




The event lasts 48 hours and begins at 10 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, finishes at 10 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 GMT+3

All games must be submitted by the end of the event.

Please note that games will not be accepted if late, take care to get there early.


Before the end of the event, the game must be submited on and the game build must be uploaded. After the end of time the submission of new builds will be blocked.


You can develop the game alone or in a team of no more than 7 people


After all the games will be submitted - a week of voting will begin. During this week, everyone will have the opportunity to play the games, vote for what they liked and leave comments. Feel free to play them and write your feedback, the developers will be pleased to hear your impressions. Games are judged by categories. The voting will determine the winners in all of these categories.


• Overall Impression - the undisputed winner of the jam, on the sum of all categories.
• Art - the game that impressed everyone with its visual component. Note that people may like your style even more than the detail.
• Sound - those who can make a great sound design is sure to win in this category.
• Gameplay - one of the most important nominations. What is a game without good gameplay?
• Emotional part - how much the game touches the players. This can be either great humor or drama conveyed through the fates of the narrative.

Note the section on using third-party content

Third-party content

You can use any asset or code in a jam, as long as your license allows it.
Although you may use third-party code, art or sound most of the game must be made within the jam or used to create derivative content.

Game reskins cannot be submitted for the contest.

Derivative content

Obviously, creating your own content is encouraged in every way by this event. However, we understand that creating everything from scratch can sometimes be a daunting task, so we allow partial use of third-party content or the creation of derivative works based on it.

Сreate derivative content responsibly. Simply changing the color of a texture or coloring a character or object is not a derivative work. At the same time, creating your own model or sprite of a character or object from an existing one - changing the shape, adding details, creating music from samples, or editing it before using it - is bona fide use.

We won't try to find any unfair use of third-party content, but note that other contributors may rate your project lower if much of the content is used in this way


There will be a presentation the week after the jam ends, and everyone will want to see your games. After the jam ends, for that week, please prepare a trailer of no more than a minute in length, and we will include it in our presentation so that everyone can see your wonderful work.

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