Sable German Shepherd

Sable German Shepherd


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Sable German shepherds are known for their rather unique color. Because of this, they’ve always been satisfying to look at, whether it’s a black sable German shepherd or a silver sable German shepherd . Their individual hairs vary in color, some are darker, some are light, and some are pure black . Their unique trait allows for a variety of shading in their coat color, which is what makes them attractive dogs.
Alas, this trait also causes confusion to many dog lovers. This is especially true when talking about the many colors sable German shepherd has. So this blog post aims to clear the misunderstanding about the sable German shepherd’s coat pattern.
Believe it or not, the so-called “sable” GSDs are actually an agouti . If you don’t know what an agouti is, it refers to a color gene widespread throughout mammals. It’s present with certain types of deer, rabbits, and rodents, but they’re especially known for being the color pattern of wolves, hence the “wolf grey” name. This pattern is mainly for their camouflage.
The closest variants to a wolf are the dark sable German shepherd and the silver sable German shepherd .
While the agouti pattern is present throughout the whole body of rodents and other animals, the gene works differently in wolves and dogs. For some reason, it only affects the upper body of creature.
Agouti is best known for being a banding of colors. This means the cells of the pigment will constantly change as time passes by, which takes us to the next topic.
As previously mentioned, the sable German shepherd’s color has a lot to do with the pigment cells. This means that as the dog grows and the sable German shepherd’s coat continues to become longer, the cells of the pigment will change. This will eventually lead to the pigment’s current type to transition to another.
Darkening – Some sable German shepherds develop their color from light to dark as they age. In such cases, the part mainly affected is their back. This is mainly seen in dark sable German shepherds .
Lightening – However, in the case of dark color getting lighter, it happens across the sides. As you probably guessed, this happens mostly on silver sable German shepherds .
Both – Gold, mahogany, and red sable German shepherd are some of the cases where it’s difficult to figure out if their coat color will darken or become lighter.
So unlike any other German shepherd breed, you won’t know about the eventual color unless they have fully matured.
That’s why even if you’re not planning on breeding them in a show line, sable working line German shepherds can still be qualified in shows.
Since sable German shepherds are an agouti, the different variations in the sable German shepherds coat is in line with agouti coat patterns.
Although there are normally four types, but only three of them can be seen in the color of sable German shepherds.
The “sable” category can be divided into three: the tipped sable, the clear sable, and the shaded sable.
Body parts that are affected in all three mainly include their ears, head, tail, and back. The majority of sable GSDs that belong in these category are red sable German shepherds . 
Sable German shepherds that possess this coat pattern is characterized of tan patches mainly found in their legs, chests, tails, and cheeks.
Those that belong in this category will start out as black sable German shepherd puppies and gradually lighten, until their back is the only part that is completely black.
This is the rarest type of sable German shepherds . Such dogs are known for being all-black and at the same time carrying sable or tan-point genes.
Since their black gene is recessive, their true color won’t be revealed. This is also mainly seen in the working line of sable German shepherd since the majority of them are black-colored.
The eyes of sable GSDs are typically black, or it should at least be a color that makes a great combination with the sable German shepherd’s color .
When it comes to sable German shepherds , the color of the nose will always be black. Otherwise, they can be considered as result of a genetic fault, just like the long-haired German shepherd .
With the exception of the sable German shepherd’s coat , they are technically identical with the standard German shepherd.
Their color or hue doesn’t affect their temperament, health, and so on. So you will need to feed, groom, and train them the same as you do with standard German shepherds.
Since sable German shepherds are very similar with standard German shepherds, you may be looking at spending anywhere from $300 to $700 for sable German shepherd puppies for sale .
However, you may not easily identify if the sable German shepherd is purebred. If that’s the case, I’d suggest looking at their pedigree.
If it’s your first time working with the breeder, you may also request a DNA test of the puppy. Otherwise, you can rely on the breeder to provide you the same reliable services as they did before.
Sable German shepherds are often seen with admiration of their coat color. The hue and shading of their individual colors are eye candy to dog lovers. But unlike any other dogs, there are some misunderstanding with their coat color.
That’s why this blog post helped you learn about their color pattern, which turns out to be agouti . We also talked about some of their body parts and how their coat color is involved.
At the end of the day, they’re still German shepherds. So you need to take care of them normally, regardless of their color.
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Sable German Shepherds are known as one of the smartest family dogs ever. Not just their Sable coat color makes them stand out, they look adorable and charming as well.
Their color is similar to that of a wolf, which helps people to identify them in a one go. You can easily see a Sable German Shepherd in the streets of America. 
After quite a thorough research about this dog breed, we could see that a significant reason for their similar appearance as a wolf is their genetic similarity.
The one thing that will attract you towards a Sable German Shepherds is their calm temperament and playful behavior. Looking similar to a German Shepherd, its Sable color makes it even more pretty.
To get to know more about the beautiful color and characteristic of Sable German Shepherd’s take a look at the below article, where we have mentioned everything about the color and feature of this dog breed.
You can’t own a pet loyal than a dog, and Sable German shepherds possess the same characteristics. One of the most adorable, charming, and lovable pets is the hardworking breed of dogs.
If you want a loyal, confident, and protective dog, then Sable German Shepherd is the one for you. With their hard work, they have an instinct to make their owner happy all day long.
Apart from this, being a crossbred between Sable and German Shepherd, they have a Sable color coat while their physique is similar to German Shepherd . Being a perfect pet animal, this breed will quickly get along with kids as well.
Like any other dog breed, Sable German shepherds also love exercising , walking, and training. It is crucial to train the puppy Sable German Shepherd, right from their birth, to make them well mannered. Train a shepherd German Shepherd and Sable puppy for at least 10 minutes twice a day.
And slowly increase then exercise time as they grow up. A fully grown, Sable German Shepherd is very proactive. Thus, they at least require a long walk twice a day apart from their daily training. They are workaholic and aggressive dogs that love to exercise and play all day long.
It is a well-known fact that German Shepherds have served as a good family dog for various years. German Shepherd is also used for drug searching, in the police, and even in military forces. 
Sable German Shepherd is moreover a charming dog who has a friendly nature and calm temperament. This mixed breed is a good guard on the one hand while an adorable pet on the other.
As they have docile nature, you can bring a Sable Shepherd dog to your home, even if you have kids. A well-trained German Shepherd has a calm temperament to get along with humans well.
If you love the German Shepherd, he can even give up his life for you. A Sable color German Shepherd is going to keep you healthy by taking you on a walk forcefully. They are the proactive dog breed that loves to exercise, training, and going on a walk.
Even if you have small kids at home, then also you can bring a Sable German Shepherd. Not just it is going to take care of your kid; it will become their best childhood friend.
German Shepherd Sable mixed breed has quite a sturdy physique and very intelligent. Due to their smartness and proper training, they can quickly identify the malicious person and be the perfect guard you can have.
They are very attentive, even while sleeping. Thus, it can identify even the smallest sound of a person sneaking in your house. 
Apart from this, they are also very loud and can make their owner alert even if they suspect even the slightest sneaking chance. Not just it is going to become your loyal pet, but also an attentive guard as well.
All the living things existing on earth are prone to health issues and disease, and so are dogs. There are many health issues related to the development of dogs like German shepherds. Many of them can be deadly.
The common health problem you can find in German shepherds is elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia. In this condition, almost all the large suffer from the malformation of the joints. Their joints become very painful and then cause lameness. 
Other disease common health problems that a Sable German shepherds face include diabetes (control their sugar and carbohydrate content), thyroid issue, degenerative disc disease, cataract (when they grow old), bloat, urinary tract infections (mainly females), panosteitis, dental health problems, epilepsy, hemophilia, nose infections and even severe health problems like bladder stone or cancer.
The Sable German Shepherd is a pretty large dog and very similar to a simple German shepherd. It is a large bread dog with their males weighing between 75 to 95 pounds while the females are smaller than males and weigh between 55 to 73 pounds.
They also have significant height with males can grow up to 28 inches, while female Sable German Shepherd can be as high as 24 inches.
Also, they have different skin colors ranging from the essential black color tip with roots having a shade of white, similar to Sable color. 
Usually, the most found German Shepherds are Black and tan, but it is also available in various other color shades, including white, partial blue, liver, red, and gold.
Sable German Shepherd has an average life expectancy of 13-years. Dogs usually go through four stages, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and seniority.
A pup Sable German Shepherd’s childhood lasts until six months to 2 years, depending on Sable German Shepherd dog’s growth. 
After that, they end up falling into adolescence, which stays until they start to look like a full-grown adult.
After that till the age of 10 years, they enjoy adulthood and then enter in their seniority. They start to suffer from various health issues as their body becomes weak. And ultimately, reaching till 13, they finished their lifespan.
The credit of bringing a German Shepherd dog or a Sable German Shepherd dog goes to General Max Von Stephanitz. Initially, German Shepherds were raised by Shepherds to keep an eye on their sheep. Thus, the German Shepherd was not typical of a pet dog breed or a military dog.
But, Max Von Stephanitz, a German General, gets attracted to this super adorable dog breed. He started crossbreeding a Hector named German Sh.
In his first year, Hector, after crossbreeding it with another dog breed, become the father of 84 mix-breed puppies. And this, way we get to know not only about German Shepherd but also German Shepherd mix-breed dogs.
Sable German Shepherd, on the other hand, has genes similar to that of Wolf’s Ancestor. Thus, they are one of the pure German Shepherd breeds . Sable color signifies one of the true identities of the German Shepherds.
All the dogs needed grooming to maintain their hairs’ color and gloss, and so do Sable German Shepherds. Grooming will prevent their hairs from matting. Grooming will also retain the cute and adorable look of this Sable dog.
The most adorable feature of this dog is its Sable coat, which needs to be maintained to retain this dog’s overall charm.
Sable German Shepherds has a double coat, which starts shedding as soon as the spring arrives. They shed completely least two times a year, and the rest of the time, you can expect a little bit of shedding. 
To groom them, brush their hair twice a week if your Sable German Shepherd’s hair is short.
But, with a long-Haired German Shepherd , you might need to brush him daily to prevent tangles and knots in their hair.
 Apart from this, bath him for at least twice a week. Wash its hairs with dog shampoo and then condition them. You can then dry its hair with a hairdryer, as it might take a lot of time to dry their hair naturally.
If you need your dog’s healthy coat and skin, then bathing him in 4-5 months will be sufficient. It will help them remove the dirt, prevent the fading of their coat color, and retain their skin’s natural oil.
Although Sable German Shepherd is a rare dog breed, it is hard to find one, yet some Sable German Shepherd dogs might need a rescue group for their survival.
Some of the Rescue groups for Sable German Shepherds include the Sable-German Shepherd rescue group of Orange Company, the American kennel club, or the Oklahoma German Shepherd Rescue group.
If you are willing to adopt a Sable German Shepherd, you can head to these Rescue groups. They can provide you with your favorite German Shepherd at a very affordable price. But do check their temperament before adopting the dog.
Also, check the dog’s behavior and health before adopting him. Some street dogs can have a bad character and can even hurt you and your family member.
Sable German Shepherds are one of the bulkiest dogs and thus need a diet according to their size. It is recommended to feed him a diet that is suitable for large bread dogs. The Diet and food items of Sable German shepherd also depends on the weight of your dog. 
As per experts, a Sable German Shepherd should in-take at least 20 calories per pound of body weight per day, which is equal to 3 cups of food a day. 
Must feed a Sable German Shepherd puppy for around 3 to 4 times per day, as nutrient-rich food is pretty crucial for their growth. You can then decrease their meals to 2 times a day as he grows into an adult. The food you are serving can include meat, eggs, green vegetables, cereal, carrot, fruits, and dairy products.
The food should be healthy and nutritious, including proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. But keep a keen eye on what all food they are eating. Dogs can suffer from stomach issues if they either overeat something or eat some foodstuffs unsuitably. 
To buy dog this dog breed, you might require to do some research. It is not hard to find a dog, but it’s hard to find a well-mannered dog. Sable German Shepherd dog’s behavior and health matter a lot when planning to bring them home. 
You can either search for a local breeder or contact a Facebook group or can even buy a Sable German Shepherd from some websites like
 Apart from this, few rescue groups ask people to adopt dogs. You can also contact a rescue group for Sable German Shepherd to bring a perfect pal to your home.
There are only a few things you should keep in mind before getting any dog breed to your house. Do their temperament teste before buying or adopting them, as a bad-tempered dog can harm anyone, including you and your family member. Do check whether the puppy you are bringing home is healthy or not.
The rich, sturdy, and dominant color of Sable German Shepherd dogs is hard to find. Thus, they are quite a rare goat breed. Although they possess similar property and physique as the German Shepherd yet, their unique color makes them stand out from other dogs.
Due to their rare coat color, it is not easy to find a Sable German Shepherd. And that is the reason why Sable German shepherds are quite expensive as well.
A Sable German Shepherd is comparatively expensive as compared to their parent breed. While you can find Sable German shepherd puppy ranging between $800 to $1500. The basic black and tan German Shepherd can generally cost between $300 and $700 for a puppy.
So, yes, Sable German Shepherd is more expensive than German Shepherd because of its Sable coat color. Sable German Shepherds is a rare dog breed, it’s hard to find this dog, which is why it is expensive. 
Sable German Shepherds becomes a full-grown adult when they become 3-year old. And as soon as they become adults, they start shedding. Their coat becomes very long in the winters, which starts to shed as early as the spring arrives. They get through some changes not just in their appearance, but in their hormones too.
When your Sable German Shepherd is shedding, there are a few things you need.
Bath them for at least twice a week. While bathing, massage them, which will ultimately improve their blood flow. Also, check for any lumps, bumps, and skin rashes while they are shedding.
Comb their hairs regularly to remove all the hairs at once. It will avoid their hairs shedding from here and there.
Most of the German Shepherds are available in black and tan color. What makes a Sable German Shepherd Unique and rare is its exclusive coat color. 
Although the German Shepherd is the second most famous dog breed raised as a pet in the USA, people have a different craze for the Sable German Shepherds.
Whether you want an attentive guard or a complete pet, one that can get along with your kids and family or the one who accompanies you when you are alone, this dog breed is an all-rounder.
Just keep in mind, this dog breed requires proper attention from t
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