentioned here more but she reminds me of Charms/Lotte except a different train wreck.
Anonymous 2 years ago No. 784428>>784434
I've been following Sabrina for a long time. If I knew about this website back then she would have made a great cow. I believe she was posted on TheDirty back in the day and it was quite a saga.
what did Nik richie used to call her on the dirty? like how julia newby was blood diamond etc. i miss that place tbh
Cam dumpster. It was a great nickname. She used to eat a lot of fast good and alcohol. She went vegan like a little while back and I think she made AJ do it too. I bet he missed meat kek

I still follow Julia and her group
Anonymous 2 years ago No. 784463>>784566
Something pretty sad and dramatic was going on a few months ago, aj’s Daughter was being molested by a neighbor boy at her mom’s house, they tried to say being around Sabrina made her think what the boy was doing was okay?
Called CPS on her multiple times, got aj’s Family to turn against her. She was ranting about it on twitter pretty often, I’m willing to bet that drove a wedge between them, along with her camming a lot more often.
Anonymous 2 years ago No. 784475>>784486
Sauce on the poop video?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
IIRC Aj (and Sabrina?) Got custody of his daughter a while back. His first baby mama is just as crazy as Sabrina, she's just very private online.
Damn, so this cunt won't even send small amounts of money to her kid for nice clothes while she's living in luxury and wants another kid? How long until this one goes to her sister again? Or better yet, how cold can a person be that they might raise one kid in luxury while they know the other needs money even for clothes?
I don't know how good this will be as a thread as so far I don't see any continuous actions that are bad and I doubt the sister will just keep posting about her but who knows. Though it might be interesting if her cam sessions are trainwrecks. Speaking of, is there any proof of the poop stream? Like I'm not sure I believe it tbh. It just feels to crazy to believe without proof
Didn't AJ cheat on Sabrina with her best friend and cam girl, Ana Fox? Or was that Rhett? She walked in on it. All of her boyfriends treat her like shit and she just goes with it. Rhett was screaming at her and calling her a retard on her Snapchat forever ago.
yeah AJ cheated on her right when they started dating, she stopped talking to that girl basically but she kept AJ around.
I don't know if TheDirty still works like it used to, but type Cam Dumpster into the search bar and she should come up. There was definitely a video of her doing some unflattering stuff with excrement. KEK.
It’s definitely real. Seens it with my own two eyes
pretty sure its somewhere on efukt in some camwhore compilation i saw ages ago
What are you trying to say? None of this makes sense? Who are you taking about?
Not Milky but why do women have babies with mens so early? Together three years and their baby is like one. My god.
I think it's super trashy for parents to be "dissing" each other on social media. Like how reece Hawkins made himself look like an ass and exposed himself has a money seeker. Sorry I know off topic but you get the point. Sabrina needs to take the cam money and invest in birth control
my god, it's almost like having children is a natural product of sex. weird, right??
i wish this thread was created 3 years ago because truly missed out on some full fat milk shes dried up now but shes been hanging with lilith levsis crowd to praying it returns
Yes anon, I followed her back in the day and am anxiously waiting for some delicious milk.
Passive aggressive toward AJ?? I wish one of them would spill some milk about what happened
Girl can't ever be single. She requires a deadbeat boyfriend

It’s honestly sad. Idk what Sabrina’s mother was thinking giving Chloe back to her. She’s a mess.

Also, it seems she may have gotten the baby taken away. She’s posted about going to court and when she does show pictures of any of her kids it’s always Chloe. No Cora in sight. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 844881>>844929
Given her recent break ups and track record, she was overdue for a new deadbeat boyfriend. But, unless I'm misunderstanding this story she posted, I don't think anyone predicted she'd pick an incarcerated beau.
god, this comic makes me really annoyed. how the fuck are people supposed to offer help to new moms then? in the comic the dude is verbally asking her "do you need anything?" and she says "nope" while passive-aggresively listing a number of things she could use help with. i hate self-entitled cunts that consistently deny help and then whine about how nobody helps them.
so her brother looks like a deadbeat? neat.
Sabrina’s current bf, or I guess ex now, is just finding this out tonight apparently. Him and his daughter have been all over her IG for the last couple months or so with Sabrinas own daughters barely in sight.

The bf’s baby mother is also Brian’s ex friend. This shit show never ends. Can’t understand why so many men are trusting her with their daughters smh.

Brina also posted on her twitter recently about not having a supportive mother even though her mother raised Chloe. She’s such a spoiled cuxt.
Double post to add pic of said tweet and also I meant “Brina’s” not Brian’s
This is embarrassing. We knew she was trash but yikes. He also confirmed she’s been whoring herself out, he found proof she works for an escort agency on her phone. Screenshot incoming
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 890458>>898676
I’m trying to figure out how he wasn’t aware of any of it. I mean, he knew who she was before they started dating. It’s not like it’s a secret that she’s been an escort in the past.

She had her oldest daughter living with her for a while and would regularly post her getting off the bus from school etc. but I have a feeling she’s not living there anymore. She hasn’t posted her much at all and on Halloween Sabrina posted trick or treating on her story with her bf’s daughter but Chloe wasn’t with them. Her baby daughter also lives with the father, AJ, full time. The last time she saw her son was probably years ago. This girl seriously needs to have her tubes tied. I feel very strongly that she legally shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.
Wow this woman seems like absolute trash. 3 kids and doesn’t take care of any of them. Disgusting.
If you've been watching her for a while you know she's mentally unstable. Girl needs help. She definitely shouldn't have custody of any kid.
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 890906>>890943
cam dumpster sabrina is pregnant, yet again.
4 baby daddys, and custody of none of them.
Has this bitch never heard of an IUD? Her kids never had a chance. Stop procreating. It’s just child abuse at this point even before they’re conceived.
I’ll point out that she did say WAS pregnant so I don’t think she currently is, but still…WHY?! Why do these men continue to knock her up knowing who and what she is?

I also wonder the situation with her oldest daughter, Chloe, and the grandmother, Sabrina’s mother. How are they able to pass Chloe back and forth so easily? She’s like 10 now, she obviously can understand a lot of what’s going on to some extent. I wonder if the case with AJ getting custody of the baby had any affect on Sabrina’s living situation with Chloe. The baby isn’t even 2 yet and she’s already only seeing her on a visitation basis.
She has had abortions and miscarriages before from drinking while pregnant and using xanax, I'm sure this time was no different.
Someone should gift her a life time supply of birth control for Christmas present. Doing the world a favor.
MoonsAndStars 1 year ago No. 896440
MoonsAndStars 1 year ago No. 896441
Seems like she might still be pregnant… Yikes
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 896474>>897467
A now deleted tweet from yesterday. God help this fucking world if she’s pregnant with a 4th child.
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 896536>>896559
Let's just all throw her a big ol pity party
It’s just baffling that she even has the nerve to ask(indirectly)for pity when her entire motherhood, or lack thereof, is plastered all over the internet. She is a deadbeat mother and proud.

Idk if I believe it 100% yet though. She just went through the breakup with Ty and now she finds out she’s pregnant? Wouldn’t surprise me if she was just baiting him to come back and then she will suddenly have another miscarriage and he’ll be trapped. His own fault though.
Soooo… is she actually pregnant, or is she trying to gain attention from her ex/others? Her last 3 pregnancies, she made sure everyone knew she was pregnant by sticking out her stomach a week after finding out. This seems really fishy to me, and I don’t mean her STD riddened coochie.
She's so messy, I really hope she ain't pregnant again. This poor child won't have a chance
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 897796>>897966
I think she'll suffer through a fake miscarriage for sympathy points. If she doesn't, she has four babies with four guys, and she won't have custody of three.
Sabrina Nellie…. Where do we even begin? Remember she scammed people when she made/sold lingerie and clothes it was something called “Dainty Lust”. Now she was with cam girl friend Stella Faye’s Ex baby daddy. And she posted today on Twitter “It should be a thing that you talk to your potential new partners ex before becoming official” so dumb. She needs to get a new name and start a new life somewhere far away. Imagine how Stella Faye feels? It’s just too many kids. A whole triangle with ty and Sam (Stella). Maybe the baby daddy’s aren’t bad guys and it’s just her.(namefag)
Im not here to talk shit about her, her life iis just a absolute train wreck its hard to look away! It almost seems to crazy to be real
Okay so this girl has been Brian’s best friend for a long time N dated her ex Tyler. Guess brina jumped on that when Karin was done.
Also, remember when Brina created camVersity? She was CEO. She was all in charge. Now she’s no whete talking about it or near it. She doesn’t cam. I think she only does escorts(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
How does Stella feel? Idk…she just had her 3rd baby with a 3rd baby daddy so not sure why she would care about Brina being knocked up by her second baby daddy, doesn’t matter that they were friends in the past, they’re both disgusting. The only one up that Stella has is that she actually raises her kids. But she’s still an example for them and showing them that it’s okay to do what she’s doing. She’s not even out of her 20s and she has 3 kids with 3 different guys.

I still follow Karen, I was wondering what happened to her and Brina’s friendship. I didn’t realize that Karen dated Ty. She was advertising Camversity up until a few months back and I wondered what happened with that as well. All of those girls who run camversity run in the same groups in LA so I wouldn’t be surprised if they just had to get rid of her because she’s such a problem in any situation she enters.
Anything for attention. This girl has never been chubby in her life
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898399>>915015
Anafoxx works for an escort company and that is how brina got linked up w the guy she prostituted herself too while she was with ty.
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898615>>898619
That is messed up. Are you sure? What’s your source?
She has 3 kids and pregnant again. Wth
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898619>>898652
Not the poster, but Ty dished it all out in a tweet.

Also lmfaoooo
What's his twitter? Can someone screenshot the tweet
24kbitch 1 year ago No. 898660>>900652
did anyone see her latest post on twitter?

"rainy weather, listening to a day to remember, playing bored games with family, tomorrow is thanksgiving with baby and BD feeling thankful"

wonder if she is referring to AJ or Tyler?(namefag)
Looks like Tyler deleted his account. It was @TylerArenas.
Is anafoxx’s real name kristin? This about her? If so that would explain why she’s been completely inactive on social media for the past couple years
Looks like he deleted or disabled his twitter. I did post a screenshot above, when he tweeted about finding out she was a prostitute.
I assume she’s spending the holiday with AJ as well as the baby, Cora. She recently posted on her twitter that her court order gave her holidays with the baby. She also posted a pic of her and aj and then one of the baby on her IG story just a few days or so before she tweeted about the court order. Maybe they’ve come to an agreeable parenting arrangement.
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898710>>898721
You have to scroll up to see Tys screenshot post about her being a prostitute.

Why do so many praise this girl on social media it's sad that is her entire life while her son doesn't even know who she is, Chloe lives with sabrinas mom, and her other kids will be lucky to see her on holidays if she's not blacked out on a guys floor somewhere
Wow that is so fucked up. I always suspected she worked as an escort
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898798>>898809
Her boyfriend jumped off Sabrina’s old apartment balcony and killed himself, after that anafoxx went off the deep end and I don’t blame her
She had some foreign boyfriend for a while but I don’t think she’s really capable of feeling anymore, probably doesn’t bother her to escort…
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898809>>900639
Wait what?! Is that really how anafoxx bf died?
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898813>>898825
>leaked poop out of her butt on cam and stuck it back in like nothing happened

OH this better have footage. That's fucking hilarious.
I have a copy on my computer, will I get perm-banned if I upload it here?
Gross, and yeah. You would.
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898847>>898898
Why though? Tuna and Shayna's horror-porn gets uploaded here all the time. As long as she isn't underage in it, who cares?
Upload it somewhere else a post a link
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 898913>>899064
Can someone please tell me how her boyfriend died . And please don’t be offended I ask that, I just am curious if that is true.. him jumping off balcony ….
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 899019>>899144
You can find her poop video when you Google sabrina nellie poop

It happened more than once lol
I believe he did jump over a balcony. Not sabrinas balcony though. Sabrina actually tweeted something about it the day after but then shortly took it down..
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 899144>>899154
I’m ashamed to admit that I tried this and it did not work
Anonymous 1 year ago No. 899145>>899570
She scammed people with Dainty Lust??
Same, don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved at the lack of results
I accidentally posted this reply in the camgirl thread yesterday so just moving it over here:

Not trying to wk, but the poop situation is way overrated to me. Given the fact that she is/was a pill popping drunken slut it’s not surprising that shit leaked out while she’s ramming her ass with a dildo. Her ass that everyone and their bro has run up in. I’ve also watc
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